《The Axe Master》Chapter 1: A Cold(?) Place


(protagonist’s POV)

I open my eyes, feeling wind hitting my whole body strongly. I look around. this place… is a frozen forest! Well, not frozen, the trees are tall and surprisingly have leaves, meaning that they can survive in this climate. The bark is quite dark too.

The sky is covered by dark clouds, and is snowing, with snow covering the ground. I look down to my body, dressed in simple pants and a simple shirt, both black. I also have a resistant leather belt, with another belt connecter to it going over my right shoulder. Wait, why is the ground so close?

I look at my hands. They’re… so small. Kami-sama, what did you do to me? I’m grateful that you gave me new life, but why make me a midget? No, wait, there are child hands, so kami-sama made me younger? Cool!

Wait, why don’t I feel any cold? This is certainly heavy snow, but I don’t feel cold at al. I take some snow from the ground. yeah, there’s a slight cool feeling, but it isn’t that cold. My hand also aren’t getting red. Did kami-sama made me good with cold or something? Kami-sama did say that it would do some things to my body.

Well, the better the merrier. I throw the snow down. alright, let’s see…

(protagonist): “Inventory!”

I say out low, my voice sounding childish, like the voice from a child. A black hole appeared in front of me. So cool! I think of closing the inventory, and the hole disappears. Nice! Wait, what’s with the weight in my back? There’s something hanging from there.

I reach for the thing hanging on my back, taking it out naturally, in a familiar move that I’ve seen a lot of times in-game while playing on the ps4. What I take out from my back is the leviathan axe, a perfect replica of the original Leviathan Axe before any upgrades.

After looking at it for some time, I clean the droll from my mouth. It’s lighter than I imagined. Actually, it feels as it doesn’t have any weight, eve if it’s too big for my size. I pull the belt over my shoulder, trying to look at my back. Yep, I can barely see it, but there is an omega hanging there. I try to put the axe back on my back, and I move in a natural way, hanging it on the omega without problem. Oh god, so cool!


I take back the axe. I can feel something, some kind of connection to it. it should come back if I throw it, right? I look at one of the trees that’s around four meters away from me. Let’s see… I raise my hand and aim, throwing the axe without much effort, but the result was different from what I expected.

I didn’t expect it to fly far at all, but it flew in a blur, going like lightning. It hit the tree, and the tree exploded, the axe continued flying, doing the same thing by other three trees, stopping after digging halfway on the fourth tree.

(protagonist): “What the fuck… WHAT THE FUCK?!”

The first was for the throw, and the second was for the tree that was falling on me. I didn’t had any time to get off the way, so I crossed my arms above my head by instinct while closing my eye.


With a simple sound, the tree bounced on my arms and fell on my side. Wait, what? I look at the tree on the ground. Maybe… I crouch, putting my hands under the tree, and raise it. the tree makes creaking suds as it’s branches break and bend with the sudden movement. This tree… doesn’t weight anything.

Is the tree made out of foam? Not, it isn’t the tree that’s light, it’s who is absurdly strong. I raise the whole tree over my head and scream to the sky while lightly bending my knees:

(protagonist): “KAMI-SAMA!!!! ARIGATOUDEGOZAIMASU!!!!!!!”

God is rad! I let the tree fall to the ground while raising my arms to the sky.

(protagonist): “POWER BODYYYYYY!!!”

I scream from the urge that I had suddenly. I look at the Leviathan Axe, stuck on a tree a few meters away from me. How do I recall it? I extend my hand towards it, and lightly think about it returning to my hand. He suddenly breaks free from the tree and spins back to my hand. I breathe in calmly, closing my eyes.


(protagonist): “KAMI-SAMA! THANK YOU AGAIN!!”

I scream to the sky, raising the axe. Fuck yeah! Time to find some way to survive! I still remember how to skin and tan the skin of animals, as well how to make use of their guts and bones, as well how to cut the meat.

Of course, first, I’ll need a shelter and a source of water. Wait, didn’t kami-sama gave the Leviathan Axe fire powers? I holt it with two hands. Oh, I’m right-handed, so the hook is on my right and I use the axe with my right hand as well.

Umm… the knowledge is flowing to me from the axe. The runes and lines in the head glow in red, and the head burst in flames. Well, not big flames, but enough to be usable. I wonder how the axe will grow?

Alright, let’s look for a home. I hang the axe on my back and start walking easily through the snow, my powerful little body going through the harsh terrain without problem.

(three hours later)

Wow, I didn’t get tired at all! Well, I didn’t find anything either, but still! This is awesome! I’m also unaffected by the cold! This is so good! I clap my hands, bow twice and clap my hands again and pray a thanks to kami-sama. Also, it’s not like I didn’t find anything, I did find a frozen lake, but I didn’t find shelter.

Well, no problem. I can make a shelter easily. I approach a tree, take my axe and swing at the base. The tree breaks and falls. Simple. I fell some trees and spit them in half, smoothing the surface with the blade of my axe, running the edge along the wood.

I will use this as the roof of my house. I do know how to build a house, I saw it once on YouTube. Wait, I shout make a fireplace first to cook. Nah, I’ll just make a hole in the ceiling to let the smoke go out.

It takes barely an hour to make the house. After all, I can carry and fell a tree in seconds. Carving the wood is easy too. I hold back so it won’t explode, actually cutting the wood. The walls were easy to make, I literally stacked them after carving them to fit each other.

I can jump over the four-meter walls easily, so I don’t need a door. I make a ceiling with cut logs. I wish I had some nails, but the cord I made out of the bark of some willow will make-do. I also make a lid with branches and cord. It can let the smoke go by easily.

The room is six by six, and I cut a two by two square in the center. I get out of the shelter. I should make a door after all, jumping out by the hole on the top. I make a door with branches and cord. Well, not a door, but a square of wood that I put on the door-hole.

I get out of the house a gather some firewood. Now, I just need something to eat. I wonder if there are animals to hunt? I saw tracks around here, but no animals yet. I hear a sound of a branch cracking as I stand outside, looking at the lake.

I turn my head and see a bear. The bear notices me, and for a second, we just stare at each other. I take my axe and throw it, splitting its head in half. Yosh, dinner get!

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