《The ' tamed ' beast》Ch 8 , the breakdown
Sorry for the long wait , had to do something in real life.
Updates will resume natuarally.
The food arrived soon as Angorod just stepped out of the tub. With a slight knock and a shouted Yes , the door was opened and the owners wife entered the bedroom.
She saw Angorod fully dressed in fresh clothes with damp hair besides the screen and eyed the sleeping girl and him with suspicion. Nonetheless she placed the broth and 2 loafes of freshly baked bread on the small table in the room and left without a word.
The girl stirred at the prospect of a hot meal and drowsily lifted herself up. First she looked around confused at her surrounding and then she looked desperate searching for something. A face of panic befell her beautiful eyes but as she saw Angorod this disappeared.
" Go ahead and eat before it gets cold. " He said.
She swung her legs from the bed revealing quite a bit from under her dress and stood up directly. With steady foot-steps she picked up the bowl and a spoon as well as a loaf of bread and quickly returned to the bead , covering herself in the blankets once again.
Like a starved person she began to devour the broth and the bread at the same time , that made Angorod wonder why she had such a lithe frame. Dispersing the thoughts he seated himself at the table and also ate the soup.
But it was not a portion that was made for a guy close to 2m in height. So he reached for 10 stripes of dried meat from his backpack and munched on them while shoveling more broth and bread in his mouth.
A little giggle escaped the girls mouth and she copied him retrieving dried meat and eating it as a snack , as she had already completed the broth. Angorod with his back turned towards her smiled a little at her girlish giggle.
" Ricarda. " The girl said while Angorod still ate.
He turned around and looked at her but she had her hair covering her face as she looked down at the bed sheets. Figuring that was her name he directly brought his attention towards her.
" Good. Ricarda i got a little something for you. " He said and rummaged through his backpack once again.
He brought forth the dress in a cream satin color with silk as the material used to weave it and showed it to her. Even though it had quite a few wrinkles due being hastily stuffed into his bag she looked delighted at it.
She ran over , like the young girl she was , grabbed it from him hugged it to her chest and spun around a few times. Without a slight hesitation she loosend the underbreast corsett she was wearing.
Angorod at his shock took the broth he just slurped into his air pipe and coughed vehemently while turning around. Not because he didn't want to enjoy the show or because he was shy but just out of the fact to not inflict more wounds on the girl.
She tapped his shoulders and now Angorod turned around once again. The creamy colored dress was a perfect fit , but she used her old corsett to tighten it underneath her chest. Even though it was a older thing with some travel stains on it the black corsett matched well.
The girl was a natural beauty , Angorod knew this , and the creamy color with her black hair and black corsett enhanced this further. Even her slightly bronze skin tone further enhanced the natural beauty other girls would kill for.
" It is dazzling beautiful when you wear it. " Angorod said without any slight hesitation.
After all he had to kiss a** alot during his job in the real world. But this praise was meant from the depths of his heart. The girl had a radiant smile like multiple suns had just rose at the same time and currently Angorod was bathed in that light.
She spun around and did a few poses which made Angorod smile serenly. It was a beautiful scene illuminated by the setting of the sun.
" A tub is in the back if you want to bath. I'm going out for a bit , if you need anything don't hesitate I'll take care of the price. " Angorod said as he grabbed his pack.
At first the girl looked confused but as soon as he wanted to step out of the room she held his sleeve once again. It was hard form him to supress his urge to sigh but in the end he held one and turned to face her.
" Ricarda , don't worry i'm just going out for a bit. " Angorod said in a gentle voice.
He patted her hand slightly , momentarily forgetting the curse on his arm. Luckily for him she quickly let go and Angorod moved down the steps , alone.
Angorod went out of the Inn and headed back to the main plaza of this settlement. He looked around for a few seconds and then he heard what he was looking for.
" Master smith , can i use your smith for a bit? " Angorod said to a human with a leather apron around him.
The blacksmith turned around and eyed Angorod suspiciously. First he looked at his tattered clothes and then the arsenal of hatchets on his leather belt. Finally his sight rested on both of the handles that extended over his backpack.
" What ya want , scum? " The smith replied in a aggervated tone.
Angorod was surprised at the open hostility he faced for the first time since he started his adventure. Even though everybody had just eyed him in various cold ways this was a little to much for Angorod.
" You are calling me scum , ratface? " Angorod replied in a angered tone and the low growl he let out carried through out the whole smithy.
The smith stretched himself to his full height , which couldn't even compare to Angorods , and shock out his arms. Even though his face had sharp features and it resembled a rat somehow the rest of his body was made from pure muscles.
With careful movements the smith came closer to Angorod and started a contest of power. He stood right in-front of Angorod with only a 10 cm gap remaining and stared at him in utter disgust.
" Who ya callin ratface , monster? " The smith said.
