《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 21 - Formally Establishing My Kingdom


Chapter 21 - Formally Establishing My Kingdom

Just as I entered the room, the familiar blue screen appeared in front of me. It read.

You’ve successfully conquered the ‘European Union’.

536,221,232 people have been added to your faction.

Due to having a population that exceeds 500 million people, you can now formally establish your Kingdom.

Please enter the following information:

Name of the kingdom: Divine Kingdom

Name of the Founder: Demon God Chris

PS. This information will be made public and everybody can access them.

Your kingdom has been formally registered as a world power.

You must fill the ‘blanks’:

The royal family members:




PS. You can appoint these people later.

Kingdom Treasury: 100,000,000 Points (100 million)

PS. This will be only accessible by the royal family.

Taxes: 40 Points per adult (above 18 years old)

20 Points per teenager (below 18 years old)

0 Points for kids (below 12 years old)

Due to founding a kingdom, you’ve unlocked the Army System.

With this, you can organize your army through the System.

Due to founding a kingdom, you’ve unlocked the Guard System.

With this, you would be able to appoint guards who would keep peace inside the kingdom.

Due to founding a kingdom, you’ve unlocked the Noble System.

With this, you can appoint nobles who can govern far away territories.

Due to founding a kingdom, you’ve unlocked the Government System.

With this, you can appoint politicians to supervise the internal affairs of your kingdom.

I felt quite surprised with this. I didn’t think that it was detailed to this extent. However, it is extremely useful. Thanks to this, I can organize my kingdom properly and everyone would have a role that he must accomplish.

I especially liked the 3 Treasury, the Taxes and the Army.

The first one would let Jack and Lucy that I’m going to appoint as Queen and Prince use my points, or should I say OUR points freely without needing me for giving them (the points) to them (the friends).

The second one would help us against any thieves since the System would just take the points from the people.

And finally, the third system would help me organize my army properly without disorder. I wasn’t going to do that now since it would take a very long time and I’m still not finished assembling forces yet.

Maybe I can add an adventure’s guild or other guilds like one for merchants and craftsmen. That would be done in the future, though. It would be a pain to build them now and organize them. I need to spend my time on them so that I won’t fuck them up.

Moving on, I went to visit Lucy in her room and after explaining to her the new features unlocked by the System, she was happy because from now on, we could formally call ourselves a proper kingdom.


I appointed her as the Queen and when I entered the kingdom’s interface in the System by saying ‘Kingdoms’ and choosing mine, I found her name in the Queen section. I had the option to make it hidden, but when I asked her, she told me that it’s fine.

The kingdom’s interface showed the name, the founder, the royal family members (You can hide them, though) and the population. It’s helpful for us, but not for the enemies who want to gather information about my kingdom.

Ah, right. I didn’t know the reason of this, but it seems that only my kingdom is registered in the list. I thought that the alliances did, but I was wrong. It seemed unreasonable since they met all the requirements. Maybe they had some internal fighting about who the king and the nobles would be and decided to ignore it completely, maybe.

After that, I tried to check Jack and unexpectedly, I found him training with Tyler. They seemed to be on par with each other. However, when I further investigated, I found that Jack wasn’t wearing his equipment, and that explained the reasons.

I didn’t want to show my face to Tyler after saying all those cool things, so I used Telepathy and called Jack over.

After they finished their fight, Jack came to me and when I told him about the kingdom and the royal family options, he just told me that if I could, he would prefer if I made him a noble. I asked him why and he just told me that it is a ‘family’ and he shouldn’t be a part of it.

I felt slightly heartbroken when he said that. I felt that he must’ve felt detached from us, but when he saw the frown on my face, he just said that it’s not how I think it is and it’s just that he wants a real ‘family’ with real children being the ruling group of the kingdom.

I understood what he meant and I opened the Noble System by saying that phrase and after looking through the ranks of noble, I made gave him the highest one possible. He became from that moment the Archduke of the Divine kingdom.

The noble ranks go from the highest to the lowest like this: Archduke > Duke > Marquis > Viscount > Baron.

Each one of them would have a piece of land equivalent to his title.

