《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 24 - An Enslaved Beast, A pair of Ring, A forced Marriage.


It was during a year ago.

I heard it was a total of 8 cultivators, and each of them possessed a strength that is so hard to fathom, where even the previous Lord of the forest, a Silver Fur King Ape Beast, failed to even injure a single person.

This 8 cultivator plant a few different type of Poison Disease Plant within the nest of the King Ape, and allows the plant to slowly grow across the Core forest.

The core forest is divided into Outer Core and Inner Core.

The Inner Core is infested by cultivation beast in between Heaven Refinement Tier to Human Adept Tier. They are strong and independent, rarely group up to more than a total of 3 beasts.

The Outer Core is infested by those who are below Heaven Refinement Tier. Some strong one might be at their Heaven Refinement Tier, but rarely seen at the Outer Core forest. The beast here usually groups in a pack of between 5 to 10, except the Venom King Bullfrog which gathered in a group of around 20 to 50.

When the lord of the forest is "Harvested" by the cultivators, the fight for the next Lord of the Forest is on, which is why a few older and younger powerhouse is battling within the forest for the position.

There is two competitor within the Core Forest, but Hong Yue is too weak, so I don't know about them.

At Inner Forest, there is a total of three lords, but Hong Yue only know one of them.

Lightning Rhino Ferocious Beast - Honduras

Cultivation Strength - Early Human Adept Tier, Innate Born Lightning Elemental Beast.

Age - 6 Years Old Human Age / 60 years Old Beast Age (Children Stage)

Treasure: Unknown

And at the Outer Forest, which is where we are located now, is also ruled by a total of three Ferocious Beast.


King Land Shark Ferocious Beast - Tempera

Cultivation Strength - Early Human Adept Tier, Innate Born Darkness Earth Elemental Beast.

Age - 4 Years Old Human Age / 40 years Old Beast Age (Children Stage)

Treasure: Gemstone Fangs / Earth Obsidian Carapace / Adept Tier Beast Marrow / Adept Tier Soul Pearl / Adept Tier Beast Blood


Mother of Spider Ferocious Beast - Mache

Cultivation Strength - Early Human Adept Tier, Innate Born Darkness Elemental Beast.

Age - 9 Years Old Human Age / 90 years Old Beast Age (Older Children Stage)

Treasure: Unknown


Flame Lord Ape Cultivation Beast - Upoo

Cultivation Strength - Early Human Adept Tier, Innate Born Fire Elemental Beast.

Age - 11 Years Old Human Age / 110 years Old Beast Age (Young Adult Stage)

Treasure: Unknown

CAUTION! This cultivation Beast is well versed in beast martial arts.



Master, you have no idea what is the differences between Ferocious Beast and Cultivation Beast?

Let Hong Yue explain to you.

Cultivation beast are mostly like me, we ate either only plants and fruits, only sometimes we ate some human meat due to we are attacked by them.

But Ferocious Beast is different. They are strictly Meat eaters, especially cultivators like human or us fellow Cultivation Beast.


They cultivate by absorbing the essence remained within the cultivator's flesh they ate, and raise their cultivation from there.

Master, do not worry since now Hong Yue is following you, Hong Yue will eat anything master gave to Hong Yue.


With the explanation by Hong Yue, Long Feng venture along the Outer Forest with more care. Not only his range of Essence Qi scanning is strengthened, his cautiousness also had increased by a level, where he is even more sensitive to the movement of Essence Qi surrounding him.

The two of them explore quickly, added with Hong Yue's capability in smelling for edible herbs and also dangerous herbs, Long Feng's profit in this mission started to increase.

Although killing the beast in this mission is important, but it doesn't mean that Long Feng needed to follow it exactly, although it might cost him his life.

One of the main points of having this mission to be conducted is due to the increasing amount of Cultivation Beast is invading the outskirt of the Clear Jade City. So the cultivators should be dispatched to reduce the beast populations.

Perhaps the result of this mission is not too positive, but a kill is still a kill, it would drastically reduce the population of the beast within the forest for a long term.

"I will enter deeper into the edge of the Outer Forest, and try to solve some of the Seven Snake Disease Poison as well."

"This mission is last until next Saturday, which means one more day, I will have to return to the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion to complete my task before I return to the forest to handle this situation again."

"Hong Yue, let us go deeper into the forest." Long Feng says.

Without answering, Hong Yue get closer to his master as they enter deeper into the forest.

As they reached the location where it is invaded by the Seven Snake Disease, Long Feng quickly start his process of making some antidotes to fight the poison.

His procedure is smooth, added with all the gathered ingredients he obtained along the way, Long Feng managed to refine a total of 55 pills to cure a total of 55 different trees at his surrounding.

Long Feng's total process took him almost 20 hours, and in between of the procedure, a few encounter with some beast also prolong the duration of completing his task.

Finally, Long Feng managed to complete the task he assigns himself to workout and returning to the main camp.

As he entered the Camp, a few disciple shown a hint of jealousy, due to Long Feng managed to obtain a Cultivation Beast as his slave.

Although this is unknown by Long Feng, to thoroughly obtain the agreement of a Cultivation Beast to be enslaved, one needs to either groom it since infant stage, until its maturity to form a seal, or forced the wild Cultivation Beast to be agreed to surrender itself to become a slave.

