《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 17 - Charm of Light.


"Good Morning Senior!" both of them entered the Myriad Ingredient Pavilion and greets the staff inside.

"Oh! Little Jing and Little Feng is here early!" the senior that invite both of them to come on this week work is happy to see both of them is here.

"Yes senior, we hope we could help as much as we could for today as well." Nan Jing Jing replied.

"Of course! We can't wait to have you both to help us." the staff happily replied, as he leads both Long Feng and Nan Jing Jing into a slightly more spacious room.

"Do you both mind helping each other? If you don't, we will arrange you both be a team in this room, and we will send in one of the boxes for you two to do the packing." the staff says as they entered the room.

"I'm ok with partnering with Nan Jing Jing." Long Feng says.

"Humph! As if you have the right to say no. Senior, we will cooperate in the packing, no worries." Nan Jing Jing gave a deadly stare to Long Feng and turned to answer the staff.

"Great, the work will starts in ten minutes, be prepared." the staff replied, and excuse himself from the room.

Exactly in ten minutes, the order chest started to enter the room.

This time, the ingredient slips don't come in a bulk, but instead, it came in a total of two to three order each time.

But the list of the ingredient within is not as simple as they think.

"This room is a special room designated for preparing the medicine for Martial Hall practitioners!" they both finally realized the type of room they are allocated within.

"Jing Jing!" Long Feng stared at Nan Jing Jing as he looked at the list of ingredients.

"I understand! Brother Feng, you gather the ingredients, I will process them as fast as I could." Nan Jing Jing replied as she looked at Long Feng's facial expression.

"Brother Feng, let's start! I need the initial four ingredients to prepare the base for the Blood Replenishing Powder." Nan Jing Jing quickly passes a request to Long Feng.


"One Ounce of Hundred Year Red Blood Ginseng!"

"Ten Piece of Blood Cinnamon Tree Bark!"

"Ten leaves from White Goddess Heart!"

"One dried Fire Breathing Fruit!"

"Here you go!" Long Feng quickly gathered all the ingredients, and have them arranged on the table for Nan Jing Jing to take care of the required process.

First, she takes the dried Fire Breathing Fruit and the Red Blood Ginseng to be ground into powder, and distributed into 10 similar portions, to be placed on to of each of the White Goddess Heart Leaves. Next, she rolls each leaf into a tube shape and inserts them into the Blood Cinnamon Tree Bark that came in a shape of an empty pipe.

Long Feng place another two different ingredients to the table next.

White Blood from the 8-Diagram Turtle Beast.

Healing Water from the River Squirt residing within the Volcanic Lake.

Nan Jing Jing takes both ingredients, and mix them together before pouring them into the Blood Cinnamon Tree Bark, making the grounded powder that wrapped within the leaf to start boiling within the tree bark.

Within a minute, the whole thing evaporated and turned into a very fine red colored powder, that is suitable to be applied or consumed by any practitioner to replenish their blood supply.


Even for a professional staff, to perfectly performing such task into a perfection is a very difficult work, but this difficulty is easily completed by the partnership between Long Feng and Nan Jing Jing.

The duo easily performs the process of creating the Blood Replenishing Powder, again and again, and completing the request slip one by one.

Since most of the required ingredients are all Blood Replenishing Powder and some of them are requiring ingredient for a medical brewing, the two of them quickly completed around a total of 300 slips together, before the staff came in and tell them their day is over.

"You two are really working very well together!" the staff praised both of them for being so cooperative with each other.

"You overpraised both of us, senior. Can we know how are we doing today?" Nan Jing Jing, who more concern about their results for the day, quickly ask for their performance.

"It's very good! Today both of you are the best performing helpers, nobody even manages to get their point close to you both." the staff praises them again.

"So, we actually get?" Long Feng asked in more detail.

"You both get 600 Points each, for completing a total of 300 Request Slips, and because the difficulty included prior refining, so you get 2 points for each slip completed." the staff says, and in his hand, he is holding a piece of bigger stone to indicates a 500 points in hand, and another two smaller stone, that indicates a total of 50 points each.

"Would both of you come to help us again next week? As that is your third week consecutively, we will offer you a permanent contract at the end of the day when that time is up." the staff asks both of them to confirm their attendance.

"Of course I will come and help, senior please count me in." Long Feng who in need of loads of employment, points and some money immediately agreed.

"I will come too, can we get partnered together again?" Nan Jing Jing agreed as well but requesting for some arrangement for next time.

"Of course! We hope you both could help again in this Martial Hall Specialty Room because you both are the best helper we managed to obtain so far." the staff agreed but tried to convince them to remain within this room.

"Sure thing, I'm glad we could be a great help. Senior, since the day is not early now, Long Feng wish to excuse himself for today." Long Feng politely excuse themselves from continue speaking.

"Yes, Jing Jing too felt the day is getting late now, we hope to exchange some item before the counter is close, and return to our hall to prepare for the next day lessons." Nan Jing Jing requested to be allowed to leave as well.

"Sure Sure, make sure you get to exchange some good ingredients and items for yourself, I will see you both again next week." the staff agreed to allow them to go, and leave towards another direction.

Both of them quickly run towards the cashier, and coincidently they met with sister Li Ying once again.

"Beautiful Sister! We met again!" Nan Jing Jing being the first to greet Li Ying.

"Hello sister, can we have the exchange list for today?" Long Feng being more polite and quickly asked for the list.

"Sure thing, two little junior of mine." Li Ying immediately brings out two lists for both of them.


Although the ingredient is roughly the same as last time, some items are already out of stock for them to choose.

