《The Adventure of Two Mildly Sociopathic Siblings in a Poorly Designed VRMMORPG World》Chapter 25: Fuck it. Let's Write Food Porn.



Fuck it. Let's write Food Porn.

It was always a pleasure to see oneself in the mirror. At least that’s what Godfrey Pekes thought.

The deerskin pressed gently against his soft hands. His collared shirt was steamed and pressed, and his blazer was immaculate. Such preparations was of course the bare minimum when one was to attend to the goddess. From a drawer, he also removed a small tub of animal fat, using a small glob of it to grease back his hair.

His lips curled into a frown as he appraised that pallid complexion. Such a thing would not do! Of course, after a light application of powdered peach root, nobody would be the wiser.

To his side was but a simple clay teapot set on top a silver platter. He had to sweat blood and tears just to get the proper leaves. Apart from the Orange Flya Flower, she would drink naught else.

He had also borrowed an assortment of the best confectionaries from a local sweets parlor. Naturally, he would recompense them for the value once he was wed. Oh aye, Godfrey Pekes was a man who would always pay a debt!

Due to the strict rules of the White Academy, most students were expected to be treated equally and to have few possessions. Such a decision was made to temper those hotblooded lords and ladies who inevitably walked these halls. In compensation, the academy would provide for their every want and need, but to gain such confections as the ones in Godfrey's hands would surely be frowned upon

But he needed it. To provide anything less would be an affront to his ladies status.

Satisfied with his attentiveness, he hoisted the platter onto one arm. His lady should be finishing right about now.

Placing the platter carefully upon his arm, he hurriedly raced down the halls, careful not to be spotted by the prefects and instructors.

Surely she would hunger, and what better than chilled tea to wash it all down?

His palms grew sweaty as he approached the training grounds. Though he had done this a dozen times before, he still felt as if his chest was being crushed whenever he knew she was near.

Such anticipation had him breathing heavily. The nervousness almost seemed to paralyze him, but she was waiting, just a few steps more.

"She's late"

He frowned but was not panicked. He could surely forgive a few seconds delay.

His prediction did not go unwarranted, as moments later, she came.


With an oval face that seemed to be contoured by the gods themselves, eyes that glistened like amethysts and a charming smile that would make the most hardened man weep, she appeared.

His chest felt as if it was to burst as it filled with elation. As if afraid to meet her eyes, he settled on her locks which glistened in the morning sun. Hued the color of sovereigns, a radiant aubergine that seemed ethereal as it floated along her back. Although it was obvious that she had gone through strenuous exercise, she looked neither scruffy or unkempt and instead glowed a healthy sheen.

Godfrey felt as if he were losing his mind.

He was hesitant, but could not resist flicking his gaze to those soft lips, somehow always curled into a timid smile. Gods, if he could only kiss them, then to die a thousand deaths would be but a small price to pay.

Her hips and bosom, though modest were slender and perfectly proportioned. Regardless of preference, any man who saw her would harbor lustful thoughts, to be only enjoyed in their dreams.


It was a pity though.

No matter how desirable she might be, none were worthy of her, and even if they were, Godfrey would never allow it.

For she was the sword maiden. The representative of the Goddess of Mercy, the symbol of Baracus's faith. By taking up the position, she had long transcended the level of mere mortals, leaving many to sigh and gaze from afar.

Godfrey smiled. He would not be one of those people. He had sacrificed too much. Through whatever means, he will capture her heart and they would live happily forever after.

Perhaps in a countryside cabin...

"Oh...You're here again."

His smile grew even wider. She recognised him!

Her expression was tranquil, her expression as tranquil as a lonesome creek. Lord knows what her feelings were behind those dazzling purple eyes.

"Yes! I've brought your refreshment for the afternoon....m'lady."

The maiden sighed and shook her head, unaware of the pain that she was about to inflict.

"I thought I told you to stop doing this anymore! This is the White Academy. Statuses have no meaning here. Just treat me like everyone else!"

To see her abject refusal, Godfrey had to bite back the looming despair that threatened to overflow from his heart. He pleaded. "But you are not the same! You're beyond those mere mortals. How can I stand by to see you not getting the treatment you deserve?"

"And I'm telling you that I don't want it! I feel terrible everytime you come here carrying those damnable sweets! I can't finish them by myself and so many go to waste-"

"That's right! The refreshment!" Godfrey unknowingly cut her off, desperate to stop her momentum. He poured the chilled tea into a marked saucer before prostrating before her. "As you please!"

Road's lips quivered. Even as she had a look of shock and outrage on her face, she still seemed as lovely as ever. She stiffened and looked around awkwardly while Godfrey offered up the platter with shining eyes.

Though he did not understand, sadness clouded over her gloomy eyes.

"I...am flattered by your devotion, but I truly cannot accept this any longer. Please...can you just stop?"

There was the sound of glass shattering.

Of course, the glassware still remained pristine, but the same could not be said for Godfrey's confidence.

"It's that cook isn't it." His voice subconsciously lowered into a snarl. "Ever since he came along, you've been eating less and less."

"What's it to you!...How do you know his name?" Road took a step back. Her pretty face flushed in a horrible pinkish hue.

Such an expression tore Godfrey's heart in two. How he had always dreamed of making his lady blush but to see it like this...

He felt a lump welling up in his throat as he thought of the odd old man in the Academy's kitchens. Without rhyme or reason, he had suddenly appeared in this happy haven and made a mess of things. As he seemingly did nothing, he became a swirling vortex that seemed to suck in all of his lady's time and attention.

Even if Road was missing, she would always turn up by the old man's side.

Godfrey's body quivered in surprise as Road snatched the filled teacup off the platter and drained it in one. The action was neither ladylike nor refined, but she set the cup back down gently.

"Thank you. And do not come again." Her words, though soft and gentle contained a hint of irritation within, which sent barbed lances tearing through Godfrey's heart.


She did not even pay him a passing glance as she continued onwards, leaving his lone figure alone on the field.


He could only laugh. Was this the feeling of being dumped?

Such emptiness.

'No...I can't accept it!'

Godfrey snarled as he turned to look where Road disappeared to.

'It was just my sincerity. She hasn’t seen it yet! I refuse to believe that old man is better than me!'

He looked down at the tray in his hands, gently removing the teacup before flinging the rest of the contents to the ground.

As he appraised the impression where Road's lips had touched the cup, his lips twitched as a dark smile curled upon his lips.

'No...Not now!' Suppressing his innermost thoughts, he doggedly followed in the same direction.

