《Eternal Pheonix》Prologue- Part 1
An: It maybe confusing first because I made changes, but I will explain everything as soon as possible. I am changing a lot of things for the sake of actually having a story-line. I will make sure the same characters are still introduced. This story still involves re-incarnation.
After I copy and pasted, it wasn't put in paragraphs so I had to put them in again.
I rushed putting the paragraphs in so it might be a bit weird...
Character: "Speaking out loud."
Character: [Speaking to themselves in their mind.]
{Character:"Speaking with others mentally."}
I was trying to write a little differently, please comment and tell me which style you like, this one or the one before.
( 1st person or 3rd person?)
I was reborn again... this time as some sort of fox.
I was born with 2 tails.
Twenty years has past now, it really flew by.
I spent most of my time hunting other magical creatures.
I use my tails as weapons, mixed with my illusions and fire magic I am very deadly.
Now I rule the western hemisphere of this pathetic world.
My tails have multiplied, instead of 2, I have 18.
Thats twice as an adult of my race should, but I guess my abnormal affinities for fire enhanced this body, after all, I am in the body of a Fire demonic fox.
This life I chose not to train much, just relax and survive.
This is because I know the limitations of this body.
It will never go past the Demi-god rank, but with my innate ability, I am sure I can take on a Full-god.
Creatures and humanoids come all over this world to challenge me.
Of-course, the results dont need to be mentioned, they weren't battles.
To be honest, I couldn't even be bothered remembering the name of this world, it only has 1 plane and 2 other deities. Both demi-gods.
But then something intriguing happened.
Demons started to invade.
They werent demonic or magical beasts, like me, but were of the demon race.
The Demon race is one of the most common races, with Humans, Elves, Beastmen and the Draconians. These races were the most known throughout the whole multiverse.
Out of the infinite ammount of races that grow in number everyday, these races stand at the top. Of-course, intelligent magical beasts also unite and create clans which balance them out.
The demon-race that are visiting this weak planet come from a fairly advanced planet called void.
Someone conquered all the planes in their world and it seemed that they grew short in recourses and started conquering other planets.
Even when they had what they needed, they didnt stop.
They were first wary of other planets but realised they were pretty powerful.
I myself, have heard of them from my past rebirths in some different planets.
Right now, I am talking to one of them.
Demon: "I am an emissary of the Demon-race of the void empire.Surrender this hemisphere of the world to us and we will spare your life."
In front of me is a red skinned, buff man. He has long white hair and scales can be seen on his cheek. He also has 2 red curved horns and black draconic wings. A Red thin tail which has a horn right at the end could be seen waving around. He is obviously impatient.
A half breed. Half draconian and half demon.
------:"You are a high god? Even if I die today, I swear, if my name isn't Fenix, I shall destroy you and your measly universe." I warn him. They truly dont know. Even if they conquered a hundred planets they are probably one of the tiniest branches of the demon race.
Having a High-god emissary for an advanced planet like them is not that surprising.
This emissary is probably one of their top-experts. Other wise, even if its a feeble planet, they would bring back-up.
The amusing thing is, this high-god only fused with a low grade High-god core, even a high grade core won't give power equal to that of a average high god.
They are the weakest type of high god, 2 or 3 Full-gods can kill them.
A normal high god can kill hundreds of normal Full-gods, this shows how pathetic their empire is.
This universe is also pretty pathetic.
High-Gods are extremely powerful, but in this vast infinite multiverse, there are just too many! This universe only has a handful of powerful high-gods.
Let me calculate this... Each world can have more than one plane, the most is 7...
So lets say there is only a million planets with life-forms in this universe...
Ah fuck it, I dont even know what I was trying to calculate!
I guess the answer is: They're all pieces of shit!
Demon:"You... a mere demi-god dare defies me, Grant? I am a High-God of the Void empire, not only the emissary, but second only to the empe-!!"
I start letting off killing intent.
A violet bloody aura emmits from me and the whole world is black and white for a moment.
This only happens for less than a second, I don't want to break him.
I have killing intent that can make a Lesser-soveriegn piss themself.
Afterall, I destroy and create countless life-forms.
I just kill a bit excessively, but its no biggy, the places I usually get sent to are places that have huge negative karma from their life-forms. Most of the life-forms are depressed in places like these and theres a tyrant ruling over them. The people that are living happily are scum-bags while the good people are living in a hell.
Grant:"I- a-am v-very s-sorry! Please Have Mercy M'Lord!" The guy starts Ko-towing me and smacking his head on the floor.
