《Olympus》Chapter Five: Quest Complete! (PR'd)
I finally got the BB-cod to work! Good god that was annoying. It was a very minor mishap in the code I did earlier. But here you go my friends, the promised second chapter for the time being. It will become daily after Blood Born Volume 1 is complete.
Proof-read by Roguemist. ^.^ be sure to thank him.
Quest Update! Night Ambush Your master has learned of your plans somehow and prepared an ambush for you all! Fight your way clear to be free! Objectives Escape with your fellow slaves, killing all Roman Guard Recruits in your path.
Succeed in escaping with Gallica, Scillica, and as many other slaves as you can.
Gallica, or Scillica fall in the escape. Rewards: Unknown, 2 silver
Oh. My. Fuck!
Alright, gotta get through this alive; I got this.
"Shield!" Gallica screamed, and he along with Spartan 1 and 2 raised there small buckler shields and started rushing forward with the rest of the fighters.
Son of a ...I rushed in behind them taking an arrow in my shoulder before I could block it in time. A blue window popped up before I could hit ignore notifications showed me losing three strength. Shit.
Two of the twenty fighters had already fallen to the arrows, then we were in a melee with the Green Roman Guards.
When I reached their small blockade of shields, it was already crumpling due to inexperience. I took a sword point on my shield causing the durability to lower a bit; then I jumped up a bit and angled the sword down into the youths neck.
Fatal blow!
Due to your ingenuity and skill at striking your foe's weak point you have instantly killed the Guard.
You have gained +5 intelligence
You have Leveled
I ignored the box and quickly raised my shield to block a downward thrust aimed at my ribs from the left, before forcing my sword through the guards ribs, my right flank covered by Spartan 2.
Yep, shield wall bitches! It was a melee of gruesome porportions though. Not all of our fighters were trained enough, several were only level 2. They had been a fresh batch smuggled over the border from Roman occupied Athens.
As such at least three of them fell in the melee, and we were having trouble due to the archers up top.
Two in the beginning, and a following three, make that four, which brought our combat force down to fourteen. Fuck!
I had reached a break in the combat, the Green Roman Recruits having been reduced to about six soldiers who were fighting desperately against the heavy strikes of Gallica, and Spartan 1 and 2.
Note to self, never piss them off. I rushed through the foyer, and to the stairs leading to the next level. I had to get rid of those fucking archers.
When I reached the top, another Recruited Roman Guard was present. I blocked his downward strike with my shield before thrusting my own sword in a straight thrust through his skull.
Nifty trick with the game, if the attack was aimed at the vitals and landed full on it could be an instant kill, the only problem was it worked mostly with those at or below your level. It took a portion of luck and strength to do it to those higher, like the Guard I was fighting now. He was level 7.
I smiled as I pulled my sword free and rushed the level 5 archers; happy I had spent stat points in luck now.
I quickly dispatched the Archers, their defense was pitiful due to there light armor, and ranged focus.
Hunting for the fat man, I saw the tubby roll toward the end of the hallway on the second floor. It had to lead toward his private chambers.
Good god, how fucking big is this place? I wondered as I sprinted off after his fat ass.
A few of the Recruits appeared and blocked my path. Two, but shit. Both are level 9. I didn't know my own level, pulling up the screen would cause me to miss my timing.
Keeping an eye on my health and stamina; health was about 75%. I silently thanked the shit out of my Shield Mastery bonus.
Taking up my own stance as I faced the two guards, right foot forward, left foot back; right shoulder angled up with my shield and left curled back at the elbow before I started smacking the shields side and yelling at them.
They charged forward, and one just fell face first as an arrow sprouted from his chest. I looked back quickly and saw Scillica with a bow and a few arrows.
I love that woman in that moment; then I met the other guard head on in battle.
It was anti-climatic sadly. He was afraid, and had received a status effect due to that. It made killing him easy.
At the end of the hall, I took the right path I had seen the fat bastard reach and immediately threw my shield up on instinct. I had no idea why, but I was suddenly thrown back a foot, and fell onto my ass.
