《Du Fyrn Vanyali》Chapter 32: Troublesome People
Hey everyone, the semester has started. From now on my next releases will be even more erratic and random so please bear with me. I hope you guys are enjoying the read so far.
“T-t-the story was real?!” Hiro stammered out, not believing his eyes.
“Of course. Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Your Highness, Mother told you many times never to call me that. Please refer to me as either ‘maid’ or ‘Shino’. If anyone were to hear you call me ‘dear’…” She nervously bit her red lips.
“Don’t worry, there’s no one here.” He chuckled.
“But that man…” She peeked at Hiro and quickly looked away. Hiro found this gesture really captivating.
“Him? Hehe, don’t worry about him. He also has a similar interest in mind.” After hearing that, Shino visibly calmed down. “Shino, why don’t you go back? Your mother might worry about you if you are gone for too long. You are protected within the palace, but there might still be dangers…”
“Dangers?” Hiro asked curiously.
‘What could the King possibly worry about within the palace?’
“Yes, dangers. Can’t you tell? She’s a beauty, if I hadn’t enacted laws in place to protect the slaves, beauties like her would’ve lost their innocence long ago.”
“F-father!” She whispered furiously, reddening at the cheeks. “I can take care of myself, I’m not a little girl anymore!”
“There she goes again.” The King sighed.
“Oh? This has happened in the past?”
“Yes. She always act as if she knows the outside world, ironically enough, I haven’t allowed her to step foot outside of the exterior palace walls hehe.”
Feeling a sort of connection between Shino and himself, Hiro sympathized with her. Though he had to admit, she was quite the beauty. He would even dare to say that she would immediately get attacked by lustful strangers the second she step foot outside the palace walls.
“Muu~…” She let out a muffled groan as she sulked quietly, after another glance from King Forst, she finally turned around and left while stealing some more glances at Hiro.
“Finally, we’re alone.” The King sighed and took a sip of the rich black tea that Shino had just brought.
“Is this all that you asked me to come here for?” Hiro asked, impatient to get to the point. He was never taught about formality and etiquette, so he never understood why the King was going at his point in such a round-about way.
“I guess you aren’t one for small talk.” The King lowered his cup, “I’ll get straight to the point. I need your help. Like me, you also hate the slave system in this kingdom. Will you join me in my endeavors?”
“First of all, why can’t you just abolish it? You ARE the King, aren’t you?”
“Hiro…if only it was as simple as that. You see, the enslaved beast race started from back during the Demon War. 300 years back, the beast race had sided with the Demons. After halfway through the 100 year war, they finally surrendered and became enslaved. Back before I ascended the throne, the situation in Adet was horrific. All beast race beauties were either raped or were forced into reproduction facilities. The laws that I have enacted had prevented these things from openly happening, but I know, that within the underground, these acts are still being committed.”
“So, what do you need me to do?” Hiro asked, “Why ask me? You are a King, there would be many who would die for you. You just need to give the order.”
“Hah~. If only it were that easy Hiro. Lately these past few years, I’ve received many criticisms. My subjects have already been on edge ever since I enacted the slave protection laws. Recently someone has been spreading false rumors about myself, such as ‘The King has become mad!’ and the like. If I were to fully abolish slavery, none of my subjects would accept it. I do not know who it is that is spreading these false rumors, even after sending my men to investigate, nothing turned up.”
“So, you expect that someone within the castle is aiding these people in spreading the rumors?” Hiro came to a conclusion.
“Yes. I’ve already checked your background and could tell that you aren’t from around here. Siberus told me you were an interesting man, I can’t say I disagree.” The King scratched his beard, “Right now you should be the talk of the city after what you did in the tournament. I suspect that many people would be seeking out your services in the future. Possibly even the people spreading the rumors, or should I call them rebels?”
“It is treasonous to speak ill of the monarchy. I can’t say I agree to be your eyes and ears. What is in it for me?” A hint of intelligence flashed across the tired King’s face.
“That favor that you wanted earlier…”
“Oh? You are willing to listen to my selfish request?” Hiro grinned. Compared to the King’s goal for the abolishment of slavery, Lena was his top priority.
