《Ugly》Chapter 12: The Ugly Bonds, Part 2


Carrot cradled her Ulen agonizing over how small, frail and young he seemed without the deep presence that normally made him seem larger and older than he was as she frantically ran to the tamer center. Anyone who knew what her stats looked like would have doubted their knowledge if they had seen the sheer speed and agility Carrot showed while easily dodging trees and their roots never once jarring her Ulen's arm.

Ulen slowly rose from the depths of a drug induced dream. Shouts of anger, screams and a bloody white wing. What a horrible dream. His normal pain was blunted, must have pumped him full of drugs. He hated them, the drugs, they make you fuzzy and slow. Easy to trick and manipulate. Made you doubt if you were still alive. He prefered the pain it made you sharp, clear and let you know that you are still there, still able to keep going. The right side of his body hurt, well that was normal. The drugs dulled the pain along with his senses, but he could feel it was more than usual. It included the whole shoulder now not just the arm. He wanted to turn his head and look at it, but couldn't move his head. Ok, he could he just didn't want to. He didn't want to see more damage, more unhealable scars, more reasons for people to look at him like with those disgusted eyes. Maybe because he remembered those eyes with disgust in them, a more recent memory than the dream came to mind.

Three women, teachers, not D-Girls, supposedly "human". Two holding him down while the third clawed at his pants. High School P.E. storage room, how cliche. The mousy brown holding his left, Arts. The bottle blonde holding his right with a displeased look on her face, Science. She had seen his right arm. The black hair who was unzipping his pants but not taking them off, Magic. He didn't try to fight them it would have been pointless. Even mousy Arts out massed him and Magic would have quickly countered his fledgeling abilities. Magic looked up while pulling his flaccid cock out of his pants looking at his face. Why? He didn't know. Was he supposed to be excited? A look of revulsion on her face even as she bent down and took his cock in her mouth. He tried to prevent his reaction, but his young hormone driven body betrayed him. He hardened quickly and Magic undressed her lower half and straddled him. She rode him till he came then switched with Arts. Arts did the same though she shuddered a few times before he released, the fucking whore. Science took her turn and when she got what she was after, they left without a word. Leaving him feeling small, helpless and crippled.


Ulen understood what it had been about, they wanted children from a Pure Human. If they got boys, with a low percentage of Demi-Human DNA those sons would have no trouble finding partners. The real reason three teachers were willing to risk the potential consequences was if they had girls. The daughters of a Pure Human, even if their mothers were D-Girls had a much lower chance of awaking, with human mothers it was almost zero. He understood. He even sympathized. Why like this?! He had been 15! All it would have taken was a smile and pretend kindness and he would have been willing to screw them till they were pregnant.

None of them got knocked up from that one time. He couldn't avoid them, but he never let them get him alone. He didn't talk to them outside of classes and made sure other people were around when they tried to approach him. He was careless, a year later, right before he would graduate. He had stayed late in the library. Just after he had passed the magus exam. Magic cornered him as he was going to leave the school grounds.

"Ulen, I'm sorry...I know that doesn't change anything. Please I want you to understand. My niece had just awakened and I want children, but I couldn't bear it if my daughter became that.", Magic looked at him pleadingly. She then tried to touch him. Ulen held up his left hand lightning crackling between his fingers. If he touched her with that she would die. She froze she recognized a lethal spell when she saw it. Anger flashed across her face. That shameless bitch.

"You're right, it doesn't change anything. I understood then. I don't care what you want. You'll get no forgiveness from me.", Ulen remembered saying. He had been surprised at how calm he was. He wanted to punish her, but couldn't think of a revenge that fit their actions. He had thought about raping them in return, but that would have been what they wanted. Anything more would have made him into something he rather not be.

If it hadn't been for the laws regarding minors, most wouldn't even have called it a crime. The three most attractive teachers in school held down and forcibly had sex with a scarred crippled male student. For some this would be a fantasy come true and why he never reported them. If it hadn't been for their obvious distaste at his appearance, he would have just shrugged it off as a minor incident. It did remind him that if it hadn't been for his scars he could have been sleeping with two or three different women a night, all hungry for his children.


