《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 19 - Preparations and Improvement


Chapter 19 – Preparations and Improvement

After we finished our ‘fun time’, Lucy was so tired that she immediately fell asleep. I wasn’t the least bit tired, so I decided to go check on the training field, my original goal.

However, something very strange and weird happened. Just as I exited the room and started walking, strange feelings overwhelmed. Anger, fury, coldness filled me. I started thinking of that impudent bastard who was trying to wage war on me.

‘He dares to challenge me? He dares to make me his enemy? He dares to disrespect me? He dares to be arrogant towards me?’

Those kinds of thoughts started dominating my mind. However, I managed to suppress them a little bit. Don’t misunderstand, though. I wasn’t going to forgive him. No, if I had to say, I was going to make him regret ever trying to think about fighting me. If I had followed my feeling, I would’ve just went and killed him with all his disciples, but now, I’m going to torture him and make him beg for death.

When I was torturing the students the last time, I concentrated on physical damage, but now I’m going to attack his mental side. I quickly thought of an idea and started preparing for it.

First, I searched the world and I found an appropriate place for my plan. It was a very big valley in Asia. It could easily hold all of his army, about 30 thousand warriors.

Then, I went to the place and set up 2 formations; a teleportation formation and a prison formation.

The teleportation formation is going to be linked with another one near his headquarters. It’s going to be big enough to teleport all his men. It took quite a bit of energy from me.

As for the prison formation, it was going to be used to bind them and not let them escape from there. I made it so strong that even Deities would have a hard time breaking through it. It took about a 1/10 of all the energy of this world.

After that, I entered my Energy Form and set up the teleportation formation that was linked to the one in the valley.

With the set-up done, I just have to wait for a few days or maybe a week for hum to attack me.

I returned to the castle and resulted my walk to the training grounds.

When I reached the place, I found a middle aged man with black hair, black eyes, a muscular build training various people of different ages. That man was my clone. To make the recruits able to recognize each one of them, my clones changed their appearances, it seems.

I didn’t know about this ability, but it seems that if I want to change my appearance, gender or anything about my body, I could just imagine it as I materialize from my Energy Form and my body would take that form. Quite a handy ability.


My clone noticed me and stopped the training. He told them to have a break for 10 minutes and came to me.

“What brings you here, master?” He asked me respectfully while bowing. [Here ‘master’ means the one that ‘owns’ them, not their trainer]

“I just wanted to check the recruits and their powers. Ah, right, where is the kid that got promoted to a supervisor?” I asked him.

“There he is, master. He’s quiet and not sociable, so he always stays in that corner. He only intervenes if there is a fight or some disturbance” He replied pointing at a corner.

True to his words, the youth was sitting there quietly sucking what seemed to be candy. I almost felt that it was cute, if only that bloodlust that emitted from him wasn’t there.

I felt slightly surprised by the killing intent. Only battle-hardened warriors could emit that quite of bloodlust.

I headed to his direction and when I got close to him, he directed his bloodlust mixed with some kind of pressure to me.

Just as the pressure reached me, I was about to release my own and kill him with it, but I managed to suppress it. It was a kind of reflex, especially after the training with Victor, my reactions were trained to the extreme.

I put an amiable smile on my face and I walked towards him without even flinching from the pressure. I sat next to him and he undid his pressure.

“Hey, kid. What’s your name?” I asked him trying to be as ‘good’ as possible.

“…” He didn’t answer me. I felt annoyed because he ignored me, but I made myself overcome it. I’m having serious problems here suppressing myself from killing him, but I thought of what I was going to do to that bastard and managed to calm myself down.

Since he wasn’t answering me, I decided to observe him. He had grey hair and blue eyes. His face was quite handsome and his short hair complemented it even more. As I looked deep into his eyes, I noticed something in there. The ‘need’ to destroy, to devastate.

I laughed in my mind. This kid resembles me. However, unlike me, he seems to hate hurting others, that’s why he didn’t like to meddle with other people afraid of losing control. It is said that power corrupts people and he knows that, so he avoids abusing the corruption.