They might have no idea how Long Feng did it, but they know that this young child, is not somebody to be messed around with.

"This senior, can junior exchange for some reward?" Long Feng approached the staff that in the duty of handling the rewards counter.


"Yes of course, can you show me the piece of Participant Tablet?" The staff request for the tablet, as it will record the total number of Soul Qi obtained within.

"What?" The staff is shocked as he looked at Long Feng's record.

"Is there any problem, senior?" Long Feng feel weird with the staff's expression.

"Oh! No! There is no problem at all!" the staff shock instantly gone as he saw the Great Stone Dragon Lizard by Long Feng's side.

"There is a total of 116 Souls within the table, so as your reward, we will deduct a total of 110 souls within and left you with 6 souls for next time exchange. Here is your 1100 Spirit Bronze Coins." the staff reported.

The passerby immediately shocked with Long Feng's record.

"What? 110 points for exchange in just only 5 days within the mission?"

"This is literally impossible, where had he been within the forest to obtain such large amount of Soul Qi?"

"Did he rob the other dead cultivators Soul Qi from their tablet, and use it as his own?"

"You idiot, that can't happen, the Soul Qi will be gone when the cultivator is dead."

"Then that's mean this child kill at least more than a hundred beast in this five days?"

"He is a monster."

Those passerby starting to spreads the rumor about Long Feng, but for Long Feng himself, he felt that is nothing to be shocked about.

"Perhaps, what I did within the forest really helps." Long Feng found out where the total amounts of Soul Qi actually came from.

71 trees, 15 lizards, 20 Beetle, 10 Larvae.

This is the total of records in his this 5 days effort.

"Seems like curing the tree will give me one Soul Qi as well. Next time I must assist more in helping those trees." Long Feng think in his mind as he leaves the camp, and return to the Bronze Pill Hall.

In his way, Long Feng saw a nice gift shop that is still not closed for the day, so Long Feng went inside to have a look.

"At least one more customer, please buy something this young master." the shopkeeper lamented, as he was devastated by the poor business for the whole day.

"This shopkeeper, do you have anything good to give to some girl as a gift?" Long Feng asked.

"Oh, this customer, you came to the right place."

"Why not you consider buying this piece of Single Refined Treasure - Eternity Vision Bangle? Just inject your Qi into the bangle, and it will remember your essence feature, so each time your lover inject some Qi within, she will saw you in the bangle's shine." The Shopkeeper introduced.

"She isn't my wife, so I guess this gift will make her angry." Long Feng thinks in his mind.

"Anything else, shopkeeper?" Long Feng asked for something else.

"This? It is a Single Refined Treasure as well, the Voice Transferring Ring."

"This ring is very special, it is used by many strong cultivators to transfer important messages to each other." the shopkeeper introduced.

"If I have this, I will be able to take with Nan Jing Jing and master all the time, so buying this should be good."

"Shopkeeper, how much is the ring cost?" Long Feng asked.

"Not expensive, its 600 Spirit Bronze Coins each ring, so for two, its 1200 Spirit Bronze Coins." the shopkeeper replied.

"What? Then that's too bad, I only have 1100 in my pouch." Long Feng felt sad as he lack of just 100 Spirit Bronze Coin to purchase the ring.

"Well, since my business is not too good either, I will sell you for 1100 Spirit Bronze Coin this time!" the shopkeeper says.

"Are you sure?" Long Feng is happy as he could finally buy the gift to gave Nan Jing Jing.

"I'm sure, here, take it." the shopkeeper pack the two rings and exchange with Long Feng's Spirits Bronze Coin.

After making his purchase, Long Feng returned to the Hall, and intend to give Nan Jing Jing the ring on tomorrow when they are going to the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion together.


"Are you sure that Long Feng just bought two Voice Transferring Ring?" Nan Jing Jing asked for confirmations.

"Yes I am sure, My Lady." a scout reported what Long Feng just did in the shop.

"That's great! He will give me a ring, he will give me a ring."

"When he actually gave me the ring and I will force him to say he loves me, and follow me home to the General's Fortress and then, Dad will not be angry with me anymore!" Nan Jing Jing happily laughs in her heart, as she planned for tomorrow's trick.


Sunday morning.

Long Feng left his room and waits for Nan Jing Jing at the Entrance of the Bronze Pill Hall.

Nan Jing Jing finally appeared, and as she walked close to Long Feng, both of them greeted each other and starts walking to the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion.

"ASK ME! ASK ME! WHY DO YOU WASTE YOUR TIME? QUICKLY ASK ME!" Nan Jing Jing hearts is beating as fast as it could.

"How should I tell her?" Long Feng still wondering on the way he should give her the presents.

"ASKKKK ME!!!!" Nan Jing Jing started to get impatient.

"Maybe I just take the ring and show to her, and see does she like it or not." Long Feng finally decided.

"Sister Nan Jing Jing..." Long Feng turned around and take out the box with two rings.

"I DO!"

"I DO!"

"You wanna marry me right?" Nan Jing Jing quickly replied before Long Feng even asked the question.

Looking at the situation, Elder Huang and Elder Guang jumped into the spot the two of them is standing, and quickly take the advantages of forcing Long Feng to marry their Young Lady without fail!

"WHAT IS HAPPENING?" Long Feng is totally shocked.

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