《This Onii-chan got Summoned to a Diffferent World》Chapter 23 : Venolia's Turmoil (part 2)


Somewhere near the border of Venolia and Vortex Belly, a special units has been placed alongside the road to monitor the passage.

The special units that had been placed there consist of 3 to 5 stars knight. Of course, their strength isn’t something praiseworthy, but their spying network and team play is something noticeable, and they were directly trained under Sir Orlando who is 8 stars knight.

Normally, they resided in the Venolia’s city as Paricel’s extended arms and legs. However, all of them has to come to the border to do a secret mission. There was a direct order from Baron Parcel for them to keep watch those who goes in and out, and to send report if any knights is seen crossing the border to Vortex Belly.

They placed 4 guards to monitor the gate, and then another 6 in hidden place along the passage. Even if someone took detour getting passed the gate, they still couldn’t get passed the special unit’s eyes and ears.

It was evening time, and merchants’ carriage are going through the border gate. It was unusual this year since the hail storm disappeared in the Vortex Belly making it possible to pass to other city without going through Sycron. The Special units are checking through every carriages and confirmed that no knights going through the gate.

They were being vigilant and thorough. They kept changing shift for every 2 hours. The day was coming to an end, and they haven’t found any suspicious carriage or knights yet. They were restless, but they were careful since this mission couldn’t be failed no matter what. Sir Orlando stated strictly that failure isn’t allowed and this mission will determine the future of the Venolia. However, all the member of the special unit knew that the mission got something to do with his daughter. For his known reputation known the most caring father of all, everyone could guess what make him so worked up.

*Rustle* *Rustle*

The 4 guards turned their attentions to the coming carriage.

*Kua* *Kua* *Kua* *Kua*

Rather than a carriage, it was a cage filled with Kakuala.


They stopped the man who looked like merchant.

“Do you have the leave permission?”

“Yes I have it.”

The merchant handed over the leave permission. It was valid and the guard verified it. His companion is checking the carriage thoroughly. It seemed that they were finished yet. He decided to buy time talking to the merchant.

“Do you have your ID card? I want to verify something.”

“Ok, wait for a minute. Here you go.”

“Thank you”

The knight took the handed ID card and verified it. It was genuine. This guy is clean. He took a side glance to his companion, but they were still checking.

“Ano, Knight-san. Why the check is so tight like this? Is something happened?”

“Well, it’s for the precaution. You see, the hail storm disappeared this year. So the baron-sama has ordered to check

every carriage to any stuff that could attract monster. Since this is close to Vortex Belly. If a single monster from that place really came here, then it will become a big problem.”

It was a lie, but it was the fact as well. The lure that used to attract monster is a tactic which travelling used to get away from trouble. Getting through the Vortex Blood is the hardest, and people has be careful. Since monster are dense everywhere, they used lure to gather them in one place, and then they can use the safe road to travel. The guard spoke it normally to hide their real intention.


“All item that could attract monster are to be destroyed on sight. You don’t have anything like that, right? If you have it, don’t intend to hide it. Bring it out now, and give it to us. It’s for your own good, otherwise you wouldn’t able to go through the Vortex Belly safely. There’s no hail storm to hold those monster in check now”

Of course, it was true as well. Lure is in fact a good item. However, without knowing how to handle them properly, it could become a dangerous item. It looked like a ball. Soaking it in water, and shaking them until they let out a smoke is how to activate the Lure. However, sometimes the rough and shaky road made the lure activated on it owns by chance. And that’s when it became really dangerous. Some merchant got attacked by monster without knowing anything.

“I see. Thank you for the information, Knight-san. Don’t worry, I don’t have any lure. However, I do have prasia dust. Is that ok? You see, I sell these Kakuala, so if used lure then these chick would run off to the lure as well. It’s like destroying my own business. So I have never used lure before. Though, I use these Prasia dust to protect myself and my merchandise.”

Lure is used to lure monster, while Prasia dust is used to ward off monster. Of course, it’s not really effective like lure, but it can decrease the chance of being noticed by the monster. The merchant is clean, and there are several slaves which he has to protect himself, the knight decided that he was clean and ready to go.

He took a side glance at his companion, and then they signal ‘Safe’ to him. He slightly nodded and returned the ID Card and leave permission back to the merchant.

“It has been verified, you are good to go. Sorry to trouble you, please have a safe trip.”

The merchant received the ID card and the leave permission from the guard and kept it safely in his bag. The knights removed the barricade, and merchant went back to his carriage passing through the border. The knights then close it again.