Now with a booming laughter Angorod could hardly stand still. It took him a few seconds to regain his composure and now he stared down the smith. But a smile lingered on his face so he showed the smith a row of his teeth. Involunterarily the smith took a step back and Angorod , as he won the contest , turned on his heels and walked away.
With determined steps he went to a general merchant and slammed his fist directly on the wooden stall.
" Oy , i need wetstones. 2 pairs of rough , medium and fine , hurry it up will you? " Angorod used his angered temper and the poor merchant flinched.
Sure there probably was a way to icnrease Familarity with the town and get incredible benefits from purchases and sales. Angorod just wasn't in the mood to kiss some freaking programms ass to acquire wares cheaper. So he decided on the faster method.
" O-okay ... here ... 2 pairs ... 25 silver. " The merchant said.
Now Angorod struck the wooden stall even stronger then before and brought his face over the counter to close the distance between him and the merchant.
" What how many silver did you say? " Angorod growled.
The poor man backed of all the way to the other wall of the small stall which was only another yard , but considering Angorods height he could easily lean over 1 m and shorten the distance once again.
" Okay .... 15 silver.... " The merchant said.
Angorod slammed only 14 silver on the counter and picked up the bag with his purchase. Satisfied he immediatly put down his ruined backpack and untied one of his 2 handed axes. As soon as he gripped the weapon he pulled out a rough wetstone and sharpend the blade.
This was not an easy task , considering he only had straight blades before , as the axe blade was rounded. He picked up the backpack again and sharpend while walking through the south gate of Mitra.
He arrived on the outskirts as he finished one axe so he took out the other one and sharpend it as well. His arms already stung from this little bit of ' exercise ' due to the decreased strength and his feet were also sore. But he wanted to hunt. Feel the blood running down his face and neck.
As he finished the other axe he decided it would be best for today to just hunt with a single axe , as he was sure 2 axes would be to much of a strain. He entered the woods and immediatly was flanked by 3 wolves.
Angorod smiled a wicked smile and immediatly launched 2 hatchets at 2 different beasts. With a green glow they spun inside the air and hit the beast in their hind legs. Blood spurted as the weapons sunk into flesh and the beasts howled a ear piercing howl. Angorod smiled another wicked smile and set out to kill.
Every 5th swing of his weapon Angorod received with the familiar * tring* a Window notifiying a change had occured in his stats so he decided to do something about it.
" Stop notification of attribute increases. " He said finally after 9 hours of hunting.
He was surprised at how easily he could still defeat wolves and soon started to use his 2nd axe again. While wandering through the forest he even found a wolves den and exterminated everything inside of it.
He acquired 100 wolf pelts during the night , but his level didn't increase. After all this game was supposed to be the hardest game ever created. Or at least some gamers claimed on the forums.
Angorod wasn't really interested at his experience progress as there was no xp bar like in other games so it didn't bother him , but other players complained on the forums frequently.
As Angorod looked up at the moon he noticed it had to be 2-3 hours before sunset. Quickly he hurried back into the village and was halted by the guards there again.
" Halt , what buisness do you have in Mitra? "
" I rented a room in a Inn to which i wish to return to. " Angorod stated simply.
The guard carefully eyed his appearance. Which wasn't a favourable thing at this moment. Angorod was soaked in his blood and the wolves. His clothes had seen better days , but hey at least his weapons were sharpend.
" I won't let a Wraithling through , begone monster. " The guard said and stared into the wide open ignoring any more attempts of Angorod.
Angorod was furious and wanted to decapitate the fool but he thought that the guards of towns and citys had to be quite a high level , at least judging by this ones gear. So he went with another tactic.
He walked back the road he came from , entered the forest where he was out of sight and put his breastplate , armguards and shinguards in his backpack. Now without the metal covering his body he felt light. After all it was around 40 kgs extra weight.
Angorod rearranged his backpack and stuffed the outsides with the 2 blankets and furs he had. After this he placed the armor parts and breakable things or anything that could make a noise in the middle.
He took out the rope and went back to the village again. But this time not at a main gate. He tied the rope to his backpack and threw it over the make-shift wall. With a muffled * plonk* it hit the other side of the 3 m tall wall.
Angorod backed up about 5 meters and started to run with a incredible speed. Right as he was about to hit the wall he jumped into the air and grabbed on to the top of the wooden fence.
But to his surprise his body weight combined with speed and his strength broke through the wooden planks that made this wall. With a surprised shout the wall gave in and the wood splintered.
* tring*
You have received 40 damage.
He heard this and soon shouts that came from different directions. Angorods mind raced on which way to run but soon discarded the idea. He grabbed his backpack and threw himself in a pile of garbage and junk that was laying around.
With some wiggling and arm movements he coverd himself with the filfth and his dark skin tone did the rest to hide his presence perfectly.
