《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 18 - Peng Yun.


Returned to his room, Long Feng first thing in mind is to take a deeper look at the piece of treasure he recently obtained from the exchanges that cost all his points.

The charm of Light.

When he held the piece of treasure, a very soft voice came out within his mind, telling him to "drop some blood of yours to activate it. The moment this treasure unveil itself, that's when you are qualified to obtain it's power." feeling like he had been hypnotized, Long Feng does as the voice in his mind telling him, and start to drop a few drips of blood to the Charm of Light.

Receiving the few drops of blood from Long Feng, the Charm of Light started to shine dimly, with some veins of green flashes around the stone until it stops. A few minutes later, the light is gone, and the Charm of Light turned back into a lifeless stone once again.

"Maybe I need to continue feeding it with blood until the Charm of Light is finally active." Long Feng convinced himself in his mind before he returned to the Blood Cleansing Pitcher Plant. Since it is already Sunday, the moment of refining the Blood Pill is once again here.

Because this is the second time he has to refine the pill, Long Feng naturally goes to his meditating position as usual, and swallow the Blood Pill to begin his Cultivating refining.

The process of refining the Blood Pill is relatively easy and due to the previous attempt of breaking through by using the Mystic Suction Pills already pull him close to entering the Middle Earth Refinement Tier, Long Feng leap past that stage with ease, as he continued to refine the Essence Qi within the pill.

The procedure goes along for an exactly one hour.

"Finally!" after meditating and tempering his cultivation through using the Blood Pill, Long Feng still successfully leap two stage and ended up with his cultivation at Late Earth Refinement Tier.

But this time, instead of rushing to concoct another pill, he instead spends more of his time to continue to cultivate, and strengthen his foundation before he went to the Virtue Hall next morning.


"Young Lady, the master is very worried about your well being, please come with us back home." a cultivator in his Peak Practitioner Tier kneel in front of this lady trying to persuade the lady for following him back to his master's home.

"My lady, even your uncle Huang already kneel in front of you, do you want Uncle Guang to kneel as well?" another cultivator in his Peak Practitioner Tier slowly bend his knees as he talked.

"I'm decided not to return until that brat understand my heart!" the young lady stands up and loudly state her condition for returning home, and start getting angry.

"Uncle Huang, Uncle Guang, you both take care of me since I'm a baby until now, you know how stubborn I am when it came to this matters."

"Please do not force me to return home, both uncle. I must have him follow me home before I return." The lady insisted that she will remain in the Bronze Pill Hall until she managed to bring that man home with her.

"If in that case, both of us will remain within this Hall to protect you. Young Lady must remember to send a letter home to your father, or else it won't be only both of us here, even your scary Uncle Yuan and Uncle Ming will be here. You don't want them to force you all home am I correct?" the Uncle Huang explained before he walked towards the door exit.


"Uncle Guang, please help me talk to my father." the lady politely ask for this uncle Guang's help.

"Young Lady, I know that this boy did save you from being infected by the Five Elemental Internal Poison, but he did it without himself knowing it as well."

"I understand your wish to be with this brat, but please remember your own status as well, young lady. His background will not allow you to be with him, even if you force your father to accept it." Uncle Guang says.

"Uncle Guang, don't keep calling him brat! His name is Li Long Feng!" the young lady loudly corrected her uncle's word.

"Alright. Xiao Feng, am I correct? Young Lady, he is still a normal disciple with no special background. Even if he managed to learn as much he could, and inherit his master's (Elder of Ointments) title, he is still not qualified to be with you." elder Guang stopped calling Long Feng brat, but he still doesn't agree that they should be together.

"I will make sure he have the better achievement and make father accept him to be with me." the lady reveal herself.

This Young Lady true identity is actually Nan Jing Jing, who is also the only daughter of one of the highest official in the Brilliance Jade Kingdom.

The only daughter of the General of Right, Great General Nan Gong Yu.

Moments later, Uncle Guang noticed that the young lady is already in her beautiful dream before he silently vanished from the room.

