《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 29 - New Abilities


Chapter 29 – New Abilities

After I spread my Divine Sense and located Icewalker and Pyro, I teleported to the hotel they were staying at. They were living in two different rooms, so I teleported Pyro to Icewalker’s room.

Looking around, I found that the room was quite luxurious; a big bed that could easily hold five people and had a comfortable looking mattress. There was a bedside table made of high quality wood and on top of it was a lamp that was covered by glass. The floor was unexpectedly made out of wood, but was extremely pretty and gave off an aromatic scent. The walls were elegantly decorated by blue and red crossings of wallpaper and on the roof; a big chandelier made of crystal was hanging.

I looked at the two men in front of me and both of them were wearing clothes that only belonged to rich people or in this case, nobles. The clothes that they wore matched their appearance and magic.

Icewalker wore a sky-blue robe that covered his whole body, it also had a hood, but he wasn’t using it at the moment. You could see that he was about to undress as the belt on his abdomen was unbuttoned. As for Pyro, he had a red shirt and pants on. The shirt was a short-sleeved one and was hugging his body, so one could see those muscles of his, as expected of Pyro, he likes to show off. Looking at his feet, he was wearing black socks and it seems that he also was undressing as he hadn’t any shoes.

I looked at their faces and as expected, Pyro was confused about how he got here and Icewalker was surprised to see both of us. Pyro stopped looking around and he finally spotted me, his eyes widened and his jaw dropped a little, but he quickly hid his surprise and looked at me with a serious look.

“Hello, Chris, why did the great one enlighten us with his presence?” You could feel the sarcasm in Pyro’s words. Irritation from his words flooded me and it seemed to show on my face and Icewalker’s face paled even more than it originally is.

“Wait, wait. Don’t start fighting now. It’s been awhile since we met, so let’s get along” The worry in Icewalker’s words was clear and I don’t really blame him, if we continued arguing, I would’ve lost myself and killed them.

“Ah, right, Chris, were you the one who just healed us? What happened and who roared like that?” Icewalker asked me.

“Ah, about that, I was the one who screamed and to make up for it, I healed everybody in the city. Don’t worry about that, I just lost control of myself for a moment” I told them in a joking tone and even Pyro began to have a look of fear in his eyes. I guess that he was seriously injured because of my mistake.

“Anyway, moving on, what happened to the two of you in my absence? I see that you’ve gotten even more powerful.” They really got more powerful. If I had to estimate their level, they would be able to destroy a few cities with a serious attack. It isn’t something unexpected as five whole months passed.

To summarize what they said, it has been extremely good for them. After I started meditating, they worked hard and raised their strength. They left all the work to the other higher-ups in their factions and focused on powering-up. When they found out that the African continent was conquered, they decided to join my kingdom on the condition that they would get a high position. Lucy, the leader at that moment, agreed and gave them that nobility title even though they were generals. It seems that their position in the military was decided by them themselves. When I asked them about the reason, they told me that they wanted to become more powerful and if they were just nobles who only worried about the politics, their skills would dull as time passes.


They didn’t get what they wanted since the kingdom didn’t have any enemies and they are quite bored now. Their territories were in the place that they ruled before and they were living there peacefully.

I kept chatting with them about miscellaneous things and we had a good laugh together. Unexpectedly, Pyro was quite a comedian, although he had a harsh exterior, when I got to know him better today, I found out that he was a nice kind guy. Icewalker wasn’t out of my expectations as he just laughed a little, I kind of felt that he didn’t like this atmosphere. It seems that he is the always serious kind of guy.

Although I may seem like wasting time with the two of them and that kid Tyler, I have a plan for the three of them. I thought about it when I entered the Deity realm, but since there were many diversions, I didn’t have the opportunity to do anything yet, but when the war ends, I’m going to have the fun of my life with them. It’s just that now is the time to deepen our relationship and make them trust me more. Tyler already trusts me to the point of worship and I just have to conquer these two for my fun time to begin. I won’t let anyone intervene this time.

I was really angry when I found out that five months passed and that my plans were ruined, but now I won’t let anybody intrude, even if I have to kill them. Just wait you lot, I will use you until you die to entertain me! *Grin*

With that done, I went back to my room. I have been thinking about this for a while since I learned about the war with Zeus, but should I buy some more magic that could prove to be useful? Although my Divine Energy lets me use any kind of energy in existence, it doesn’t let me do somethings like Mind Magic or Healing Magic. I can use it to help people heal themselves, but it is so powerful that weak ones just explode when they are exposed to it.

It’s been awhile since I did this; I opened the shop and the usual screen appeared before me. I’m really thankful for the System because if it wasn’t for it, I would never have become this strong.

Anyway, I opened the ‘Abilities’ section and started browsing through it. I found many abilities that appealed to me, but almost all of them were possible to use with my Divine Energy. After a while of browsing, I finally found three abilities that made me satisfied.

The first one was ‘Summoning Magic’; this is a very powerful ability that could be very useful in the upcoming war. I was actually confused for a minute as to why I didn’t buy it in the first time, but I just shrugged my shoulder thinking of the things I went through that time. It was really difficult for me to get used to my new race and the incident of the students made it even more troublesome.

Anyway, I expected great things from this ability and I was sure that it would become a very powerful asset in the war, especially when no one I know uses this magic.

The second one was ‘Poison Magic’; I bought this ability to use it with my sword. If I coat my sword with powerful paralytic or even lethal poison, it could save me from difficult situations and especially in this war where the enemies are very strong, it could prove to be extremely helpful.


