《Another World's Trespasser》Prologue: Unexpected Beginnings


“Why is this happening to me!??”

I tried to run as fast as I can, sucking up air and putting force through my short legs. Desperately running for my life.

*BbAaang BbAaang!*

Multiple gun shots were fired behind me as I’m trying to keep my speed and escape the impending danger.

Phantom industries is supposed to be the most secured research facility in the world. A safe haven for scientists alike and a place for conducting the latest researches in the fields of medicine, agriculture, electronics and ultimately, warfare technology. Currently located at an isolated island off the coast of Pacific ocean.


The place that where I grew up for the past 10 years is now drowning in a sea of fire and flames, burning all the memories that made me the way I am.


A slight numbing pain ran through my left thigh as warm and crimson blood started to flow out of the wound.

The only option left for me is to run away and find a safe place to hide, and the only place that I can think of is the abandoned warehouse where I’m currently conducting all of my researches.

I continued to run, forgetting the pain from the wound, as adrenaline was pumped into my system.

Most likely, some terrorist group caught wind of all the modern weaponry being developed in this island. Acquiring such technology can tilt the balance of power and undoubtedly, make the group invincible.

After running for 15 minutes straight, which is too much for an indoor type like me, the two storey building with a giant tesla coil at the top, which may seem out of place, was within my field of vision.

I hurriedly entered the ware house and slammed the door in panic, causing a loud sound that reverberated throughout the whole building.


The interior of the building is full of machines, wires and all sorts of contraptions that were lined up neatly. And at the middle of those was a device that looks similar to portals seen in games.

My whole body was trembling nonstop and my mind was in a mess, after experiencing something so shocking, that I forgot that someone was chasing after me with the intent to kill.

*Bang Bang Bang!*

Sounds of banging can be heard from the other side of the front door, as I’m trying to think of a way to escape and survive through this nightmare.

Then, an idea soon popped out from my head. One of my current projects is focused on creating a teleportation system that can possibly transport a living entity from one place to another instantly.

But, it’s still under initial testing and using it recklessly can cause unexpected result that may very well, kill the living thing that is to be transported.

A large amount of power is needed to make this thing functional. Even if you combine 10 advanced cold fusion reactor, it can only supply about 3% of electricity needed for it to be operational.

“But this thing, made it possible”

I pointed at the flat circular stone about the size of my palm, with intricate engravings and was giving off a faint bluish light located inside the prototype electric generator.

The void stone if I may call it, is recovered from an oil drilling expedition in the middle of the Bermuda triangle. It seems that an unlimited amount of power is stored in this little thing that I can supply electricity throughout the whole world for at least a millennia.

I tapped my way through the keyboard located beside the machine and entered a random coordinate in the console. The portal-like machine started to emit a blinding white light that eventually engulfed the whole interior of the ware house.




A deafening sound can be heard throughout the island and a large pillar of light swallowed the building as a whole.

My consciousness soon faded away as I was praying for the machine, not to malfunction at such a crucial time.


“Ughh, my head”

A stinging sensation can be felt in my head, as I slowly opened my eyes to witness something so unexpected.

“Eh!? Why am I still here?”

I’m perfectly sure that the teleportation machine is at least operational even though it’s still a prototype.


An ear shattering scream can be heard outside the front door of the warehouse that I reflexively cupped my ears with both hands.

‘Ive got a bad feeling about this’

I murmured as I hurriedly went to the rooftop of the abandoned warehouse. Not knowing that a horrible scene is waiting for me, I took a peek at the edge of the rooftop.


The fully equipped soldier that has been chasing me for the past hour was being devoured by a monster, with a body similar to a Minotaur but with the head of a pig.


The monster roared happily as if it is enjoying the meal of his life, crushing the flesh and bones of the terrorist into little tiny pieces of meat.

“Wha..! Brffk!”

I desperately tried to hold myself from vomiting out my lunch after witnessing such a horrifying scene that will forever be engraved in my mind.

Then soon I realized, as I viewed the current surroundings. A vast and thick forest surrounded the warehouse. The greenery stretched as far as the horizon and a wide mountain range surrounded the whole forest. A breathtaking view that can outshine even the world famous paintings, a paradise which can never be found in the modern day earth is right in front of my eyes.

But the thing is….

The whole place is littered with hundreds or even thousands of different kinds of monsters participating in the ecosystem with the mindset of “Survival of the fittest”.

I soon fell on my knees as all hope kept deep inside me is slowly burning away into nothingness.

“Where the hell am I?!!”

I shouted with all my might, refusing to believe the sudden turn of events that will surely change my life.

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