Tch. Now he's messing with my home.
-----:"Are you done, destroying my home? You can say good bye to your universe. You have negative karma so you will probably end up as a slave of an expert in the nether."
I accidentally tell him his fate for the next couple of millenium.
A look of despair spreads accross his face.
This makes me smile in satisfaction--- huh? Why did he start crying when I smiled? I guess I'm just too good-looking, even as a demonic fox.
Well, might as well finish my job now, he broke too quick.
I call this a job, but nobody else thinks of it like that.
I can feel negative emotions and Karma but none of my brothers and sisters can.
Well.. that BITCH, who hates positive karma can...
I choose to destroy stuff that built up huge negative karma in their life.
Thats why I have a very... infamous reputation accross the multiverse.
I let out all my mana from my body, instead of joining the natural mana, like it should do, it instead dissipates into nothingness. The mana thats entered my body ends up unique and incompatible with anything else.
A huge beam of light is shot out from my body.
The light widens and takes the circumference of about 1/3 of the entire planet.
My soul quickly leaves the planet.
The stars in the whole universe start to dim and the fire from countless stars swirl around me.
Needless to say, the world I was in is already ash.
The fire continues swirl and starts to take shape.
Even a tiny universe like this has countless stars, huh.
The fire takes the form of a pheonix.
It could probably be seen in the neighbouring universe since it opened many dimensional cracks. Every single realm for each world in this universe was simultaniously destroyed.
I do my catch phrase, a multiverse shaking scream, to announce its destrucion.
I give a flap of my wings and huge gust destroys everything.
Black holes collapse and everything turns to nothingness.
Well... except for the dimensional cracks.
Loads of experts are probably peaking again... they have no shame.
I close all the dimensional cracks before anyone innocent enters and dies.
Right.. you should know that there were probably a handful of innocent people in this universe.
They were also living despair.
There are countless universes and most have a decent balance between good and evil, usually evil is always larger since everyone is not totally good and stray from their path but thats normal. Its universes like these where I can basically hear the torture, like they're screaming right in my ear, thats what drives me crazy.
I begin rebuilding everything from stars to planets. I create the layers of dimensions for each world and give random ammounts.
Each world can have different dimensions of the same planet called realms. The realms can be larger than the main realm which is the realm you enter when normally flying to the planet with a space ship, its the physical realm, the other realms are in different dimensions of the same planet, this maybe a little confusing but you don' t really need to understand. The main realm branches off to the other realms which can be larger and different to the planet. You can access the other realms by ascending and gaining enough power or using science.
It takes only around an 1 hour to do everything.
All you do is generally put stuff here and there and then gravity sorts everything out and the smallers stuff follow the larger stuffs orbit creating galaxies. No calculations needed.
If a planet is too close to a sun, well thats unlucky but you just need to keep spitting out more. The difficult part is the dimensions, I slow down time and do that.
I don't want to be late for my next rebirth.
Huh? Why are they calling me?
Gaia POV
So Fenix destroyed another one, huh.
Currently I'm waiting for my brothers and sisters.
He could at least be subtle, but he sure does give us a show, ooof, I was on that planet only a couple trillion years ago...
Oops, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Gaia, the Primordial Soveriegn of Earth.
You should know that there's only 7 Primordials in this vast infinte multiverse.
Thats me, Gaia of Earth, my body is a giant humanoid warrior. Yeah.... well I basically look after all the planets and stuff, like a guardian and stuff.
I also created the models of humans and earth. I dont want to brag or anything, but I'm pretty good with ladies ;D. (He's not.)
I have dark brown hair and scar accross my left eye, from a battle with Fenix.
Im also the second oldest and take the form of elderly buff man with a beard.
I know, sometimes I think even I think of myself as just too manly, Hohoho!
There's Aquarius of Water, her body is that of a mermaid. She carries a pot of water arround everywhere. She created the models of Aquatic beasts, races and water itself. Without her nothing would be alive... or they would look like dehydrated, scrawny zombies. Urgh.
She also created the form of liquid.
She invented beauty. You know water being good for your complection and a moisturiser is because of her. She could have made the moisture in your skin self sustainable with mana and automatic for the body but she didnt want anyone to forget about beauty.
There's Leafa of Nature. She reated tree's, plants, fruits vegetables and some races such as elves. Her true form is a enormous treant she's the second largest to Fenix. She usually takes the form of an elf. She also created many herbivores, giving her plant's purpose. She doesn't like killing and is very simple minded.