“If it will enlist your help, then I would do everything that I can. You have my word.” King Forst said everything, but the look in his eyes warned Hiro not to test him.
Though Hiro understood, he couldn’t help but wonder, “Even if I ask to marry your daughter, Shino?”
“!!!” The King’s gaze sharpened, “You dare?”
“Ah…No, I’m just wondering.” He let out a nervous laugh.
“Boy, wondering could get a man killed, just remember that. What was your request? This time don’t play around.”
“*Kohun* Yes, your Highness. Do you know a girl by the name of Lena Torinsia?”
The King’s eyes narrowed once more. “The future court mage? What do you want with her?” Lena was vital to the King’s influence. She was a genius found only once in a hundred years, if she were to marry into the royal family, their influence within Adet would grow and solidify.
However, to Hiro, Lena was his friend with benefits. He didn’t care what the King thought.
“I want you to free her from her obligations to you and the throne. No matter what it was that she had to do, you would free her from it.” The atmosphere was settled and calm, yet under it all, it was like a balloon waiting to explode.
“I cannot.” The King shook his head. “The little mage is too important. I dare say she’s even more important than my little Shino…”
Hiro was speechless, what would cause the King to act in such a way for a person from out in the country?
Hiro could only say one word, “Why?” He was trying hard to keep calm, if he were to lash out, not only would Lena be doomed to serve the King, he would be dead.
“I’m truly sorry, the little mage is an important asset to the Kingdom. I cannot hand her over so easily…”
“What’s more important? Freeing the race of your true love or Lena Torinsia?”
The King was torn, now that Hiro brought up his first love, he hesitated. “I-I-I’ll give you my Shino! You said so earlier, you want her don’t you?” He began to plead, though he didn’t lower his head; the pride of a King prevented him from doing so.
“Hmph! You don’t understand a thing. I’ll say it now, coming from one man to another. Lena is mine. She is to me as your first wife is to you.” An intense look within Hiro’s eyes emerged.
Finally understanding what Hiro meant, the King breathed out a defeated sigh. He understood Hiro’s feelings and also his own actions. If he was going to keep Hiro away from Lena it would be the same thing as himself and his first wife, unrequited love.
‘Ouka, what should I do?’ The King wondered. Imagining his wife’s lovely face that closely resembled Shino’s.
“I understand.” King Forst finally said, “However, I have one requirement.” He held up a finger.
“What is it?”
“I will only agree to free her from her obligations without any penalty if you successfully find and take out the rebels.”
“I have to take them out by myself?” Hiro asked nervously.
“No, of course not. You think I put that much faith in you? No, you will be my spy within the rebel group. After you find out the identities of the leader or leaders of the group, you inform me. Got it?”
Nodding, “I will do as you ask. However, you better keep your end of the bargain.”
“Deal.” They shook hands. Feeling how cold and fragile the King’s hand was, Hiro couldn’t help but be shocked by the King’s health. If not for the well-groomed hair and beard, the King could easily be mistaken for a beggar at the side of the road. Right after their talk, Hiro was inconspicuously led out of the palace. He couldn’t help but keep an eye out for the gorgeous goddess maid one last time on his way out.
Unluckily for him, he didn’t see her. Stretching and loosening his muscles, Hiro reviewed the agreement he just had with the King.
‘The King wasn’t a bad person. But…’ He thought back to the issue with Lena, ‘How would the King use Lena to solidify his influence?’ He couldn’t put his mind off that peculiar phrase, it wasn’t until he arrived at the Temple of Sienna at the south side of the city did he come back to his senses.
“Oops, looks like I’m here already.” He said as he moved the problem with Lena to the back of his mind. He wanted to see his Father again; it has only been a month, but he spent nearly 3 months within the training room. Hiro glanced at the large wide open temple doors and walked in.
Betraying its Roman architecture, the inside of the temple was quite lavish. On the ceiling of the temple was a large fixture of light crystals that continually rain down soothing light. The benches situated around the open hall were cushioned and quite clean thanks to the work of the many acolytes. Guards dressed in white and red patrolled around the area, because of the important figure that was staying in the temple. The floor was carved out of smooth stone and swept bare, not a trace of filth present upon its shiny surface. The most captivating sight however, was the large marble statue of the Goddess Sienna located at the far wall. Just like the Goddess Aphrodite, Sienna was a work of art. Her hair fell down to the bottom of her slim waist. Upon her face was a look of motherly love as she gazed down at the worshippers below. Offerings of flowers were placed at the edge of the pool surrounding the Goddess.
