《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 23 - Tri-Elemental Heaven and Earth Sword (San Xing Qian Kun Jian)


"I think I will make a few pills for Senior Yang Jian in return for making me a treasure." Long Feng explore outskirt of the forest and collect a few ingredients, especially Soul Calming Grass and the Morning Dew from the Spirit Bloom Flower.

Collected a total of 6 Portion of the ingredients, Long Feng quickly concoct all the ingredients and obtain a total of 28 Lower-Rank Pill, and also a total 8 Middle-Rank Calming Spirit Dew Pellet.

In the same time, Long Feng managed to obtain the ingredient enough to concoct two more times of the Yellow Leaf Pill, which results in a total of 10 more Yellow Leaf Pill in his inventory.

As he returning to the Hut due to the nightfall is here, Long Feng saw a shining bright light from the window, before he entered the hut.

"Senior Yang, is there anything happened here?" Long Feng entered the hut and went over to Yang Jian's side.

"Oh, you are home. Come and take this incomplete treasure. Meditate with this treasure for the night, and return it to me tomorrow morning. By then it should be completed." Yang Jian turned around and pass Long Feng an item.

The incomplete treasure bears a shape similar to a Sword's handle, with an unsharpened blade along its way until the point of the sword.

On the Blade, a rough, unrefined pill shape holes are seen within its fuller and it came in a total of 7 holes.

On the hilt, it felts empty within, indicating that the inner part of the Hilt would contain something when the pommel part is inserted within.

On the sword guards, a beautiful engraving along with two small sets of a chain is seen attached on each of its ends.

"I will." Long Feng accepted the piece of treasure from Yang Jian and moved to an empty room within the hut.

As he sat in a meditation stance, Long Feng starts to cultivate and absorb the existing Essence Qi around the air and started to inject the Essence Qi into the treasure without hesitation. The piece of treasure started to glow as it received the essence, but on and off, its glow and dimmed continuously.

In his first four hours, the glow is happening on and off continuously, and on its second four hours, the glow became longer, about a minutes before it dimmed off. Soon after the tenth hour, the treasure started to glow as long as it could, and would not be dimmed afterward.

"Senior Yang, good morning!" Long Feng went into the workshop where Yang Jian is busy cooking up some breakfast.

"Oh Xiao Feng, good morning." Yang Jian replied, but without turning around. Seems like he is very focusing in his cooking.

"Senior Yang, the glow on this incomplete treasure is long lasting, I am worried that something might have happened on this treasure." Long Feng withdraw the treasure out from his pouch and let Yang Jian have a look.

"Oh! This is a very good resonance." Yang Jian take a hold on the item to have a look, and within the treasure, he felt a strong resonance of Fire, Wood, and Sky Elemental within.

"Xiao Feng, when I finish refining this weapon, you would be totally shocked by its power." Yang Jian said, as he stopped cooking and returned to the Anvil and start working out that incomplete treasure.

Long Feng continue the work on what is left aside by Yang Jian, and finished preparing the breakfast while nicely arranging it on the dining table.


Long Feng waited for another three hours, and finally, Yang Jian completed what he is working on.

"Xiao Feng, this treasure is completed!" Yang Jian happily turned around with the piece of treasure on his both hand.

"This is a sword specially crafted just for you to use." Yang Jian started to explain the piece of sword and its parts of specialty.

"The sword's blade part contained a total of 7 different holes for you to keep a total of 7 different Pills within, which is easily used and suitable for you to used. I would suggest placing poison concoctions on the blade, as poison fighting is one of the Pill Master's specialty."

"The two sets of chain on the sword guards can be used for both offense and defense. In the case of being attacked by a ranged and a large number of flying weapon. The chain is light and made by a very well tempered Spine bones of the Dragon Lizard, so they are durable enough, and light as the bonus effect."

"The Hilt of the sword has a hidden compartment, specialized in placing healing medicine ointments or pills. I purposely designed the Pommel to nicely lock and easy to access, be it in the form of paste ointment or even in medicine pills."