Road's destination was neither near nor far, but due to most classes being in session, Godfrey need not hide from curious eyes. As he walked down those empty halls, his stomach churned as anger began rising from the recesses. Although Road was but a few dozen meters before him, he had not the station to walk beside her.

His gaze caught a brief glimpse of that swishing rump and he had to forcefully repress crying out. He wanted it. No. He needed it.

While his mind was being torn apart by his inner desires, the faintest whiff of herbs and spices assaulted his nostrils, waking him up from his stupor.

'It was him!'

A low, rumbling growl came from the bottom of his throat as he stared at Road who immediately ran towards the room in excitement.

"I'm here!"

Her gentle voice now had the tone of a rascal which threatened to throw Godfrey into despair.

He stopped.

He had met a wall. It was neither physical nor magical, but it stopped him all the same. It was as if his instincts were screaming at him to not go. As if to go was to lose something precious.

It was but a mere moments hesitation, but it redoubled Godfrey's efforts. With one shaky step after another, he could only grit his teeth and head towards the door.

One step. Two.

Upon reaching the door, he proceeded with the utmost caution to peer inside. And what he saw broke him.

Inside was the heretic, the alien. He who had no foundation in this world, who cared naught for the rules, who ensnared HIS princess. Admittedly, Godfrey felt threatened by his masculinity. A grizzled silver fox with a salt and pepper beard. His silvery hair tied back into a ponytail while his face though wizened was devoid of any blemishes or flaws.

Bile seared upwards into Godfrey's throat. How detestable.

And across from the old man, across from him, seated like a meek little girl was Road.

...She was smiling.

His heart trembled, but not due to her flawless beauty. After all, Road had smiled plenty when dealing with fellow students, while conducting speeches and other social activities. When she smiled then, it was almost as if watching a flower in full bloom, pure elegance coupled with a wondrous beauty that defied the realms of man.

But this...this was different. Her eyes had turned into ugly crescents and her grin seemed to stretch from ear to ear. Even a fool could see that she was surely enjoying herself. But this was not her. This smile looked foolish, befitting that of a snotnosed brat. How could it possibly be worn by someone of her station? It was unsightly! It wasn't dignified.

It was something he wanted so very very much.

He hated it. Just what did he lack? Where did he go wrong? He had done everything according to plan, he should have been indispensable to Road. Of course, the answer was obvious. It was the old man.

As if sensing something was wrong, Road diverted her gaze, before meeting Godfrey's peeking face entirely.

His heart grew cold.

She saw... what was he to do? Should he head in and introduce himself? or something else?

Godfrey didn't have the opportunity for any of these things, as Road sniffed and turned back to the old man, ignoring him completely.

She hadn't even bothered to call out to him.

His steps were wooden as he rigidly turned away from the room. There was no thought, no feeling, he was hollow.

Somehow he found himself underneath a stairwell. It was the one place he went to whenever he became upset. Normally, any frustration he felt would slowly dissipate while he hid under the steps, brooding, but now he couldn't feel...anything.

He looked at the teacup, surprised that he had kept it all this time. A mere cup, that was worth less than two silvers would normally be considered a holy treasure once Road's lips touched it, but now he couldn't be bothered.

As he raised his arm to smash the cup against the ground, a sudden fear swept over him. His body seized up as he realized what he was about to do.

Godfrey gasped and stepped back, cradling the tiny cup in his hands. As quick as it came, the fear was gone. Replaced with the crushing realization that his efforts had been futile. All those years, all that preparation, dashed by some random old man.

His eyes looked down tearfully at the cup, his inhibitions broken down after enduring a maelstrom of emotion. A small gurgle came bubbling out of his lips.

Although he never wished for this, he would have no choice. For the sake of their happy ending, it would appear that he would have to shake hands with the devil.

"Soon..." Godfrey nursed the cup in his hands before flicking his tongue out. Although any fluids that Road had left on the cup would have dried by now, he still ran his tongue over it lovingly.

Sloppy slurping noises soon followed and he repeated once more.

"Soon...I will make you happy."


"...Ummm." While Godfrey was in the midst of indulging, a silvery feminine voice rose awkwardly from behind him.

Godfrey instantly turned towards the sound, not bothering to mask his terror. Was it Road? Did she follow him?

A mixture of horror and relief crushed his chest as he realized the people behind him were all strangers. Although each of them had expressions of concern plastered all over their faces.


'A pervert?'

Unlike her two companions who were looking quite troubled, Roari had a wide smirk smears across her face.

‘Such a healthy young boy. I suppose even NPCs have urges.’

They had only been wandering around the academy aimlessly before finding a young schoolboy who seemed disturbed while walking purposefully.

Such suspicious behavior naturally piqued their adventurer's instinct and they followed him, but none of them would have predicted the wet slopping noises that resulted afterwards.

The boy himself was awkwardly dressed in a stuffy suit that was a size too large for him. All the while moaning and licking a teacup?

"What did you hear!?!" The boy panickly shouted.

'Awww, ain't he cute.'

"Absolutely nothing! We heard and saw nothing!" Roari grinned deviously. "By the way, exactly who are you going to make happy? Is it me? I hope it's me."


Roari had to cover her mouth to suppress a snigger. Ignoring the disdainful stares from her companions whom were quickly becoming resistant to her wiles, she was delighted to find another playmate.

"I’m guessing it isn’t me then? How disappointing. My heart! My expectations, crushed!" Roari gave a melodramatic sigh and feigned feinting in to Pale's arms.

Of course, Pale would've just let her fall, but she roughly clutched onto his arm to prevent that.

"How do you plan on compensating me?"

"W-What? Go away crazy woman, I owe you nothing!!" The boy shouted at her angrily, before trying to shove his way past them.

"Haaaa? Men are all like this nowadays. They toy with our pure maiden hearts before casting us aside like orange peels when they've had their fun."

Godfrey staggered as if being struck a mental blow. His face flushed at Roari's shamelessness but tried to persist on. But as soon as he was about to leave the hallway, a force tugged on the back of his jacket before slamming him against the wall.

His face contorted in fear as Roari slammed both hands on either side of his head, all the while wearing a pleasant smile on her face.

"I don't think you quite understand the situation...boy. Unless you want the entire school to know what transpired here, you will obey me."

"Y-You! Who do you think you are?! I'll call security on you!"

"Security?" Roari laughed. "Alright, go on! Scream. Scream for help. At most, we'll be escorted out, but not before we make sure everyone knows what you've done. It's quite a scary thing really. To be alienated for something private. I also imagine that your darling is someone in this school. How would you feel if she learned about your true feelings for her."

