《Became the Strongest Cultivator Just By Existing》Chapter 17 - The Deity Realm and Contemplating


Chapter 17 – The Deity Realm and Contemplating

After I entered my room, I sat cross-legged on the small bed in it and started meditating. I used my inner sight to look at my soul and any changes that occurred to it. I felt that it became a little bit powerful and it had a strange red glow around it that emitted some kind of heat.

The information from the cultivation technique didn’t mention how I would mix my soul with the orb, so I tried to come up with a method. Of course, I didn’t try anything dangerous because this is my life that I’m playing with.

After some contemplating, I remembered a novel that I read quite a time ago. It talked about cultivators who nourished their souls and made them stronger. The MC there, to break through to the next realm, had to absorb some kind of soul strengthening pill and I clearly remember that in order to not waste any of it, he started doing something.

[This is something that I imagined. There isn’t any novel like that]

I tried to imitate him and strangely, I felt my soul being strengthened slightly and gradually. The idea was that I used Spiritual Energy to rotate the soul and making it like a vortex that swallowed everything near it. Unexpectedly, it worked. At first, I started doing it slowly, but when it worked, I made it faster and faster until at some point, I felt memories flashing in my mind.

I saw a world, a plane made completely of red fire. It seemed strange, there wasn’t anything there except that fire. The fire seemed the only light source in that enormous, black space. The heat that was radiating from it made me think that it wasn’t just imagination.

I tried doing something ridiculous and unreasonable, I entered into the sea of flames beneath me. You may think that I am a crazy guy for doing that, but a feeling inside of me told me to do it.

Just as I entered the flames, some information popped up inside my head. Heavenly Phoenix Flames, that was the name of these flames. Vasos seemed to make his world using his own inborn flames. He was a Heavenly Phoenix, a very powerful race that had these flames as their innate power. That was what the information told me.

I tried using something that came with this information. It was a kind of cultivation technique, not just a simple one. It was one that allowed me to absorb Flame Essence, the core of flames and allow me to wield that kind of fire in fights.


I absorbed the Heavenly Phoenix Flames and the world turned pitch black. There was nothing in this place, only darkness.

I exited this place involuntary and my consciousness went back to my body. I used my inner sight to observe my soul and I found that it turned slightly red, not that much, though. It seemed that the Flame Essence wasn’t strong enough to make my soul completely change to its color. I was a little bit baffled at this since from the new memories that I earned, those flames were very powerful. They weren’t the strongest, but they were in the top rankings.

Just as I finished my meditating, I had a headache and other info entered my brain. It seems that I’m getting this a lot. I wonder who is giving me all this information?

These were received from my cultivation technique. It mentioned the details of the Deity realm and the next stage of the technique which is also the last one.

-Sixth Stage (Sovereign Stage): After you kill 10 Deity-Ranked cultivators and steal their authorities, you must fuse all of their realms and make your own laws that govern that fused universe. With that you will become a Sovereign-ranked cultivator.

It was as I guessed, probably, Zeus just broke through to the Sovereign realm and his fusion of my world and the other was what made him reach it. But, this makes me wonder, what would happen if I fused more than 10 worlds? I would probably keep getting stronger, but there has to be some kind of point where I would reach another realm. Maybe I would become an Omni-ranked expert like those that were mentioned by Victor. I’m looking forward to that.

Now, I should focus on what I can do and not rush things. From what I gathered, I should begin working on my universe now. I learned that the type of plane that you make is related to what attribute you belong to. Vasos had the fire attribute so he made a world of flames. A water attribute expert would be able to make an ocean as his world…

But, the most interesting thing is that I don’t belong to any of those. I can freely manipulate any kind of energy because of my special circumstances. I should be able to make a world just like mine, with oceans, land, volcanos and all those things.

That makes me have a question, could I use the energy in the outer world to construct my own universe? That would need experimenting and consequently that would consume time which I don’t have right now. I still remember the impatience in Victor’s tone when we talked last time.


Now that I finished my breakthrough, I should check on things outside. I exited my room and headed towards the balcony that provided view of the outside. When I took a glimpse of the surroundings, I was shocked and my jaw almost hit the ground. What the fuck is this? A long line of what only seems as monsters, undead and humans are lined up at the bottom of the castle.

They seem to be registering themselves and entering the mansion via the Teleportation Array that I made. The majority of them were Undead. I could somewhat understand that, they would be shunned and treated like monsters outside, the same was for people who bought Bloodlines like mine and it changed their bodies. It would be agonizing for them to remain between humans who didn’t trust them and would call them monsters’’ and ‘abominations’. I had similar treatment before so I could understand their pain. Humans were, as I expected, the least. I was surprised that even some answered to my call. Humans generally are mistrusting creatures and wouldn’t just let their fate be handed to an unknown person. It seems that this mess really affected them.

As I was observing the scenery, a beautiful voice that would make even the most cold-blooded man (me, in this case) feel soothed, rang out.

“Amazing, isn’t it? After only one week, this many people have come”

I turned around and saw Lucy coming towards me. Her beautiful hair was assembled into a ponytail that made even more charming than she already was. She wore a gorgeous black robe that tightly hugged her body, revealing her frivolous curves. I kept staring at her, wide-eyed like that until I heard her say between her giggles.

“Pffff, I didn’t know that would be able to make that kind of face. Pffff, you’re too cute”

I had mixed feelings about her words. On one side, I felt happy seeing her like that, praising me and all, and on the other side, my dragon side felt irritated that I was called ‘cute’ and treated like a little boy.

Before any of those feeling took over me, I noticed something that she said and made a confused expression as I asked her.

“A week? When did that much period of time pass?”

“Oh, you weren’t aware of it. You spent more than 4 days meditating, I feel that you’ve gotten stronger now. Congratulations on your breakthrough” She replied, clearing my confusion.

“Yes, you’ve guessed correctly. I had a breakthrough. I’m going to visit the demon, now. I need to consolidate my foundation” I told her.

She then nodded and I started walking towards Victor’s room. But, a murmur from Lucy that was hard to hear made me stop.

“You’re always training and busy. Can’t you spend more time with us? I really miss you.”

I felt heartbroken when I heard these words and I realized my mistake. I haven’t been paying attention to her and Jack at all. I didn’t think much of it, but it seems that I was hurting their feeling without even knowing about it.

I made a choice there, I decided to make my clone train with the demon and I to spend this period of time with my close friends. I also need to expand my knowledge on this world and understand the new system and politics in it. Because of my announcement, many powers ought to have noticed us, but I think that they would be careful because they’re not the strongest in this world and they would suspect that the ‘Demon God Chris’ is behind this. I am ranked the first in the System, so only stupid people would just attack us risking my presence here.

Now that I think about it, I didn’t try the new features that the System provides. I didn’t focus on it much, but if I want to deepen my knowledge of this new world, I must make use of it.

I turned around and with a smile in my face, I said to Lucy.

“Let’s have a tour in the castle. I haven’t seen it in a while. Training with the demon can just be done by my clone. Spending time with you is more important”

She stood there with her eyes wide opened, but then a smile that made my heart beat much faster than usual and my body temperature to raise blossomed on her pretty face.

“Yes. Let’s do that. You have many things to catch up to”

Author's Note:

Sorry, guys. Got busy with school.

That would be the chapter releasing date for now, and if there are some changes, I will inform you.

This will continue for some few chapters as I decided to explain the changes of the new world and what happened to Chris' kingdom in the time he was meditating.

Another thing, I didn't proofread this chapter, so expect some mistakes and please if you find some, point it out to me in the comments. Thanks in advance :) :D

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