There's Zephyr of Wind. He's really quiet and you don't really realise if he is in the same room as you. When he talks he kinda whispers and it really scares me. He created oxygen and gases and stuff. He helped Fenix create stars. He has the body of eagle. He also created loads of creatures of flight.
Thunder of Electricity. He created science. Even though he's a dragon, he's probably on the samelevel of a nerd as Fenix. He's real cocky though and I think he kidnaps girls and does experiments on them (Well... kind of). I've seen loads of girls go with him at night, sometimes he steals them off me, they must be hypnotised.(They're not.)
There's also Dev'l of Darkness. Where do you think the name Devil came from? Well she's the embodiment of evil and crap, she makes the worlds spin on axis and controls gravity and mass, the higher affinities of all those fall under darkness. To be honest nobody really cares, her and Fenix are two sides of the same coin. She's against Fenix the most, he hates good karma as much as Fenix hates bad karma. Apparently they are both crazy. We're usually on Dev'l-chans side--yeah she's a girl. She has a really kind personality to people with neutral karma, which is most people.
I think Fenix's and Devvy's personality got mixed up. Fenix is an unsociable, sadistic bastard, he's also wayyy more scary than Dev'l. You haven't seen what he calls a joke...
Well, Devvy also created loads of demonic creatures and demons, they're not neccessarily evil, if you thought that, you would be racist. She looks like a real kind succubus.
And then theres Fenix of Fire (and light), if you couldn't guess he is a Pheonix. You know, Immortal fiery birds that can reincarnate, he basically Makes and Destroys stuff. He also put his flame inside every being, not only giving them a soul, but a conciousness as well.
He also created light and holy creatures as well, so yeah, hes the sovereign of that too.
Fire was created by him, giving everything life and heat.
He has personality issues and is a sadistic bastard that gives me a hard time. To be honest, I don't care if he destroys worlds, less work for me, but then the others not only have a go at him, but ME as well!
The sad thing is... we can't even stop him, he can take us all on at the same time.
We fought before, all together we did a tie, but he's been non-stop training forever.
Not only does he have waaayyy more mana, but he can utilise it perfectly with techniques.
Even without using any strength or mana, he can defeat lesser sovereigns with techniques that uses their own strength against them.
Not even Zephyr, the most mysterious, can do that. Maybe if Devvy trained but thats not her personality, its too late to catch up now... he's way to far ahead.
Last time everyone could tell he was holding back as well, he didn't want to hurt us. That hurt my pride as a man.
Gaia POV
So that's why were holding a meeting. I'm the second oldest, since Fenix isn't here yet, so I should start it off. Good to see everyones whering the uniform i created, it like gives a divine powerful aura but are simply different coloured robes which make you feel the affinity its attuned to when close. Its simple, but too cool. I'm a genius.
"Ahem. Now everyone but Fenix is here, lets start. How are we gonna convince our older brother into going to a parrallel multiverse, that doesnt exist here?"
We were sitting in chairs around a white marble round table. The surroundings where white and we were in an realm we made Fenix create ages ago, just for meetings.
Zephyr, who was now in his humanoid form, a very young beastman, that looks around 9 years old with silver hair. He looks very adorable, but you can lose sight of him very easily.
He quietly put his hand up.
Everyone suddenly paid more attention. Zephyr very, very rarely speaks. Every word spoken from him is treat like how dwarfs treat alcahol, like treasure! His voice is very satisfying and soothing to hear.
He can calm down any stressed person in seconds.
"Tell him the truth." His answer was straight forward, but can imply many things.
Let Fenix continue what he's doing.
Fenix will want to go anyway.
Or abandon this plan since Fenix will find out.
Everyone nods after listening to Zephyr's words.
Then:"HAHAHA! As expected of little Zephyr, we think alike. Why did I even try hiding from you. Truly amazing." We could hear it from our surroundings,
Zephyr:"Don't lie elder brother, you could have concealed it more."
Why doesn't he call me older brother! He only calls Fenix that. He barely even speaks. This is probably the most anyone but Fenix heard him this millenium. Him and Fenix get along too well.
Dev'l: "We thought you weren't going to come, Penis." she said this very coldy.
Haa, her kindness just evaporated. What a quick change of personality.
Oh Fenix is getting angry. I can already feel the killing intent. Its thousands of times stronger than ours... urgh.
Leafa:"Now, now, everyone calm down. As you just heard, Fenix, we have something we would like to talk about."
Fenix suddenly materialises in his child form. He uses this form to antogonise us, showing he doesn't respect us. He has red slightly long hair with golden eyes. We still can't feel his presence, like Zephyr. This just emphasises those two are on a whole different level to us.
