《The Axe Master》Prologue: Talk With A God


(protagonist’s POV)

I can’t say that I had a completely shitty life. When I was younger, my father took me out to learn how to survive in the forest, how to fish barehanded, how to make fire, how to make a good bow and how to hunt. I learned a lot until I was 15, and my passion for survival lasted from years to come, where I learned from the blessed internet.

But in the end, I am a human being in a modern society. I had to work to eat, and I ended up working like a slave for some black company. Work, work, work, that was all that I did for years, and ended up breaking my body, confining me to a hospital bed.

At first, my family and friends visited frequently. But after some time, their visits became sparse, and stopped completely, and I sent the rest of my years abandoned in the hospital. Eventually, I died as my body grew old and unable to handle the damage that was done to me. My life really sucked, didn’t it? I wish that I could start again…

However, as everything grew dark, my life didn’t end. I look around and notice that I’m standing on the dark. Where is this? How the hell I’m standing? My body was so bad that I couldn’t even stand. I look down to my body.

It’s young and dressed in only a pair of shorts. What is happening?!

Oh, you’ve arrived!

I turn back from the strange voice. A human figure without any features is standing there. No face, hair or skin color. I also can’t tell it’s sex, the voice doesn’t sound either like a man or woman.

Who… are you?

Well, to resume, I’m a god from another world.

Oh, like in those novels? That’s cool!

You seem awfully calm about this.

Well, I spent twenty years of my life in a hospital bed. Anything else that happens is okay for me.

As I though, you’re an interesting one. So, do you have any guesses for why I took you here?

Dunno, you said that you’re form another world, so you need me to do something your world? Please, spare me the hero thing if it is the case…


Ha! I like you! No, the hero thing is a different process. What I need is only to send you there, if you’re fine with it.

Just send me?

Yeah. You see, my world has magic and monsters, like in the novels of your world. Actually, is impressive how your world’s authors get things right. Anyway, my world is open and has connections with other worlds, so the mana, the magic power, leaks to other worlds.

Is it bad?

Very. With that, the mana in the world decreases, it can be harmful to the beings that use magic in the world, including the humans. So, from time to time, I need to send magic to the world. Unfortunately, we have rules, so I can’t just send mana. This is where you come in.


Yes. You see, your soul is big, way bigger than the average human. Because of that, I can stuff a lot of mana on you, like a package. Normally, I would just send the soul to reincarnate, but I’ll make a special exception for you.

Why would you do that for me? Don’t take it the wrong way, but I don’t think that I did something that deserve a gift from a god…

Well, you really didn’t, but your soul is bigger than any that I’ve ever seen, so I won’t need someone for the next millennia. Also, I took a liking to you. Even if you had a difficult life, you struggled to survive. Even after you got stuck in the hospital, you resisted until your body had no way to resist anymore. You have tenacity and powerful will. I’m a god, dedicated to war and survival, so I’ve taken a liking to you.

For that, I think it’s fair to give you another chance. What do you think, do you want to try again?

Sure! Of course! I’d be happy to!

Haha, you’re quite the figure. Alright, what do you want? Your soul is big, so I can put a lot of power in you.

A healthy and young body! I was stuck in that bed for too long! I want a long and healthy new life!

Just that? Alright… done. Do you want something else? You still have a lot of space free.


Well, I don’t know. Any recommendation?

Well, I’ll just give you a weapon. You’re a survivalist, right? I’ll make something useful.

Than an axe maybe? It ahs more uses than a sword, and can be used to cut wood and separate meat from animals, as well be used as a weapon.

But making a common axe is boring… wait, you like games, don’t you?

Well, yeah. I worked my ass off, but in the end, I ended up on the hospital, so the money that I saved for retirement went to waste. So I bought a monster notebook and a console, as well paid for a luxury room on the hospital. I played a lot.

I also like games, and particularly, that one, God of War. You know what? Ill make you that axe that the main character has.

The Leviathan Axe?

Yeah. I’ll power it up, make it indestructible, so you don’t have wo worry about it. I’ll also give it fire attribute beside the original so you have a source of fire, warmth and light all the time. I’ll also an growing option on it so it grows stronger together with you.

Thank you very much!

Don’t worry about it, it’s fun to this kind of stuff. Humm… there’s still way more space than I imagined… alright, do you want something else?

Well, an inventory would be nice, you know, to carry round stuff all the time.

Alright, that’s easy. There’s still space, so, what more?

Well… I don’t know? Sincerely, I didn’t expect to get this much, and I’m thankful for that. I have no idea, I’m pretty much satisfied with what you have given me.

Well, don’t worry. I’ll prepare something good for you. Oh, there’s a level system to measure power on my world, but you can only do that on the Adventurer’s Guild. Don’t worry about levels, they’re just there to help administrate stuff.

If you want to check yourself, just register there. I’ll also give you the ability to talk the language as a freebie, it’s the basic of what I give to the people that I cross there. Good travels.

Any preference to where you want to go? I can’t send you inside a town, since that would make a ruckus. I’ll also give you the knowledge of basic smithing, so you can do some stuff on your own.

Thank you, kami-sama! Somewhere without people around, if possible! I’d like to try to survive in the woods for some time!

Don’t worry, I should be the one thanking, you’re doing something essential for me here. Thanks for bearing with my selfishness.

Don’t worry, I’m grateful to be given a second chance!

Have a good life.

He said, and I disappeared from this black place, to the human world.

(god’s POV)

I sigh as the poor soul goes away. He had a hard life, but I hope he will have a good time this way around. I return to my original form, a gorgeous woman with burning red hair and intimidating blood red eyes.

Pale white skin, austere and beautiful face full of coldness, curvaceous body dressed in heavy armor. After all, I’m a goddess of war. I didn’t show him my true form, after all, I often intimidate the humans this way. I don’t want to intimidate someone as nice as him. Anyway, I’ll send him to somewhere that he enjoys.

Although he does seem someone that would enjoy an easy life, he has a fighter’s spirit. He enjoys challenges and sending him to a peaceful place would be boring for him. He will enjoy the challenge that I will give him.

But wow, he has a lot of power in his soul, even with that divine artifact that I made after the game didn’t take much if his soul’s power. I’ll just strengthen his body as much as I can with the leftover power, as well give him elemental resistance. He asked for a long life and a healthy body, so first, I’ll make him younger, around five years old, and let him grow in my world.

Hehe, I wonder how famous he will be in the future? I wonder if I’ll meet him again… I don’t hate determined man like him.

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