《The ' tamed ' beast》Ch 9 , The experiments
The headache was still raging inside of Daniels head but he couldn't spent all day in bed. As he placed his feet on the ground a jolt ran through his brain and the sizzling pain intensified. Nonetheless he was determined and stood up on his woobly feet.
To walk just 1 step took him about 30 secs. Standing firmly , lifting his foot , sliding it along the ground and finally planting it on the ground once again to shift his weight onto it. Every time his foot connected with the floor another pain shoot through his head but he still didn't give up.
This was the first time he was relieved his apartment was so small and after 30 steps he was in the bathroom and started to undress. He turned on the water and instantly stepped under it. Now he was even glad that he had a ' barrier less ' design for his bath.
There was no ' tub ' for the shower he had it was just a drain placed inside of the tiles of the bathroom floor. As the still cold water ran over his long strawberry blond hair the pain eased up and he finally sighed out of relieve.
With one hand supporting him on the showers walls and the other placed on his hair he just remained in that position for a few minutes with the hot water washing down his head running through his hair and finally touching his bare skin underneath his shoulder blades.
He washed his hair carefully and even used the conditioner he prefered. But just when his hair were completly drained of shampoo and other care products a loud bang came from the hallway.
" Look for him fast!" A female voice shouted.
Mutliple booted feet could be heard and the rhytmic sound instantly made him think of a special force or a army contigent. But as he was about to chuckle at this the bathroom door that was located directly besides the entrance door was forcefully slammed open and some tiles broke of the wall.
" Hope you guys are gonna pay for that. " Daniel said unfased by the situation.
He turned of the shower head and simply walked over and grabbed a towel that he loosely hung over his shoulder. Not that he was a nudist but he didn't want those people to think he was shy or give them the satisfaction of seeing him ashamed.
This was something Daniel would never allow himself to do. Show weakness in-front of somebody. He read quite a bit about why he couldn't open up to other or show weakness but it was a simple effect of his child-hood.
" M-Mam? " One of the officers said quizzickaly towards the female staring inside of the bathroom.
Her mouth was opened wide as Daniel pushed on of the officers out of the way , which turned out to be a regular police officer. Even inside his living room there were another 4 officers that all stared at his naked apperance walking through the room.
He headed towards his bedroom grabbed one of his training pants , a basketball short , and one of his favourite shirts from the wardrobe. Just as he was about to head out , back into the living room , he grabbed a hair band and made a loose ponytail with it.
" Want a coffee guys? " He absent mindly asked pushing more people out of the way and headed into the kitchen.
After a few methodical touches and clicks the tab coffee maker was heated up and already pressed out the hot water through the tabs. 4 cups were placed underneath and Daniel started to hand the officers around him a cup.
After 3 rounds of 4 cups , all the cups in his possession were filled and even the female and himself held one. He just flung himself in his wore down leather couch , without spilling any coffee , and curiously looked at the female of the group that invaded his home.
" So why are you here? " Daniel asked the female after a few minutes of utter silence.
She still had her jaw opened and Daniel wondered if she wanted to catch flies with it but soon she shook her head and started to talk.
" Are you Mister Daniel Olson , born February 11 198X ? " She asked.
" Obviously im Santa clause. " Daniel said while rolling his eyes.
One of the officers , the one closest to him , chuckled slightly but with a ice cold glare the female shut him up.
" I repeat , Are you Mister Daniel Olson , born February 11 198X ? "
" You break into somebodys home , coincidentally the only person living in this 40 square meter apartement for over 8 years , and ask if he is the person living here? " Daniel replied with a sarcastic undertone.
" Also served in the German volunteer fire department of this town for over 11 years? Worked in the XX Company for 6 years and ended his apprentice ship in the same company for 3 years? " The female asked.
Daniel just grunted his answer as he was sipping on his brewing hot coffee.
" Finished High school at the age of 16 and started to live by himself at the same tender age. Bachelor , no children and has never been married. Has played , this , this and this game for the past 3 years with this , this and this character? " The female asked again while showing him some leaflets with the exact copys of his character details in every game.
Daniels eyes that always seemed to scowl even when he was happy , the few times it actually happend , intensified the glare towards the women and she shuddered slightly as he just non-chalantly interrupted her speech.
" Listen , either i get a good explanation what is going on or i will sue you. This is a invasion of privacy and i have at least 10 respectable officers here to bear witness. " Daniel said with anger in his voice.
The women breathed in sharply and took cautios steps towards Daniel. As she stood only half a meter apart from him she flipped the I-pad she had been holding for quite some time and there he saw a file that the best profiler of this world had to have created.