Within Nan Jing Jing's dream, she remembered the moments when she was still five years old, and accidentally swallowed a pill given by a traitorous subordinate of her father before she went out to play.

She usually protected by a few subordinates of her father each time she went out, but this time, due to the arrangement by the subordinate, she actually went out on her own.

And as the poison pill effect started to take action, Nan Jing Jing started to falls down and suffer the consequences, as her internal vein started to rupture from the effect.

She soon vomited, and her body internal Essence Qi started to flows out from her orifice, until Long Feng timely arrival to the playground.

Coincidently, that day is on Long Feng's birthday, and he was allowed to play for a while outside until his mother work is finished.

As he seen Nan Jing Jing is crying on the floor, Long Feng walked over to her and hugged her in his arms, and patted Nan Jing Jing's head, telling her to not crying, and that he is beside her to play with her.

In the same time, Long Feng's Sky Elemental constitution automatically flows into Nan Jing Jing's body and slowly removing the poison from her body, due to the Elemental natural ability, which is to clean and purify all impurities in a person's body.

That is also the reason why after the two of them spend a few hours hugging each other, Long Feng is attacked by a high fever, due to the over using his sky elemental qi, thus weakening his body.

Although that day's happening is known to Great General Nan and his subordinate, he chooses to not making up to Long Feng's family, and silently have this matter kept in secret from others knowledge.


Monday morning.

Long Feng happily wake up, as he prepares himself to went to the Virtue Hall to meet his master as well to let his master knows about his improvement in cultivation. In the same time, he can't wait to enter the Heaven and Earth Stabilizing Formation room, to further cultivate and strengthen his foundation strength.


But before he managed to move more than a meter away from the residential area, he is blocked by a ground of disciple, lead by one of the senior within the outer division.

"Kid, you are really something yesterday. How dare you show off in this outer division?" the leader of the group loudly speaks to Long Feng, showing off himself to everyone around.

"This senior, did junior did something wrong?" Long Feng politely reply, but in his mind, he wishes that nothing more happened as he can't wait to go to the Virtue Hall.

"Of course you did something wrong! How dare you actually show your relationship within the hall each weekend with disciple Nan Jing Jing. Are you treating us senior as an invisible wall around you?" the senior started to bring the issue out and had Long Feng explain his actions.

"Dear seniors, me and disciple Nan Jing Jing have nothing like what senior says. We just came back together from working in the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion." Long Feng explained.

"Bullshit! If you are not interested with Junior Nan Jing Jing, why would you both go to the Pavilion together and return together? You are really despicable, how dare you mock your senior with this kind of lowly actions!" the senior getting even furious from Long Feng's reply.

Up above the second floor, Nan Jing Jing happily looked at the commotion, as she smiles sneakily and thinks in her mind what will the situation became.

"Dear seniors, I am really not interested in continuing this argument with you all, can you allow me to proceed to Virtue Hall please?" Long Feng started to get slightly irritated, but he still tries to maintain a polite tone.

"You wish! Today this senior will teach you a lesson, so you won't continue being so ignorant and high above your head as you walk around the Outer Division." the senior take a step forward and started to perform his battle stance.

"This senior, junior really have no intention to fight with you." Long Feng still maintain his politeness, in a bid to have this senior stop his intention to fight.

"Shut Up! My name is Peng Yun, remember it!" Peng Yun started to move closer and closer to Long Feng's position and started to take his action.

"Xiao Ling, take this wooden sword to Long Feng." Nan Jing Jing withdraws a piece of a beautifully carved wooden sword with a YinYang drawing on the blade, and pass it to a female disciple named Xiao Ling to give it to Long Feng.

"My lady, do not worry, subordinate will quickly pass this to the future young master." Xiao Ling jokes a little before she quickly runs to the spot.

Long Feng swiftly move his body to escape the fist attack by Peng Yun, and slowly look for the weak point of his opponent before he makes his move.