Guards came by and shouted orders and curses at the same time as they saw the incredible hole in the fence. They didn't notice him but a guard was placed there to observe the hole. But like every night-shift job they slacked of. He wandered out of the hole and watched the forest beyond that.
Angorod instantly grabbed the chance and ran from the garbage pile around a few corners. He breathed out heavily and started to sneak around the houses until he reached the Inn. With steps that should have been muffled , but in reality his weight and height made it near impossible , he proceeded up the stairs.
* tring*
You have obtained the skill hide presence rank 1 , 0% ( J skill rank)
Hide presence allows you to divert attention from you. It is a general skill not as refined as sneak , hide or stealth.
Requirements Subtely attribute.
May change if your subtely attribute increases.
Angorod was rather surprised at this but he continued to sneak around until he reached the room he had rented. He carefully opened the door and saw the girl was sleeping in the second bed.
He hurried along the wall trying to decrease the sounds he made and walked to the little washing basin in the corner. While scooping up incredible amounts of water in his hands he washed his face , arms and neck until all the blood came of.
He took of everything besides his pants and placed himself as quietly as possible in the empty bed. But as soon as he was laying down he took the throwing knife out of his boot and placed it underneath his pillow.
Angorod had ony slept a few hours but immediatly he was fully awake as he pulled the knife out from underneath the pillow. The bad thing was he just grabbed air as his knife had been removed.
He twisted in bed what some would call ' break dancing' and spun to his feet. The attacker backed of at this un imaginable feet considering his incredible height and presumingly weight.
Angorod desperatly looked for his backpack but it was clearly out of reach and not where he had left it the night before. Even then he saw both axes weren't attached to it. The scattered hathcets that should be laying right beyond his bed were also no where to be seen.
He lunged forward and collided with the person that was trying to assasinate him. The male that was at least 1 full head shorter then him with the same skin color crashed into the wall with enough force to knock him out cold.
But now he heard additional footsteps beyond the door. He looked around and found neither his weapons nor his clothes so he just grabbed the backpack and ran to the window.
The girl he saved was no where to be seen , but he couldn't worry about her anyways as the tribe of Wraithlings entered the room as he jumped out of the window.
With a loud thump he landed , feet first , on the street below and received a window that told him he lost 50% of his health from this 5 meter drop. He also noticed that the first few steps were incredibly woobly but he had not broken any bones , yet.
A few shouts were audiable behind him and soon multicolored arrows flew past him. As he realized what shot at him he instantly turned at the next corner. His speed didn't decrease in the slightest and he just kept running and running.
He had 30 secs pause of arrows but soon another volley was fired at him. With a leap he ducked behind some rubbish and then instantly resumed his running. More shouts errupted behind him but he turned at another corner.
Now he was at a dead end. Behind him the Wraithlings that came to hunt him and in-front was a wooden wall. But Angorod cooly calculated and even further increased his speed. Just shortly before he crashed into the wood he jumped.
As he flew he put his right shoulder in front and pulled his legs and arms closer to his body. With a loud smash he broke through the wood and his life decreased by another 25%. But the only thing he could keep doing was run.
After all he had no means to fight back. His armor was gone as well as his weapons. All the money , food and equipment was in his backpack. Now he was even panting heavyily as he stood back up and resumed his running.
He took the first few steps and was grinning wildly , Angorod thought his escape was a sucess. But he couldn't be more wrong. Even though the path in front of him was clear , another volley was shout through the hole he himself had just created and 1 arrow found it's way into his arm.
He gritted his teeth and could almost feel one of the sharp teeth cracking underneath the pressure he applied to it but he continued to run. His speed slowed down incredibly but for the moment his persuers gave up their chase.
Angorod at least thought as much as the shouts grew more distant. Now he broke through the first line of trees so he took a peek behind him. No Wraithlings were following him but sooner or later they would pick up his trail once again.
He even wondered how the Wraithlings found him this quick but he still kept on running. Not as fast paced as before but he still wanted to bring some distance between him and the ' death squad ' the bitch of a matriarch had sent.
Just at the thought of her his anger quelled inside of him and his pain temporarily subsided. But as he kept running he lost the hatred momentarily and the pain returned.
It was a weird feeling for Angorod. He never expected such pain from a game , especially as the pain was reduced compared to real life. But still his soles and legs hurt not to talk about his shoulder or arm were the arrow was still stuck.
But he couldn't be bothered with it at the moment as he had to shake of his pursuers. So he just kept running and running without aim , just to get away from Mitra.
" DAMNIT ! " He shouted through out the woods to regain focus on running.
Angorod already passed the first line of trees about 1 hour ago but his pace was still rather running the jogging , but from time to time he wobbled strangely. He couldn't even understand how he was still able to run despite his not existent Stamina.