Surprisingly, Fenix was wearing the robes I gave him. Though I spent less time in making them than the others, I feel a little happy.
Fenix: "What?" He say's this with a harsh tone. He's definitely angry with Dev'l.
I'll reprimand her later.
Gaia: "Fenix, we discovered another parrallel multiverse. We've already talked to their creator. His power is very strong. Definitely stronger than ours."
Fenixes eyes lit up and a smile grew on his face.
Fenix:"Ok, if Zephyr comes with me."
I look towards Zephyr to astonishingly find a smile on his face.
Dev'l: "NO! Are you crazy! His job is actually important! He has to check for abnormilities with gases and make sure poisonous gases aren't created in planets. He has to make sure the planet is habitable and then remove the toxic and dangerous gases for life to form in a planet! If we don't have him, life forms will be trillions of times rarer, we'll be looky if we had 1 planet in a universe with life forms! He's actually needed unlike you!"
She does have a point, but its also because were going seal him in their till he calms down and gets bored of destroying stuff. Sucks to be a parralell universe. Well he will probably get stopped by there creator. That guy was unfathomable.
He could probably beat us but would get severe injuries that are probably impossible to heal on his soul if he did try.
But with that said, last time we fought Fenix, he tied with us, but thats been so long ago, he was probably holding back as well, but we were enraged by his actions back then. I realise he's not that bad now, but still... Should I tell him the truth? Why don't we just tell him to have a vactation for a couple trillion years there? No...
While I was thinking...
Fenix: "Why... You ungrateful bitch, you don't undestand how greedy evil is, I know it's neccessary but I'm trying to keep it in control! Your gonna regret it without me here!
Trust me! And also who do you think keeps it from getting overpopulated in the Nether realm in our main world! If I don't stop them from keeping on mating, it will get crowded down there!"
Dev'l:"HA! Regret it without YOU! I doubt it! Have you SEEN the Nether realm!? Its only slightly smaller than your Divine Heaven realm! Also, your so narrow minded, evil is neccessary!"
Fenix:"That's what I just said, I just keep it from getting out of control and disrupting the balance! Nobody FUCKING understands except for Zephyr! You guys are so dumb! Also the Nether realm houses all the mortal beings that pass on with their soul!"
They're both just like kids...
Ahh, speaking of the nether realm and Heaven realm of our main world, I should really explain it.
The parallel multiverse they're visiting also follows the same principles as us.
The main world is wear the Planial overseer can take people who have reached the immortal or loose immortal rank.
The main world has 11 planes. It is the only planet with more than 7, which is the normal limit. Each plane is governed by us and 10 elected people from the Lesser Sovereigns govern them when we're busy.
Lesser Sovereign is the highest pinnacle training can take you, It is impossible to attain the rank of a primordial like us.
Fortunately, we have no limits and can continue training, like Fenix.
Each plane has 4 continents.
All the planes are extermely large, nobody, not even Fenix, explored everywhere.
Out of the 11 planes, there are 3 Higher planes and 7 Elemental planes. There is also the main plane.
The 3 higher planes are:
The Heaven Realm, the largest realm with many treasures created and governed by Fenix.
Here you can train peacefully but you need to either be a very, very rich and powerful expert or someone that has enough good karma from their past life to enter here.
Its the best place to train any affinity, especially light and fire.
The Nether realm, the place where souls goto rest. It size is only second to the heaven realm. Judgement is also done here, if you have enough positive or negative karma to goto the heaven or hell realm you will be sent here. If you don't have enough for either, then you live here. Its not too different from living normally. There many gods and high gods though, but opression is not allowed. This realm is governed by me, Gaia, since I'm the most neutral.
The Hell realm is governed by Dev'l, unlike the heaven realm, slaughter is allowed. It's survival of the fittest. It only slightly smaller than the Nether and Heaven Realm.
Most of the common martial and magic cultivists train and live here. There are also many experts here and it rivals the Heaven realm. Usually the stronger experts end up having clans headquarters in every realm.
The elemental realms have a high density for each element. It is ruled by the corresponding primordial sovereign.
The Main realm is the access point to all these realms. It is governed by all the primordials and we take shifts, well except for Fenix. We have to monitor the gates and if any experts tried breaking through to the ones they don't belong. Although it's the smallest realm nobody except for sovereigns can live in them. Most of the lesser Sovereigns have homes here, it has the highest density for training. Having lesser sovereigns stay here makes it so that even before they enter the realms they don't rebel.
