《The Adventure of Two Mildly Sociopathic Siblings in a Poorly Designed VRMMORPG World》Chapter 26: Kidnapped but Not Really. Unedited.



Kidnapped but Not Really. Unedited.

"Pzzt Wassat! I'm awake!"

Roari's eyes snapped open and she immediately pushed herself up. Her neck was sore. The last thing she remembered was a sudden shadow descending upon her, before sending her to a pseudo purgatory. Although she could not move, she was still conscious and a notification displaying her ‘Knocked Out’ status updated within her journal.

After looking at the darkness for so long, the sudden influx of visual information was too much, as she stumbled about, the world all blurry.

When she came to, she found herself in a musty old room comparable to those of Azoth. The lingering stench of mildew and stagnant water permeated the air, a firm indication that she was either underground or in a senior's home.

While Roari was no stranger to foul stenches, after all, she would regularly leave trash lying around in her room. Eventually, the room would smell so gross that her brother would inevitably clean it out of disgust. It was a time-honored art, that she was most proficient in.

That aside, she quickly noticed that she was not alone in the room, as the clinking of metal alerted her to the presence of another. There bound in a coiling mass of black chain was a certain purple haired girl who was staring back at her in indignation. Her mouth was gagged but that did not prevent her from communicating through her eyes.

(The hell were you asleep for so long?)

"Oh... hello there."

(Shut up and untie me already!)

"Sure. Just let me, Kuh!" Roari felt her throat constricting as she found a metal collar and chain firmly attaching her to the wall.

"What? What is this!" Roari mused, suddenly feeling the weight of the cold metal around her neck. She ran her fingers across the bumpy surface and shivered.

All alone (kinda). In a dark dank dungeon, bound in chained? This was too kinky for her tastes. Immediately she pulled at the chain, trying to pull it off from the stone wall.

“Meteor Cannon!”

The spike which connected the chain to the wall was blown off with but a single blow. As the metal clattered to the ground, Roari quickly turned to Road who was still staring at her with wide eyes.

"Hehe. Impressed? I know. I'm awesome. Now sit tight, I'll get you outta there!"

Roari took hold of the chains binding Road before yelping and jumping back. She looked at her hand. A black shadow had come off the chains and had attached itself to her flesh. The corruption sent a burning sensation lancing through her hand even as the minute bits of skin began to corrode under the darkness.

"Oof. That does not look good."

"No. No, it does not." A stoic voice agreed from across the bars.

"Road! Why didn't you tell me there was some creepy old man watching us?"

(Are you kidding me?)

The sword saint's eyes bulged. She was bound tight and couldn't even grunt. What was she supposed to do? Spaz out with her eyes?

"Hey, that's not very nice. I'm not old."

"Shut it old man! Can't you see I'm busy with my friend over here?"

"Oh...ok. But you might want to have your hand looked at. It's fatal if--"

"I said shut it!"

The old man who was not actually old just frowned but did not continue speaking.

Although the mysterious 'old' man completely had Road and Roari at his mercy, he was still gracious enough to allow for this farce. With a gentle tolerance and patience, he merely stood to the side, waiting. It wasn't long before Roari got bored and finally decided to talk to him.


"Alright. Who are you?"

In spite of Roari's bluntness, the strange 'old' man-- who was really a pallid greasy looking man in his prime-- smiled.

"Presumptuous. I am Ketus Jenkins the second. Resident Soul breaker and breaker of wills."

'Oh hell naw.'

"Please pardon the circumstances that brought you here. After all, you Elseworlders have a pesky resurrection ability, which may prove to become a fatal fault in the success of our operation."

The man smiled brightly, as if completely unaware of how creepy his words sounded.

"That said, you should really let me have a look at your hand. Unfortunately, the grunts told me you had not the capability to escape your restraints. In hindsight, they should've been more careful, but blah! No use crying over spilled milk."

"...Yeah... It's kinda eating away at my hand."

"That does not sound good. Come here. Let me have a look." The pallid man extended a thin arm through the bars. With but a glance at the white flesh that protruded from his sharp abyssal robes, one could see countless scars crisscrossing across his forearms.

"Oho? You're not human?" Ketus whistled as he stripped the black corruption off of Roari's hand. The corruption had dug in deep, and the once pristine hand now full of holes. It was fortunate that Roari didn't have trypophobia, else she would be quite uncomfortable right now.

"... Your body is shit."

"Excuse me?!!" Roari snapped, before pinching at Ketu's hand. This was the second time this week that somebody had said that.

Ignoring Roari's completely ineffectual attempts to hurt him, Ketu stared at Roari's mottled hand. His thoughts seemed to have wandered off as he began murmuring creepily to himself.

"Flesh like that of the undead...but still very much alive. A new species? No...This could prove valuable to my research."

