《Another World's Trespasser》Chapter 1: Survival of the Fittest


I think it’s a bit too late, but let me introduce myself.

My name is Seth, and I’m 14 years old this year. I don’t really have a surname since I resided inside an orphanage up until I'm 4 years old.

The phantom industry decided to adopt me because of the high level of intelligence I possess. All puzzles and problems thrown at me were easily solved without even breaking a sweat.

They provided me with all the basic living necessities and taught me all the knowledge and skills needed for me to get started.

I dedicated all of my time repaying their kindness and worked hard in order to make them proud of me.

But it’s all for naught ……

“Damn! Damn! Damn It!!!”

My fingers moved non-stop, pressing the buttons on the keyboard, trying to restart the machine. But it only responded with a low pitched sound. The bluish radiance previously emitted by the void stone has been lost, making its appearance the same as an ordinary rock.


Getting frustrated here won’t get me anywhere …

I recollected my thoughts and began to reanalyze the problem in front of me.

The thing that must be prioritized right now is to find a way to survive in this unknown world. And that means finding a stable source of food and water.

Well shelter isn’t a problem since the whole warehouse is teleported with me.

Currently, the stock of food inside the one and only refrigerator won’t even last me a day or two. And the water system was severed from the mainline after the teleportation incident.

I’ve got no choice but to hunt for food and find a lake or something.

Then, I dejectedly drooped my shoulders as I suddenly recalled the present situation.

How am I supposed to do these things? If it isn’t for those monsters wandering about under broad daylight, this mission would be a walk in the park.


I continued throwing complaints for a while, after that I started to collect some tools needed for this mission.

And this were the only things that I found useful, after rummaging through all the rooms inside the warehouse.

A tranquilizer gun

A flashlight

A Swiss army knife

A bag of Potato Chips

Hey! Hey! Don’t judge me okay! Doing these kind of things will surely make me hungry along the way.

By the way, about half of the contents inside the refrigerator consists of junk foods and the other half, were chemicals used in some of my previous experiments.

My main weapon, the tranquilizer gun, was used for subjugating wild animals that were roaming freely back at the island. It can easily put an adult elephant into sleep in only a matter of seconds.

But just to make sure, I added a potent neurotoxin in each shots to convert the harmless tranquilizer gun into a deadly weapon capable of killing those monsters.

I waited until night came watched as the darkness completely swallowed the whole surroundings.

It seems that the number of monsters currently roaming around had decreased by about 80% making it the best time to set out and complete my objectives.

This substantially improved my survivability and gave me a whole lot of confidence that I inadvertently walked through the front door without even taking any precautions.

And suddenly ….

I sensed incoming footsteps from the part of the forest situated at the front of the warehouse.

My survival instinct kicked in that I found myself hiding behind the bushes without me even noticing it.

There I saw two of those pig monsters, inspecting the front of the building. It seems that these creatures are capable of interaction with their own kin, and that means they possess at least a level of intelligence that made them capable of speech.


I continued watching their every movements and after a minute of silence …..

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

“Oh shit!!”

I frantically tried to stop the alarming sound coming from my mobile phone, but the death flag has long been raised.

One of the monsters slowly and carefully approached the source of the alerting sound.

With every step the monster makes, my heartbeat increases and my body was refusing to move because of the fear that I’m experiencing.

It’s either to kill, or be killed.

The only choice left for me was to fight, so I carefully aimed the gun at the center of the monster’s chest.

After pulling the trigger, a loud *thud* can be heard from the position of the monster. And there I saw its body convulsing nonstop and foam leaking from its mouth.

The other pig monster began to panic after witnessing its comrade’s body, dropping lifelessly onto the ground.

Unable to explain the situation in front of it, the monster decided to run away from the impending danger that awaits him.


I let out a relieved sigh after escaping certain death yet again and slowly approached the remains of the pig-like monster.

Then suddenly, multiple semitransparent windows popped out in front of my vision with a *ding* sound saying:


Congratulations you have reached level 2!

Congratulations you have reached level 3!

Congratulations you have reached level 4!

Congratulations you have reached level 5!

“Huh? What the hell is this?”

I made a dumbfounded face after reading the contents of each sign.

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