"Hey Pale, your sister is such a thug." Dawn made sure they were out of earshot before whispering.

Pale was unperturbed as he replied. "It's probably because she watches too much trashy anime."

"All I ask is one little favor! Just one, and we can forget this ever happened!"

Roari prodded Godfrey who looked as if he were on the verge of crying. His damp eyes lit some feeling of sympathy in Dawn's heart, but the previous scene had disturbed her too much to reach out.

"Kuh. What do you want?!" Godfrey finally relented after a series of prods. His tone was reluctant, yet it still brought a wide-eyed smile to Roari's lips.

"All we want to know is where we might find a girl called Road. "

"...!!" Godfrey recoiled. His posture suggested that he was prepared to run.

"Aah? Look at you, being all defensive. Looks like you really do know where she is after all."

Godfrey's face which already seemed completely red, deepened by another shade as he looked as if he had swallowed a lemon.

Fortunately, Pale decided then that they should partake in a more diplomatic approach, and pulled Roari away from the shivering boy.

"We are on a quest. Although we cannot give out details, we just want to ask her a question."

"Ask her a q...Ask her a question?!!" Godfrey spat, outraged. "Road is a divine made flesh. By what presumption do you think you can just waltz in and meet her? Her very existence draws countless admirers. Her--"

"That's cool kid, but spare us the details. Can you tell us where she is?" Pale quickly stopped the boy before he could continue his rant of Road's excellence.

"Never! It is my duty to prevent her holiness from being sullied by you peons."

"Aha! The girl you were talking about was her, isn't it! Don't bother denying it! You are blushing so hard, you look like an eggplant.!"

"So what if she is? To have such feelings after seeing her holiness is only natural!" Godfrey said indignantly. His fists were curled as if prepared for a fight, although he naturally set down the teacup first.

"Well, aren't you growing a spine now that we're talking about her. But the fact remains that Road is still in this school, and we will find her. You can either tell us now, or we can find her by ourselves, after which we will have a nice discussion about what happened here."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Glad to see we're on the same page here!"

Roari's eyes glistened as the boy looked conflicted. Although he knew he shouldn't, he still had the faintest of hopes that Road would come around one day. For her to know of his thoughts would dash such hopes completely. Not to mention, he hated the idea of Road being alone with that old man, thus his lips twitched as he made his decision.

"In the backup kitchen. 2 corridors down, third door near the end." Godfrey said simply before running away, cup in hand.

Roari and the team watched as the boy disappeared. After which, Pale shrugged. "Weird kid."

"It certainly is an... interesting hobby." Dawn agreed.

"That's nothing. Whenever I don't keep an eye on my cup, Pale does the exact same thing!"


"I drink it! I don't lick the damn thing!" Pale protested.

"You're still putting your mouth on it!" Roari stuck out her tongue as she continued. "And don't you think this is over! You just admitted to drinking my juice!"

As the two siblings started a miniature game of cat and mouse around her, Dawn could only let out a tired smile.

Afterwards, they quickly found the room as described, coming across an old man working casually with a dazzling purple haired girl watching intently.


When the old man turned, he looked slightly taken aback as the three of them gaped openly at the sight of his face.

"He's like an older version of Pale!"

"He's like you, but actually manly!"

As for Pale, he and the old man locked stares and a look of understanding passed between them. As if attracted by a magnetic force, the two of them walked towards each other before clasping hands.


"I can see you've had it hard. My name is Diethard."

"Thank you, it's been a trial." Pale agreed.

"I completely understand. My granddaughter is of college age herself. She stays at my home rent free, so you know how it is."

Ignoring their odd exchange, Dawn's eyebrow raised as she walked up to the old Pale clone. Her voice was suspicious.

"Diligence treads the sea of learning."



Amidst the looks of confusion from everyone else, Diethard widened his eyes in surprise. He smiled and nodded.

"The boat is your funeral."

"What?" Roari wondered aloud, confused.

"Its a code phrase for rankers to identify each other after the official launch. Well…Its more specifically for role players who don’t want to break character." Dawn explained. "It's obvious you're a player, but to set up shop in this area, there's no way a newbie could do it."

"Indeed, I only attained access after a month-long quest chain, but that begs the question. How did you three get in? Your two friends look like beginners."

"We have names you know!" Roari said indignantly. "This is Dawn, and I'm Roari, but you may call me your majesty."

Diethard laughed hoarsely, "A bit young to be a queen aren't we?"

"Please! For someone of my most noble personage, I can go wherever I please. Aside from that, we jumped the fence to get in." Roari explained nonchalantly.

"Harhar! Good girl! Well if it pleases you, call me Diethard. We were just about to start lunch, and company is always welcome!"

"Wait just a moment!" A gentle voice cut through the warm atmosphere. It was the girl with purple hair. With her apricot white cheeks and shapely features, she would surely make any man's top 10 list. She looked mildly annoyed with the Storm party.

"This is all highly inappropriate. As a prefect of this academy, I cannot turn a blind eye to such transgressions."

Roari sniffed. This girl had just lost 5 points on her cute scale.

"Come now Road. I think it's alright. You aren't exactly following protocol by being here either." Diethard smiled wryly at the blushing young maiden.

"Kuh..." Having no retort, the girl could do nothing but shrink back.

"Wait. Road? You are Road?"

"I am."

"Looks like that kid was right. Ahem. Actually, the reason we're here is for you."

A chilling aura rose from the tiny sword maiden, but she made no move to attack.

"You understand that the instigators of the noble abductions are still at large yes?" Pale continued. "We're but one of many trying to bring them down, but they've already scattered to the four winds."

"I've heard, but such a matter should be left to the knight's core in this city. Now that we know the culprits, it's only a matter of time before they're brought to justice. There is no need for civilians like yourselves to bother yourselves with it."

Road got off her stool and stopped before Pale, as if sizing him up. Her glacial violet eyes seemed to wander over every inch of his body before casually flicking back to Diethard. With a cold snort, she backed away, looking satisfied.

Amidst Pale's confusion, Roari, and Dawn had to suppress miffs of laughter that threatened to explode from their lips.

Though he didn't quite understand what was going on, he took it in stride.

"Regardless, we have already chosen to meddle," Pale explained how they had already interrogated one of the culprits, which lead to Road's name coming up in the conversation. As Pale kept talking, Road's relaxed slightly and her brows furrowed as she thought it over.

