《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 30 - Qian Kun Formation Sutra.


"Hey, young one! Seems impatient huh?" a staff in the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion greeted Long Feng because he just has seen the kid yesterday when Long Feng came to purchase some ingredients.

"Senior, how are you today? Xiao Feng is here to trade for some ingredients again." Long Feng greet the staff back, as he stands across the counter.

"Show me what you have then. Did you failed to refine the ingredients?" the staff put out his hand, and ready to accept a number of pills Long Feng had concocted.

In his mind, this young, soon a month old disciple shouldn't have any good results in his pill refining process. He himself used to be one of the top 100 disciples within one of the Bronze Pill Hall located from other cities before he moves to the Clear Jade City as he was recruited into the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion due to some good connections.

Long Feng hesitates not, and withdraw the 40 Low-Ranked First-Grade Thunder Spirit Pills, all within a waist pouch, and placed on top of the senior staff's palm.

The senior felt the weight of the waist pouch.

"It's quite heavy." the senior staff weight the pouch in his hand.

As he opened the pouch to reveals the pills within, the senior instantly gave a shocking face.

"What? 40 Thunder Spirit Pills? And all of them are very pure, although it is yet to enter the Middle-Rank." the senior staff looked at the pouch containing the pills, and stare at Long Feng for a moment before he turned to the pills again.

"This kid actually managed to refine such good Low-Rank quality pills with that mere 20 portions of ingredients. It seems like this kid's refining skills is roughly at 80% success rate, and about 20% rates in managed to refine some higher grade pills." the senior staff trying to gauge Long Feng's pill refining capability.

But in fact, Long Feng's skill actually stands in between of 90% to 100% success rate, due to the nature of his Sky Elemental ability. And if the senior staff actually knows that Long Feng still possessed a total of another 40 Middle-Ranked pills, he might turn depressed, with his lowly skills in pill refining.

"Hmm! Not bad, Not bad. I see you could refine out a good amount of pills from the 20 portions of Thunder Spirit Pill ingredients you had yesterday. So, what would you like to get today?" the senior staff erase the shock he has from his face, and immediately offer Long Feng a price, and what he would like to get instead.

3,000 Spirit Bronze Coins.

That's what Long Feng could get from selling that 40 Low-Ranked Tempering Pills.

"Senior, could this junior here exchange for the same amount of ingredients again? But this time junior would like it to be 10 sets of Blood Refinement Pellet Ingredients." Long Feng nicely speaks to the staff and awaits his replies.

"That won't be a problem at all. Give me few minutes, I will come back with the ingredients." the senior staff nicely reply to Long Feng's request, and walked into the storeroom to pick up the required ingredients.

Similar to what Long Feng and Nan Jing Jing used to do within the Ingredient distributing room, Long Feng's order is solved by those who work within the room, and within few minutes, Long Feng's order had been properly packed and organized, in a total of 30 different portioning.

Receiving the ingredients and another 1,000 Spirit Bronze Coins in his hand, Long Feng excuse himself, as he left the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion.


But it is not before he speaks to the senior staff again.

"Senior, Xiao Feng will see you again tomorrow." Long Feng words indicate that he will come again tomorrow, and the purpose would be because of the usual Sunday employment.

"That's great! I will be expecting to see you both tomorrow." the senior replied, and return to his position, and serve others whom still queuing at the counter for some purchase.

Unnoticed by everyone within the Purchasing Pavilion, a pair of eyes staring straight towards Long Feng, and the eyes seems like managed to read all the secrets hidden behind Long Feng.

"Hmm... Sky Elemental, and only barely a month within the Hall, he could actually increase his cultivation by a total of 4 stage."

"And also from what Liu Ming says, this kid master is that old traitor Tang Wen. I guess I should send some people to take them both back to the Clan. Clan Master would be very happy to see them both." the person that talks alone reveal his own identity as he walked off from the building.

This person identity is the Young Master of Tang Family in Clear Jade City, or as the Spy from the Tang Clan, Tang Jiu himself.