I suddenly get out of my thoughts and find Dev'l and Fenix bickering like children.
They've already begun starting to call each other names such as 'Bum Face'.
How unmanly.
I stand up and shout: "ENOUGH!!"
Fenix: "Or what little bro?"
Gaia: "You know how good I am with sealing formations? I can trap you their for atleast 1000 years without you breaking it. [Although it would be really difficult and I'll be weakened for 2000 years for sealing someone like him.]
Fenix: "Haha, you've grown strong, but I also know you wouldn't do that. You're too manly to hurt your big brother [and you dont want to be weakened, do you?]"
Gaia: "HOHO, Of-course, I'm just too manly to do something like that." I say this while puffing out loads of steam through my nose. It is true though, I am very manly. (No he isnt.)
Aquarius was in her human form. A beautiful young girl.
She has an amazing complection that even I'm jealous of and blue hair.
Aquarius: "Ok. Fenix you can take him, I know enough to take care of gases for a couple millenia. I've seen Zephyr at work."
Gaia:"Yeah, I know some things with gas too. I am knowledgeble with the structure of atoms and shit as well. So I can help." Just 'cos you called me manly,
Fenix: "Thanks! You guys are great."
He says this and gives us all an adorable look.
I sense someone transmitting a signal to me. It was Aquarius and Leafa. I'll make it a shared connection.
{Aquarius: "Stay strong Gaia, he's manipulating us. Just don't look into his eyes."}
{Leafa: "I can't last long! He's too cute, just like a baby!!"}
{Gaia:"I'm trying my best, he can't get his way again!"}
Suddenly: "KYAAAA!" "KYAAAA!"
Both Aquarius and Leafa jump on him and start hugging him.
Fenix:"Please stop! Not again..."
I can't believe even Aquarius broke this time.
I sigh.
After half an hour consisting of them wrestling on the ground trying to hug Fenix and Fenix trying his best to resist,
it finally stopped and the girls both collapsed on the floor.
I guess the adorableness overloaded there brain.
I shiver thinking I would be there if I wasnt as manly as I was.
They finally wake up.
Aquarius, me and Leafa share a look.
We can't trap our older brother in a parrallel dimension if he acts like that.
Leafa couldn't take it anymore. She was too kind hearted.
She created vegetables and fruit so people wouldn't need to kill to survive, how could she banish her brother away,
I give her and aquarius a nod.
Fenix:"What is it?" He was a mess right now. His hair was ruffled up and he looked tired. Poor lad, he's getting as populor as me with the ladies. I know, it's rough.
Aquarius:"We were actually planning to lock you in that parralell multiverse for a couple hundred thousand years..."
Fenix gives them a weird look.
I could see tears brimming at the end of both of the girls eyes.
You couldn't blame them, they were planning on betraying their brother for the right of good.
This was already hard enough, but admitting it... Afterall, we knew each other for trillions of trillions of-- yeah, a really long time-- so it wasn't really easy and took us a really long time to decide. He never really treat us badly either.
Fenix:"Oh, it's alright. I have a key. But does that mean there isn't a strong expert that created that multiverse?"
"No we weren't lying about that, but h-how do you have a key?" Everyone else is speechless, even Zeph-- oh, he's normally like that.
Fenix:"Well, around 3 billion, trillion years ago, I found the method. The parallel universes I entered though were pathetic. Most didn't even have a god and everything cam to existance through pure luck. Also, I came to know the existance of them through a reincarnation in a place called earth. I remember that planet well, it was my most boring reincarnation ever! One year felt like 10! So... I researched to see if there were any better ones, I nearly got trapped in my 1st one so ever since then I also kept a multiverse key that brings me back to this multiverse."
Dev'l: "You bastard! Do you know how long it took me to convinve these twats?! I had to act like a right noob!"
I give an annoyed glance to dev'l and wave my arm.
A magical formation starts glowing underneath her.
Dev'l:"WEll FUCK YOU TOO!"
She begins to start a large spell but another magic formation comes above her and a barrier starts forming around her. It starts closing in and she ends up being sealed in a rock.
Gaia:"The likes of sealing her, someone who doesn't train, doesn't weaken me at all. We'll have a good talk with her in a day or two."
Fenix:"Holy cow! Was that Hexagonal Soveriegn formation! You grew very powerful! Here have some healing for that."
He waves his arm towards me and I start glowing.
I suddenly feel renergised. To think he could heal me to my peak so effortlessly!
No wonder he's also the sovereign of light. Holy... I feel even stronger!
