《Blood and Bones》Chapter 10- Phantom Knights


Chapter 10-Phantom Knights

When Roen and Tyor reunited with Engil, who is still inhabiting the silverback wolf's body, they saw a couple hundred women and children all huddled into the middle of a dirt covered plaza. Fear was evident throughout everyone's faces and some children were crying. Engil explained that some of the more crazed men attempted to either kill or rape some of the women here. To that Roen gave a small sigh and began to introduce his two servants.

"I see you've been through some troubles. Anyways suck it up," pointing to Engil and Tyor, Roen continued,"Worm meet slightly stronger worm."

"Who's who?" Engil enquired and sneaked a glance at Tyor who held a look of confidence as if he knew the answer was as clear as day.

"Does it matter?" Shooting down Engil's question, Roen turned to the crowd of scattered women and children with a smile.

"Hear me pitiful worms! I shall only speak once and not repeat myself!" Ignoring the commotion and confusion caused by his child appearance Roen continued explaining.

"I have just recently arrived in your fine village and I have given my best courtesy. I even came with gifts. Now what I want from you all is some clothes for my companions, a map, and some well made bottles." Once Roen finished his demands there was even more confusion in the crowd, but ignoring them he turned around and a white chair formed from his clothes. He sat down with a gaze that urged someone to follow his will. Those women and children who looked at him all had the same thought for a second. He is a king!

After waiting a couple of minutes a pair of young pretty girls go up and hand Roen his requested items. Giving the clothes to Tyor, the map to Engil, and keeping the bottles to himself.


"If I may ask your highness why you attacked out poor village and killed off our men decreasing our chances of survival." As the crowd awaited further orders from the boy Roen and his servants started to move away. Startled by their movements that indicated they would leave them and old lady walked over to Roen and asked these words.

"I am no king. I will not attend to your lives; survive on your own." Taken aback by Roen's harsh words the old lady grew silent for a moment.

"Then why didn't you kill us as well!"

"Because killing women and children gives me indigestion." Saying that Roen once again turned and left no longer paying attention to the old lady. Engil and Tyor followed suit following Roen's disappearing figure.

After they were a ways away from the village, Engil broke the silence,

"So what's the real reason you couldn't kill them." Roen just glanced at Engil and continued moving giving off the impression that he doesn't want to talk. Tyor silently respected his master's decision and withheld his questions.

The silence continued till night fell and Engil lit a campfire while Tyor made the camp. As everyone was lying next to the fire Engil once again spoke,

"You know it's no good to sulk all day. I should be the one sulking instead of you. All I have to my name right now is a stubborn, crazy, and battle driven master."

"Shut up worm." Roen's voice played into the surroundings as usual and a small smile quickly vanished from his face. Noticing that Engil gave himself a pat on the back and continued the conversation,

"So why did you ask for bottles?"

"I am creating phantom guards."

"Yea sure phantom guards, gotcha it's all clear to me now...Please explain." Instead of answering Roen pulled out a bottle, conjured up some wolf souls and shoved them into the bottle then pricking his finger Roen let a couple of drops of blood fall into the bottle and used a cork to seal it up. After Engil saw the whole process he stared at the bottle waiting for something to happen. Nothing. One minute passed still nothing. Thirty minutes passed still nothing. Roen and Tyor left him and both of them went to sleep.


In the morning Roen and Tyor were met with Engil still staring at the bottle waiting for something to happen.

"I haven't started the process yet." Roen spoke between stifled laughter. Upon hearing the truth Engil gave a couple curse words and ran off. Watching Engil run away Roen turned to Tyor, "Now that the annoyance is gone we need to work fast. Make sure no one approaches me while I work."

To Roen's words Tyor nodded and threw both his hands out. Tyor's red barb crown started to glow and thousands of red vines shot out of the ground. These vines surrounded both Tyor and Roen as they formed a makeshift circular wall. Not even glancing at Tyor's face full of self praise, Roen pulled out another bottle shoved some random souls into it dropped a few droplets of blood and placed it next to the one from yesterday. Forming a white spear he then drew a few lines inside a circle. Taking out even more souls Roen liquified them and let the liquid flow into the lines.

Taking a bottle in each hand Roen stood in the middle of the circle and his body began to absorb the liquid souls and a bright blue vein running from his feet to his palm started shining. The souls in the two bottles began to viciously attack each other and the blood started to get drawn into the conflict. When the liquid soul dried up Roen had a bright smile on his face when he looked into the two bottles.

"Come my minions and follow my command." Roen's voice took on a deep bass and the ground shook with each word. Then he uncorked each of the bottles as a purples gas spilled out. The gas then formed into two shapes a man and a wolf however there was some very distinct differences. The wolf's body was dark purple with glowing red line strewn her and there and on it's spine was a series of spikes that protruded in a intimidating fashion. The man was an average height, quite skinny, and he was a similar color except he has glowing blue lines and in his hands was a sword that looked awe fully like the one Engil used if one didn't count the fact that it was three times as long and twice as thick.

"Damn I'm awesome." Roen laughed while looking at his phantom knights who began to kneel before him.

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