"Spurned?" Road blinked and tilted her head as if trying to recall distant memories. "I don't believe I've ever offended anyone. I have made great efforts to ensure that I treat everyone fairly such that the goddess's name is not tarnished.

"Oh? What about your boyfriend who was peeking earlier. He seemed pretty upset for some reason." Diethard supplied. His lips trembled as he beheld the girl who began steaming at the ears.

Of course, how could he not know who that boy was? Whenever Road came to visit, she would always express her disappointment over being given preferential treatment by some devoted fans.

"He's not my boyfriend! I don't even like him! The one I like is...is...." As if unable to bare it, Road looked away before covering her face in embarrassment.

"So Obvious."

"Really. Omg."

"Cheh. So she can be cute after all."

With the Storm party not bothering to lower their voices in the slightest, Road seemed to only sink deeper into the abyss while Diethard could only smile in understanding.

"Fine!" From the depths of her embarrassment, Road's voice doubled in volume. "There's plenty of time for that later. We can discuss your problem after having a meal first."

"Cheh? What happened to kicking us out?" Roari teased.

"D-Don't misunderstand. I just don't want to waste time arguing, else the efforts that Diethard made to create this meal would get cold and wasted."

Roari snorted at that but decided not to press the issue further and waved her off. She'll give the girl some face...for now.

"I could eat."

"I'll be in your care."

“It won’t be long. Please. Have a seat.” Diethard gestured towards a circular wooden table. Although it was a squeeze to fit the lot of them around the table, they somehow managed to cram themselves beside Road while Diethard disappeared into the kitchen.

It seems they had timed their arrival perfectly, as after some brief clanging from the kitchen, Diethard returned.

He returned carrying shallow dishes of soup balanced precariously upon a large tray. With steady firm hands, he served the dishes.

Their first impressions were one of disappointment. As Diethard set the plates before them, none of them were particularly aroused by the spread before them. At first glance, it was a rather sorry sight. With nothing but collard greens and tiny bubbles of vegetable dotting the surface. The soup itself looked watery and completely unappetizing.

For the siblings that subsisted mainly on junk food and takeout, such a dish was akin to torture.

"Caldo Verde," Diethard noted the looks of repugnance on the faces of the Storm siblings before explaining. "It's a light soup which should cleanse your organs and stimulate your appetite. Although the ingredients of this world differ from our own, I was able to replace most ingredients such as potato with Otan root and garlic with mandrake skin."

Otan root? They had come across such a name when perusing the market stalls in the White City. For all intents and purposes, it was a potato, except the tubers were easily of size with a human head. One Otan was sufficient to feed an entire party for a day, so long as they didn’t grow sick of eating nothing but starch.

As for mandrake? It could be considered a mid level alchemical ingredient. Few if any denizens of the world would use it for something as simple as a common soup. However, under the stare of Diethard, Roari and Pale had no choice but to clench their teeth and give it a try.

The first sip was the most telling.

"Well, what do you know?"

"It's good?"

Roari's eyes widened in surprise. Despite the watery appearance, the frayed bits of vegetable created a creamy texture as it slid smoothly down her throat. In addition to having a slight amount of salt, what would normally be a bland or bitter coalescence of vegetables was instead a pure concentration of savoriness that soon had Roari gulping down her plate.

Dawn tittered at the stupefied expressions of her companions, having already partaken herself. Of course, she was more familiar with the dish as her diet had comparatively more variety. She bowed her head at Diethard as she raised a spoonful filled with leafy green vegetable. The heat from the soup radiated off the spoon, warming her face as she smiled.

"What's the soup base? This is far too rich and smoky to be a purely vegetable soup."

"You're right! You’re tasting White boar bones. The boar meat is quite lean, and quite tough on the jaw. It’s a pain to eat as a meal, but perfect for soup stock. The players in this city use them as training practice, so it's not difficult at all to procure a steady supply."

Diethard had retrieved a plate of his own, but rather than enjoying it with a spoon like the rest of them, he drained the entire plate in one massive gulp.

With a heavy gasp and a quick lick of the lips, he set the dish down while everyone but Road looked at him with wide eyes.

"Anyways, this soup is but a start. To be honest, I am quite glad that you all showed up when you did. Recently I've tried charcoal grilling, and I made way too much."

With a flourish, Diethard entered the kitchen once more before returning with a stack of plates and a basket of bread. The bread itself was still hot and crusty, but they were mere supports to the main dish to come.

What came next came had the lot of them gasping for breath.

It was a longsword. A freaking longsword. Impaled upon it were multiple cuts of meat, all dripping with juices. Aromatic grey smoke wafted from it in a smooth trail, as if teasing them.

In addition to that, as if Diethard was deathly afraid of being deprived of the opportunity to stuff them all to death, he also brought out a large glass dish with what seemed like baked mash potato on the surface.

The hell was anyone supposed to finish all of that?

Even Road seemed surprised, but Diethard was unabashed as he proudly listed the menu.

"For the main course today, we have shepherd's pie! The filling comprises of minced cherry mouse, sling peas among other vegetables. Do take note of the sweetness of the meat. Not to mention, we also have a beautiful scotch fillet. The lamb who donated it will be pleased to know its body is now serving a good cause! Served in a Brazilian barbecue style!"

"What kind of lamb is it?"

"It's just lamb."


Overall, there were around 10 pounds of food on the table with absolutely no salad accompaniment. For the Storm siblings who felt slightly better after tasting the soup, their eyes had become giant globes. Like explorers who have found the lost city of gold, both were completely oblivious as dribbles of drool began oozing down their mouths.

Worst was the savory scent of flesh, blood, and spice that assaulted their nose. The impact which would normally smash over their heads like an anvil, instead inched forward in a steady creep, until it had wrapped around their brains like a vice. Stimulating their inner appetites.

With practiced ease, Diethard started carving thick generous slices, exposing the pink supple flesh within. The squelch and splatter of red juice dripping down the roast seemed to spur their appetites. The vegetable soup, long forgotten.

"The salt extracted from the White Sea has a mildly spicy flavor to it. If anyone here is bad with spice, I can get you some chilled milk."

"Uh...Uh." Not one to waste time, Roari was the first to take a bite. A perfectly sliced, dripping piece of red meat disappeared into her mouth. She froze and shuddered before a muffled moan managed to escape her lips.

With just the first bite, the tiny chunk of flesh seemed to gush with overflowing juices. The elasticity of the meat provided a firm but satisfying rebound as she chewed. Rather than lamb, it had a strong beefy flavor that was further complimented by a mild heat which opened up her taste buds, allowing her to fully enjoy the impactful flavors that were provided. She also detected a faint sweetness from the slathered on gravy and a profound nuttiness that was present in all dry aged meat, all flowing together to amplify the steak's savouriness.