Gaia:"Thanks, I feel even stronger!"
Fenix:"Haha, don't mention it, the boosts will last only for 4000 years. Don't worry, it barely uses any mana for me. I already fused all the laws to do with mana together, I did the same with healing, I then fused both together so now I'm really OP when it comes to healing. See? I just fully recovered the mana." He said, after looking out our worried expression.
Aquaris:"How is that even fair?"
Leafa:"Healing is good!" She's so simple... (Says you, Gaia.)
Fenix:"Ok, I'm leaving, come on Zephyr."
I give them a nod.
Zephyr lightly nodded back and quietly disappeared with Fenix.
Fenix: "So little bro, you told me you were stuck in a bottle neck."
Zephyr:"Yeah, I'm concentrating with the higher affinities of the soul and life but I'm stuck on a bottleneck with emotions."
Me and Zephyr were idly chatting while flying faaaar faster than the speed of light.
Fenix:"You came to the right person, even in this parrallel multiverse, the concept of the soul and life will never change. I am someone who created both of these things in this multiverse. The best way for you to find out is live another life."
Zephyr:"Aren't you and Pheonixes the only thing that can reincarnate?"
Fenix:"Of-course not! There are many creatures that can! Like jelly fish and some bacteria! Anyway, I can make other people reincarnate as well."
Zephyr: "How?"
Fenix:"All you need to do is remove the soul and move it to a good body."
Zephyr:"It's obviously more difficult than that?"
Fenix:"Its not easy to explain, you need to gain insights or I might ruin your further cultivation."
Zephyr nodded.
Fenix:"I think your bottleneck to do with emotions and life is affected by the little ammount you talk to others. Its a
miracle how you are even cultivating them. Try talking more to others in the future and it might help."
Zephyr:"That... will be difficult."
Fenix:"We're here."
They were at the main world.
This was wear the gate to the parallel multiverse was built.
My name Sovereign Pu.
I created this multiverse a trillion years ago, a million years after I was born.
A couple hundred years ago, I was visited by other primordial sovereigns.
They call the multiverse they come from:
They were all weaker than me but the sheer number was enough to frighten me.
I could take them, but I know it will permanently damage me.
They came to talk about having their eldest sibling visit me.
They basically wanted me to subdue him, so of course, I agreed.
Aquarius: "I feel like we forgot to tell him something...."
Leafa: "It's probably nothing important."
Gaia:"Yeah just leave it and make your move."
Aquarius:"You call yourself manly yet you play chess with girls." Said the cold beauty.
Gaia:"How dare you!? Chess is one of the manliest games in all of existance, even the mortals know of it, It involves
battle strategy and warfare, how isnt that manly?!
Meanwhile Dev'l: "These blockheads... haha"
Leafa:"Did you say anything Dev'l?"
Dev'l: "No. Now let me outta here!"
Gaia: "Not unless you say sorry."
Fenix and Zephyr enter the portal.
They were blocked by guards wearing red armor that emits a sort of baleful aura.
Zephyr:"Continue pointing your weapon and you shall meet your demise."
When Zephyr said this Fenix knew it was his turn.
He immediately activated his full killing intent.
This was neccessary as these guys were lesser sovereigns.
All of them left, leaving yellow liquid all over the floor.
Fenix was talking to Zephyr mentally.
{Fenix: "They should be reporting this to their leader".}
{Zephyr: "Yes, although I did not personally go with them, I heard he is very powerful, should I spread my divine sense?"}
{Fenix: "No, we may antogonise him, he can actually be an expert more powerful than me."}
While these two were talking, a tanned young looking man flew over.
Fenix first analysed their surroundings.
After analysing he confirmed that they were indeed in the multiverses main world.
The main world is always at the centre of the universe and since they also left from the main world,
it shows they haven't moved at all. This was indeed a parallel multiverse!
The man landed a metre in front of them.
A metre for even a demi-god or immortal is like less than a step.
This guy really wasn't leaving them any face. He was litterally standing right in it.
The tanned, black haired young man smiled after looking at Fenixes and Zephyr's alert expression.
Anyone would be alert if you were stepping right in front of them.
Fenix: "Name your self."
Sovereign Pu: "You can call me master, my job is to subdue both of you."
Fenix gave Zephyr a look.
Zephyr just gave him a shrug.
Fenix:[Those block heads probably forgot to mention it. How dumb... jeez.]
Soldier who were cowering miles started regaining ther confidence and edging cautiously near.
Even if they were to die, they wanted to see this battle!
