《Olympus》Chapter Six: Guide (PR'd)
Hey folks! Here is an installment of Olympus. This chapter will mostly be dedicated to the player re-reading the game guide; along with hidden facts he can learn about thanks to his best friend, Clint, being one of the lead game designers.
I will be putting in game time as well, a bit later in the chapter. But this will be dedicated to information about the game, and real world life for our MC as he talks to clint about several factors within the game that are confusing after reading the guide.
Also, as a special treat, butt jiggling shall be seen. Mwuahahahahah.
Proof-read by Roguemist. Remember to thank him folks! ^.^
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
I opened my eyes and told the capsule "Open." Ugh, another early morning. I had spent all night playing. It simulated sleep in a way, and with four days down; each day roughly three hours and some odd minutes in change in the real world. I'd spent roughly twelve, or less hours within the game.
I smiled before calling for help, Clint would be up by now. He came and helped me into my wheelchair and I moved toward the couch he had been sitting on, watching the news.
"Reports indicate that Olympus has become a huge hit with the beta testers. Word has said many are beginning to solidify their power bases within Rome. Attempting quests to take control, or be given land to do with as they will, and NPC servants to help them grow it."
I cocked my eyebrow at this, land? That would be very fun. The screen suddenly went silent, Clint had muted it, and he asked me a great deal of questions. One of which made me wince.
"So, did you enjoy walking again? As if I need to ask. How did the little puff balls you got feel? How was the training, and life as a slave? Also, why on earth did you wank one out after seeing that Scillica individual?"
He laughed when I nearly had a seizure at what he said. "What the fuck! You were watching me? You sick...sick Bastard!"
He just laughed harder and I breathed deeper trying to calm down and ignore that fact to the best of my ability.
"The puff balls, as you call them, are adorable and I love them too death. Naturally walking again was amazing! Thank you for that, and the training was fun. But I feel I grew to quickly, and life as a slave was interesting."
I saw Clint snort, and explain the details of just why the starting quest for each person was like this, my slave class had added an extra 20% growth rate until my first and only class change. Apparently all players experienced abnormal growth and EXP gain in there starting quest area, then after gaining a class it became more leveled and difficult to garner EXP, or level stats through training.
In my case, I was ahead of the pack by about two levels due to my Slave class gaining better EXP gain and stat gains early on to make up for the dismal start at the beginning.
However, now I would have to work twice as hard as the other players to gain EXP and level everything. The downside to starting with such an OP boost, I should have trained more, and then changed my class.
The Beast Master Class itself provided gains for my stats in regards to any full grown pet I tamed. It meant I'd be hunting down an adult beast to tame when I joined the other slaves on there way to Sparta.
"You know, I knew you would pick that Slave class the moment you got it. You hated ancient nobles in our history class back in high school, and despised math so I doubted a Merchant.
“But I thought for sure you would have chosen the warrior route." I snorted at him, imitating his earlier snort.
"I love the underdog, you know that. I was shocked at the title I gained, and who the fuck works with the descriptions, I feel like they have it out for me!" I saw Clint get a secretive smile, and it clicked.
This bastard, he only did that when he was feeling smug. "You! Oh I will get even, remember that when you start to play with me!" He just laughed more and I called him a dirty fucker.
He went on further to explain a few details left out in the guide, before handing me my copy again.
"Ah, a hidden factor in the game with death, you saw how it says if you die, there will be consequences right?" I nodded of course, but the guide never went into full detail.
I got a feeling of dread as he smiled cruelly. "Well, if you die in game you are reset instantly to level one, regardless of your level. Your stats are reset to the base amount for a level one; and you have to utterly remake, and rename your character. The world is set to have it so players AND NPCS can change it's make and set up. However, we wanted it as real as possible. Therefore, death means that character dies."
He paused a moment, letting me absorb that little bit while blinking my eyes. I swear he was laughing at me now. "Which of course means no head first diving by you! You do however get to keep your gear, however there is a restriction upon it. You cannot use it again until you reach your previous level, and stats. You will also be unable to pick the same starting faction you were in the beginning. I'll tell you a secret though, there are quests in game to defect to another nation once you earn their trust. So someone can always go back.