Everything was written on the electronical display. First girlfriend , second , third and so on. Current realtionships status , favourite foods , Iq level that was quite above the average , height , weight , health issues current or already by gone ones and finally a collection of pictures from a certain media page of the internet.
" Is this you? " She said and pointed at the picture of his own Face.
" Nope i think that is my twin. " He said and looked straight into the females face.
She was quite clueless and it showed on her face but she just methodically opened her mouth and repeated her question.
" Yeah that is me can't you tell. " Daniel said.
He even remembered the picture as it was just taken 4 months ago when his last girlfriend was still around.
" No i can't exactly tell. "
A question mark appeared over Daniels head as he tried to messure up his ' adversary'. At this gaze she simply took out a pocket mirror , most likely for applying make-up , and opened it. She hesitated but then turned it so Daniel could see it for himself.
The violet eyes had a funny expression that leaned towards a ridiculing manner but soon he discovered something out of the ordinary. His nose was still a bit bent , resulting from a broke nose in his chilhood , but his skin ... was different.
It had a bronze , caramel kind of tone and his facial features were sharper then before. There were still slightly round but his jaw line was massivly more ' edgy '. Even the colors of his 5 o'clock shade was darker then he remebered and his hair were darker then before.
He still had a apperance that seemed younger then he looked with his apperance being 18-19 maximum but his actual age was 25. Now he inspected his arms which also had the same bronze color but all the freckles were gone.
" Well that is kind of nice. " He simply stated and looked back at the female.
" I am a representative of the company that governs the > Other World
" Escort as in forcibly kidnap and put me somewhere to study me like a guinea pig , because i broke the system? " He said non-chalantly while viewing the police officers around him.
The female replied with a wry smile.
" Can i take anything with me? At least clothes and some toiletries? " He asked.
Another wry smile and a sigh later he was already seated inside of a police car in hand-cuffs and so a journey began into the unknown. Long fields of grass or farmed fields of wheat , corn or other things passed by.
Soon they entered the highway and to his surprise he saw no car driving besides him which was a very uncommon thing in germany. There was always a guy that drove with close to 300 km/h along the road and overtook everybody else , especially since this was one of the only directions that lead to the commonly used FRA Airport.
Even though it was a standard police car they easily drove along with over 200 km/h and left the highway 30 minutes later. In Frankfurt they turned quite a few times and soon arrived at a complex building that closely resembled a hospital but lacked the hustle and bustle a usual hospital had.
As soon as he left the police car he felt a sensation of something sharp entering his arm and soon he saw the siringe of a injection sticking out of him. He just followed the hand that was pressing fluid into his arms and found another female wearing a lab coat trying her best to give him a warm smile.
" Don't worry , already expected as much. " Daniel said just before everything before him became black and the narcotic injection started to work.
Daniel woke up and was heavily disoriented. Everything around him was white. The walls ceiling even the bed he was handcuffed to. A injection line was connected to his arm and he felt a painful stab around the needle that quietly dropped fluid into his system.
Lucky for him only one hand was handcuffed so he used his other and ripped out the precision needle. Numerous Officers directly swarmed the room but Daniel just clenched his right fist , that was handcuffed a few times , and pressed it against the handcuffs.
Veins appeared on his skin and he took the needle and stabbed it into the main one directly between his index and middlefingers knuckle in the middle of his hand. Now he sighed a breath of relief and the flaming pain inside of his elbow joint released.
" Mr. Olson don't rip out your injection line. " A female voice resounded besides him.
Daniel turned around after the pain from REPLACEing the needle forcefully subsided and found a blonde beauty at his side. She was around his age and wore her hair in a pony tail that extended down to the middle of her back dressed in a black mini dress with a lab coat overtop.
She even wore light make-up that accented her eyes with a dark shade. This had a terrifiying effect as her skin was completly pale but still healthy looking. As she came closer Daniel heard a methodical * click* , * clack* with every step she took and he knew what that was.
" Must be a pretty lax job if you can wear high heels around here. My guess 11 cms? " Daniel said with a smile.
She just stared him down and didn't reply viewing where he put the needle. But Daniel saw the anesthetic vial she pulled out of her lab coat and a cotton pad for desinfaction.
" Forget it. This is confidentional information that was , per my wishes , never recorded in my sick record. I have a child hood trauma of needles so reaching veins from my arms is near impossible and cause a immense recoil of stress levels. Only place where you can do it properly is my hand. " Daniel stated locking his gaze with hers.