What the hell? I heard growling...oh, oh shit. I slowly looked up, like someone does in a horror movie and saw one of the largest fucking lions I have ever seen. It was the female lion, she sure fucking doesn’t look pregnant.
I stared into the gaping maw of the lioness as she roared at me, causing fear to flow down my spine as I stood up, and looked at her status box.
Barbary Lioness (Elite) Level: 10 Ownder: FictusDescription:
One of the last of her kind, this female Lioness was purchased by the Spartan Traitor Fictus to be used as a show of status. She has recently given birth.
I stared at her box a second longer and all but began cursing like a sailor. "Mother fucking sonofabitch! Cunt licking twat waffle.." You get the point, I was being a naughty sailor as I cursed up a storm.
The lioness just kinda stared at me dumb founded for a moment, before pouncing, her powerful back legs bunching and giving her the strength to cover the distance.
I readied my shield, and lowered my body, counting slowly in my head. I wanted to jump to the side at the last moment and hopefully slowly nick her health down, a whopping 1000.
An arrow struck the Lioness' side mid jump though, causing her to roar in pain and stopped her jump short. I saw her health drop by 200, it had to be a crit.
I thanked the Gods for allowing that, and dashed in on the other side while the Lioness' aggro was taken by Scillica.
I thrust my sword as hard as I could at her neck. The tough fur that covered it kept my sword from going to deep, but it took another 150 health off the Lioness.
Progress! I almost shouted before that big fucking head jumped around and took my shield arm in her maw, using her powerful jaw muscles to crunch down.
My arm broke, and my strength went down to a simple 10 points. Son of a bitch! She started shaking me like a dog, and I screamed at Scillica.
"Shoot this fucking thing!" while I whacked at the side of it's head with my sword over and over. Personally, I hated it. Before she had been meant to kill me, she was also a beautiful creature that was primal, and predatory.
It broke my heart inside, but I refused to die this early in my first quest. So I struck.
My own health bar was ticking down quickly, while the Lioness' was moving at a fast pace. I was dealing less damage because of the un-aimed, rapid strikes, but Scillica's arrows were eating the health away.
It was a race to see who would die first. All fear a Mother protecting her Cubs; I refuse to accept that fat bastard owned such a beautiful creature.
When all was said and done, the Lioness fell to the arrows. The light dimmed in those big brown eyes, and her massive body fell limp, with a total of 5 health left on my own bar.
I took my arm from her limp maw, and discarded the broken shield.
My health Regen was good enough that in a few moments I would be able to move again. But I doubted we had that time.
Gallica and a whopping twelve of the slaves, including him, arrived at our location. We had lost another two. Spartan 1 and 2 were alive at least. I like them, they are funny.
"Where is he Crispin?" Gallica asked, and I nodded my head down the hallway.
"There Boss. I had to fight his pet, I couldn't keep chasing after it all was over." I was smacked in the back of my head by Scillica, who was binding my wounds.
Far different from the woman I met those days ago "The idiot put his arm in the lions mouth and let it gnaw on him."
I winced as she tightened the splint on my broken arm, and just smiled. My health had reached 50 and I could stand once she finished.
We all left then, after I told Gallica to piss off when he recommended I stay behind. I didn't trust them not to harm the infant cubs that the Lioness had birthed.
When we entered the room at the end of the curving hallway, Gallica and the others dispatching the few guards left, we found the fat tub of lard in his bed under the covers. It looked like a mountain.
Spartan 1 walked up to it and grinned at us before poking the fat rolls of his ass that were sticking out of the blankets with his sword.
A loud piercing scream escaped his lips as he literally jumped five feet into the air, I didn't think he had it in him.
I ignored them past that, Gallica was talking. Spartacus reborn! Haha, anyway. I searched the area; there, in the corner.
I found what I was after, I limped my way there. Scillica had her attention focused fully on the fat tub; her eyes were scary when I looked at them.
I saw two small little fluff balls that were still wet from the birth fluids. The mother had not even been allowed to clean them before he sent her out.