But he just kept focusing of gaining distance to his pursuers so he didn't notice any of the familiar * trings* he kept hearing. Dangerously his feet wobbled once again and he fell face first into the hard ground beneath him.
As he slithered along the ground he had the taste of rich soil as well as leafes inside of his mouth , but what concerned him was the message he finally noticed.
* tring*
Stamina - 570/ 230
The system has noticed the theoretical Limit has been broken , this could have consequences on yourself in the real world
Due to internal error within the system immediate shut down of the Vr helmet will initiate.
He just breathed in and out in a ragged manor that couldn't be described as panting anymore. His brain finally realized what was going on as a golden light enveloped him but soon the light disappeared but he was still inside of the forest.
* tring*
Safety shut-down has failed.
Shutting down the > Other world
Notifiying all players.
* tring*
To all players.
The servers for the > Other World
Further notice will be updated on the main site.
Angorods brain was still not efficiently supplied with oxygen so he couldn't comprehend what all of this meant , but soon another golden light enveloped him. It took over 10 seconds for Daniel to arrive in the real world again.
He felt a incredible headache enveloping his skull as he started to massage his temples. Daniel flexed all of his muscles , especially his legs , as he was worried that something from the > Other world
But with an exasperated sigh he noticed everything was alright , besides his headache. It cleared after another hour of just laying in bed and massaging his temples but soon he felt a memory surfacing on his mind.
" Did the Ai of the > Other World < just lie to the players? " He spoke out his shock.
REWRITE: https://royalroadl.com/fiction/15725/bloody-killing-game This story will no longer be updated. Luna is every man's dream girl. She's incredibly smart, unresistingly adorable AND good at cooking. So it's no wonder Ryo fell in love with her. But Luna carries a dark past. Contains coarse language, gore, nudity and a psychopathic yandere.
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Man With a Mace
Life sucks, and then you die. And then it gets worse. Pritchard was the only weeaboo at his Tennessee high school, and was little else, until the night before graduation. Just as he confesses to Sasha, the girl he's had a crush on for years, Pritchard dies in an act of God and finds himself in a fantastical new world with his crush, drawn into the service of the Dark Lord to purge all Good from the land. Of course, now he's a goblin. And a cleric. And Sasha's a half-orc barbarian. And by "drawn into the service of the Dark Lord" I mean Sasha was, and Pritchard just happened to be pulled along by accident. Sasha's actually a bit of a bitch, and doesn't care if Pritchard rots in the sand mines or not. But even for a goblin slave, things can get better. The Dark Lord was kind enough to give Pritchard a Hero Core, and Pritchard is nothing if not a minmaxing bastard.
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Day of Wrath [Doom 2016/Eternal rewrite]
A hundred years ago, the mysterious Phobos Event occurred. Classified by the UAC as a "mining accident," Phobos is now permanently quarantined while Deimos is just gone. No bodies or survivors were ever found.The year is 2149, and the UAC holds dominion as the undisputed superpower in the Solar System, leader in the fields of energy, aerospace, and defense. Their crowning achievement, Argent Power, has revolutionized physics and brought clean renewable energy to a world in crisis.But that is about to change. Deep in the heart of the UAC Mars Base, recovered directly from a prison tomb in Hell itself, is a lone stone sarcophagus. Containing not artifacts, not demon, but a man. A living human being in perfect hibernation. The man has been identified as a long-lost Space Marine, the only known survivor of the Phobos Event. "Day of Wrath" is primarily located on SpaceBattles. Don't forget to check out our Discord, and I (regrettably) have a Twitter which I use EXCLUSIVELY to post story updates!
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Author's Rant
Just a disclaimer, this is not and never will be a story. I just, noticed I have a bad habit of wanting to rant in my author's notes, and have decided that, instead of accidentally doubling the length of each chapter with the author's note alone, I will shove those long-ass rants here. It might contain spoilers for my stories, as I usually wind up ranting about different parts I'm writing. So, if you actually enjoy my rants...well, firstly, what is wrong with you? Secondly, welcome! Time to figure out what tags to stick on this. Also, as of the second chapter, I have decided to shove some of my story ideas here. So if you enjoy half-baked, unfinished stories, then I got those too. I think that adds that short story tag?
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Many years into the future, humanity developed a special device that grants people supernatural powers. A school named “Amber Academy’’ was built in Shibuya City to teach these people how to use their abilities. Illyanna Celestine is a student at this school, along with her childhood friend, Aoi Angelite, they vowed to protect the daily lives of the students and teachers from the people who oppose the powers they hold.
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The delinquents thought their fight was over, but it had only just begun.Jovie realizes in order to save her friends she will have to do things that will push her to her max. But if there's one thing about Jovie, it's that she knows how to wreak havoc.
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