Still, if I had to say, he’s naïve. He’s only a kid, after all. I would like to train him personally, but he is very different from me. I’ll help him a little bit with some pills and potions, but that’s all I’m going to do.

Some of you may ask why I would help this kid even though I am cruel and all, but he earned my compassion and pity.


I felt a small connection between us, a small thread that we both had in common. If I had to guess, he had an awful childhood where he was abused and bullied.

I stood up and started to walk away, but before I left I left him with a single sentence.

“If you want to have your revenge and become even stronger, climb up to my place” I said to him as I pointed to the tower that was my living quarters.

I observed his reaction with my sense and he had his eyes opened and was truly shocked. He opened his mouth and I heard him saying.

“My name, it’s Tyler. Tyler Brooks”

I had a smile on my face as I kept walking. After that, entered my Energy Form and started observing the training.

If I had to sum all things up and describe the soldiers with one word, it would be: Weak. Extremely Weak.

They’re slow, physically weak, their movements are dull, their reflexes slow. It seems that they have a long way to become strong enough.

I felt exasperated by their weakness, so I decided to make some pills and potions for them.

After some thinking, I decided to give each one of them 2 pills and one potion.

The first pill would be the Physical Enhancement pill. It would seem like a pill with a weak effect, but that would be very wrong. With my level in the ‘Alchemy’ skill, I could create such a pill with an effect of improving the physical body over 10 times. That would be extremely overpowered since my army would be composed of hundreds if not thousands of those.

The second pill was the Spirit Enhancement pill. It was like the first one, but it enhanced the soul. By doing that, the consumer would become more intelligent and would be able to cope with any situation. Also, it would enhance their thinking, reaction and decision making speed.

Finally, the potion was a Vitality potion. It improved the life force of a creature. With it, they would be able to heal wounds quickly and all previous one would be cured completely. It also had the effect of improving the hardness of the muscles, but not to the extent of the Physical Enhancement pill.

The materials to make these pills weren’t that expensive, but if I want to make a 100% pure pill without any impurities in it, I would need to extract the Essence from the materials. I could do that easily since the Essence is simply the energy contained within the materials.

Normally, alchemy is very complicated and difficult. It would need cauldrons, a powerful flame and constant supervising and a skilled alchemist, but all of that could be ignored for me because with my skill, I just had to extract the Essence from the materials, fuse them together by rotating them extremely fast and condense the liquid or the pill. It’s that simple.

The materials were mostly herbs of different kinds that could be bought from the System. That had complicated names so I’m not going to mention them one by one. When I wanted to know what the materials needed for some kind of pill, I just need to think about it and I would instinctively know the required materials.

I needed quite a number of the herbs for two reasons. The first one would be because from a batch of herbs, only a small number of Essence could be extracted and the second reason was because I needed to make a large number of them.

The pills and potions wouldn’t rot and nothing would happen to them even if they were left for years. For that reason, I made 1000 of each of the 3 ‘medicines’.

They could be used in the future for the next recruits and I could also use them as rewards for the soldiers. Actually, that would be a little bad since I would give them freely now and they would think that it was cheap and would be dissatisfied with such a reward.

After I ordered my clones to gather all the soldiers, recruits and supervisors alike, I gave the trainer that I met before the ‘medicines’ and ordered him to distribute them one of each kind to each warrior.

The training was interrupted since when they ate the pills, especially the Physical Enhancement one, they would experience enormous pain and most of them that are weak-willed would faint.

By the way, all three supervisors didn’t lose consciousness and some recruits managed to endure the pain. They were the ones that showed the best results in their training.

With that finished, I proceeded to do something that I impatiently wanted to do.

Author's Note:

Hey, guys. After some thinking, I decided to slow the pace of the story a little bit.

At first, I was going to make him punish that bastard (Even I, the author, forgot what he was called) in this chapter, but after some contemplating, I decided to slow the pace a little bit and make him look after his kingdom.

Also, the thing at the end isn't punishing the bastard. It's something else.

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