《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 36 - Middle Heaven Refinement Tier.


"Heh, Brown Earth Elemental Bear and Elder Horn Dear. What a good opponent for me this time." Long Feng happily announce his happiness loudly.

"Roar!" the Brown Earth Elemental Bear charged toward Long Feng with a roar, and like a released arrow, the beast's speed seems unstoppable.

"Attacking first? Not bad!" Long Feng started his swinging preparation of the Defensive Wu Sword Art and awaits the clash with the Brown Earth Elemental Bear.

But out of his expectation, instead of the bear, the Elder Horn Deer is the one met with Long Feng's Defensive formation first.

"Why would the Elder Horn Deer reach me first? It is still standing on its spot when the Brown Earth Elemental Bear is taking its action!" Long Feng do not have any difficulties in defending himself, but the worries of a sneak attack by the bear cause him to be more cautious than usual.

"Where is the bear?" Long Feng take a few step back and tried to locate the Brown Earth Elemental Bear. Instantly he spots the bear that was charging directly towards the Treasured Crystal Jade Cabbage.

"No, you don't!" Long Feng withdraw one of the weapons he won from previously when fighting with the fellow disciple in the Pill Hall, and throw as strong as he could towards the bear.

"Roar!!" the bear noticed the danger of the flying sword towards it and turned around to deflect the attack. But in the same time, instead of continuously attacking Long Feng, the Elder Horn Deer actually charge towards the Brown Earth Elemental Bear and give it a strong horn tackle.

"ROARRR!!!" the Brown Earth Elemental Bear roared as loud as it could, as a show of anger. In the same moment, both of its claw instantly stabbed deep into the Elder Horn Deer.

The deer leap a few times, showing a moment of pain from the 10 bleeding opened wounds on its neck and body. After a moment, the Elder Horn Deer falls to the ground, only to softly howls, perhaps that would ease its pain.

Long Feng waste no time.

"Defensive Wu Sword Art!" with the assistance of the Qian Kun Sword, Long Feng charge towards the bear in hope of slaying the beast. But a close to advancement cultivator still need more effort to perfectly fight against a Peak Refinement Tier beast.

Although the bear is weakened, this doesn't mean that it would be easy to be slain.

All of sudden, Long Feng heard a crack voice in the middle of the fight.

"Shit!" Long Feng finally noticed that his waist already received a claw attack from the Brown Earth Elemental Bear.

Retreating for a few steps, Long Feng prepare some ointments to stop the bleeding.

"I'm lucky that Senior Yang Jian's creation could hold some ointments on the pommel." Long Feng finished applying the ointment on his wounds, and prepare to fight once again.

[Colloidal Silver!]

A drop of Silver substance flew past Long Feng's side and managed to hit the bear on a spot it was injured by the Elder Horn Deer.


"Roar!!" the Brown Earth Elemental Bear howls loudly because when the Silver Substance entered the blood vessel, the unbearable pain started to appears.

"Master, Kill it quickly, its cultivation is at Peak Stage, my Poison won't be able to disrupt it for too long!" Hong Yue speaks in Long Feng's mind and quickly appeared from the bushes.

Long Feng charge towards the bear and prepare to land a deadly attack, while on the same time, Hong Yue charge towards the Elder Horn Deer, hoping to end its suffering.

"Roar!!!!" both Cultivation Beast wakes up to struggle from meeting their maker, but weakened, injured and have no other method to fight back, both beast finally died under Long Feng and Hong Yue's hand.

"Finally, success!" Long Feng and Hong Yue collect whatever they could from the beast's corpses, and harvest the Treasured Crystal Jade Cabbage.

Long Feng carefully remove the matured treasure from its main root, to make sure that the Treasured Crystal Jade Cabbage could grow once again after a period of time.

As he kept the treasure into his pouch, Long Feng felt a sudden urge of disruption in his Elemental Essence and felt it is safer to calm his cultivation before he returns home.

"Why would my Elemental Essence get disrupted at such a time?" Long Feng felt weird, but without wasting his time, Long Feng quickly meditates.

Exactly one hour after Long Feng calm his body Elemental Essence, he actually has an increment of strength, and finally reached the stage of an Early Heaven Refinement Tier cultivator!

"I would never imagine that I could actually encounter a breakthrough in the middle of the Cloudy Jade Forest." Long Feng felt that his body now have a few differences, such as in the term of Elemental Essence could be stored within the body, as well the Strength of his cleansed body.

"Hong Yue, let us return home, and in between of the way, let us harvest some ingredient back home." Long Feng decided to call it a day, and take his time to slowly harvest some ingredients before exiting the forest.

As Long Feng reach his home, he immediately passes the Treasured Crystal Jade Cabbage to his mother.

"Ah, what luck is on you to let you found this treasure?" Lan Hua is slightly shocked. Although the rarity of this Treasured Crystal Jade Cabbage is in a normal Grade Treasure, the chances of one could taste these delicacies, perhaps only 30% of the total populations of Lower Yan Continent.

"Hehehe!" Long Feng smirk instead of answering his mother's question. But Lan Hua did not force to know the truth as well, as she knows that since her child belongs to the Bronze Pill Hall, he must have some knowledge and skills in this matter.