After staring at the scene for a while, an acolyte politely walked up to greet Hiro.
“Welcome to our Temple of Sienna.” She bowed. “Judging from that look upon your face, you must be new here correct?”
“Would you like me to give you a tour of this place?” She invited, showing a polite smile. Secretly he had caught her interest and she decided to make a move on him. He still looked quite young, but if she were to gain favors with him now...
“No thanks.” Hiro turned down her invitation, “I’m looking for a man named Albert. Do you know where I can find him?” Hiro couldn’t hide his hopeful smile as he asked her.
Instantly captivated, her mind began to swirl. Right before her eyes was a handsome youth who just showed her one of his brightest smiles. Who wouldn’t react to such a scene? She froze and began to replay the smile within her mind in an endless loop.
“Hello?” He waved his hands in front of her face. “Are you okay?”
“Hwah?!” Shaking herself back to reality, “Albert? Oh…ehh…earlier the Grand Priestess called him into her private meditation chamber.”
“Thanks.” Hiro started walking to the door directly behind where the statue of Sienna was located.
“Ah! You can’t go there!” She ran up to him, pulling on his arm. “Only followers or Sienna are allowed to pass through!” She tried to urge him back, but her paltry strength was too weak to move him.
The slight smile on Hiro’s face slowly straightened out, making her a bit disappointed and regretting her words. “Why can’t I go? I just want to see my Father before I leave…” He had only said two lines, but those words seemed to be filled with longing and emotion, making her heart flutter.
“Father? Albert?” Her eyes began to widen as she quickly came to a realization. “W-w-wait! Y-you’re that boy! Black hair, black eyes, young, and handsome!” All the words began to roll off her tongue at once.
“Hm?” Hiro asked, amused as the clumsy woman frantically paced back and forth, unsure of what to do.
“Wah wah~” She panicked as she swung her arms left and right. “What do I do…The priestess wants to see him, but I can’t let him go…Uuuu~”
“Just let me go, please?” Hiro pleaded, while bringing his palms together.
“Uwaah~” She turned around, cupping her red cheeks. “F-fine go!” She quickly waved while still looking away.
“Where could I find the Grand Priestess?”
“Bottom floor. Take the stairs down.” She said as she nearly tripped while walking away.
“Thanks.” Hiro hid a smile and walked past the doorway and down the flights of stairs. Along the way he drew some curious gazes, however after seeing his black hair and handsome features, no one barred his way. This left an awkward and bitter taste in his mouth, what if someone were to assume his identity? He would easily be blamed for everything, since he was possibly the only person with black hair in Adetia.
He wasn’t stopped by any of the acolytes, but guards would often stop him, just to confirm his identity; it was their job. Of course, Hiro couldn’t help but notice the looks of admiration and envy within their eyes. This happened quite a few times and he was only descending the staircase. Finally after the arriving at the 4th level of the building and basement, Hiro came into a cold and isolated place. Two elite looking figures guarded the door, unlike the guards patrolling above, these two looked like they’ve been through a battle before.
Somehow understanding the situation, possibly because someone had already arrived ahead of time to inform the two elites, they didn’t stop Hiro and opened the thick wooden doors. After a close examination, Hiro noticed exotic inscriptions inlaid the 4x4 planks that made up the door.
[Magic Wards.] Tenga confirmed his thoughts.
After the door shut behind him, Hiro was dropped into darkness. He didn’t panic though, he was used to this; after all he became accustomed to the darkness from all the time spent in his consciousness. However, the darkness was short-lived. After half a breath, pale blue light began to illuminate the cave-like walls of the narrow hallway. The hallway looked unnatural compared to the previous floors, it was more like a cave than a hallway.
Soon Hiro finally came to a stop at a set of iron doors. Like the first set of doors, two elite guards were posted there, but they were both kneeling and in meditation.