"The hilt is wrapped in the Leather from the Dragon Lizard, while the inner part of the whole treasure is wrapped with the Silk from Gigantic Silk Beetle."

"The most special thing, of course, would be the three piece of Soul Essence Pearl. Each of the pearls is very well filled with your Sky Element, Fire Element and Wood Element within, so this weapon will release a resonance similar to yours, so using Elemental Qi with the sword is made possible."

"Make sure you treasure this sword, I hope you like the name as well."

"Tri-Elemental Heaven and Earth Sword (San Xing Qian Kun Jian)." Yang Jian pronounces the name of the sword for Long Feng to listen and remember.

"Tri-Elemental Heaven and Earth Sword. What a glorious name." Long Feng praise Yang Jian for his effort.

After listening to all the explanations, Long Feng finally realized the different usefulness Yang Jian purposely put into the sword. In the same time, Long Feng felt thankful for being given such special opportunity to use this weapon in his best effort.

"Senior, thank you for your enormous effort to specifically design this weapon for me. Xiao Feng will look after this treasure for a long time, and will try his best not to damage it." Long Feng gave Yang Jian a bow while holding the sword with both hands.

The sword's Sheath is specially designed with the remaining Silk from Gigantic Silk Beetle, and also the remaining Spine Bones from the Great Stone Dragon Lizard. There is one more additional miniature spike, or more like an ice Pick placed on the point of the sheath, which is prepared in case of emergency.

Long Feng then present a total of 50 Calming Spirit Dew Pellet to Yang Jian to keep, and soon after they finished the food, Long Feng excuse himself to continue his mission.

But it is after Yang Jian finishes requesting the next item for him to refine for Long Feng.

"Make sure the next time before you pay me a visit, bring along this few item for me to make you the next treasure in my mind."

"Ribcage of a very strong human shape Cultivation Beast. Strong Spiritual Power Blood from the Strong Cultivation Beast as well. This is for the body of the treasure. And for the parts of the treasure, I'm looking forward to some Products such as Leather, Scales, and even some Horn or Fangs from the Beast."


"It would be the best of you could even obtain a few rare products, such as the Jewelled Eye, or even the Soul Core Stone of the beast. Although the Soul Essence Pearl still usable anyway."

"One last thing is to obtain a special ingredient for this next treasure I am looking forward to making. It would be a well refined Jade Gemstone." Yang Jian makes his request, so Long Feng will follow his requirement to prepare such ingredients.

And with that last request is accepted, Long Feng excuse himself as he makes his way into the deeper part of the Forest of West Jade.


"Xiao Ying, do you still remember where is the Box with Charm of Light has gone?" A senior Staff is asking Li Ying for the outdated, nobody interested treasure.

"Sister Lian Ruo, that Charm of Light had been sold last Sunday, don't you remember?" Li Ying immediately reminds Lian Ruo regarding the sales she had made last weekend.

"Ah, I see. Well, I guess that's fate." Liao Ruo sighs for a moment before she looks regretful.

"What happened, Sister Lian Ruo?" Li Ying confused with Lian Ruo's look, and asked for the reason why,

"Well, I just remembered that the old man that traded this piece of stone did mention about something." Liao Ruo explained.

"What's that?" Li Ying loves the hidden secret behind those things she's selling, so she can't wait to know the word Liao Rou just remembered.

"The Old man did mention that by exposing the stone to the surrounding strong with Dark Essence, it will activate the Charm Of Light's ability." Lian Ruo explained.

"Oh? Well, no wonder there is nobody interested in obtaining the stone." Li Ying replied.

"I guess Xiao Ying know the reasons as well." Lian Ruo replied back.

"Of course, sister Lian Rou. Where could one look for places with a high amount of Dark Essence except venturing into places that nested by Strong Ferocious Beast, which is stronger than usual Cultivation Beast?" Li Ying explained.

"Yes. I wonder when would the buyer of the Charm of Light will throw away this unknown item." Lian Rou replied.