You also retain your class, and subclasses earned in game. Your skills are still present, though each one is reset to level 1 and you have to grind them back up. In your case, as a BeastMaster, you will also lose your pets. However classes with unique pets like the Beast Master and another hidden class, you may gain a quest to reclaim them under your new character.
“It is a one time quest each time you die, so if you fail, they are lost to you forever. They also are reset to level one, with a 30% reduction in stats and unable to be used to power level yourself. They are set to defend only."
He laughed so hard when my eyes bugged. "The fuck Clint!" I yelled "No one will keep playing with that!" He just shook his head, and grinned.
"There is a reason, you know more factions open up over time. How do you think that happens? It's through players dying and being thrown into a random Faction upon reviving with those penalties. This allows them to level properly again, and not instantly make any one nation a true powerhouse."
I...was speechless, to say the least, but ignored it and grumbled about it in general. He had a point, but it would still suck.
I sighed, and set the book down a bit. It had been two hours since he started that explanation, and I heard Tarah starting to move around. I winced a little at that, hoping I had not woken her.
"*sigh* Alright, Clint, I get it. No more secrets, I may die from an aneurysm at this rate. I guess there are some perks to having one of the lead designers as a best friend, and brother in the ways that matter."
He laughed and punched my shoulder lightly while saying cryptically. "You have no idea, Matt. It's 9 however, and you have therapy today I believe."
His tone went firm, and I groaned at it. Damn it! "Fine..." I muttered and started pouting. "Oh stop that ya big baby, your luuuuv is there today. I checked."
Well, that cheered me up some. The quote, unquote, luuuuv he spoke about was a very ungodly blessed woman in her later twenties that literally had an ass that went for days, with amazing legs, and giant breasts.
Her face was youthful, so she looked kinda like an overdeveloped teen; but god damn I loved when she worked on my therapy days. All that juicy flesh touching me, and her thinking I still couldn't enjoy the sight of her breasts grazing my legs, even if I did not feel it.
I perked up and yelled over my shoulder at Clint to hurry the hell up; the other reason of course being that I wanted to return to the game before long to do my quest.
On our way to the hospital, and my therapy lesson, we jammed to Maroon 5, and good ol' Metallica. Gotta love it. Haha.
We arrived sooner than I wanted to, all the same. But it made Clint and Tarah happy for me to do this, so I would do it. More so after they gave me the chance to feel again. They deserved any and all the hope they clung too...Secretly I did as well. The brain was still mostly unknown after all, perhaps with enough time I will walk again, feel again, and, well, fuck again.
But each time was a failure, and my only real hope lay in their shared hope for me. I signed in at the counter, ignoring the smell of the sterile room I rolled into. I hate that bleach smell. Reminded me to much of death.
I waited another hour, a day had now passed in game with my body likely still utterly dead to the world there. Then she called me up, and I 'jumped' to attention and rolled over to her. Making sure to flex my overdeveloped arm muscles from always rolling around for her.
"Easy now, Matt, you'll make me faint." I grinned at her and responded in kind, we had our routine.
"Good, then I can molest that juicy body while you’re unconscious!" She slaps me upside the back of my head, and I aim the resulting motion into her breasts. She hits me harder and laughs.
God I want to do so much to this woman, but naturally it would never happen. "Alright Christy! Let's get Failure 298 out of the way!"
She rolled her eyes, and undid a button on her white nurse outfit to show off a small portion of her cleavage. "Correct it, and I'll pretend you don't intentionally grab my ass when I work with your legs."
"Christy, let's begin the hopeful rehabilitation of my spine, and nervous system so I can take you home and utterly wreck you!"
A soft sigh escaped those full lips, "Good enough".
She started massaging my leg muscles, and working them here and there. I got to admire her from there, her ass even more. She was really only about 5'5 and proportioned to godly levels. Her bust had to be triple D, with a slim toned waist, I knew for a fact she worked out (Stalker alert!), to a very large bubble butt that was all but obscene the way it just...bounced, and wiggled with each step; her breasts were held in place. Probably under-wired bra.
Speaking of bouncing, I reached a hand out and slapped her butt from the bottom with just my fingers. The tips sinking oh so amazingly into her ass before lifting up, and it just danced for me. God....why? Why not at least let my penis work!