“Can I pass?” Hiro asked, after waiting for a few breaths.
“Fuuu~” Both the guards let out a cold breath before the right guard answered. “We’ve received word from our brothers, you seek a brother named Albert. Is that correct?”
Without a word Hiro nodded. He felt a strange pressure coming from the two kneeling guards. After adjusting to the pale light, Hiro noticed they were quite aged. Both around their 60’s.
“Oh? You are still able to move?” The left one chimed in, raising his eyebrows while keeping his eyes closed.
“S-something…isn’t right…” Hiro finally noticed. The pressure coming from the two old men was increasing, it was becoming harder to speak.
“He is quite interesting is he not?” The right asked the left.
“Quite so. I can see why little Allaya wanted to meet him so much.” An amused smile revealed itself on the left man’s face. Soon after, the pressure disappeared, allowing Hiro to move freely once more.
“You may pass, but take care.” The left guard warned, not saying anything else afterwards.
‘Take care? Take care from what?’ Hiro began to worry, he felt he might be in the wrong place. Before he knew it a strange pressure pushed him through the small opening between the two iron doors.
“Hiro?” A voice spoke up from the center of the large cave.
“Father?” Hiro looked at the well-groomed man with gray robes. Within the temple, the acolytes rank is determined by the color of his robes; the whiter the robe the higher the rank. Many new initiates start out in their civilian clothes, after that they would be issued gray robes. There are 3 tiers for gray robes, which can be seen with the roman numerals I, II, III on the chest, with I being the highest. After that would be the dull-yellow/white robes with 3 tiers and finally the white robes with 3 tiers. Of course none of this mattered to Hiro, but he couldn’t help but noticed the roman number I on his robe.
“Hiro, what happened? Where did that stranger take you? How did you get here?” His father walked towards him, ready to embrace his son. However, before the father and son could do anything a cold voice rang throughout the cavern.
“We meet again, Hiro.” A hint of amusement adorned the cold tone, causing a slight shiver to run down Hiro’s spine.
“That’s true. We meet again.” Hiro replied. Just noticing now, he looked at the small figure of the woman kneeling in the center of the room. She was sitting on a small peninsula of rock that was surrounded by the eerie pale blue light that was emitting from the water surrounding her.
Now that Hiro was paying more attention, he noticed something about the cold beauty. How was she not cold? Priestess Allaya was dressed in a skimpy white silk cloth that barely covered her chest, revealing her waist and a large portion of her sternum. Around her waist was a small pleated skirt that barely clung to her hips, stopping just below the Garden of Eden.
‘How did I not notice this before…’ Hiro silently rebuked himself.
“It was nice of you to come by.” She said without getting up. “Albert, bring him over here please.”
“Yes, your Holiness.” Albert meekly said as he led Hiro towards the small peninsula near the center of the cavern.
“I heard that you wanted to see me, your Holiness.” Hiro said as he recalled what the clumsy acolyte said.
“Indeed.” Allaya confirmed. She was secretly trying to maintain her facial expression; her cherry-red lips wanted to widen into an expectant smile. She had called in Albert to help her persuade Hiro into joining her temple, they were in the middle of a conversation when a guard had announced Hiro’s arrival.
Seeing her cold demeanor, Hiro couldn’t help but try to annoy her.
‘She’s too stuck-up.’ He reasoned.
“Your Holiness, I’m here today to see my Father. Whatever you wish to speak to me about can wait until later.” He carefully said, remembering the lines the old man at the door had warned him with.
Understanding the meaning behind Hiro’s words, Allaya’s two dull-gold eyes narrowed.
“Is that so? Interesting, Albert please tell your son that you and I are having an important conversation right now. Isn’t it common courtesy to let others finish speaking before speaking yourself?” Her stubborn gaze passed over the father and son.
“Y-yes your Holiness!” Albert suddenly paled. It was such a strange sight for Hiro, seeing his strong-willed Father acting so meek in front of him, caused him to fume with silent rage. “Hiro…Before you came in, the Priestess and I were discussing something…important…” Albert clenched his fist by his side; he was showing his son a side of him that he didn’t want known.
“Understood Father.” Disappointment revealed itself on Hiro’s face. “If that is your wish, I’ll leave you two be.”