But his existence is not noticed by anyone around, and remain as a normal wealthy young master from the Tang Family wherever he goes.

About half an hour later, Long Feng finally returned to the Bronze Pill Hall. Firstly he makes a trip to the Virtue Hall, as he had promised to his master that he would be tending and taking care of Hall's plants and make sure they are all tended with care.

Long Feng entered the Hall, and from the surrounding area cleanliness to the growing weeds and sprouting worms and insect around the medicinal plants, Long Feng taking care of them all the best he could. But this simple works still took more than 8 hours of Long Feng's time, as he finished, the time already clocking at 10 PM night.

"I guess I will skip today's meeting with Jing Jing. I wonder how she is doing this few day." Long Feng pack his stuff and clear the rubbish before he exits the Virtue Hall and returns to his room.


"Young Lady, you are almost there! Try your best and maintain the momentum!" Xiao Ling shouted, as he both arm is facing in front, channeling a strong amount of Elemental Essence to strengthen Nan Jing Jing's cultivation.

When the room is looked even clearly, two more silhouettes can be seen at another two spot, forming a triangle shape formation.

Elder Huang and Elder Guang.

This two elder, together with Xiao Ling is channeling their energy to their Young Lady as her cultivation practice.

Nan Jing Jing is well trained in the Martial Art called Qian Kun Formation Sutra (Heaven and Earth Reformation Art).

This martial art allows its practitioner to achieve indestructible Essence (Jing) at First Stage, and as the cultivator entered the second stage, the cultivator would have an indestructible Energy (Qi). By managed to achieve the final third stage of this martial art, the cultivator would have an indestructible Spirit (Shen).

By fully mastering this primary stage of Qian Kun Formation Sutra, one could achieve a body of indestructible Essence, Energy, and Spirit, and would allow the cultivation, recovery, enlightenment comes easier compared to a normal cultivator.

It is believed that the Brilliant Jade Kingdom's Great Right General, Nan Gong Yu, had mastered this art in their most perfected way, and could fight without stop for one whole week without stop because of this amazing art.


"Young Lady, remain persistence, only a little bit more effort, and you will be able to start adapting the art of indestructible Energy!" Xiao Ling's Elemental Essence gone empty from the struggling.

Without notifications, Xiao Ling immediately got reflected aside, slamming towards the wall as she spits out a mouthful of blood.

"Xiao Ling!" Nan Jing Jing shouted, but unmovable from her current spot, she has no choice but only being able to show a shred of worries.

"Young Lady, pay attention to your cultivation, or else, even your both uncle would be reflected away and end up with injuries." one of the two elders says.

"I Know!" Nan Jing Jing has no other choice, but only to continue paying attention to her own cultivation.

Suddenly, a few knock on the door could be heard by those within the room.

"Who is it!" Elder Guang angrily opened the door using his high control ability on Essence Energy, and as the door opened, revealed Long Feng.

"Beloved wife, are you currently busy cultivating? If you do, Xiao Feng will leave first, and allows you to continue cultivating." Long Feng embarrassedly says.

"Blood Refinement Pellets!" Elder Huang's sensitive nose smelled one of the medicines within Long Feng's pouch.

"Kid, Pass over your Blood Refinement Pellets quickly!" Elder Huang immediately urges Long Feng to take out the pills immediately, while Elder Guang continued.

"Young Lady, quickly consume a few of the Blood Refinement Pellet, it would help you in refining your blood even quickly!" Elder Guang says.

Long Feng hesitates not, and withdraw the 25 Blood Refinement Pellet, and feed it into Nan Jing Jing's mouth.

As the small little pills pass her throat, Nan Jing Jing's internal blood starting to boil as if the heat from the flame within her body is too strong to bear.

Next, the pores within her body started to release a stream of dark colored blood, and quickly cover the young girl's body and clothing, indirectly stains her beautiful silk dress.

Then, a stream of released Pure Element Essence started to get released from the body.

"Young Lady, don't allow the pure Element Essence to escape from your body, quickly absorb them back into your body and refine them!" Elder Huang continued, as he and Elder Guang increase their strength.