I heard a little giggle escape her, hey! you promised I thought "The flies are so awful this year, aren't they, Matt?" She looked over her shoulder at me, blinking those big baby blues at me, they were brown eyes really, her long red hair shifting to the side to reveal her breasts on my thigh...
I hate God so much right now. I just gulped and nodded, which caused her to giggle. I was beginning to suspect it was on purpose because it showed how her breasts moved, even in that bra, with the breaths she took to giggle.
Then she returned to her work and began humming and moving a little. I got entranced in her ass.
Before I knew it, our time was up. I pouted at her and she kissed my cheek. "See you next time, Matt." We had a flirting relationship, though I suspected pity was more her reason for acting that way with me. I didn't care much, she is amazing! haha
I rolled out too Clint after I was helped into the chair by Tit's Mcgee. He was just grinning like that cat that got the creme. "Shut it" I said, and we went home.
I read the guide on the way home.
Stats are unique within the game, each stat increase directly affects the skills you learn, and how fast you can level them. The higher a stat is, the faster that skill will level. An example is the simple Shield Bash skill.
This is directly tied to your strength, AND agility stat. Once unlocked however, it changes to a hidden stat you earn through game play. But, it will level very quickly the higher those two stats are, or how high the hidden stat is.
That had to be my Endurance, because my shield related skill leveled way to quickly. I had almost nothing really in speed, or strength right now after all.
Each player will start with a pre-determined class depending on their background check, and personality survey answers.
This class is replaced upon level 10, where you are given a class change option through NPC, or hidden events within the game. (Each starting area for players has the chance to give a unique, or rare class depending on there actions taken in game; be mindful!)
I smiled at that part, I had earned a unique and amazing class thanks to taking my pets.
Each player may earn up to three subclasses in game. One of which may be rare or unique, the rest are set to be common. So choose wisely when picking.
Each subclass can be used to help your main class, or used to create an entirely unique second class by combined and training the three subclasses!
I grinned at that, oh I would have fun there. But I needed to be self sufficient, so I would take my time in that regard.
Players Starting Area
Each player, depending on their Faction, gains a unique hidden trait specific to that faction. This is gained upon entering the capital city of your starting faction (Sparta as it is the only Greek State available, being the Greek capital, and Rome being Rome's; naturally.)
These unique, and hidden traits will give each player a unique bonus ability custom tailored to their faction, and first class change. (This means everyone will get a unique skill made by the A.I to match them the best. More than one player having a single skill that is the same will be rare, but not impossible.)
I was only skimming the key-points of the guide however, and I enjoyed what I read and had missed before.
I'd read it in more detail when I further progressed in the game. I could hardly wait to get back. We pulled into the driveway just as I finished skimming, we were only half an hour from the hospital, or an hour with Traffic.
My mind kept wandering as well while I was reading so I kept to a short skimming of key information I might need, or was interesting.
Clint got my Wheelchair from the back, and set it up before letting me get into it on my own. This I didn’t allow help with honestly, Tits got it because I liked feeling those melons on my back.
We went in, and I had to have him help me into the capsule, it was to high for me. I said Hi to Tarah first of course.
"Don't look at me at night, you perverted bastard!" I told Clint that, and he laughed while Tarah chimed in causing me to blush.
"But it was SO entertaining to watch you go to town. I saw the clip!" She burst into giggles and I just cursed at them both before logging in.
I'd get even with them, just wait and see...
Here you go folks! First of the starting daily updates, and a SMALL quick glimpse into his life outside the game. There will be more of these, and I will work on my ability to do this portion as well. It was fun!
Now then however, a shout out to 91Blodhevn for the idea regarding what happens when players die!
Please, feel free to PM me, or comment what you would like to see in this story. I want more ideas so I can keep it going as I progress. Each winner of the comments will have the chapter I put it in, dedicated to them as well. This one is for you, 91Blodhevn
I will also be doing more chapters with Guide references when it goes Real World. The MC skims a lot, and misses details. This is because I am evil, and have not thought them all out yet as well haha.
As always, much love and cookies: Please Follow, Rate, Comment, and favorite!
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