She had beautiful emerald colored eyes but scorn could be seen inside of them as he explained everything.
" Then tell me MR. OLSON if you have a trauma from needles how can you stab yourself with one non-chalantly. " She remarked sarcastically.
" Well , that is harder to explain. Lets just assume i already had my fare share of spilled brains , crushed limbs , broken spines and lumps of human flesh in-front of me during my time in the fire department. " Daniel said in a humerous manner.
" Ah your fire department. I have also heard you have killed 3 people while trying to do everything you could do to save them. "
Now this was something he was uncomfortable talking about. It wasn't that he killed them , at least not in his eyes , he just ' saved ' them in a manner that resulted in death. But this was done on purpose. Not because he held a grudge but the people he had killed wanted him to end it for them.
After all in Germany helping someone killing himself even if it was his own wish was a fellony , so Daniel made it seem like a ' accident ' while using the machines from the fire department to stretch various parts of the car wrecks so when they tried to pull the person out they would already be dead.
Every time he had done so , these people knew that they would live lifes as a ' cripple '. That they would never be able to move their hands or feet not even their neck anmyore. They just didn't want to burden their familiys so Daniel asked them what they wanted.
Out of the 25 people that ended up this way Daniel had ' killed ' 3 of them but the governing enitity that observed and investigated the cases never found anything out that lead them to Daniel. Nonetheless he was the main suspect so they banned him from Fire department work.
" Sue me for it . " Daniel replied with a victorious grin on him.
Naturally the investigation was started after one of the 3 ' victims ' family members wanted to sue Daniel but the evidence was never enough to actually put him to jail. Daniel also thought he had done nothing wrong so he just grinned back at the female doctor in-front of him.
" Hmph! " She made a weird sound and turned her body around and left the room.
Now 2 of the security guards were also placed inside of the room observing him very closely besides the 4 others that left his room with the doctor. Even after half an hour nothing changed so Daniel decided to kill the time in the most efficient manner.
Go to sleep. He tossed and turned around a few times and the injection and handcuffs were bothering him but he slept in soon enough.
Once again he woke up as the drug dosis declined inside of his system and he saw he was inside of a large tube like thing. His hands , legs , torso and even his head were firmly strapped to a aparatus.
A buzzing resounded around him and Daniel had no ability to move at all. After clearing his mind and thinking about it they were probably conducting a scan on how his insides looked. Which was not surprising as he ' changed ' through a game and he even broke a server down.
After quite some time the machines buzzing declined and the metal ' bed' he was strapped too drove out of the aparatus. But as he had expected as soon as he was completly outside , instead of releasing the straps he felt a needle entering his arms once again.
He just sighed as he drifted back into a comatose state.
Daniel grunted inside of the ' hospital ' room he had spent his time in. He clearly had no idea how long he had been held prisioner here as he only woke up twice during the time. Once because of a not recorded ' illness ' he had and another during a trip to a MRT where all metal could lead to his death.
But for some reason he was wide awake now and he even noticed that no cuffs were attached to his wrists anymore. He was still dressed in a hospital garb and he felt weird whenever he shifted his body but he definetly had freedome of movement.
Just like he was waking up he had the urge to do 2 things at the same time. First and most likely the most important , scratch his belly. This was a phenomenon nobody could explain but 99% of the male population did.
The second and almost trivial compared to the one before was scratching his hair. But his hands stopped like if he had just had a heart attack. Ontop of his head were no hair left. Everything that he once prided himself on was gone.
" WHAT THE FUCK! " He shouted out his anger.
He was in panic and for the first time since he was here his eyes darted around the room. Not only was there the door he had seen the security personal enter through but a second one. Most likely the one he had been searching for.
Even though the first few steps were quite awful and his sense of balance was distorted he walked to the second door and saw a toilet , a washing basin and a shower there. First he headed towards the basin and took a good look in the mirror.
His skin was still bronze colored with no sight of freckles on them and the face he saw for the first time inside of the little pocket mirror had changed even more. His face was no where close to round anymore a handsome face stared back at him in disbelief.
Even though he tried to remain ' cool ' through out everything before now as he hoped nobody was watching the weakness showed. He hesitantly touched the mirror first and then his own face. As the ' mannekin ' inside of the mirror touched its own face Daniel crumbled to the floor.
With every ounce of strength he had left he barely pulled himself back up on the porzelain and looked in the mirror once again. Not only had his skin and facial features changed but his hair as well.