"Whoa whoa whoa! Who's going to be a research experiment!"

"Hmmm. I don't think your consent particularly matters in this situation. Interesting. With the elseworlders come new species? I must learn more. Warden! The key!" Ketus cried down the hallway.

"I didn't want to be born this way. Hey. Hey. How about we make a deal. I can tell you where you can find more of me, and you can let me go?"

"Oh? You're so willing to sell out your own kind?"

"Well, yeah. We're pretty expendable and it's not like the old lady can't make more of us."

"Old lady? Made?" Ketus seemed surprised.

But as Roari was completely oblivious to the expression, she drawled on.

"Yeah. Some old bat. Said we were here children. Her name was Sib...Sibel...Si"

"Sibel Illias?"

"Sabellious!...I mean yes...you're right." Roari said meekly as she met Ketus's hollow stare. "So if you want to cut open a few of my race, please ask her."

The dark creepy man froze. His expression seemed as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't. And all the while his complexion seemed to be growing darker and darker, like the build-up before a thunderstorm.

But just like the aftermath of a storm, the sun is sure to peak out right after.

"Oh. So you're a comrade then?"

"...Home town!"

In the journey called life, a man who just started his journey would be completely different from the same man a year later. In that time he might become a valiant hero, evil general or even the common baker. But regardless of his destination, he would always have the same roots. His place of origin.


And it is that place where the first memories are formed. Perhaps they are not the most important, but they are the first, thus they strike notes of nostalgia among all who remember them. To meet someone of the same origins meant that a string of karma was already established with one another and that their fates were intertwined. From a certain standpoint, it meant that regardless of status, once you met someone of the same affiliation, then it would be two steps until the two of you would be the best of friends.

"Wow! I can't believe that control freak of a woman actually succeeded. We were apart of the same cohort you know. She was going on and on about how she'll create new life. Breaking the cycle of reincarnation and whatnot."

"Eh? You knew the old bitch? Small world!"

"Knew her? We even dated for a little bit. But then she wanted kids and I... didn't." Ketus laughed, scratching his cheek. His eyes seemed to have sunk into themselves as if he were recalling fond memories.

(Hey.What's going on?) Road was wide-eyed as remained as the non-existent third wheel to the exchange.

"Look. While I can't release you from this place, maybe you'd like a tour of the compound? I'd rather not have to chain up one of Sibil's creations."

"That would be great actually." Roari grinned as Ketus received the prison key from the warden. Her collar was then unlocked and fell to the ground with a crash.

Stepping out of the prison, she stretched and yawned.

"Come here. Let's go get a healer to see to that hand."

"Yeah...it's like really itchy." Roari acquiesced and was quickly lead off, leaving the lone sword maiden to remain bound in her fetters, all alone.

(Guys? Guys?!!)


Ketus had brought Roari to the grunt's living quarters. There, they found a collection of men in black robes in addition to numerous men in rusty metal armor. From first glance, it was clear those in the metal armor were not comfortable being in such a location, however Roari didn't have a chance to meet such men as Ketus steered her towards a dark healer.

"Amazing, the flesh comes together so nicely. Sibel has really created a masterpiece!" Ketu applauded as the meat in Roari's hand started to bubble back together.

"Excuse me? What was that about a shitty body?"

"Hem. That was only by human standards. But overall, I have seen enough to evaluate your flesh. It's definitely superior to that of a zombie, and perhaps on par with some of the higher level undead...Errr...At the very least, it's fully serviceable. Not to mention, with part of Sibel's soul inside of you, that gives you an excellent aptitude to become a soul mage." Ketus explained. Actually, he was just looking for a disciple. A ward of a former colleague *cough* lover, would definitely make a most suitable candidate.

Roari, however, seemed troubled at the suggestion.

"Soul mage? Don't you have anything like... soul fighter? or ghost puncher?"

"Of course we do, but with your body, you would not be able to handle the strain--" Ketus stopped. Roari was biting down on her lip and was leering at him through squinted eyes. "What?"

"I don't want it."

"Excuse me?"

"I said I don't want it!"

"Lass look! To be a soul mage is plenty awe-inspiring already. And if you're as gifted as master Jenkins and specialize in soul destruction, you would be a formidable powerhouse, even in a kingdom such as this one." One of the black men interjected. He was a long time hypeman of Ketus Jenkins and would never hesitate to offer a flattering word.

"Yeah? Well, what's the point of having power if you end up looking like an extra pasty twig? I want to punch things and step on people. Not sit at the back and throw around fancy lights at people."

Ketus blanched. Roari had hit a sore spot, as every morning he would appraise himself in front of the mirror, and grimace at the lack of muscles. He had done everything from eating more and exercising, yet he could not seem to put on any weight. He had even considered joining the Church of Iron but was turned off as he quickly learned that all the members were a bunch of raging perverts.