One was white, and one was black. I went over to them, and knelt down slowly. They were mewing pitifully, there eyes still shut. I looked at there stats.
Infant Female White Barbary Lion Level: 0 Owner None[tr]Description:
A lost strain of Barbary Lion reborn from one of the last Females of the species that is slowly being driven to extinction. It is a new born, and will die without care.
InfantMale Black Barbary Lion Level: 0 Owner None[tr]Description:
A lost strain of Barbary Lion reborn from one of the last Females of the species that is slowly being driven to extinction. It is a new born, and will die without care.
I picked them up, and winced as the little black males tiny claws popped out and he struggled against my broken arm, the female did the same on my lap and was currently trying to suckle the cloth from my loincloth against my thigh.
I grinned and steeled myself as I ripped the cloth from the top of my splint off with my teeth and hand before gently wiping all the birth fluids from there tiny little furry bodies.
I gently rubbed it free of there ears, and eyes, along with there little pot belly like tummies. God damn they are so fucking cute when they mewed and fought to escape it, but couldn't.
When they were fully cleaned I pulled the little bit of water I had received upon finishing my character creation, and gently had each one drink some. They did, after I forced some of the liquid into there mouths, but it wouldn't last them.
They slowly fell asleep and I watched the show finish as Scillica decapitated the begging fat man that was our Master.
I was then flooded by boxes, it seems that my box blocker goes away when the initial quest ends.
Quest Complete! You have successfully aided in the rebellion of your fellow slaves leading to your freedom!
Surviving slaves:
14 of 21 (A.N the extra number is for Crispin, he didn't count himself in the numbers fully.)
Scillica has survived
Gallica has survived.
You have received two silver, your reputation with slaves has increased to the maximum.
You have been granted the title
Freedom Fighter
You fight for freedom where ever you are, your strong sense of justice will be a beacon for the weak!
Plus 20% stats when fighting against those doing evil actions.
You have leveled Bonus Objective cleared! You have taken charge, and provided the minimum care for two new born Barbary Lions to allow there imminent survival.
You have been given the option to take them on as pets.
Well fuck yes I hit yes.
[table]You have been given ownership of the two lion cubs, as such you may now name them. [/td4
I named the little white female Winter, and the black male I named Fang.
[td4] Your pets have been registered. As the first player to gain pets you have been given the option of a unique class Beast Master Description
You are one with beasts, any and all pets you receive will grow stronger under your loving care.
They will follow you without question out of love once you have gained there trust, as such once you have gained that trust there loyalty is maxed and can never be lowered.
20% extra damage done by beasts you have tamed
10% easier to tame new pets in the wild.Do you accept?
My eyes almost bugged out, and I hit accept instantly. Such a class would be paramount to helping raise my little puff balls.
Multiple Skills gained due to actions done during your quest, and earning the unique class Beast Master Animal Husbandry You are able to instinctively know the best food, and care needed to raise your pets properly
50% chance of successfully raising you pets stats to there maximum level through training.
Level: 1 Animal Language (Passive) You are able to understand your animals want's and needs, along with them being able to understand your commands easier.
This does not allow you to actually speak with your pets as a normal person would.
40% chance to have your commands understood and followed by your pets.
Level: 1 Perseverance (passive} Due to your extreme resistance to death while fighting you have gain the ability Perseverance. You are harder to kill as you are simply to stubborn to lay down and die (Die for once!)
20% chance to survive a fatal blow
10% chance to survive overwhelming damage
You have leveled 5 times during you quest
you have gained 20 strength
You have gained 10 Agility
You have gained 15 intelligence
You have gained 5 vitality
You have gained 5 leadership
You have gained 10 Luck
You have gained 30 endurance
Ok, the stats were amazing, but what the literal fuck was with those parenthesis in the Perseverance skill? Were they trying to fuck with me?
It didn't matter. I put the stat points I had gained, 25 in total, into my stats quickly. 5 went to agility, 5 to vitality, and the rest went into luck. Yep, I wanted to insta kill shit if I had the chance too. It would also probably boost my ability to tame full grown beasts.
