《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 31 - 1st Grade Cultivator Treasure Pouch.


The next morning, Long Feng was slightly overslept.

Due to the heavy usage of Elemental Essence and also himself postpone his sleeping time to stabilize his cultivation, Long Feng actually fall asleep until Nan Jing Jing is knocking on his door.

"Husband!" Nan Jing Jing shouts as she thinks that Long Feng might be still fall asleep.

Staggering from one side to another, Long Feng walked towards the door, and opened it, allows Nan Jing Jing to enter the room.

The first sight Nan Jing Jing managed to see within the room, is the Blood Cleansing Pitcher Plant with the Atlas Worm still hanging on the plant.

Secondly, she found out the pile of Medicinal Ingredients within the item shelf. The next thing, Nan Jing Jing eye turned to the bed where Long Feng is sleeping and walks over to help him tidy up his bed.

"Beloved Wife, just take a seat and wait me get myself ready. You don't need to purposely help me to clean and tidy up my bed." Long Feng seems to be getting more and more used to Nan Jing Jing's company. For him now, holding her hand while talking and stopping her from doing something is nothing to be shy about.

"Husband, it is normally a wife tidy up the bed in the morning. This is nothing much, so do not feel shy or not comfortable or whatsoever." Nan Jing Jing stands directly in front of Long Feng as she speaks, and stare closely and directly in his eyes.

"If you say so... I will go and take a quick shower, we will be on our way in another ten minutes. Have a drink when you are done." Long Feng is speechless when he hears what Nan Jing Jing says. He can only quickly be on his way to the shower room, prepare himself, and quickly return to the room five minutes later.

But within that five minutes, Nan Jing Jing had made her inspection to see what kind of man is her husband.

In overall, this husband of hers is pretty tidy and neat, with his clothing well arranged within the garment wardrobe. He has not too much decoration within his room, where it indicates the straightforward attitude of the owner. At the corner of the room, a small rattan made bed can be seen, just fitting in size for Hong Yue.

Nan Jing Jing looks at the item Long Feng place within the item chest that usually student store their treasures and ingredients, and notice a few ingredients within. Few of them belonged to the Adept Tier Beast Long Feng recently killed, and also an Adept Tier Soul Pearl. By the corner of the chest, she spotted a number of Blank Essence Beads as well.

"What is this beads?" Nan Jing Jing grabbed a few beads and hold it in her hand. The moment she closes the chest and turns around, Long Feng also just returned to his room.

"Husband, what are this beads?" Nan Jing Jing shows what she holds in her palm and ask Long Feng about it since it's belonged to him in the first place.

"I am not so sure as well. All I know is when I killed the Adept Tier Beast, this bead falls around me, so I just collected all of them and store it until somebody who knows what is this share the information." Long Feng answered Nan Jing Jing's question.


"I will bring a few back to both elders to have a look, what do you think? We should be on our way to the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion as well, let us quickly finish our work and return as soon as possible." Nan Jing Jing says before she walks out from the room.

The two of them speed up and reach the Pavilion in around 25 minutes, and report themselves to the senior staff.

Without additional explanations is needed, the couple went into the same room once again, and quickly prepare the ingredients written on the request slips in a bulk.

Supporting each other, Long Feng and Jing Jing completes the request slips three at a time, and their speeds quickly match up to those professional staff that works within the pavilion for at least few years.

The chest with the request slips soon turned empty from the couple's preparing speed, and although the staff is shocked by their speed, they still managed to remain calm, and increase the number of request slips to bring over into the couple's room.

The time continuously clicks, and finally, their working day ended.

The couple managed to complete a total of 600 request slips and managed to obtain a total of 1200 points each.

"Husband, let us quickly go to exchange the points, and take a walk around the city." Nan Jing Jing happily proposes an idea to Long Feng as she holds his hand and walks over to the counter.

"Sister Li Ying, you are here today!" Nan Jing Jing greets her.

When Li Ying saw the couple holding hand together, a slight surge of envy appears within her heart.

"How are you both today? Are you here for some point exchange?" Li Ying calms herself down, and check what the two of them wants.

Li Ying provides the two of them with a list of the item available to exchange, and this time, the list of the item available is even better than what it used to be.

"Sister Li Ying, why is this list of exchange is different from what it used to be?" Nan Jing Jing felt the differences and asked Li Ying for some explanations.

"Of course it's different. The two of you had already completed the trial stage at the previous three weekends. This list of exchange is for those who already accepted as experienced staff or helper of the Pavilion." Li Ying explained.

Listening to Li Ying's word, the two of them quickly take a clearer look at what is offered to all the qualified staffs of the pavilion.


1st Grade Cultivation Pellet Ingredient (10 Portions) for 100 Points

Cultivation Pellet

Boost Stage Pellet

Refinement Pellet

Blood Refinement Pellet

1st Grade Tempering Pill Ingredient (5 Portions) for 100 Points

Metal Morphing Pill

Wood Fragrant Pill

Spiritual Water Pill

Internal Flame Pill

Earth Forming Pill

Thunder Spirit Pill

Wind Storm Pill

Poison Essence Pill

1st Grade Poison Concoction Ingredient (5 Portions) for 100 Points

Yellow Heart Poison Concoction

Blood Clotting Concoction

Yellow Leaf Pill

Blood Flowing Pill

Golden Crippling Powder

Destructing Qi Powder

Wild Pill

Qi Recovery Pill

1st Grade Meditation Ingredient (10 Portions) for 100 Points

Calming Spirit Dew Pellet

Mystic Suction Pellet

YinYang Cleansing Pellet

1st Grade Medication Ingredient (10 Portions) for 100 Points

Blood Dragon Ointment

Mind Returning Elixir

1st Grade Cultivator Treasure Pouch for 1000 Points


1st Grade Cultivator Essence Storage Ring for 2000 Points

2nd Grade White Stone Pill Cauldron for 2500 Points.