An Archduke would have 30% of the land whatever its size was.

It’s quite complicated so I’m not going to go into further details. I now need to appoint a land for Jack to rule. I chose England as his land. It wasn’t the whole country, but it was a big chunk of it.


[Guys, I don’t even know the exact size of England, I just chose it randomly as his territory. If it is too unreasonable, tell me and I’ll change it]

Also, with this, he would be the one owning the points that are collected in his territory. However, he would be giving me an annual tax. I couldn’t set it to 0 Points so I just chose 1 Point. After all, I wouldn’t be getting points from my friend. I would set the taxes high (not too high, though) for other nobles, though. I’m planning to choose wise people who have experience in these things to fill the roles. I would brainwash them first, though.

Now that this is done, I should start my plan to take over the whole world. I have 2 choices to choose from now. I could just brainwash the leaders of the alliances and gain control of a big part of the world or I could go with the fun and pretend to make an alliance with them and then at the end, I just brainwash them.

After some contemplating, I decided to go with the second choice. It would give me more fun and would make me spend some time since I have a lot of free time since the tournament.

I started my plans with contacting the leaders of the alliances. I opened a Telepathy Network where it links all of the three of us.

‘Hello, boys.’ I said.

‘Who are you?’

‘Demon God Chris, I guess’

The second voice was familiar so I thought that the first one was the Asian leader.

‘Yes, that’s me. I contacted you today to start the preparation of the treaties that you suggested. The further details will be discussed in the meeting and as for the place and time, we will need to appoint them now’ I said, ordering them around as if they were my servants.

‘Alright. I don’t care about the place and time. I only have one condition; it would be in a place that isn’t affiliated with any alliance’ Replied Icewalker.

‘Why are you ordering around like that? And you, Icewalker, why are you following his orders? Even though he is ranked 1st, if we team up, we will be able to defeat him’ Said the Asian guy.

He had a good point, even I would think like that. However, just as I tried to shout at him with my Aura infused mental voice, Icewalker quickly interrupted.

‘Don’t offend him, Pyro. I met him before and I’m sure when I tell you about this, he is capable of easily slaying hundreds of us combined’ He even stressed the ‘easily’ part of his speech.

After some silence, Pyro replied. I just thought about it, but Pyro comes from Pyrokinesis, right? Maybe he could manipulate fire. If that’s the case, he would be a good rival of Icewalker. They seem to also be friends, so maybe they are already rivals.

‘All right. Since Icewalker says it to that extent, I’ll believe that you’re stronger than us, so what are we doing about the meeting. I’m also agreeing with Icewalker’s conditions and the only place that fills that criteria is the African continent.’

‘I also thought about it and I already found the perfect place. It is in a country in north Africa: Tunisia. It has a coliseum in one of its cities. It is identical to the one in Rome. I thought that it would be befitting us, right?’ I said.

This place had a hidden meaning behind it. A coliseum is a place where people fight and kill each other. It is a place of slaughter. When I told them about this place, a hidden meaning also got transmitted with it; I would kill you if you didn’t satisfy me.

They seemed to understand it since nobody spoke after what I said. I got bored from the silence so I interjected.

‘The time would be in 3 days. I have no problem of transportation, but you would. If 3 days is short, I can make it in the next week. No problem for me’

This also had a hidden meaning. It meant that I could go anywhere when I wanted, so be careful. That kind of meaning.

‘I have no problem coming in three days’ Icewalker replied.

‘I also have no problems. If you want, I could even come tomorrow’ Pyro added.

‘Then, in 3 days in the Coliseum of El Jem in Tunisia, the meeting between us will occur’

I cut off the network and went to meditate looking forward to our meeting.

Author's Note:

Hey, guys. What do you think of the management systems that I made?

It was all thanks to your ideas. I really appreciate your help.

Also, I will explain the other systems later. They will include the payment and the ranks and many other things.

I will explain them later.

Also, I have a question for you guys. How do you like the pace in the past few chapters. Should I keep it like this or should I make it faster like it was in the beginning chapters?

PS. Tunisia is my country and the coliseum is a real monument in it. El Jem is the city that contains the coliseum.

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