《There can be Darkness without Light》Chapter 3: Finally get to go outside ( A bit rewritten and edited)


Days are slowly going by. I enjoy this kind of life because i never had it before. My mom spoils me while my dad talks about his greatness like an idiot he is. Mother just laughs at him. It's fun growing up. You get to experience many things.

After my fourth birthday when i got my own room i finally started doing some work. I asked dad to make me an wooden sword if he could and he did. And i must say even if my dad behaves like an idiot he can make anything. All of my toys are DAD-made. ( see what i did there?huehue)

I'm happy that i was able to start my second life in this kind of a family. They show love and care for me. And they hold no greed. My mom didn't even care about the Dirkas clan that my uncle took over, but she was sad that many of her loyal servants died and that grandpa died. And she was even planning on revenge but then she got pregnant and didn't care any longer. Or that's what she thinks at least but i can still see it in her eyes, she wants justice to be brought forth.

I guess now at least i have an goal and a purpose for my training.

Every time i'm alone in my room i use that time to gain some muscle, but my body is still that of an child so i'm forced to limit my training. But the wooden sword swinging doesn't burden my tiny body that much.

I also noticed something that has to do with the Magma. I don't know if this is supposed to happen but sometimes i can see.

+1 Strenght

Mom didn't mention anything about this while explaining but so far since i turned four and started training four months have past. And soon i will be four and half years old. And in those four months i have gained twelve+ strenght. seventeen+ agility and eight+ vitality. It surprised me. Because when i remember my moms status she had very little strenght and vitality, yet i gained so much in just four months. I guess my development is a bit abnormal. But it doesn't surprise me, even thought the body is that of an pure blood vampire it is still my soul that's within it.

So far i don't seem to be able to wield any magic other then void and darkness. Because basically, my soul is the void and the darkness. But my control over them is weak for some reason. Must be because my sealed body has 10 spears of Truth stabbed through it. Every single one of those spears took me years to create. Pouring every single element with in them. If even one of those spears was to explode then i'm pretty sure one good chunk of the universe would be damaged.


But i don't mind the weak control. It's perfect like this.

Right now my void control is very weak but i can still use it to enhance my body while i can't devour anything with it right now. Darkness on the other hand. Zero. I'm supposed to be the darkness and i can feel it within me yet nothing. It must be because this body is too weak. If i was to used even a tiny bit of the darkness the soul would be unharmed but it's a different situation for the vampire body. My soul is the darkness but this body is not. Same thing goes for my soul weapon. I'm pretty sure once i turn ten i won't be able to summon it. But i have that already figured out. Once i turn ten my control over the void should be good enough to create an void blood bound weapon. It shouldn't take me long to make two good daggers once i have more control over the void. But i will deal with it when the time comes.

Right now it's night outside, perfect time for vampires to go hunting. I was planning to sneak out and to inspect the creatures that are in this forest but that plan died shortly after i found out that every night my dad goes hunting and guarding. Looks like he wants to make sure that no harm comes to us, after all the Dirkas clan is still after my mom.

Even tough dad is an idiot he still has some brain left. He's like me. When it comes to his loved ones he will do anything.

And mom knows that. That's why she acts tough in front of him and me. She tries to hide those feeling of revenge to not worry my father.

By the way my mom is one whole realm stronger then dad. A normal warrior vs a master warrior is like a amature against an master. So you can think to yourself how a normal 3rd rank warrior would fight against an 1st rank master mage. My mom used to be a 5th rank master mage but vampire births are bloody like i said. A female giving birth will lose her cultivation whole was down to 1 of the real she's in at the moment.

But as i was looking down out the window i saw my dad coming back from his hunt. On his back he carried two creatures, One was a sneak like creature with two arms below it's head. The creature was about two maters long, the creatures name was Borrow sneak.It was only a primary rank two monster and it was known for it's patience, it could wait for days for pray to come then it would jump at it. The other creature he had was what it looked like to be a large bird without any wings, it had all the looks of an bird but no wings. The creature was called the runner. The runners look almost harmless they are 1 mater tall but when they open their mouth you would be more scared of then of that creepy looking sneak. In fact you wouldn't even know it was a ranked monster until it would open it's mouth, there is no tongue only teeth. The upper jaw and the lower jaw all just teeth everywhere. Only then would you pull out your weapon to fight the creature. The runner are a bit stronger, normal runners are middle second ranked monsters.


As i continued to look down the window my dad summoned forth his soul weapon. His soul weapon was a long sword and it was normal looking except for that one of it's sides had teeth.


With two fast swings he chops both of the heads from the monsters, at first i didn't know why he was doing that. I mean more meat is more meat, right? But later i found out that they didn't want me to become scared of the creatures. Haha how lucky can i be? To stumble into this kind of an family that worries even about those little thing.


-Life: How long do you plan to look in that damn well?-

-Hisrom: But big sis this is the only way i can see the outside world. Please only a bit more and i will answer some wishes then.-

-Life: If it was me, you know that i would let you watch for as long as you like. But God wants you to do your share of work i'm sorry HIsse.-

-Hisrom: Only one more month, then i promise to answer wishes for as long as father wants!-

-Life: Sigh... Alright, but only one more month, i don't want God to punish you.-

-Hisrom: YES! I promise big sis only one month and then i'll answer the wishes.-

-Life: Ok, have fun now, big sister has to do her own work now. Bye~Bye~

-HIsrom: Bye big sis!-

Yes! Now i can watch and learn for one month! I have to use this time perfectly. Hmmm. What planet should i watch first.

Ohhhh this one. Errrr Earrr Ahh! Earth! Isn't that the name of the element? Ohh whatever, let's just see what this Earth is like.

As the Well of Truth zooms in it goes straight to a big building that looked like an castle. When the Well zoomed in Hisrom saw something which he wished he didn't.

In one of the castle halls there was a cell that was full of children. All of those children were chained to the wall unable to move. Most of them were boys while the others were girls that looked like boys, their haircuts and everything matched boys the only reason i can tell gender is because my eyes of truth. Their ages were between what looked like ten to fifteen. Some of the children were missing an arm or an leg while other just stared at the wall lifelessly.

Hisrom stared at the Well with eyes wide open. Shocked. How could they treat their own like this? What is the purpose of this? Why not just free the children. Slowly a tears started to run down his eyes. As the Giver he mostly sees the happy families.

Why?! What did those children ever do to be treated like this!


I'm so happy that i got born into one of those happy families.

As Hisdram was lost in his thoughts his dad noticed him looking trough the window and yells.

-Dad: Hisdram it's time for bed or do you not wish to go outside tomorrow!-

Ahh i totally forgot. Tomorrow's supposed to be the day when mom finally has agreed to let me go outside! Yes i can't wait.

And like that i went to sleep.


The next day when i woke up mom had already heated the water with her magic for me to take a bath. After the bath we had breakfast. Me and mom ate the runner while dad just sucked some hunter rabbits dry. While having breakfast we talked about what was to be done today. But it was mostly about mom just nagging to be careful outside.

-Mom: Hisse sweetie you know now what we talked about today?

-Hisse: If dad tries to take me deeper into the forest i pull of the ribbon. If dad talks about how it's fine to sneak out when mom is sleeping i pull the ribbon. If dad leaves and doesn't look after me for a long period of time i pull the ribbon. If dad starts saying something stupid you don't listen.-

-Mom: Perfect.-

I can swear that dad looked at the ribbon and then shivered. Poor guy. All i can see around my finger is a red ribbon, but what dad sees is the red ribbon of death. Hehe i might be able to use this.

Hisdrans eyes start to shine as he gets an genius idea about how to use this ribbon to make dad let him explore.

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