《Terror infinity 2nd update.》Attack On Titan Ch3


Azat: “Damn, negative 20000 points!!!! There is no way that I will not be erased If I just ignore the hidden mission”

*Boom* Titan collided with the building on which Azat and Eren stayed.

(While dogging) Azat: DAMN, YOU ARE ANNOYING!!!

*Swoosh**Splash* In the next moment Azat fired his cables directly to the titan’s eyes. But instead of moving forward, he made a somersault and then used current from a stream of gas to propel himself in the opposite direction, at the same time crooks and cables that pierced titan’s yes started to retract back.

Azat: “As I thought they can be used in that way” Brat DO IT NOW!!!!

Eren: I am not a brat!!! AAARgh!


Then Eren used that opportunity to kill the titan in one go.

*BOOM*(Titan fell)


After that Eren immediately started following after the titan that killed Thomas.

Eren: NOW it is your turn.

Cadets: Eren wait for us!!! *Swoosh*

Azat: “Idiots, according to manga there are at least two more titans. Stop manga, the notification said that because I saved Eren armored titan will appear. If I remember plot correctly Rainer and Co. initially planned to destroy the Wall Rose with their power of the titans. But, they did not do so because they saw Eren in his titan form. That means he either didn’t get to the situation so bad that he had to turn into the titan to survive, or died before he was able to do so. If it is the first case then I don’t have to worry, if the second then I should stay away from Eren, and as far as possible. But before I start to flee!!!”

Armin: Why I don’t move?!!!


Extremely tall, old looking titan appears and slowly grabs Armin.


Side mission 3. Kill 15m or taller titan. Reward 400 points and D rank reward.


Azat: AHA-HA-HA-HA…. “Just like in the anime the titan that has eaten Eren in original is quite slow, and he is fully concentrated on Armin so he does not care what is happening around him.”

*Boom* (Titan falls)


Azat: AAARGH “Fuck, I just crashed into the roof AGAIN!!!! I went too ahead of myself, I am still a novice when it comes to Omni gears. Now I should move as far from there as I can.”


Eren: ARMIN are you are all right?

Armin: Yeah

Eren: YEAH!!!! You idiot. Next time do not stand like a statue or you will die!

Armin: Yeah, did you kill the titan that ate Thomas.

One of the Cadets: Yeah, we killed that bastard and one more 4m tall titan. By the way where is that guy that saved you and Eren?

Armin: Don’t know. He left right after killing old looking titan.

Eren: Guys don’t you think that he was a bit strange?

Armin: Yeah, It is looked like that was he is quite inexperienced in the use of Omni gears. He couldn’t stop himself after his cut and so he collided with the roof. Also, the way how he uses gas is quite inefficient. Well, I suppose I should not be one saying it. After all, I couldn’t even move when titan appeared.

---------------------------------------------15 min later-----------------------------------------------

Azat: “There can’t be any mistake, that is Victor’s gun” * vomits* “So that is what is left from him”

Azat was staying on the road in the middle of the street, and in front of him, there was a mess formed from various parts of a human’s body.

Azat: *notices* “That looks like Ansar’s bag, though it is almost empty now” Well, well my luck is not so bad after all.

There in the bag 6 grenades were left.


Azat: “Now I have a way to fight against Armored titan”


Azat: What 3 meter tall titan!!!

At that moment 3-meter-tall titan was running in the Azat’s direction.


Azat: Fuck there is no gas left in Omni gear. “Judging by his speed I will not be able to run away from him, then FIGHT”


Then at the next moment, Azat stared to run towards titan. Just before both of them collided Azat stepped aside allowing titan pass by his side then he abruptly turned back and sliced at the back of titan’s neck.

Side mission 1. Kill 3-5m tall titan. Reward 100 points.

Azat: *breathe* “Damn, I don’t have gas anymore, without gas I!!!! Stop other players also received Omni gears so there are might be some vessel with gas!!!” *vomits* “there is no time for that”

Right after Azat finished his thoughts. He like some crazy person jumped into the mess of human remains and started to dig.

Azat: FOUND IT!!!! “Looks like it is almost full. For now, let’s climb up to the wall it is an only safe place now, and then start preparations for the upcoming battle with Armored titan”


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