Holding the Qian Kun Sword(1) in his hand, Long Feng speed up as he entered deeper into the Forest of West Jade.

In his early of the way, Long Feng stumble across two pairs of Gigantic Silk Beetle, where he easily dispose them this time with the help of the new treasure sword.

The Qian Kun Sword is extremely sharp, where it easily dismembered the beetle into half without any additional effort.

But at the same time, due to the sharpness of the sword, the Silk Sack of the Beetle is thoroughly destroyed as well, and because of the sharpness of the sword, the silk is unable to be rolled into a nice round ball of silk. Due to this matter, although Long Feng managed to kill a total of 4 Gigantic Silk Beetle, he obtains none of the silk due to its quality and usefulness is thoroughly destroyed by Long Feng.

"I must be more careful in the way I kill the Beast, or I will end up with many kills, but nothing to be obtained." Long Feng tells himself to be more cautious in the way he disposes of the beast.

The next moment, Long Feng managed to meet with a total of 5 Great Stone Dragon Lizard.

"Great Haul!" Long Feng happily cheers in his mind, as he charges without any worries.

First Slash, Long Feng directly cut through in between of the Lizard's skull without any difficulties, as he turned around to head towards another lizard close to the first one.

Second Strike! Long Feng's Qian Kun Sword directly stabbed through the skull of the second Lizard, before it managed to take any evasive actions.

The remaining three lizards quickly charge on Long Feng's position, but it was parried by swinging his sword diagonally and had the lizards forced to evade the deadly strike.

But this allows Long Feng to take his second step, as he charged into the middle of the direction the three lizards is expected to land, and make a slash and a stab, directly killing two lizards and leaving one just managed to run into nearby stone to hide before Long Feng take another step.

"You won't be able to run." Long Feng swing his sword as he walked closer and closer.

But this time, the remaining lizard does not dare to take any actions anymore. Instead, the lizard stays still on the ground, with its jaw opened wide, and its claw tightly clawed on the ground.

"This pose is..." Long Feng remembered a few descriptions from a book about the beast's behavior before he entered the Bronze Pill Hall.

"It is a submitting pose. This means that this lizard is willing to slave and agree to sign the treaty to be one of my Beast Slave." Long Feng remembered the posture.

By dropping a drops of blood on the point of the sword, Long Feng allows the beast to swallow and refine a drops of his blood, and after refining the blood, the Great Stone Dragon Lizard turned itself over to show its belly part, allowing Long Feng to write a word (SLAVE / 奴 ) on it.

After the writing using the blood and Essence Qi is completed, a red string appeared between the two, attaching itself to indicates that this two have formed a bond of Master and Slave, allowing both of them could interact through minds.

"Do you have a name?" Long Feng think in his mind.

"No master, this ugly lizard doesn't have a name." the newly formed Slave lizard replied.

"Since your Rock Scales have some red hue in it, Let me call you as Hong Yue." Long Feng gave a name to the lizard.

"Hong Yue like this name. Thank you, master." Hong Yue, after being slaved, managed to possess an even brighter mind and also started to learn more vocabulary. With haste, it quickly replied and show a gesture of thanks to Long Feng for blessing it with a name.

"Then, Hong Yue, tell me what happened with the forest." Long Feng tries to obtain more information regarding what is happening in the forest.

"Master, before Hong Yue answers, could master starts to collect the remains of Hong Yue's siblings first?" It says.

"Why would you need me to do this first?" Long Feng questioned.

"Master, we Cultivation Beast have feelings too. Kill or be killed. Although they are my siblings, the law of nature is still applied. I just hope their corpse and their remains could be useful to master, and also it was because of the danger lurking within the forest." Hong Yue explained.

"The Venom King Bullfrog loved the fragrant smells of fresh beast blood. If we continue talking instead of quickly handling the corpses, the Bullfrog will be here very soon." Hong Yue continued.

With the warning, Long Feng quickly handled the four corpses of the lizard, and start moving along and listen to what Hong Yue have to share with him.

(1) Tri-Element Heaven and Earth Sword

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