《Terror infinity 2nd update.》Attack On Titan Ch4


*Lightning* *Boom**Boom**Boom*

After 3 hours passed since the Colossal destroyed gates of the Trost, the Armored titan finally appeared from nowhere and started to run in the direction of gate that connected Trost district with the rest of the human’s territory.

Garrison soldier: ALL OF YOU AIM!!! We can’t let wall Rose fall. FIRE!!!!

* Explosions*

Defenders of the gate fired from all of their cannons. However.


Armored titan did not even slow down and continued to run.

Garrison soldier: RELOAD!!!!!! WHAAAA?!!!

At the same time as a command to reload cannons was given one soldier drove out from the crowd and started to run in the direction of Armored titan! He used his omni gear to come down from the wall and then just run. That soldier was no one other than Azat.

Azat: “DAMN, Am I really doing this!!! I spent more than an hour to think how to defeat Armored titan, but I could not come up with any other plan than that. After recharging gas in my omni gear I climbed up to the wall that encircled Trost, and then just moved in the direction of its connection with the rest of the wall Rose. There are I met with the group of the Garrison soldiers, and after giving a fake report volunteered to join the group that will fight against the Armored titan. Also from other soldiers I learned that it should take around a 20 seconds to reload cannons, so they will fire NOW!!!”

Garrison soldier: FIRE!!!!!

* Explosions*

At that moment, by using artillery fire as a cover Azat throw off two grenades. Grenades hit the legs of the titan and then exploded. Because of the impact Armored titan lost his balance and started to fall. Azat dodged falling titan by using omni gear and moved aside.


Right after titan fell Azat turned back and fired his cables to the titan’s back, to the places that is not covered by armor.



Then he accelerated, and at the next moment he landed on the back of Armored’s neck. Using a blade in his right arm, he made a deep cut just under the plate of titan’s armor that covered the back of his neck, and by doing so he created a small space under that plate.

Azat: “I hope your plates are really tough”

After that while the cut did not fully regenerate, he put his left hand holding bag with grenades into that newly created space.

* Explosions*


All four remaining grenades detonated.

HIDDEN SIDE MISSION. KILL The Armored Titan completed. Reward: 6000 points and B rank reward.

Azat: “DAMN IT, MY HAND. At least plates of his Armor were tough enough to withstand impact, or I would have lost not only my hand, but my life too.


About 5 ordinary titans of various sizes were running in the direction of the Gate.

Azat: “There is no time to think, ordinary titans are coming!!!”


Azat: “I can somehow use omni gear with my right hand only”

Then, while trying to run by operating the omni gear with his right hand only he fell.

Azat: “FUCK, I DID TRY TO operate omni gear with one hand when there were no titans near me, then why I’m failing to do it NOW”

And then when nearest titan has been just in 5 meters from him.


Garrison soldier: FIRE!!!! SAVE THE HUMANITY’S HERO!!!!!!!! The soldiers that is not operating cannons, go pick up the hero that defeated Armored titan and take care of the titans.

Soldiers: YEEES!!!!!!!!


Azat: “HAHA First title acquired, well, no time to be happy about such things. RUN!!!!!”

After that group of soldiers picked up Azat that was trying his best to not fall and run. They lifted him up and then quickly climbed back to the wall.




All soldiers, and evacuated people started to cheer loudly.

------------------------------30 minutes later------------------------------------------

Azat: “……….” *Breathes* I SURVIVVED!!!!!! *cries* UAAAAH-UAAAH….”

----------------------------------1 Hour later--------------------------------------------

Azat: “ Well, let’s come down. It was more than an hour since I was brought here. Unlike others Garrison soldiers that were given only necessary treatment and now have to share their rooms with dozen of their comrades, I was given a separate clean room, and even personal attended. Well, he left the room after spending about half an hour listening to my cries and, a long incoherent speech that even myself did not fully understand.” *breathes* “ Now let’s think about the future. What I am going to…..”


???: May I came in?

The bald man in his late forties or early fifties with moustache, but no beard was standing in the doorway.

Azat: “He looks like…”C ommander Pixis. Yeah sure.

Pixis entered the room and sat down on the chair next to Azat’s bed.

Azat: I would have given a salute, but one of my hands a missing now.

Pixis: “All of his hand up to his elbow is completely gone. And, there are also a lot of other serious injuries all over his body.” Not a big problem. Considered what you have done, I should be the one giving a salute.

Azat: No need. If I didn’t do what I have done, I would have been dead. Some pain not such big price for survival.

Pixis: “He treats loss of the limb as some minor issue!!!! Also the strategy that he used was quite effective, not a brilliant but effective. And he also had a courage to execute it. I was told that he is mentally unstable, but it looks like he is fine now”

Pixis was totally stunned by Azat. Well, he did not know that Azat can easily heal all of his injuries in terminal lobby.

Pixis: How did you feel when you faced Armored titan? Ah excuse me my question may have been too rude.

Azat: I was dazed. I was scared, but at the same time just thinking that I am comforting opponent like him make me tremble from joy. Then I understood that I really want to face him one more time. But next time I want to do it alone without any assistance from the side. “Yeah, I wanna be strong, to survive I have to became stronger, but I don’t want to be just strong enough to survive. I want to became so strong that I will overwhelm anything that this damn game master or dimension can throw at me. Like that cool characters from anime like Uchiha Madara, Aizen, Mihawk, and even Jiren, no I want to be even stronger than all of them combined. At least that dimension can give me such opportunity.”

Pixis: …... Is that so? By the way from where did you get the explosives that your used?


Garrison soldier: Urgent report! (salutes)One of the cadets turned into the titan!!!!

Pixis: ho-ho it looks like I have to leave now, let’s continue our talk some other time, rest well.


Azat: *breathes* “It was close I didn’t have any kind of backstory for grenades!”

--------------------------1 hour and 30 min later------------------------------------------


Main objective: survive for 6 hours completed Reward 1000 points.

Side mission

Kill 3-5m tall titan Reward 100 points

3.Kill 15m or taller titan Reward 800 points 2D rank rewards

Mental Realm Breakthrough Reward 500 Points

HIDDEN SIDE MISSION. Kill The Armored Titan completed. Reward: 6000 points and B rank reward.

Total score: 7400 points B and 2D rank rewards

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