To describe it in one word, one could only call it supreme. Although it might not have as impactful a tenderness as the famed wagyu or Kobe, how could luxury food across the world be compared to that which was before her plate? She hungered. She ate. It was good. What else could do it justice?

From the looks of it, the rest of her party were eating heartily as well, especially the cook himself, who was chewing with gusto.

Road, on the other hand, seemed distracted, sneaking glances at Diethard while chewing slowly.

"What's wrong? Not to your taste?" Roari said thickly after taking another bite. She had also ripped apart a small loaf of crusty bread, enjoying the scent of grain and yeast before stuffing it in as well.

Road looked alarmed as the focus of the meal shifted to her. "That's not true! I...mmph!"

Not even bothering to finish her sentence, she stuffed her cheeks and smiled, as if trying to display how much she was enjoying herself.

Roari, spying a chance, giggled as she attacked Road mercilessly.

"Look at you go. You must really like having Diethard's meat in your mouth."

"Pfffft--!" Road's eyes bulged as a mist of saliva sprayed from her lips. It was only with great difficulty that she didn't choke or launch fleshy chunks across the table.

“Waaa. Say it. Don’t spray it.”

Pale, however, was less fortunate as he inevitably started choking mid-mouthful, leading to Dawn patting his back tenderly while Diethard chuckled to himself quietly.

A vein had popped on Road's forehead. Her eyes were filled with tears as she chewed and swallowed painfully before shooting Roari a dirty look. When confronted with such a look, Roari could only shrug and smile cheekily.

"How was it? Good right?"

Though angered, Road could only nod as she looked down at her empty plate. Fondness flooded her heart as she remembered all the visits she paid to the old man. She had gone more than thirty times and never failed to finish her plate. Everything was delicious beyond compare.

Seeing Road stare at her empty plate with remorse, Roari decided to help out this timid girl who obviously didn't know how to ask for seconds.

"Yo, old man! Don't just stand there! This girl wants some more of your thick, juicy meat."

"Kuhhh!" This time, it was Dawn's turn to begin choking. Having been in the middle of drinking a glass of water, Roari's outburst had caused Dawn to inhale sharply. The water entering her lungs induced a coughing fit, while Pale returned the favor.

Diethard, who couldn't stop the edges of his mouth from curving upward acquiesced. To enjoy such youthful antics around a dinner table could only increase one's enjoyment of food.

“How about trying the pie instead? I am sure it will be quite to your taste.”


Never one to refuse a tasty dish, Roari excitedly watched as Diethard dolloped a large portion of mashed potato and meat casserole on her plate. So help her, she almost inhaled the whole thing instantly.

Instead, Roari casually scooped up a large portion with her spoon. The darkened brown swirls of the potato atop the slick, dripping gravy filled meat was tantalizing beyond compare. Even though she had just eaten a decent portion, her mouth was leaking saliva as she bit down.

Immediately her pupils dilated and her cheeks quivered.

She hadn’t even tasted it yet, but it was like eating a cloud.

“Ih Mel’ing” (It’s melting!)

Without even needing to chew, the vegetables and meat which have been cooked to gelatin like consistency, completely fell apart with but the slightest touch from her tongue. It was creamy, savoury, sweet. As if she had just taken in a mouth full of rich, flavorful gravy.

Her tongue shuddered, as if a cluster of actual cherry mice were frolicking across her tongue, tickling her taste buds as she ate spoonful after spoonful.

“Old man! Seconds please!”

Roari roared, after polishing off his third portion. Her eyes glowed with a proound vigor and an exploding aura of health radiated off of her body.

“Aha. I’m sorry, but it seems we have run out.”

Ara? Roari’s eyes bugged out as she looked at the empty dish and sword. The only reminder that food once inhabited such devices were the puddle of juices around it. Heavens, even the bread basket had been devoured to the last grain.

She turned her eyes suspiciously to the other 3 diners who all had their cheeks stuffed like squirrels. All hacking away at their rapidly dwindling plates of food.

But even as Roari was about to complain, Diethard swiftly polished off his plate and stood up.

“I’d say now would be a good time for dessert?” He smiled pointedly at Roari before taking the dishes back to the kitchen. His broad shoulders looked especially manly even as Roari looked at them with grateful eyes.

‘My hero!’

When it came to dessert, it seem Diethard needed a few more preparations as the rest of the party finished before his return. As there was naught else to do, it was only natural that they would indulge in the complimentary post-meal gossip.

Seeing that Diethard was gone, the Storm party quickly huddled together, completely ignoring the scowling young sword maiden as they conspired.

"I want him."

A sunny voice quickly blurted out.

"Roari! You can’t objectify a person."

And was quickly shut down by a stern one.

"But...It wouldn't hurt to ask."

"No." A third voice interjected.

"Are you afraid of being compared to him?"


Pale, who always thought himself to be the de facto leader of the party bluntly stated his position on the entire matter. The saying was true. The way to a man's heart truly was through his stomach.

Although Pale was ambivalent about Diethard at first, the piping hot meal that beggared belief had swayed him greatly. The mature manliness that swept over the girls had infected him as well.

And just for that reason, he definitely would not allow such a man to join!

"You wouldn't happen to be jealous, would you? Although Diethard does have a mature charm, that's not to say you don't have good points yourself."

Pale choked as Dawn's attempt at comforting him sent a lance of pain through his heart.

"Please consider it! We've been subsisting on stale bread and rations for the past weeks. Someone who can cook would be a most valuable addition to the party, wouldn't you say?"

Blood flooded Pale's mouth as Dawn drove another lance into his chest.

Roari, who almost always got what she wanted after pressing her brother hard enough smiled at Dawn lazily and explained.

"Nah. That's not it. Pale's just worried about going gay if he sticks around Diethard too long."

"Ahhh. I understand."

Dawn's tone was kind, sympathetic even.

Pale who was suffering severe mental damage ended up throwing up blood before falling off his chair, twitching.

Road, who bore witness to the parties antics could feel indignation boiling within her veins. It wasn't as if she didn't know that Diethard belonged to a different world. She had always wondered what the difference was, but her heart grew cold as she thought about her only friend leaving her.

Yes, Road had long considered Diethard as her first friend. The old man who cared none for her station or status, who treated her like any normal girl and fed her.