Long Feng looked at the three first grade tools listed in the paper, and have some intention to obtain one of them. His attention first goes to the White Stone Pill Cauldron, but with the required points of 2500, Long Feng has no other choice, but to give up that treasure.

"Sister Li Ying, will this list change all the time?" Long Feng asked.

"Hehe, I heard about some words from some senior of the pavilion regarding your matter, Little Brother Xiao Feng. You must be paying attention to the White Stone Pill Cauldron, am I correct?" Li Ying smile as she replied.

"Sister Li Ying is extremely sharp. Yes, Xiao Feng attention is totally staying on the Cauldron. Is there anything Sister Li Ying could do?" Long Feng politely asked for some help from Li Ying.

"I wish your attention would be on me instead, but I guess now except the cauldron and young sister Jing Jing, there won't be any of the attention left for me."

"There is a way. I would keep this item for two weeks, but you will be needed to give 1000 points as a deposit, and if you canceled your mind, it won't be refunded." Li Ying gave Long Feng a way to keep the cauldron.

"Husband, if you really want it, I could share my point with..." Nan Jing Jing tried to help, but before she finished her words, Long Feng interrupted.

"No, Jing Jing! Do not worried about this matter." Long Feng stopped Nan Jing Jing from finishing her sentence.

"Sister Li Ying, if the fate does appear between me and the cauldron, It would still be there when I have enough points to exchange for it. I believe in chances that came and go in time. Although the attraction is great, it still doesn't totally make me unable to live without it." Long Feng explained.

Logically, the mindset of Long Feng within this matter is neither correct or wrong.

"Chances came and go. An appearance of a certain thing would always have a reason, and behind the reason, there would always be a better option or bad decision."

"You may miss this chances, but it forms a karma, and allows you to reap back the karma when the time has arrived. Perhaps, by missing this changes, it would mean a delay in a certain matter for a cultivator, but the karma reaped by giving the opportunity to another person, worth more in value compared to keeping the chances in hand."

Long Feng remembered this word he read before when he was still young.

"Sister Li Ying, I would exchange for this 1st Grade Cultivator Treasure Pouch instead." Long Feng pointed at the next treasure he has an eye on, and make his choice.

"Sister Li Ying, I will exchange for the 1st Grade Cultivator Essence Storage Ring then." Nan Jing Jing makes up her choice as well.

"Alright, you two. I guess my word sometimes just bring now consideration at all, am I right?" Li Ying pout her lips as she sees this two junior few years from her is not listening to her options, but still respect their choices.

Minutes later, Li Ying came with the two treasure, and deduct the point as listed from both of them. Nan Jing Jing still possesses a total of 500 points, while Long Feng still holds a total of 700 Points in his hand.

"Sister Li Ying, could you explain the usage of this 1st Grade Cultivator Treasure Pouch?" Long Feng trying to know the way this treasure pouch should be used.

"Don't you have any idea of what is this treasure actually be?" Li Ying looked at Long Feng's blank face.

"Erm... Nope." Long Feng replied. And this reply almost makes Li Ying fainted.

"Alright! Listen well you silly kid." Li Ying starts to explain the usage of the treasure.


1st Grade Cultivator Treasure Pouch

Description: This item redefine the meaning of Spatial Storage. Although the capability of Space Incantation Strength is not too strong, the 1st Grade pouch still has the capability to store item with its storage size half of a badminton court.

Item Accepted: Non-Living Material such as Pills, Weapons, Ingredients, Books, and Furniture.

Item Rejected: Living material. This included Seeds, Eggs, Bloods and other life creation materials.

Breakable: Yes


"Husband, did you have a motive for choosing the Treasure Pouch?" Nan Jing Jing couldn't help and finally asked the question, as she felt Long Feng have some motive as he chooses the Pouch instead of Ingredients.

"Yes, Beloved Wife. Soon we are going to be on a trip to Thunderburst Jade City, so through having a better storage pouch, we could travel safer and lighter in weight." Long Feng explain what he has in mind.

"Oh, Husband! You are so lovely and caring!" Nan Jing Jing express herself as she hears Long Feng's explanations.

"Silly Husband... We are going to Thunderburst Jade City by Travelling Cultivation Beast, not by the leg!" Nan Jing Jing thinks in her mind, as she gets slightly angry.

"But!" Nan Jing Jing soon has some weird imagination within her mind.

"Alone with husband, walking along the way..."

"Exploring the forest, crossing the river, climbing the mountain, and going through so much more..."

"When sleeping, he will hug me, and I will hold him shyly as well..."

"If the weather is too cold, we can warm ourselves..."

"Hah! What am I thinking! We are still 10 years old kids!" Nan Jing Jing awakes from her dirty mind.

"Beloved Wife, is there anything wrong? Your palm is gripping me so hard." Long Feng stares at Nan Jing Jing's face directly.

"AH! Get away!" Nan Jing Jing released her hand that was gripping Long Feng's tightly, and push him away as she runs.

"Wife, what's wrong?" Long Feng chase behind closely.

"Ah, I want to die!!" Nan Jing Jing runs, as the two of them unconsciously entered the Bronze Pill Hall's vicinity.

"Aren't that the eccentric and snobbish Young Junior disciple?"

"Did he did something to Young Missy Nan?"

"How dare he make Young Miss cry, I will kill him!"

Long Feng follow Nan Jing Jing as she runs without control, with other jealous male chasing Long Feng with Weapons and Poison Pills.

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