As soon as Albert heard these words, his heart started to break. Never in his life would he thought that he would ever see the look of disappointment in his son’s eyes. He knew that at that moment, he had made the wrong decision. Regretting it instantly as he watched his perturbed son turn around and leave. Glancing back at the Priestess who also had a troubled look on her face, Albert ran after his son.
‘Stupid!’ She silently reprimanded herself while pinching her elegantly long legs. Leaving a small red mark upon the pure white thighs.
“Hiro wait!” Albert caught up to his son and grabbed his shoulder. “I’m sorry…It’s just…” He tried to explain himself, only to find no words for his explanation.
“It’s fine Father.” Hiro turned around, shaking off his father’s hand. Now standing nearly at eye-level with his father, Hiro hugged his stunned father before saying, “I just wanted to see you before I leave.”
“Leave?” His father returned the hug, concerned by Hiro’s statement, he wanted his son to clarify.
“For training.” Hiro began to explain while embracing the familiar scent of his father. “I’m going to the Kilurn Kingdom.”
After hearing these words, Albert felt an electric shock run through his body. He had thought that he had already accepted that Hiro was all grown up, that Hiro could live independently. But when it got down to it, he couldn’t accept that Hiro was going far away, leaving him by himself. Hiro was his greatest treasure, he couldn’t bear to be parted from Hiro.
“How long?” Were Albert’s only words.
“Who knows…” Hiro had thought about it. Within one year the strange cloaked man will come pick him up to personally train him. Within that time, he had to travel to the capital of Kilurn and enroll in the knight academy there. He also had to somehow resolve the issue with the rebels in the Adet Kingdom, before he left, he had to save Lena.
His goal was to leave the knight academy around two months earlier than planned and return to Adetia. It takes about a month’s time to travel from Adetia to Castov, Kilurn’s capital, with a moderate pace. He planned on rushing back to Adetia as soon as possible and help the King solve his problems. He had it all planned out.
Finally strengthening his resolve, Albert stopped embracing his son and said, “Don’t forget about Father alright?”
“I won’t.” Hiro nodded. How could he forget? His father raised him for 16 years all by himself.
“Good.” Albert turned around, trying not to show the proud tears forming at the edges of his eyes. He couldn’t allow himself to embarrass his image as a father any more than he already have. He looked at Priestess Allaya, “I’m sorry, your Holiness. As you can see my son is currently busy living his life. I’m sure you can understand that as a father, I cannot hold back my child. Any parent would want to see their children’s smiling faces, I’m no different.”
Understanding Albert’s rejection to her pleas, Allaya could only nod her head after witnessing the display of their relationship. She was envious, her mother and herself were never as close that that father and son. Trying one last time to rope in Hiro, Allaya spoke, “Hiro…What can I do to make you reconsider leaving and become my subordinate?”
Suddenly, all the rage that Hiro had held back unleashed itself. His father and himself were having a father and son moment and this little wench could only think about herself. Not only did she deny them from speaking to each other, she acted as if she had no heart. Feeling the rage rush up to his face, Hiro shouted, “It’s amazing how someone like you holds such a high position, O your Holiness! If it weren’t for my father being a follower of this temple, I would curse this faith until the day it turns to ruins!”
Seeing the youth snap, Allaya shrank away. Never before had anyone acted like that towards her, not even her mother.
“Look here Priestess. I would never join this temple, not even if I were to become the Grand Priest! Titles and riches do seem tempting, but to trade away my freedom for these material goods is not my style.” Just to enrage her a bit more, Hiro threw in the last bit, “Hmph! If you were to give me your body, maybe then I’ll reconsider. Until then, tough luck!” He sneered as he walked out of the cavern.
Behind him stood his quiet father and a stunned priestess. Mixed emotions were displayed on their faces. His father worried about what Hiro had done, yet he was proud. Allaya was confused, she should be angry, but at the same time, understood it was all her fault for causing this.
‘If only I hadn’t done that…’ She clenched her fists until her nails dug into her palm, causing it to bleed. As the echo of the iron door slowly fade away, Allaya remembered the last few words Hiro said. ‘Give myself over to him…’
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