"Son, go and get the other uncle and aunts over to our house for a dinner, tell them there will be a [Stir Fried Crystal Jade Cabbage] tonight on the menu!" Lan Hua ordered Long Feng to go out and invite the other neighbors around them to come over for this delicacies, and without protesting, Long Feng immediately have the task done.


That night itself, a total of almost 20 people from seven different households attended the small but satisfying dinner. Upon enjoying the meal, almost all of them receive an instant increase of cultivation strength, including Long Feng, where his cultivation increased into the Middle Heaven Refinement Tier.

"Son, bring this remaining few leaves to your master as well the lady that taking care of you lately. This treasure shall be shared and not be kept only to ourselves." Lan Hua says as she passes the remaining few inner leaves to Long Feng.

"Mother, why I can't feel any improvement of cultivation from you?" Long Feng felt slightly weird and asked for a reason.

"I've eaten the treasure before, that's why it doesn't work on me." Lan Hua answers.

"Seriously? Mother actually ate the Treasured Crystal Jade Cabbage before?" Long Feng is slightly shocked because due to their difficult life after his father passed away, Long Feng couldn't even enjoy a slightly better meal until he entered the Bronze Pill Hall.

"Yes. You should be sleeping now. Don't forget you need to be returning to the Hall tomorrow morning." Lan Hua comments as she pushes her child back to his room.

"How about, the next time on your birthday, Mother will let you know a secret regarding our family?" Lan Hua happily introduces an offer for her beloved child.

"You promise?" Long Feng asked.

"Yes, Mother will tell you about it when you come back on your birthday." Lan Hua replies.

Just like that, their day finally ends with both inside their respective room, resting until the next morning.

The next day morning, Long Feng left the house after he bid farewell to his mother. Without wasting a single moment of his time, Long Feng quickly went back for his next pill refining.

"I have a great rest two days ago, it is the time I need to come up with a good amount of pills to be sold in the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion." Long Feng returned to his room, taking the advantages of morning time where the Yang Essence Energy is on their strongest moment to Refine the Thunder Spirit Pill ingredients.

Perhaps it was due to his Cultivation, or because of getting used with a similar product refining, Long Feng current attempts managed to yield him a total of 120 Pills. In term of Grading, he managed to break even, obtaining an equal amount of 60 Middle-Grade First-Stage Thunder Spirit Pills and 60 Lower-Grade First-Stage Thunder Spirit Pills.

Finishing the refining process, Long Feng decided to quickly complete the monthly requirement, and proceed to the Education Department for his monthly mission. The moment he entered the hall, Long Feng noticed one slightly special mission.

Special Mission - Tower of Knowledge Department

Requirement: Writing Skills, Reading Skills, Great Knowledge is highly demanded

Task: Completely rewrite and copy a total of 3 Piece of work.

Rewards: None. For any additional demand, please speak to Great Elder Ao Luo from Tower of Knowledge.

"I'll take this!" Long Feng accepted the mission without any additional consideration, and quickly, he rushed to the Tower of Knowledge and met with the same elder once again.

"Elder, Junior Xiao Feng wish to meet Great Elder Ao Luo from the Tower of Knowledge." Long Feng politely greet the elder before the entrance and pass his message.

"What do you wish to talk with Great Elder Ao Luo directly?" the elder replied after listening to Long Feng's words.

"Esteem elder, this junior just accepted the mission from the Education Department, so junior came here to see what the Great Elder wish this junior to do." Long Feng replied.

"That's why you are here?"

"Take this three piece of works, and copy it into a better quality one."

"If you felt anywhere should be changed, go ahead and do it, but make sure it doesn't sway from the original meaning."

"You have one month exactly to finish this task, if you failed, you will be penalized with 3 months without basic pay, as well you will be required to complete a total of 6 task without any rewards." the elder looked at Long Feng for a moment, before he throws three partially unreadable pieces of works to Long Feng.

After giving Long Feng some advice and way to proceed, the elder return to his meditation.

"Junior understands. Please excuse this junior for now." Long Feng ask for his leave and return to his room.

Outside of his room, a piece of a letter is slit within the edge, with a word "Beloved Husband" written on it.


Dear husband,

Jing Jing couldn't meet you for this few days, please take care of yourself. Mother is sick, so I am staying home for this few days to make sure mother recovered and get well before I come back to the hall. Mother does ask about you, and she has high hopes for your improvement.

Do not cheat on me, or look at other girls, or else, I will come back and "Chop" you.

Do your best in refining the pills, and husband, Once again, thank you for being there that day in between of my training!

I Love You.

Your wife, Jing Jing.


"I guess I will have a quiet day ahead for this week." Long Feng felt slight empty from knowing that Nan Jing Jing will not be within the hall for the week, but in his mind, a slight happiness could be felt, from reading that simple letter.

"Since there is still time before night for my refining task on the Blood Refinement Pellet's ingredients, Should I start reading the three piece of works first?" Long Feng rest on the chair and started to turn a few pages of the works he received from the elder.

"What is this three works?" Long Feng read the titles outside after he found out the specialness of this three piece of works.

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