《I´m the Dog of a young Mageknight》Chapter 6: The end of the first day


Chapter 6 the end of the first day

Sophie looked at me, her eyes started to sparkle. "Soo, cute" she said as she went and hugged me.

People in the surrounding started to giggle, Alicia as well."Sis, do you think I could teach him something right now?" Sophie asked Alicia with sparkling eyes. Alicia looked at me before answering, "You could try it, but don´t expect him to manage all you want to teach him he is still seven weeks old.". Sophie sad me down, looked at me and put a finger on her chin, "What should I teach you first.", she said.

I as well thought about what she could teach me and then I suddenly realized I wasn´t afraid anymore. As I thought about why, Sophie called me, "Pochi come here". As I looked at her I thought to myself 'I´m right next to you how do you want me to come closer?'. Sophie saw how I looked at me, "fine" she said as she patted me.

Next she tried normal things with me like sit, lay, roll over and stay. The people around watched interested, but then the interesting part started when Sophie said, "So let´s try something a bit more difficult." I felt how energy gathered in her palm before a small ball of light formed in her hand. Alicias was shocked at this, "Sophie, since when can you use magic?". "Since around a year why?"

"Does mom now about it?", "I don´t think mom knows about it.". Some people in the surrounding were excited talking about something, but I didn't care about it I was more interested in the magic she casts.

I was trying to gather my own energy, it was pretty hard and I wasn't gathering very much, but I did manage to gather some. Alicia looked at me wide eyed. Now that I had gathered some I didn´t know what to do with it so I tried to move it to my palm when I realized I had no palm. So, I decided to move it to my mouth, when the energy reached my head something unexpected happened. I saw my own head, but only for a short while.


I looked around confused, I didn´t knew what had happened. "It's still to much for you isn't it" Alicia said to me while patting my head. Sophie answered to Alicias comment, "It isn´t, he can do it. Pochi look." With this she once more let an orb of light appear over her hand. She did it over and over again so I couldn't concentrate, but still I managed to gather the energy multiple times.

Alicia watched over us and stopped Sophie after some time with, "Sophie, have you thought about what type of Familiar contract you want with him?". At this moment one of the Soldier came over and shouted so everyone could hear, "The beast has been slay, you all my return to your homes and work.".

Slowly the people started to move. Alicia and Sophie did too. This hole process looked routinized as if all the people knew when and where to move and each person knew when it was his or her turn.

When we left the shelter and walked back to the house Sophie asked Alicia, "Do you think mommy and daddy stopped fighting?", "I hope so, Mom was pretty angry this time, I thought she would kill him for real this time." she answered. They had a bit more small talk, but nothing that interested me.

After some time we saw the house, it looked like before from the outside and from the inside everything was that I saw getting damaged before was now repaired. Inside Monica and Hank were sitting at the living room table talking. When Monica saw us she said, "you're back, good. We need to talk. Sit down" the girls sat down at the table and looked at their mother.

Monica looked at both them, took a deep breath and said, "Sophie, you can't keep the dog.", "why Mommy, he is cute and fluffy?" Sophie asked a bit shocked. "By law he needs to become your familiar within three days, but if he becomes your familiar you can´t take any other class than one of magic, qwrr naka nori magda necka." her mother said, the second half of the sentence, I didn't understand.


I was confused, suddenly Sophie used her magic from before and came down to me and said something I did not understand. I thought, 'What is going on it is like they are suddenly talking a different language?', but then I heard a word I had heard before,"Pochi , gango". It came from Sophie as she was sitting in front of me. She repeated it and a realization struck me, 'she wants me to do something to show her mother that I listen to her, but do I want to stay here' it didn´t take long for me to know I wanted to stay even with the scary Dog and mother.'

So, I looked at Sophie and tried to find out what she wanted me to do. That was when I saw her right hand it had one finger rose and the rest as a fist. 'Didn´t she uses the same sign when she trained with me.' I thought, so I did as I remembered what it could mean and sat down at this Sophie showed a big grin. By the next sign I did lay down and by the third I did roll around. Sophie looked overjoyed, but Monica was a bit skeptical, she said something and then did the same signs as Sophie without saying anything I did as the sign did indicate.

They continued to talk and then after Alicia said something Monica looked at me strangely. Sophie came down to me once more and showed me her magic,'does she want me to try it out.'. I concentrated and felt for the energy, but it was gone, 'What do I do now, I need to show then that I can´t do it at this moment. What could I do to show them? That's it'. I barked at Sophies spell, but only once and shock my head. Seeing this the mother did use a spell on me and then the talk continued for a bit.

When the talk finished Sophie went with her father behind the house, where she put she put on Armor and tried to cast her spell over and over again, as I watched the whole time I felt my energy slowly return. That's how my first day with Sophie as my owner ended.

I hope you like the speed my story developes at. This time the Poll will only last a single day. The thema is the type of Familiar contract Pochi will get. Other sugesteon for the story are always welcome.

And like always thanks for reading

PS: the different contracts cost different amount´s of mana of both parties so think carefully because if the mana is insufficient the contract may only give less bonus then originally intended

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