Status Window Name: Crispin Leonholdt Level: 10
Class: Beast Master Gender: MaleTitlesThe Loner
Freedom Fighter
Animal Lover-Health:500 / 500Health Regen:32.50 / SecStamina:700/700Stamina Regen:50.50 / Sec-Strength:75Agility55Vitality:30Intelligence:25Leadership:5Luck:40 Endurance: 130-Attack Damage:180Defence200Skill ListAnalyze:
Level: 9 Experience: 40%
Unarmed Proficiency
Level 8 Experience: 20%
Sword proficiency
Level 7 Experience: 45%
Animal Husbandry
Level: 1
Animal Language (passive)
Level: 1
Perseverance (Passive)
Level: 1
Shield Mastery (Passive)
Level: 9
Shield Bash (Active Skill)
Level: 6
Yes! My stats were fucking awesome now! I had also seemingly gained another title, it had to come with my class change. I checked what it meant, and just smiled from ear to ear.
Animal Lover You are a lover of animals, and all creatures of the world will know this from your calm aura when near places yet untamed by man.
10% increase to all stats when in forests.
10% increase to taming animals.
That will help a great deal, even more so because Greece should still be filled with forests, and so should the rest of this world.
I looked forward to all my future adventures with these sleeping little puff balls. Along with any others I may gain. Hell, with this I could even tame wild full grown beasts and sell them to provide income in hard times. Though I disliked that notion, I enjoy pets a great deal. (A.N Pet Hoarder Alert!)
After I finished looking at all of the gains I had received, Gallica was walking toward me.
"Thank you Crispin, Battle Brother, we gained our freedom in large part due to your aid. I beg you to join us on our way to Sparta. The twins over there want to return home and warn Leonidas that some of his borderland nobles may be traitors, aside from the slime we killed."
Quest Received! Return to Sparta with your fellow freed slaves. Join your fellow slaves as they move toward Sparta.
Time limit to reach Sparta is one week.
Arrive safely with your fellow slaves
Any of your group perishes
Fail to reach Sparta before the time limit
"We will be here a short time, at least three days while we gather supplies for the journey. Think it over?"
I nodded, and leaned my head back against the wall a moment. "I will go with you, Gallica, but I need a day or two to myself. Will you watch over my new little friends here while I am away?"
Gallica looked down at my lap then and saw the cubs. He frowned, before smiling like a maniac and agreed. "Of course, Brother! I know not what you need to do, but I am sure we can keep those lion cubs alive for you until you get back."
I smiled, and shut my eyes with the cubs nuzzled together in my lap, my arm protectively around them. Sleep time.
Gallica POV
That little slave had truly shocked us all. We heard from Scillica what he had done, and some of the younger ones were in awe that he survived the female lion.
Personally, I was more shocked he had claimed her cubs as his own. That would be no easy feet to raise them. I knew he was also someone different. He had to have been sent by Ares himself to aid us; I may be from Gall but I followed the Greek Pantheon more. There Gods seemed more attuned to the world.
I'd watch when he left, Scillica will probably take them from me though. I had a feeling she was going to claim Crispin before he was known to the world.
I felt he had a great destiny before him, and hoped to live long enough to see it come about. I also looked forward to watching Scillica claim ownership, no doubt Crispin would save anyone he could. I snickered a bit at the thought of him dealing with her, and preventing the death of any female too stubborn to back off.
Oh, it would be so fun to watch.
I went back to directing everyone to gather the supplies, entering the Masters...Former Masters treasure room myself. Perhaps more things could be found here. Maybe even something suitable to reward Crispin for his aid in our freedom.
Here you are folks! I am sorry it was late. Took a bit to get the BB-code working. Now before this becomes a daily release, I will be focused utterly on finishing the last chapter of Blood Born.
Expect that in the next day or two. Much love and cookies, as always; Follow, Comment, Rate, and Favorite please. ^.^ Advertisement Previous
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