Although Long Feng's cultivation is same with Peng Yun, who is also at Late Earth Refinement Tier, because he recently entered the stage, Long Feng dare not to risk himself to face Peng Yun's attack face to face.

Meanwhile for Peng Yun, seeing how Long Feng keeps evading each single attack of his, started to grow proud and confident with his own strength, as he notice that Long Feng dare not to retaliate him no matter what weakness he purposely show to Long Feng wide open.

With his confidence is at the peak level, Peng Yun turned around and launch his best technique, the Ten Consecutive Chain Fist from his family martial arts, and tried to bring Long Feng down on his knees.

"Junior Long Feng, catch this!" Xiao Ling reached the battle location, and throw the piece of the wooden sword towards Long Feng's direction.

Long Feng consider nothing, as he runs towards the sword and catches it in his hand.

Noticing the smoothness and lightness of the wooden sword, Long Feng immediately unleashed his Defensive Wu Sword Art!

Defensive Wu Sword Art VS Ten Consecutive Chain Fist!

A Xuan Wu Sword Clan Martial Art, best in defense.

Against the Ten Consecutive Chain Fist from a normal Peng Family.

The result of the clash is easily guessed.

Long Feng Sword Art not only managed to defend against all 10 strikes from Peng Yun easily, his sword even managed to lightly stabbed and slashed a few strikes on Peng Yun, causing both of his arm, his shoulder, and his waist be shaking due to pain.

"Is that the Xuan Wu's Defensive Wu Sword? I thought that art is only used to total defense." Xiao Ling noticed the difference in the martial art performed by Long Feng as well.

"Now I know why even if she need to fight against both Elder Guang and Huang also she insists on bringing him home." Xiao Ling finally understands why the young lady insisted on bringing Long Feng home no matter what.

"Argh! How dare you actually use a weapon during the fight! Did we agreed on using a weapon?" Peng Yun screamed loudly, and without bothering about others, he actually dared to blame Long Feng is at fault for using a weapon.

"Senior brother, this junior just defending himself, please do not bear any ill intention on this junior." Long Feng kept the sword at his back, as he asks for a forgiveness again.

"You ignorant brat, take this!" Peng Yun struggled for a while, and throw a piece of pill directly on Long Feng.

"Yellow Heart Poison!" a senior that is pretty good in poison concoction immediately recognize the poison type used by Peng Yun.

"Ha Ha Ha! With this poison, I will see how you are going to defend yourself against my next punch!" Peng Yun shamelessly speaks loudly, as he gathered a large amount of Essence Qi on his fist, and charged toward Long Feng.

Peng Yun fist is seen entering the smoke area where the pill exploded, but before he managed to touch any of Long Feng's vital part, a sword silhouette appeared within the smoke, and parried Peng Yun's fist, and appeared Long Feng within the smokes.

"Senior, this method of yours is slightly over my limit." Long Feng get close to Peng Yun before he places two Yellow Heart Poison Pill into Peng Yun's mouth.

"Take this as your punishment, and please excuse me, I need to head to my master's private hall." Long Feng politely excuse himself, as Peng Yun falls to the ground, facing the disruption of Essence Qi due to the side effect of the poison.

"He actually managed to defeat Senior Peng Yun!" one disciple shouted.

"Haha, I really don't dare to imagine that he is actually resistant from the Yellow Heart Poison attack." Xiao Ling thinks in her mind.

"This senior sister, Xiao Feng is very thankful for your assistance of borrowing me this piece of a fine sword." Long Feng walked towards Xiao Ling and return the piece of wooden sword to her.

"Keep it, this sword is given by my house lady for your usage." Xiao Ling explained and shakes her head to not taking back the wooden sword.

"Oh... May I know the lady's name please, senior sister?" Long Feng politely ask for the name.

"You know her well, guess it yourself." Xiao Ling vaguely answers the question, and leave without any words.

"Who? I only know Nan Jing Jing in the whole school." Long Feng thinks for a while, and start walking towards the Virtue Hall.

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