Even if they were at the peak of being a soveriegn and it was impossible for them to ascend and beome a primordial, they wanted to see a battle like this.
A battle between two multiverse creators!
After feeling that killing intent, they instantly knew Fenix was a primordial.
Lesser sovereigns like them, at most could create a galaxy, never mind a multiverse!
I mean, a universe is infinite as it recycles mana to create more galaxies and a multiverse does the same to create an infinite ammount of universes.
The gap between them is too large.
Sovereign Pu face then suddenly took a huge change.
The lesser sovereigns who could notice this from miles away were shocked.
Sovereign Pu POV
I am currently laughing while standing in front of the two umm... children?
Soveriegn Pu: "You can call me master, my job is to subdue both of you."
I am currently sensing them, and I can barely sense any aura. These two were pathetic.
They were obviously hiding there aura to intimidate me, but anyone can hide their aura if you understand some mysteries of darkness and concealment.
But then.....
Fenix:"Haha, you are indeed powerful. Maybe I should use my second humanoid form. Zephyr, do the same."
The child with silver hair, known as Zephy nodded.
I suddenly began to get worried.
How could subdue another primordial sovereign?
No, they're brothers, he only respects him as an older brother not as a Primordial...
Yes, that must be it!
Suddenly they begin to transform.
There once child-like bodies transform into to too young men.
B-b,but these two... the one known as Zephyr has equal power to me...
If he is a magical beast with a true form, then as a human, I am screwed.
But what worries me the most is the one with the red hair.
I continue not to feel any aura from him.
It's like it's telling me I'm not worthy, like it has conciousness!
I immediately regret my decision of offending them and jump back 1000 km at top speed.
I feel like I bumped into something behind me.
That's weird.
I never sensed anything a mome--
Fenix:"Hohoho, and where do you think your going, ~master~
I find the red haired, devilish young man behind me, lifting me up by my color.
His smiling face is just too frightening.
Sovereign Pu:"I-I-I'm s,s,sorry..." I manage to utter before losing conciousness.
I... feel something leaking from my pants.
Is this fear?
Is this what it feels to lose your conciousness.
I have never slept nor felt fear.
I... don't like it.
I now realise that I probably woudn't have been able to touch one of them, nevermind both.
They're truly above their siblings.
I slowly wake up and find both of the 2 devilish young men talking.
Fenix: "Show us to our residence."
I stumble up and respond.
Sovereign Pu: "Of-course m'Lord, anything you wish. I hope you pardon my rude behaviour, it was your siblings that put
me up to the task."
Fenix:"Don't worry about that, they've already apologised. Now take us quickly."
Sovereign Pu: "Yes, well... follow me."
I quickly take them to my own residence.
A grand castle with a large serpent stature coiled around it.
Sovereign Pu:"This is my pride and joy, Coiled Serpent Castle. I made it using Living material, feel free to ask it anything and it will do it if possible, m'Lord."
I feel really uncomfortable speaking like this, even when his siblings arrived I didn't lower my head. This is the first.
Fenix:"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Fenix, of the multiverse, this is my younger brother Zephyr, we will be under your care. Address us how you like."
He noticed how uncomfortable I was, how considerate of him.
Sovereign Pu:"Then, can I ask seniors what race they are, some races do not enjoy other's delicacies."
Fenix:"Haha, of-course, I am a pheonix while Zephyr here is a Divine Eagle."
Sovereign Pu: "No wonder seniors are so powerful, two legendary creatures. I myself, have not been fortunate enough to encounter them, but there are many legends about such creatures. I'm not sure they actually exist in this multiverse though, the tales about them are probably rumours."
Fenix:"It's ok, we've come here mainly to train and then we will be going to the next Paralell multiverse."
These guys aren't too bad, I really give them a bad image of me, but that's what the Dev'l lady wanted me to say before capturing him...
Sovereign Pu:"Ok, your residence is on the west wing of the castle. Just choose any room and do whatever you wish. Call me if you need anything."
Fenix:"Ok, thank you, hope we never caused you too much trouble. Please dont disturb us, we'll be in close door training for a while."
Then the two flicker and disappear. If I never saw them I wouldn't have even noticed... true masters of combat.
Fenix:"Ok Zephyr, we will be reborn as twins in the world called Drayn."
Its very hard to actually be able to choose what to re-incarnate into, I had to use a little bit of Zephyrs help as well. This world is not too far from the main world, it's very famous for it's experts.
Zephyr:"Yes big brother."
Fenix: "It maybe a little uncomfortable, since this is your first time, but you will adjust.