"Don't be daft lass. The master is only that skinny because he is constantly immersed with his work. Due to his sacrifice, he might look spindly, but he has obtained countless benefits for our Society of Souls. Such a pity. The younger generation's eyes have gone all rotten, and they can't even recognize greatness before them."

Roari unconsciously backed up a little as the man sprayed spittle in his religious fervor. Actually, after seeing his zeal, a question popped up in her head.

"So... is this a cult?

"It isn't. Down Bobby!" Ketus grimaced.

"Master! Have I done something wrong?!! I shall take my life as an apology! Uwaaak" The man known as Bobby had not a second to react before a flick from Ketus sent him flying into the ceiling. He dropped back to the ground with a thud and remained there, motionless.

"Ahem. My apologies. Bobby here is a bit...passionate. Still. He'll be the one to watch over you for the next few days. I do apologize for any inconvenience, but this is a most sensitive operation."

"Uhhh...I think you killed him." Roari prodded the body. Not even minding the fact that she was under effective house arrest by a bunch of random strangers. At the very least, they were being courteous about it.

"I wouldn't worry. I just rocked his soul a little. He should be getting up any second now."


"Any second now."


"Alright then. I think I killed him."

Roari recoiled as if she just touched something dirty. However, the rest of the men were very astute and quietly dragged Bobby's body to the side.

"Well...anyways. Make yourself at home. Do feel free to request anything you want, and apart from your freedom, these men will be welcoming hosts. Right men?"

"Yessir." The men in black all snapped in salute, while Roari clasped her hands behind her back as if appraising her new soldiers.

"I can ask for anything?" Roari mused.

"Anything. These men would rather die before refusing one of my orders."

"Uh... I wouldn't sir."

"As I was saying. Anything." Ketus smiled. No matter what the cost, he would be sure to dote on Sibel's little creation. He had done a quick check earlier, and he had verified parts of Sibel's soul within Roari. And despite running out on her, and Sibel probably hating his guts now, he still had a tender spot for that crazy witch, and that feeling extended to Roari.

"I wanna learn how to do that!" Roari eagerly pointed at the groaning corpse that was Bobby.

"You want to kill my men?"

"...If they cross me. I was talking about the whole touch a person and they explode trick!"

"Oh...Is that all." Ketus rubbed his jaw. That didn't seem like that big a deal. Actually no. It was fitting. A worthy challenge to entertain a new ward for the next few days, while they finish corrupting the sword saint.

"Also I want a new body."

On the other hand, that one might be a bit trickier.

"A new body," Ketus repeated.

"Yeah. I heard there were secret treasures for that kinda thing."

"There are." Ketus agreed then refuted. "And if I had any, I would've used them for myself already. Do you really think I would stay a skinny, pale twig if I had the choice?"

"Oof. Sorry..."

"No. No. It's fine. I wasn't offended. Don't worry about it." Ketus’ tone was calm and accommodating. After all, understanding one's junior was expected out of the senior generation.

'Oh boy.' Roari shifted her gaze nervously.

"Anyways! Topher! Show our new guest to her bunk. And if Bobby ever wakes up, tell him, he'll be in charge of teaching..."


"...teaching Roari the basics to soul force. Good? Good! That should keep you busy for the next little while" Ketus gestured to an empty room nearby. It was lavishly furnished with one whole cot and a small end table.

"I understand. Actually, I'm pretty tired so I might turn in right now. Can you get one of your guys to get me a blanket?" Roari asked.

"Tired? Ah. I see, you wish to return to the stars. Topher?"

"Uhh... Actually, sir, we don't have any blankets down here. Most of the men just sleep in their cloaks." One of the dark robed men replied.

"Well, go to the surface and buy some. My apologies Roari, but these men aren't exactly the brightest sort.

Even as the man in black disappeared, probably to go buy some blankets, Roari could only nod in amusement.

"Be that as it may, I think I might just turn in now. You know. I had an exciting day and whatnot."

"Oh. Please. Don't let me disturb you." Ketus backed up courteously before dipping out of the room.

As Roari sunk into the rather firm and uncomfortable cot, she quickly took out her adventurer's notebook to try to contact Pale or Dawn. However, oddly enough, there didn't seem to be a signal down there. Hence, she decided that she had played enough for the day and gently shut her eyes.

'Alright, lets see now... Log Out'

There was a brief whoosh as the sound of cooling fans running started to buzz in here ears. Perri opened her eyes, she let out a huge sigh of relief. That was a bit overwhelming. Hell, she had so much to tell Rinden.

But first, a snack...and maybe a nap.

Perri chuckled as she popped the lid off of her pod, only to find herself face to face with a furious older brother. Her face fell.

"Where the hell did you take Road?"

'Oh boy...'

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