First Grade Ingredients

Green Lizard Blood - N/A

Blue River Horse Blood - 2 Points

Bullet Horned Beetle - 2 Points

Atlas Moth Molted Skin - 2 Points

Black Bitter Mint - N/A

Rainbow Berries - 2 Points

Hundred Layered Moss - 2 Points

Ten Years old Ginseng Powder - 2 Points

Thunder Sparrow Egg - N/A

Dark Fluid of Ferocious Crow - N/A

Blood Ginseng Root - 2 Points

Spiritual Pearl Powder - 2 Points

Cultivating Materials

Clear Toad Fruit's Wax - N/A

Ferocious Crow Hatchling - 25 Points

Fire Breathing Fruit's Juice - N/A

Thunder Sparrow Hatchling - 25 Points

Dragon Fang Flower's Petals - 20 Points

Fire Stripe Bee's Larvae - 25 Points

Ironwood Shoots - 5 Points

Atlas Moth Worm - N/A

Blood Fruit - 5 Points

Blood Cleansing Pitcher Plant Seed - 25 Points

Bubble Fruit Spring Water - 5 Points

Rock Dragon Elderberry Seeds - 25 Points


Lower-Rank First-Grade Cultivating Pellet

10 Points

"Sister Li Ying, I will be having two Fire Stripe Bee's Larvae and two Rock Dragon Elderberry Seeds please!"

"Please pack for me a total of 25 portions of Blue River Horse Blood and also 25 portions of Spiritual Pearl Powder as well." Nan Jing Jing quickly chooses a total worth of 200 points of items, while keeping 400 points for next time usage.

And very quickly, Sister Li Ying packed all the item requested by Nan Jing Jing and turned her attention to Long Feng.

"So, what are you looking forward to today?" Li Ying stared at this cute boy and awaits his request.

"Sister Li Ying, I don't have anything I need to exchange this time." Long Feng shyly says his reply, and cause Nan Jing Jing to start scolding him.

"Idiot! Why don't you change for something like the Hatchlings or the seeds? At least you can start planting and producing your own produce by then."

"If your intention is to get another three more of that Jade Rock, I am going to knock you unconscious this time." Nan Jing Jing scolded Long Feng, and coincidently, she actually gets her guess correctly, Long Feng choose to exchange nothing because the Jade Rock is not available anymore.

"Little brother, do you want to get something special? Sister will give you a special price, and only charge you for a total of 600 points." Li Ying offered.

"Oh? What is that item, sister Li Ying?" Long Feng interest immediately grows.

"I actually keep it because this item is already placed in the Pavilion for two years, but because this treasure kept within is unusable, as nobody could decipher the usage of the item kept within." she said, as she walked toward Long Feng with the small brass box.

As she walks closer and closer to Long Feng, a feeling of obtaining that item in Li Ying's hand suddenly grows, as he can't wait to see that item in her hand.

"This is Charm of Light." Li Ying opened that small brass box and revealed a round piece of green pebble within.

"This piece of stone, cost 600 points?" Nan Jing Jing shocked with its value.

"Of course, before we actually keep it here, we are selling it for 6,000 Points." Li Ying loudly reply.

"Sister Li Ying, I will exchange for this item." Long Feng decided without even considering for more than a minute.

"What?" Nan Jing Jing soul immediately flew out from her body because of the shock.

"Are you sure, little brother?" even Li Ying couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Yes. I decided to exchange my points for this Charm of Light-treasure." Long Feng repeat his intention again.

Without any other words, Long Feng received the small Brass Box from Li Ying, and passed the 600 points to Li Ying, as he ready to leave the pavilion. Following him behind is Nan Jing Jing, who holding two big pouches containing the ingredients within.

After a few steps, Long Feng finally realized that Nan Jing Jing is holding two big bags on both of her hand, so he quickly offered to help.

"Finally this stone head realized that he needed to help me with this stuff!" Nan Jing Jing pouted a little, but in her heart, she is slightly happy to see that Long Feng still pays attention to her.

But in Long Feng's minds...

"I wonder why she insists on carrying this all by herself. She can actually call the delivery staff to deliver this two bag of ingredient to the hall. Maybe she in needs to quickly concoct this Ingredient."

"If I'm not mistaken, this ingredient should be used to concoct the Spiritual Water Pill." Long Feng thinks this kind of thing in his mind instead.

As they both entered the Bronze Pill Hall area, the same situation like last week started to happen again.

Under the jealous stares from many male disciples, Long Feng walked along with Nan Jing Jing this time and started to hear many whispers around him as he walks with Nan Jing Jing back to the Residential Area.

"This Long Feng! How dare he help disciple Jing Jing to carry only one of the bag!"

"Yes! He should carry both!"

"Kill Him! He is the mortal enemy of all mankind!"

"I swear I will make him regret being alive tomorrow!"

"How dare the other girls allowed Long Feng to act as he wishes!"

The other male disciple all getting crazy from the jealousy and started to follow both of them back to the residential area.

"Brother Long Feng, can you help me carry it to my room?" Nan Jing Jing speaks with a tone that sounds seductive and teasing.

"Yes, of course, Your room is not too far from mine, plus I need to go up on the floor above anyway." Long Feng replied.

"STUPID MAN! You should say you are happy to do it! How dare you take it as it's conveniently on the way." Nan Jing Jing curse in her mind.

The duo walked together directly to Nan Jing Jing's room first, and as they reach, Nan Jing Jing hugged Long Feng for a minute, and let him go before she rushed into her room, forgetting her two bags of ingredients.

Five minutes later, Nan Jing Jing opened the door, and grabbed her two bags of ingredients, without looking on Long Feng's eyes, and quickly close the door.

"Why she hug me for?" Long Feng pondered the question. As he slowly walked up one floor back to his room.

Below the building, the males are all filled with the fire of jealousy, and without any miss, it will surely cause trouble on tomorrow morning.

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