Her lips quivered. She had to make her claim on him, to tell these strangers to back the fuck off. But did she have the right? They were from different worlds, and it seemed her world was only a game for these people. Would her words hold any importance to them? She hesitated, confused as to what to do.

"Fine! I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask!"

Fuck it.

Unable to bare it any longer, Road squeezed her eyes shut and opened her mouth.


"And here is dessert! A classic tarte tatin made with caramelized tree fruits!"


Road was quickly cut off as Diethard strode back into the room. Fuming at her missed opportunity, she could only join the rest of the Storm party as they exclaimed in surprise.

Removing the cheesecloth with a flourish, Diethard revealed a golden tart that glistened brightly while releasing tiny puffs of steam. The baked tree fruit that was covered with a layer of glistening caramel was neatly arranged to mimic that of a flower in bloom. Of course, due to its temperature, they still had to wait a while for the tart to cool, but its visual appearance was enough to tide them over.

Such a creation made Diethard look good. It made him look very good.

"Wow old man. You’re beautiful. But if you put all this work into cooking, shouldn’t you be running a restaurant instead of playing this game?"

As soon as Roari spoke up, Dawn realized that Diethard actually looked rather familiar.

"Ha! Are you saying old guys like me can't play with you young folk?"

"Course not! More power to you! But ever since we started, you're the only one we've seen who actually cooks! Well...aside from a monster ogre lady who almost bashed our brains out."

"Ha! I'd love to meet such a woman. But yes. You are more or less right. I was actually a chef in a rather well to do restaurant, but due to some poor smoking habits, I ended up killing off my taste buds early. Although I had the fundamentals down, how could anyone trust a man who can't even taste his own cooking? Thus I decided on an early retirement, at least until this game came out."

"One of my old patrons gave me an early access key. Here, in this world, I was given a new body, one that can actually enjoy the pleasures of eating. You all have no idea how delicious even the most basic of bread is after tasting nothing for over ten years. Even though my restaurant is still there, and I get invited to a lot of functions, how could I possibly be happy when everything I put in my mouth is akin to a mouthful of sand?"

"But this place is different. Let alone the monsters and adventures, there are countless new ingredients for me to discover. New methods of cooking and combinations. This is truly a second life and I've only just scratched the surface."

When Diethard finally finished his passionate rant, Roari found herself to be slightly taken back. With just his zeal and fervor, he radiated a mad aura that silently spoke of the passion for his craft.

'So he was a pervert after all.'

Naturally, such a verdict would not turn a girl like Roari off. She was quite tolerant of even the most deviant of degenerates, courtesy to being one herself.

Her nostrils flared as she invariably noticed the scent of a comrade, and the desire to pull Diethard into their fold grew even stronger.

Quickly giving Pale a light pinch on the arm, her eyes met his, as if to say: Fulfill your promise, you bastard!

"Yet you've stayed in this city for how long now? Despite your candor, if you were truly interested in the vast bounty that this world has to offer, you would be out exploring like the rest of us." Pale said cooly. Though his words cut deep, they weren't meant to infuriate Diethard, but to subconsciously align his goals with their own.

'Attaboy Bro!'

"Haha. That is true. Staying in this little corner of the world cannot compare to the vast unknown, and I do admit that I've gotten a bit addicted to gorging myself. But you must understand! When I first arrived here, I had barely exceeded lv 20. You have no idea how difficult it is to gather ingredients in the wilderness! Not to mention, they spoil over time. There were many nights where I had to go hungry, and it was torture!"

"Not to mention, there were countless high-level ingredients that I couldn't process. At least not with my initial levels of cooking skills! Thus I sought haven in this cozy little city, preparing for the time when I'll head back into the wild once more!"

"And that time is soon, I hope?" Pale lowered his voice, sneakily threading in a smidgeon of expectation, which did not go unnoticed.

"Indeed. I am now lv 44, and I have familiarized myself with this worlds ingredients somewhat. I don’t think it’ll be long before I venture out once more." Diethard bared his brilliant teeth, completely unaware of the internal screaming of all the females present.

Of course, their reasons for doing so were all completely different.

"I believe the tart is cool enough now."


A cold menacing voice quickly divided the air between them. Although she was never one for conversation, to be sidelined like this while her old man talked about leaving her was akin to her entire world crashing down.

If not for these aliens and their strange ability to disappear into thin air, she had half a mind to chain him up in the kitchens. She had also contemplated murdering the adventurer's but decided against it, as it would leave Diethard with a bad impression of her.

Regardless of her restraints, she was still fuming while the rest of the spectators shared guilty looks with one another.

Upon seeing the awkward smile plastered upon Diethard's face, Roari's face fell.

'Ara Ara. Looks like someone wants to interfere with our plans.'

Despite her demeanor, Road was still classified as an upper echelon warrior of the White City. Although nobody in their party knew exactly how strong that was, such a figure would surely dwarf the prowess of a common knight captain from the White Temple.

As all of them had already suffered at the hands of monstrous NPCs in the past, none of them were eager to tick one off, even if her pouty face was just asking to be picked on.

"Truly, you've outdone yourself." Road said pleasantly, brushing Diethard's hand as she accepted a plate from him. She shifted her posture a little, showing off her gaping neckline as she attempted to appeal to him.

Such an attempt at seducing the old man proved folly. Not to mention the massive discrepancy in their apparent ages, but Diethard had already come to see Road as a grandchild of sorts.

Still, he should've at least felt something, but alas...

Unfortunately, Road took after her namesake a bit too well. No, not the goddess, Road. But the actual paved streets of Baracus. Yes, her chest area was the biggest ego booster for all the women in the city. It was even rumored to be so flat that it could be used as a whetstone.

If she were not the holy maiden, she would have cursed the gods for cursing her with such an affliction, hence making even her most aggressive attempts to be sexy look cute.

Of course, nobody would actually admit it, but the players seated around the table were doing their best not to burst out in raucous laughter.

Did Diethard feel remorse for having to leave his affectionate little ward? Of course, he did! But it wasn't as if he could just bring her along. Even if she accepted, her status as the sword maiden would prevent such excursions.

That said, Diethard wasn't so selfless as to spend his whole gaming life playing the personal chef for a young girl. He had already past one hundred years in real life, and although modern medicine had pretty much doubled the average lifespan, he was in no way a spring chicken anymore. One might think that as a man grows old, he loses his immaturity and imagination, but that is not the case! If anything, it gets magnified by several folds, as only after living to an advanced age can one truly appreciate that primal thirst for adventure.