It was objectivly speaking light-brown where before it was blond. But also gold traced through his hair at certain intervals which had no clear distinction to the brown. As Daniel turned his head the reflection on the ' mannekins ' hair changed as well and the gold wandered with the lights reflection.
Overall it changed to a real Bronze color. Not like his caramel , brown toned , skin but a real color of bronze. Now , for him a vivid reader of sci-fi or Fantasy genre , he had a certain ... feeling ... which he couldn't shake of.
He turned around a little more and eyed his own ears. Daniel breathed a exasperated sigh as he saw that his ears had not changed slightly pointy or anything and he felt relief. Now as he looked closer at the details his nose was still bent oddly and he saw some minor scars on his forehead , hands and arms.
With eagerness he traced all of this little imperfections to his ' new ' appearance but soon he heard a slight noise of footsteps just beyond the wall he was staring at. At this perspective he slapped both of his cheeks to regain his ' cool ' and headed towards the toilet.
While releaving himself he thought about the current situation and scratched his head again but there he felt something slightly of. It was a convulsion of flesh with something in between. Simply put it was a fresher wound with strings attached to seal the blood from flowing out.
' Guess that explains why i don't have any hair. ' Daniel thought in his ' cool ' mode.
He kind of felt they had performed a brain surgery on him as a last measure as they probably had found nothing out with all the tests and drugs. Or he thought of the possibility that he evolved into a super human with 2 brains and they took one out.
This thought made him chuckle slightly , just because of the reason that if that was a fact he wouldn't be awake right now to think all this.
As he looked out of the bathroom still within he found the blond doctor , now with even more make-up applied to hide the dark rings under her eyes , sitting on the bed he normally ' slept ' in. She was heavily guarded by 8 security personal that all looked incredibly bulky but somehow ... tiny.
He stepped out of the bathroom door and tried to put on a ' buisness ' smile but his head violently crashed into the doorframe which disrupted his grand appearance. So instead he rubbed his forehead and thought about the possibility that he received a concussion.
" Mr. Olson glad to see you are fully with us. " The blond doctor said.
She was forcefully keeping her mouth shut , Daniel saw this , but the securitys were not as tactfull and boasted out laughing. He took a close look at the security with his gun in the holster right besides him but this one was rather composed so there was no chance to grab the weapon from him.
" Yes but i am not glad to see such a sleep deprived women first thing i wake up. " He stated matter of factly while walking to the bed.
Daniel just non-chalantly plopped himself besides the doctress and stared at her with half closed eyelids. She knew instantly that he seemed to be bored but still this person ... infatiuated her.
He was so unique in his dna make-up that only 1 of 50 million were similar. Some would call it a disease others a gift but this person was simply put nothing. Nothing as in average. Average grades in school , average apprentice ship after , low middle class job , nothing to live for in his life and average sex life.
Most that shared this genetical defect were plagued with a too sharp mind and to much processing information inside of the brain. Thus making them ideal researchers , engineers or revolutionairs of technology , if one could look over their behaviour. But this man was just ... nothing.
It was not something like a memoritical brain or even a ' sixth ' sense like a pure gush of adrenaline that slowed down time itself around them. No he just had a minor defect inside of a hormon gland and thus created different hormons at a rapid speed.
This couldn't kill a average human , but drastically influnce ones life , what ever gender they were but since this male had lived with it from birth he had complete control over his emotions. He could shift his gears so quickly making himself believe in a emotion he should be feeling right now and the defect in the hormon gland secreted the hormons needed for this.
Simply put by thinking of lets say happiness he could secrete dopamin at a incredible rate and when he thought about sadness in the next instance the full and whole dopamin construction would stop and another hormon would be produced.
Same with thought process. If he was thinking hard about something the electrical impulses inside of brain would in effect stir the hormon gland and produce 10 times as much receptor hormon and increase his neural activity.
Normally people would call these ' inflicted ' people simply put very moody. Like Men describe women during their period or even worse during child labour or pregnancy. So even out of the 150 known or so people that were inflicted with this disease only 9 had control over this disease.
How they gained this ' control ' was widely known. Direct oppresion during child-hood and non attendance. Simply put they were left alone and beat when they weren't thus creating a ' barrier ' or ' wall ' around their emotions.
Others would say it was something that was established shortly after birth since they lacked motherly love which every baby craved for but that would be a whole other scientifical discussion.
" I am to resume my playing in the > Other World
But even thought the doctress knew about this odd birth defect she was still amazed at his analytical speed of the situation as she was infact here to ' invite ' him to start playing once again.
" Yes we need more data. " She said.