The last one that I bought was a very powerful and at the same time, dangerous ability, ‘Nullification Magic’: this magic lets me nullify anything in existence. If I pour in enough energy when using this, I could destroy the whole cosmos. Atoms themselves cannot survive the use of the ability. I was a little bit afraid of what might happen to me, but when I bought the ability and got some information about it, I found out that I am protected from its use.

I thought about it a little and I found something strange; how could it not work on me? This magic is supposed to nullify everything, so if I can survive it so can others. It seems that even this kind of strong ability has its weaknesses.

Without delay, I leveled them up to MAX and new information seeped into my mind. It seems that I was right as there is a type of energy ‘Nullification Magic’ cannot resist; Divine Energy.

It seems that it absorbs some Divine Energy from the surroundings and coats my body in it so that I can resist its use. I was quite surprised by this since Divine Energy is supposed to be only available to abnormal guys like me and Omni beings. I guess that there are exceptions to this. That also explains the ridiculous price of 100,000,000 points that it has.

I’m basically undefeatable below the Omni rank now since I can nullify any attacks below that rank. From the information that I got, it is possible to nullify the energy inside people themselves and that would make them cripples. Normally, one has no way to affect the energy that people absorb. If that was possible, then top-class magicians who have a large amount of Mana would be useless.

It’s pretty complicated and I hate troublesome things, so let’s just say that I am invulnerable in my rank now. Now, I’m looking forward to the war; if I know that I could pretty much kill almost everybody there, I get really excited. Thinking about the blood I will taste and the people I will kill makes my body trembles from excitement.

Unbeknownst to Chris at the time, he was releasing a powerful killing intent that reached the whole city and made the whole castle alarmed.

Well, moving on, the Poison Magic also proved to be very good because when I checked the type of poisons that I could use now that the level of the skill is MAX, I was really surprised. It seems that I can use any type of poison that I want. With just a thought, I can make a paralytic poison, lethal poison, sleeping poison, any kind that I want. The effectiveness of the poison relies on the amount and purity of the energy I use, but that isn’t a problem for me. I can also manipulate its nature, so I can make a liquid, gas, or even a pill out of it. This suits me a lot since I hate troublesome things and if I had to choose for a set number of poisons; that would really annoy me.

The last ability, Summoning Magic was even better. The only downside is that I can only summon being that I defeated or accepted my binding. However, that problem could be solved with the space in which they are kept. It seems that I can provide that space with energy and that could make my servants progress in strength.

I decided to capture a big amount of monsters and bind them, and then feed the space my Divine Energy and that would make them powerful beyond belief. However, a problem emerges; will they be able to absorb Divine Energy? I will need some tests if I want to know.

It was late at night at the moment and there wasn’t anybody awake, I think. I spread my Divine Sense across the whole world, but I noticed that a commotion was happening at the castle. Listening to what I presumed to be the guards, it seems that they felt a powerful killing intent and thought that an assassin was here.

How stupid! Do you really think that an assassin would dare to target us? We’re composed of the most powerful people in the world and even idiots know that because of the System, so who would dare target us?

I just ignored them and started searching for monsters. The European continent had some that I thought travelled from other places to occupy it. However, the most number of monsters was in the southern part of the African continent. I also noticed some destruction here and there in the new towns that were formed.

I gathered all the monsters and teleported them high in the sky. I also teleported there and then using the information I got, I bound them to be my summons.

First, I made them submit to me by releasing some killing intent and the rest was easy. When I used a special method of making a contract with them, there was no resistance because their wills were drained from the power show I just made.

The method of the contract was supposed to be simple, but with the number of monsters, it became a little bit difficult. However, I still did it. I cut each monster’s arm and their blood came out. Then, I gathered all of it into a sphere above me. After that, I cut my arm off to provide a vast amount of blood and I let it fuse with the sphere above me.

Losing blood wasn’t a problem since I was absorbing energy at the same time and that replaced all the blood I lost. I kept giving the sphere my blood until it started shining with a red light. It wasn’t that blinding and I was able to clearly see. Then, just as the light dimmed, I felt a connection with all the monsters around me.

There were 526 normal monsters, 34 Elite Monsters and 3 Monster Kings. I took all the monsters from South Africa, so the number is expected. I sent them to the space that was created when I bought the ability and to help their progress, I slowed the flow of time. Now, a day in the outside world would be a year in here.

I could make it even faster, but I didn’t because some monsters could die of old age if they don’t become stronger. I planned to see their progress after a few days and if most of them got stronger, I planned to speed up the time even more.

This doesn’t have to be mentioned, but I used Time Magic to manipulate time, it isn’t possible with just the Summoning Magic.

With that done, I teleported back to my room and when I found that nobody was awake except the guards, I decided to take a look at my world. I’m really eager to see the changes that happened after I absorbed that many realms of other Gods.

Author's Note:

Hello, guys. I just wanted to say this; but where is the love? Previously, every chapter I upload gets 1000 view in a single day and I get 2-3 pages worth of comments, but now, almost nobody is commenting? I'm starting to think pessimistically because I think many people dropped my story and that's the reason of this.

Anyway, guys, I wanted to say that I'm in need of an editor. I'm looking for an editor who can help me edit the first chapters of my story. I can edit them alone, but having two opinions is better than one.

For those who are interested, contact me using private messages.

Thanks :)

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