"Understood!" Nan Jing Jing replied, and try to stabilize her cultivation.

"Young one, come down and sit at the spot where Xiao Ling used to sit, and help us, the more stable a formation of Essence Energy, the better and easier Young Lady to advance her cultivation." Elder Huang speaks.

"Understood!" Long Feng quickly went over to the remaining spot and starts channeling his Elemental Essence.

Again, unnoticed by himself, or perhaps it was due to the frequent usage of his Elemental Essence within his body, a large amount of Sky Elemental Essence flows out as Long Feng channel his energy, and all of it is quickly absorbed by Nan Jing Jing, as if Nan Jing Jing's body knows the nutritiousness value within the Sky Elemental Essence.

"Huk!!" Long Feng face seems to be struggling out of sudden, and the flow of his Sky Elemental Essence seems to be sucked by Nan Jing Jing without mercy.

"Husband!" Nan Jing Jing shocked. She started to loosen her control on continuing to cultivate.

"Young Lady, you are almost there, don't waste all the effort now! We will help him to stabilize himself!" Elder Guang and Elder Huang put one of their hand towards where Long Feng is seated and starts channeling some Elemental Essence to him so he could maintain this condition a little longer.

Nan Jing Jing's cultivation soars quickly, and immediately break through the border of Peak Refinement Tier cultivator, and entered the Early Human Stage of Adept Tier.

But this is not all the surprises.

Long Feng who was stuck in between Nan Jing Jing's cultivating moment, managed to push his cultivation to soar as well.

Although Nan Jing Jing had already stopped from continuing to absorb and refine the Elemental Essence from both elder, Long Feng replaced her position instead.

By being dependent on the Sky Elemental capability within his body, Long Feng managed to refine the two elder's Elemental Essence, and very quickly, his cultivation increase by a stage as well.

"This kid is seriously unbelievable! I wouldn't dare to imagine that he would advance as well during executing the formation." Elder Huang is shocked and surprised at the same time.

"Yes, I wouldn't dare to imagine that he could increase by a stage, and become an Early Heaven Refinement Tier cultivator now." Elder Guang is giving the same reaction as well.

"Huh... this felt so good. I can't believe that I could actually have a stage increment during assisting my wife in her cultivation." Long Feng flex his body a little and look at the two elder's direction.

"Kid, we will pay you back an equal amount of Coins worth for the Blood Refinement Pellets you just gave to our Young Lady." Elder Guang says.

"Elder, please do not bother about this matter. The reason I am here anyway is that I am intending to give the Blood Refinement Pellets to Jing Jing as well." Long Feng explained the reason he is here, and hope the elders won't keep talking about the Blood Refinement Pellets case.

"Husband, you managed to refine so many Blood Refinement Pellets in that few portion of ingredients?" Nan Jing Jing speaks, but accidentally revealed a secret behind her words.

"How do you know I only managed to purchase a few portion of ingredients yesterday?" Long Feng casually questioned her.

"Oh, future young master. I am there in the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion." Xiao Ling immediately replied while keeping their young lady from being bombarded with more questions.

"I see, I must be too into my mind, and doesn't notice that sister Xiao Ling is there as well." Long Feng says, and as he looked at both elders, Long Feng intend to excuse himself and return to his room.

"Both elders, Xiao Feng will return to his room now, please rest earlier, and rejuvenate yourself from the cultivation just now." Long Feng politely asked to be excused from the room.

"Husband, thank you for today. I will come to see you tomorrow, is that convenient for you?" Nan Jing Jing looked at Long Feng as she talks.

"Of course! Shall we take a walk together to the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion in morning?" Long Feng replied.

"Sure! I will see you tomorrow morning!" Nan Jing Jing cheerfully jumps for a few steps, as she falls on her bed.

Long Feng then exits the room and return to his, and instead of refining the ten portions of the Blood Refinement Pellet's ingredients, he takes a good rest, after cultivating for a moment to stabilized his cultivation from the Stage up.

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