Still, he would miss her, surely right? But there wasn't anything he could do. After all, some teammates had already expressed interest in recruiting him, and they seemed pleasant enough.

‘Why is fate so cruel. Oh this is delicious’

While completely unaware of the troubled thoughts swirling in Road's mind, the rest of the party had already tucked in.

The tree fruit was still warm. After being baked for over an hour, the fruit itself seemed to fall apart with the lightest touch. Raised brilliantly on a crust of puff pastry, the dessert seemed to dissolve in one's mouth. Transforming into a sea of deliciousness as the sticky, firm substance seemed to dance around one's taste buds.

The sugar content alone was not overbearing, but still rich enough to make one's toes curl in pleasure.

For a refreshment, there was chilled milk which was perfect for washing down the starch and sweetness.

After quickly throwing back an entire glass, Roari found herself refreshed, with the amalgamation of good food creating a feeling of satisfaction in her stomach.

Pale who was settled in content, suddenly burst into a panic as if just remembering something.

"Hey Diethard, you wouldn’t happen to have any more would you?"

"Hmm? You’re still hungry? Well I have a couple more lamb fillets slowly turning on the fire. They won’t be done for a few more hours though."

"That’s fine. If it’s alright. Can Devi have a bite?"

With a bright flash, Pale summoned his little black cat. It mewed loudly, clearly annoyed at being rudely awakened from its slumber. That’s right. Pale was a good pet owner. He definitely wouldn’t starve those things under his care. Unless he happened to be busy or if he forgets.

"A pet?"

"A demonic being!" Road exclaimed in surprise. Her hand subconsciously brushed her waist, but she had not brought her weapon with her. Any affiliate of a holy order would instinctively wish to vanquish evil, doubly so for someone of her status.

As if realizing what she was about to do, Road quickly dropped her arms and stared at the cat curiously. "I've never seen one this small before."

"Yep. I managed to acquire her thanks to some fortuitous circumstances, but as you can clearly see, she isn't particularly obedient." Pale winced as the tiny cat raked her claws across his arm. "I thought that maybe some good food would lighten her mood."

"Of course! No cook would ever just sit back and let others starve!”

Diethard quickly retrieved another sword skewer. However this one was pierced through an entire leg of lamb.

“How much does she want? Just let me cut it into smaller chunks to make it easier for her to ea..."

Diethard stopped. The tiny winged cat, Devi had already disappeared from Pale's arms and was curiously sniffing the giant makeshift skewer in Diethard’s hands. From charred, crusty exterior to the pink juices dripping off the bone, it took its time, as if hesitating.

Nobody said a word, as if mesmerized by the tiny ball of darkness.

Finally making a decision, Devi opened up her tiny maw, taking rapid bites out of the...air? There was a ripping sound and the air before her distorted.

The leg of lamb which sat laid prone in front of her began to have chunks disappearing into thin air. It was as though an invisible man was biting into it as the whole five pounds of lamb seemingly disappeared into the void.

It must be noted that the entire lamb leg was almost as big as the cat itself, but Devi wasn't done yet. After the flesh, came the bone, and finally the sword itself.

The entire process was lightning quick. The eating speed itself could only be described as tyrannical. After but a few breaths, not even the grease or gristle remained of the leftovers. Devi, satisfied, returned to Pale's lap and unceremoniously curled back into a ball to sleep.


"Huh. Well, how about that." Diethard mused.

"So this entire time, she was just hungry?" Pale gaped. It must be known that he had tried interacting with the pet before. But every time he tried, it had been in a foul mood, and only the embrace of a woman would calm it. Now it all made sense.

"Bro...that's animal abuse."

Although Pale wanted to retort, the ravenous display by his pet, followed by its currently content purring dried up any argument he had.

"Hmph! Although it's a demonic beast, at least it has good taste."

Now that the meal was truly and utterly devoured, they quickly settled down once more, relaxing with steamy mugs of hot steeped leaf tea. The soothing bitterness was perfect for refreshing their palates, setting them at ease.

As Road seemed to have opened up a little after a satisfying meal. She even took the initiative to restart the conversation.

"Anyways, now that we’re all fed and watered. We can get back to the issue. Was there nothing else you found? It seems a tad odd that they would specifically mention me before dying."

"I'm afraid not. But if it isn't you, then perhaps he might be referring to the goddess?"

"No, the legends have always stated that our goddess was most amicable of all the immortals. There could be more details hidden away in the grimoires of the Academy library, but I doubt they'd say anything which contradicts that."

"Legends? I thought you were some sort of holy maiden. Can't you just ask the goddess herself?"

"The gods aren't puppies who would come forth when called. Although I can request a connection, that is generally reserved for religious ceremonies. To abuse my powers for some trivial question would be far too presumptuous."

"I wouldn't consider it trivial though. Although the nobility had their children returned to them, what of the children still missing? What about the security of the city, which is definitely at risk now with these vagrants running about!" Dawn supplied. She had seen the desperation on the streets, of bedraggled parents begging for some news, any news of their lost children. Though the upper echelons in the White City had made proclamations on the evil being past them, the activity in the city was still muted, repressed.

"If you were to contact the goddess, would she get mad at you?" Roari asked curiously.

"She would not but...--"

"So you're saying the goddess wouldn't want the criminals to be brought to justice? She's alright with the citizens on the streets being filled with unease?"

"It's not that simple! And just because I can do it, doesn't mean it'll be successful!" Road flustered under the three-pronged attack. Although some valid points were made, she was not comfortable being dragged into their pace.

"Now. Now. Don't bully the poor girl." Diethard smoothly interjected. His reassuring aura setting Road's heart aflutter. "Despite her reputation, Road doesn't actually have a lot of power in the organization. To establish a commune, she would have to make a request to the high council and wade through miles of red tape. Such a thing would surely be a headache for her, and if things were to go poorly, she could end up losing her freedom."


As the voice of reason, Diethard's words had caused the others to fall silent. Road, however, could still feel pangs of guilt as his words indirectly hinted at her being selfish.

"In this world, Road is but a 15-year-old girl, so I hope you understand that she still has wants and desires of her own. As her seniors, we should be accommodating, even if some sacrifices need to be made."

The corners of Pale's lips curled up as he stared at Diethard in amusement. Though he had the aura of maturity and respectfulness about him, Pale could still tell that Diethard's reasonable speech was full of traps.

'Crafty old bastard.'

Such a thing, was of course, extremely unfair to Road, who was blissfully unaware that the four of them had already entered into a coalition.