Magic and Ulen had stared at each other for what seemed like a long time. The anger on her face turned into something else as he kept looking at her, while keeping the lightning crackling between them. Finally, with a look of regret? She turned and walked away. Ulen didn't relax until she was completely out of sight.

'Damn, drugs. I don't want to remember that shit.', Ulen thought to himself.

"Master! You're awake!", Carrot's loud voice intruded into his bitter recall. The joy and relief in her voice was a soothing balm for his darker memories. Ulen opened his eye and looked at his concerned rabbit. He could feel her warm concern for him through their bond. He realized that the minor magic that kept his hair in place wasn't active. She was looking warmly at his face with half of his empty socket exposed and wasn't disturbed or repulsed by it. He felt just a little of his bitterness from the dark memories his drugged state made him recall fade a bit. Ulen felt his lips form the warmest smile they had ever worn.

Carrot was so relieved her Ulen was awake. He had looked so small and helpless lying on the infirmary bed with his right shoulder in a cast. When she saw his smile her heart melted. She, careful of his leg and shoulder, climbed onto the bed sitting on his hips and proceeded to give him a very tangible proof of her joy at his waking.

The nurse on duty came to investigate the shout. She was a celestial type D-Girl with strong healing abilities. She grinned when she saw the two, faces locked together. When the girl leaned back for a second to get into a more comfortable position the nurse caught a glimpse of the tamer's hollow socket and cringed inside. She remembered yesterday's events.

She had been shocked when the frantic Bunny Girl had rushed into the infirmary cradling her tamer in an extremely tender way. Her worry for her master had told the nurse that the bond between the two, while new was extremely strong. That told her all she needed about the nature of this tamer and she was ready to pour her full power into healing him. When she directed the Bunny Girl to place her master on a bed and had approached to do just that. She had been startled and more than a little angry when the girl pushed her away before she could heal the tamer. The anger faded quickly when the girl quickly explained her master's curse. The nurse was horrified at what would have happened if she had used her power on this poor boy. Boy he was, now that she had gotten a better look at him and so small. Sympathy and pity for this tiny tamer welled in her. She brushed the hair covering the right side of his face out of the way to see if their was any damage, not to check him out she convinced herself. She gasped and involuntarily drew back after she saw the desiccated fleshless right side of his face with its gaping hollow socket.

The Bunny Girl had snapped her head up at the nurse's gasp and looked her in the face, the contempt in the girl's eyes filled the nurse with shame. She quickly returned to examining the boy's injuries. His collarbone was broken but cleanly and the arm had popped out of its socket. The injuries would not have been a problem with magic to instantly recover the bones and arm was set. Without healing magic his recovery would take three to four months. The nurse notified the on call doctor and the rest of the staff. They had his arm located and bones set and wrapped in six hours even though they had only practiced the non-magical skills never actually used them. The Bunny Girl was never far from her tamer. When the doctor checked the tamer's vitals he was surprised that the boy's mana pool was almost completely drained. It explained why he hadn't woken up.

The nurse had listened in on the report the Bunny Girl had given the Schwartzwulf who was sent by the center's manager to find out what happened. Both of them had been impressed by the Bunny Girl's defeat of the normally much more powerful bear type D-Girl. It also explained the boy's drained mana pool. A spell strong enough to stun a combat type D-Girl must have required a lot of power. The boy should be fine in couple of days except for his shoulder.

The nurse stood there for awhile completely ignored by the two face sucking away as if they hadn't seen each other for a long time. She had the chance to look over the open portion of his tamer file, so she wasn't too shocked that he was already awake his vitality matched most starter D-Girls.

'Considering her reaction his vitality must extend to...other activities.', The nurse blushed at the thought. Catching another glimpse of his face she quickly cooled and left.

The two on the bed ignored her leaving as well. After all, they had something much more pleasant to occupy their attention.

Author's Note: Well a short segment this time. Still I hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading!

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