《The summoner》Extortion


Jack followed them and went inside a café, there were many young people around his age playing games, smoking and drinking. They went inside a room and he was outside, Jack didn’t want to provoke trouble here because he saw the 4 people talking with others. Jack went outside and waited for them to come out. Jack wanted to solve this problem today because he knew if he didn’t then tomorrow as well they will go to their restaurant and trouble his mother. Jack took out his phone and called his mother, his phone wasn’t of the latest model, it was Nokia’s N97. After few rings his mother picked up the phone.

“Hello, Jack what happened?” Mary asked worriedly.

“Nothing Mom, I went out for a stroll but met my old friend so I can’t prepare dinner because I will be late.”

“Alright then I will ask Shyam to prepare something and who is your friend?”

“It’s Sam, he has returned back.” Jack said.

“Oh yes I remember him, Well don’t be late.’

“Alright Mom I won’t be late.”

Jack went to a nearby shop to drink some tea and wait for them to come out, after waiting for half an hour they finally came out. The four people didn’t walk together; they separated in two groups and went in different directions. Jack followed one of the groups and waited until they were somewhere isolated to approach them.

“Excuse me, Can you wait?” Jack asked from behind.

The two also stopped since there were no one else, one of them turned back and shouted, “What do you want?”

Jack walked towards them and said, “I wanted ask you some questions?”

After coming close Jack was able to see them clearly, the man that talked to him was around mid-twenties had piercings in his ear and a sharp eyes.


“We don’t want to answer, go away.” The man pushed Jack.

Jack staggered and fell down; the two people were about to walk but Jack got up and shouted, “Stop.”

“Do you want to die boy?” The man said and walked towards Jack.

Jack jumped back and smiled, “Give me my money and I will go.”

“What money?” The man was confused.

“Well you see the push that you gave me broke my bones and I need money for my treatment.” Jack said as he rubbed the area where he was touched.

The other man also looked back but he wasn’t angry, he was laughing. Two men both started laughing and one of them said, “Boy you dare use our play against us.”

“I am not leaving without my money. “ Jack said seriously.

Two men were angry and both of them ran and the same time to attack Jack, Jack had to knock one of them out to avoid danger so he targeted the thinner one. Jack took a step forward and hit the thinner one with an elbow in the jaw, he didn’t faint but the man was stunned. Jack dodged the kick from the other man and tackled him down to the ground, he punched the face of the man few times and the man started bleeding after that he wrapped his arm around the man’s neck he put him in a hold and choked him. Jack saw that the other man was running towards him so he removed the choke and ran towards the man, the man punched with his right but Jack duck under and went behind his back for a German Suplex.

Bang noise was heard as the man was slammed at the ground, the man had fainted and Jack looked back and saw the other one slowly getting up.


“Don’t resist and give me the money, if you don’t then I will make sure that you don’t walk home.”

The man was scared and he looked around, finally after few seconds he took out money from his jacket. The man walked and handed the money to Jack but he was hesitating very much.

“This isn’t our money…”

Jack cut him off and said, “I don’t care and tell your friends not come to my restaurant or else.”

The men then knew what it was all about; Jack took the money and went to his home. The man also carried his friend and went away. After reaching some distance Jack counted the money and he was surprised to find 20000 rupees.

“Sally, if I put these money, then how much points do I need.”

Master you only need 1 point.

Sam could speak with Sally without entering the space and it was very useful for him, after spending 1 point he put the money in the space. Jack now just had 14 points he wanted to earn points as soon as he can. As he was walking home he was a motorcycle parked in the corner and there was no one at that place so Jack ran quickly and touched it with his right hand.

The motorcycle is redeemable for 10 points. Do you want to redeem?


The motorcycle vanished and Jack got 10 points. Jack quickly ran and left the place, he ran and quickly and went to his home.

At a hospital

Frank was taken to a hospital and he had been in coma ever since the beating from Jack, the principal was outside and with him was another man with a police uniform. That man was Frank’s father; he wasn’t fat and had toned muscle, dark skinned with few white hair, he looked like a gentleman but right now he had a very dangerous aura.

“Doctor, what is the condition of my son?”

“Mr. Wang, The beating he received isn’t life threatening but he is in coma due to drugs overdose.”

Wang sighed and shook his head, “I should have controlled him properly.”

He looked at the principal and said, “Lu who was the one that injured my son?”

Lu took out some papers from the bag and gave it to Wang; Wang looked at the papers and phoned a number.

“I will send an address, you know what to do.”

Jack didn’t know that danger was nearing him; he was happily having dinner with his mother.

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