Seamlessly integrating into the team, they had already adopted a form of good cop, bad cop routine, albeit with a few extra steps.

Roari, who had not caught on yet, could only sigh in defeat. Her shoulders slumped, but she wasn't going to push it. After all, the prospects of having a personal chef on the team were far too tempting for her, and she would rather not sour such a relationship.

"If that's the case, then it can't be helped. We can just break into the library and look around there! ...I mean...we're already trespassing anyways."

"I'll do it!"

"...Come again?"

Completely confused, Roari looked at Road who raised her chin in an arrogant manner.

"I'll request the higher-ups for the communion ceremony. Not for you...but for the people!" After her declaration, Road sneaked a glance at Diethard, before quickly turning back at them.

By the gods, Dawn could swear she saw her pupils forming tiny hearts.

"It'll probably take a couple of days, but I can get you an answer. Although, it won't be for free! We can talk about remuneration after."

Completely lost, Roari could only gape while Pale and Diethard had their faces turn blue in their effort to repress their chuckles. Dawn, who was slightly more understanding, could only gently smile as she thanked her.

"That is very kind of you. At the end of this, no matter what you want to eat, I'll be sure to make it for you when you're done." Diethard added.

"From the looks of it, she wants to eat him." Pale whispered softly into Dawn's ear, which caused Dawn to break down and snort violently.

“You!” Road glared at Roari.

“Me?” Roari shook with a start. What did she do?

“Come with me. We’ll get your group a visitation pass along the way. You are quite fortunate that guards weren’t patrolling today. The punishment for trespassing is uncompromising and fierce. The rest of your party can wait here.”


Seeing the indignant little girl, Roari momentarily realized that they made quite the pair. Two awesome little girls.

“Thank you Road. You are a good girl.”

Hearing the lowered whisper from the old man, the little sword maiden flushed once more before dragging Roari’s arm with her as she fled the scene. All the while not daring to meet anyone’s eyes as she practically flew out of the room.

Not long after, a mortified scream came echoing from the distance, sending the patrons of the kitchen keeling over in laughter.

"Old man, well aren't you horrible. Toying with an innocent maiden's feelings like that."

"Haha, It's nothing like that. She just reminds me of my daughter when she was still young."

"So you toy with your daughter's feelings too huh? You old dog!" With a hearty laugh, Pale raised his fingers in salute. Dear god, after spending so many days in the exclusive company of women, he missed talking to another dude.

"I'm innocent!" Diethard insisted, raising his hands in submission.

"For a guy who can make good food and charm young girls, you sure are humble. Not to mention you assisting us with our quest, I'd feel horrible if we didn't pay you back in some way. Actually, come to think of it, why don’t you join our party. You’d be a great addition to the team."

Dawn raised an eyebrow towards Pale. He was being overly chummy with Diethard, which sparked a note of disbelief in her heart. This was the same guy who backstabbed her and left her for dead for their first meeting? She couldn't help but feel resentful and a little jealous.

Well, seeing as how she was getting a chef in the party, she supposed she could forgive him for now.

“While I appreciate your offer, I already have someone I wish to travel with.”

“Is it the little girl?”


“Hello? Police?”

Diethard wore a forced smile as he perfectly understood how his first words might be misunderstood by others. He raised his hands in supplication.

“It isn’t like that. Trust me.”

“Oh? Then how is it?” Dawn reacted and looked to the entrance where the two girls had disappeared to.

“You must understand. As you grow older, you lose a lot in your life. You must come to terms that your children are ingrates and your grandchildren would rather spend their lives on their phone than talk to grandpa.”

“Sorry for being apart of that generation.” Pale murmured while feeling mildly ashamed.

“No matter. But here is Road. A darling girl who I care for, locked up as some showpiece. Her whole life, she was forced into a role she hated, confined into a space that was too small. From such a situation, it isn’t hard to feel pity for her.”

Dawn nodded. She could completely understand such feelings, though at a much lesser scale. The only difference between them was that Dawn always had the option to get up and leave whenever she wanted. Not that she would.

“So I decided. When I’m ready. I’ll take her with me. It’s not like she has any administrative responsibilities or real power in this cursed hellhole of a city anyways. It’ll just be a minor excursion, a vacation if you will. At the moment, I’m sure that if I ask, she will come with me.”

“Sounds like self righteous child abduction to me.” Pale’s retort left Diethard scratching his head in embarrassment. Of course, not matter how he swung it, that would be the case.

“Well, there’s no helping if you think of it that way. But how can you abduct someone at the pinnacle of this world? Despite how it seems, all she needs is a finger to turn me into sausage meat. Not to mention, Road is pretty smart. She won’t be tricked by some thugs with dastardly intentions.”

“I don’t know about that, I see one right before me.”

Dawn looked at Pale as if he were an idiot. Despite his views, Diethard’s story was very touching and warmed the cockles of her heart. Hell, if anything, he should be taking notes.

“Well, I won’t say that my intentions are completely benign. After all, there are some areas in the world that house the most exquisite of delicacies. Sweetslandia where all the inhabitants are made of confections. The Drunken Sea, where the fish and sealife all have flesh that taste of alcohol. Or the fallen lands, where everything is on a massive scale and we can find chickens the size of houses. And many many more.

The problem is. Each of these areas are massive danger zones, that I would have no hope of traversing alone. Of course, if I were to have Road by my side, then I won’t have to fret for my poor little life!”

“Smart man! I can relate to that.” Pale nodded as he casually made some notes about the locations that were listed. They would definitely make for some great vacation spots in the future.

“Mmmm. Just thinking about it makes my stomach growl in anticipation.”

“Mine as well. It’s only a pity that we won’t be there to enjoy your cooking too old man.”

“Eh. I wouldn’t be too heartbroken about it. After all, the world is smaller than you think. We will probably cross paths again in the future.”

“Here here.” Pale smiled as the three of them clinked glasses and shared friend requests. It would be good to make a friend that could cook.

After tasting what decently prepared cuisine had to offer, Pale wasn’t quite sure how he was going to survive in the future. His and Roari’s attempts in real life were fine and all, but nothing could really compare to professional work.

‘Ahh. What a dilemma. We should really find a chef next...or else…’

Pale turned to look at Dawn and a slow smile crept across his face.

“...I’m not learning cooking.”


“Harhar. How I wish to be young again.”

As the three of them slowly got deeper into their cups, the banter and laughter came much easier. After all, there was nothing else to do while waiting for the girls to return. But little did they know, they would be waiting for few hours time, for Road and Roari had both disappeared.

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