" I want answers. " He replied.
Now she intently stared at him and she answered him honestly.
" Found nothing wrong in your brain , your dna is still the same. Just your looks and height have changed. This came from a reactivation of growth hormones and pigmentation cells inside of your skin and bones. " The doctress told him.
" Good , bring the equipment to this room. No more drugging except if you want to operate on me again. I would gladly cooperate in anything to my ability. By the way what date is it now? " He said.
" Well ... Its the 17 November 20XX. " She told him while fidgetting around.
" Hmm only 4 months of sleep no wonder i can still walk. Can you get me some clothes to? I would love to take a shower and dress better then this robe that doesn't cover my ass. " He calmly stated.
The doctress simply stared at him with a open mouth at his calm demanor after hearing he was drugged for 4 months straight.
- In Serial17 Chapters
The last video
Gonna be a sad one. Imma apologize beforehand. Some Breddy angst stuff and uh maybe some fluff but Idk yet//trigger warning for suicide/self harm/depression. Please, if you know this will push you in a bad direction, please please do not read. Also, if you unexpectedly find yourself being affected in this manner, do not hesitate to talk to me or someone else about it//
8 194 - In Serial8 Chapters
The Adventures of Sula
A dark secret has come to light that threatens to unravel the rule of the Heavenly Family. Sula, a girl of only ten, is caught up in its fervor. Can she escape the all-seeing eyes of Argonia or will she be left to drown beneath the current of history?
8 129 - In Serial20 Chapters
Gods of Arkanoth
The hunter has been betrayed, left alone in the streets of a lugubrious district. Only one goal appears in his eyes: to avenge himself. In his quest to avenge himself, he'll encounter an enigmatic scientist who seems to hide his true nature, a savior pretending to be a God, and the terrible truth of those words, bringing him against something he'd never thought he'd have to affront. This is the odyssey of the hunter, in a quest to put a long overdue end to a war between two worlds. // What to expect:The beginning will surely be intriguing, most of what's happeing won't be directly explained, although there will be some hints about their true roles, but do not worry about some subjects never leaving that misty fog that is unanswered questions! The novel is divided in two parts, the first focusing on uncovering the well-hidden secrets the city of Arkanoth hides, be it concerning its making or its inhabitants. As for the second part, it will be an expedition into the unknown, we could, in a way, say the true start of the journey our three heroes will undertake! I won't say anything more about the second part or else I might tell you an important detail without realizing... As for magic, because yes, there is magic! Although you might not see the shadow of a spell in the first chapters, it will appear in later chapters and will be one of the main subjects of volume 2. There are three heroes, yes, but they will not appear directly. While the first two protagonists appear in quite the beginning, the third will take his time, taking some stroll in the Districts of Arkanoth while we focus on the story of the hunter. But that does not lessen his importance in the story a bit, trust me. What about these three heroes, you say? Well, they all have their own issues, from their character to their torments, and as the story progresses they will have to come clean with their past (character development is to be expected) and will find their reason for fighting, braving all odds. I draw my inspiration from mythology, more precisely Aztec mythology. I want to stay true to a certain extent about it and all the relations between the gods and their role, however I will still change some things to my liking, so do not expect for all of the mythology to be respected to the letter. Finally! I have to say English is a foreign langage for me, so I might not choose the best words or straight-up miswrite something, if it bothers your experience, just tell me in the comments and I'll look into it! It is also my first time writing a book, so some parts might seem sloppy, but I hope I will be able to improve throughout this journey so as to give the most enjoyable reading experience to you. // Who might enjoy this story: Firstly, if you like deep lore and stories in which past plays a big role, you will like how everything unravels to show the hidden truths of the world. However if you do not appreciate not instantly understanding what's happening or who - or even what - this person might be, then you might not appreciate the story. There will be disturbing and gore descriptions, so if you're sensitive, don't like reading about someone being beheaded and such, you should probably pass this one. There is strong langage, although I won't abuse it, I won't be lying saying no insults will appear. Finally, the heroes will not always win, they will sometime lose battles, be it important ones or unimportant, and they will, most of the time, not come out unscathed from those. // Time Schedule : once every two sundays at 7:pm Ps : feel free to tell me if something is bad, or feel wrong with the book, it really helps me. I've written till' chapter 4 (in my mother tongue, so I'll still have to translate), however I'll make some minor and major changes, thus it will take some time to post them. Schedule will probably not change after releasing chapter 4, so don't worry, it won't take even longer to post a chapter than it already is. Enjoy the ride :)
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