In this life try to talk more, then you will understand more about the higher affinity of life and its mysteries."
Zephyr:"Understood, what of our true bodies?"
Fenix:"They will be stored in our own personal dimensions. Where your true forms and other bodies are. Once you return you will automatically be in one of your bodies from your pocket dimension."
Zephyr:"Good. I'm actually pretty excite .... Another life, huh?"
Part 1 of the Prologue is done.
Please comment and give me your opinion.
Tell me if it's confusing or I mispelled something.
- In Serial142 Chapters
Return of the Woodcutter
Aito Walker was a self-proclaimed martial artist, a criminal, a broken man, and a fishing slave who later became a woodcutter before dying due to his heavy consumption of alcohol.With thousands of other humans, he is forcefully revived into a boundless grey space by the gods of a foreign world, Iris, to take part in a never-ending war waged against Fearmongers. A race capable of corrupting living beings and inducing fear, even the bravest of warriors cannot resist—when the Fearmongers do not kill them, that is.To bait humans into this conflict, the gods offer the mortals powers in exchange of eternal servitude and the completion of trials before finally entering Iris.Even though Aito doesn’t agree with it, he sees in Iris a chance to atone for his past misdeeds, in this fantasy world of swords and magic filled with many races, where everything seems possible.He will pave his own path despite the gods he despises trying to manipulate him into doing their bidding.Aito will start with almost nothing but his wit, a peculiar system, and increased strength—much like other revived humans.Bearing a sin—he could not, cannot, and will not forget—haunting him to this day, Aito will strive to regain what little honor he has left.He will suffer and, at times, fail. Taking advantage of his weaknesses, the Fearmongers, demigods, gods, and many others will hinder his path.But a powerful yearning will keep him from falling apart. An ever-burning flame melting away the despair and welding back the broken pieces of courage.A single desire.«I will find redemption no matter the cost.»………Or not, hun, who knows? The book isn’t done yet. Haha—SLAP!«Who put this guy in the synopsis narration?! Get him out of here and launch the warnings! Now!»***WARNINGS:— The MC is human. If you’re looking for a perfect MC, you’ll only be wasting your time here. However, if you’re looking for an MC who will LEARN, GROW because of his flaws. An MC who will try his hardest to overcome adversity, then you’re in the right place.— No harems. However, it doesn’t mean the characters can’t fool around without having love interests. A relationship isn’t necessary for people to satisfy their physical desires.— You will find a few typos, grammatical and wording issues, that’s certain. I’ll do my best to bring you guys quality content and such issues will either be nonexistent or extremely few. However, one man can only do so much. If I get enough support, I’ll hire an EDITOR that will look at the chaps with a fresh eye. And POOF! Issues no more. Improved quality. Happier author and reader. Not sure if the editor will be happy tho.— The first three chapters are fast-paced as to quickly get into the nitty-gritty but slow down afterward to give the story the time it needs to progress accordingly.— The book can, never mind, it will contain «strong» language, gore and violence.— Comedy, as you know it (and if you don’t, now you know) is subjective. So you might not like the jokes.— If you truly read that until the end you have my virtual congratulations ‘cause I sure as hell wouldn’t have done that.
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Two years after losing everything, two sisters will try to rebuild the lives they one had, as well as mend the heartache left behind through their connection with the many strange cast of characters they meet, and the many strange story's they're caught up in. Grimm Tales is a RWBY fan fiction I wrote and illustrated from 2014 through 2016. Keep that in mind when experiencing the story and the art within it. Also keep in mind that this story is technically unfinished. I put this aside in October of 2016 after completing what you can call the "first season" of what was going to be a multipart series. Even though the entire story remains unfinished, things do end in a somewhat satisfactory manner.
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Sol, a young boy grows up in the slums knowing nothing of the world but the smell of piss, shit, and decayed corpses. He escapes from the depth of the abyss, a world with no past nor future, only to find that darkness reigns over reality, a reality he must now step into. A reality where he will experience endless deaths and wars, no different from his previous life in the slums, only much, much worse. Yet despite the blood, carnage, and horrifying life of death and killing, an ethereal girl makes him pause. The fragrance that comes from an innocent but brave girl, caught up in this never-ending hellhole. The hellhole he had also been enslaved by. For the first time, he stops and questions. He questions the purpose of his burdens. He questions for whom he struggles. He questions what he has been doing his life. His heart and mind feel heavy with the events he’s witnessed unfold before him. He falls upon the earth and looks up to the sky, asking a silent question to the gods high above, "What is my purpose? Why must I suffer!"
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