It was late at night, and there’s only dim light around the gate area. Combined with fog and stream of cold air, those guard started to have eerie feeling about this. There were no more carriages passing through the gate. However –

“Who goes there?”

Suddenly they felt presence coming toward the gate. They raised their awareness and gripped their sword.

“Wait, It’s us”

The other side said so while lighting up light to show themselves. The 4 knights dropped their guard when they realized they were their comrade.

“It’s time, huh?”

“Yeah, it’s 2 hours shift. You can leave the gate to us now.”

“Then we’ll be counting on you.”

“Yeah, thank you for your hard work.”

“The working hard one are the 6 out there. We’ll have it easy here.”

“You’re right. Anyway, keep your guards high. There’s no more carriage coming here, but they might sneak out during the night.”

“Don’t worry.”

The new 4 guards said while showing their eyes. They were shining with a tint of silver. It was the effect of using dew from Midnight Dew. It is a special type of plant which grew in the cold vast land. It bloomed in midnight, and the dew taken from it can widen one person’s view in the night for some period of time. However, it also has a side effect which made that person went blind for a whole day before he can see again.


“I see. Then, we’ll be off now.”

Saying so, the 4 knights went off replaced by the new comers. They walked while holding lamp in their hand. They didn’t go directly, they took a detour to patrol around the border town since it was also one of their responsibility.

Patrolling through the same route almost every time, they didn’t feel anything was off. However, that night was different. They felt as if they were being followed and watched. They raised their vigilant and placed their hand on their sword. They began to walk slower while concentrating on their surroundings. Just who is following them? And how many are there?

They suddenly stopped and sweated hard when they sensed only one presence. Normal, they wouldn’t be so worked up over one presence. Because even if, the opponent is an 8 star knight, they believed in their team work which can hold off 3 attack from him and sent help signal in time. They believed so, that’s why they wouldn’t be afraid and made mistake by panicking.

However, the presence they felt is overwhelming. An ice saint? Wrong. The presence was evil and dark like it was the embodiment of darkness itself. And moreover, the presence they felt was floating in the sky.

As they couldn’t take the feeling of being crushed by that presence aura, they decided to take a stand and fight. If you give up, then you lose the fight before it even it started. So that’s why. Fight like your life depend on it. Those word resounded hard in their head. It was the teaching of Paricel.

The guard took their sword and turned around. And then they were frozen as if they were frog looking at the snake glare. They felt completely powerless before the eyes in the sky. They were so red as if they were blood, and coupling with the smile that send shiver to your spine. Dark wings spread out so large that it might block the light of the moon. It looked exactly like the demon in story.

Those knights knew that they wouldn’t have a chance. Though, they still hold their sword in their hand, they were completely immobilized.

“Oya~. Aren’t you going to run?”

Those guards were awaken by the sound of that demon. The sound of a girl so sweet as if it was tempting them to hand over their soul. Cold sweat started to pour out on their own continuously.

“Hahahah~ it’s praiseworthy that you haven’t faint on the spot yet. However, you human should know your limit. How dare you point that filthy sword at me, you human scum?!”

The sweet sound of the girl resounded out sweetly and it doesn’t seem like she was angry even thought she was shouting. However, those 4 retreated a step and took defensive position. Seeing that, the demon broke into a smile and slowly descended.

“It’s fine that human are arrogant and know not limit of their own. It just mean that their soul are much tastier than other.”

Saying so, she licked her fingers. Those 4 understood that they will their demise, and so be it, they thought. However, they must inform the existence of this demon to the baron no matter.

One of them tried to send SOS signal to the sky, but then that demon disappeared and reappeared in front of piercing his heart with her hand.

“Shh. Bad Boy. Did you intend to let everyone know of our deed tonight? I’m too embarrassed to let other see me when I eat. You know. So – That’s – Why. Let’s keep it ourselves?”

The knight that got his heart pierced gulped out mouth full of blood, and then he collapsed.

“You Demon! Die!”

All other knights attacked the demon. They attacked from the flanks and from behind believing that they at least would get a scratch on her. However, that demon fend their sword off with just a tip of her finger.

“fufufu~ then my turn.”

The demon said and then she started to circle those knights as if she was dancing. It looked like the time stopped when she was dancing, but only a second had passed, and all the knights collapsed on the ground dead.

The demon turned around to those corpse, and then she stared intensely at the 4 flickering light in her hand. They are red in color burning like flame, but there’s no heat emitted from them. The demon stared at those light as if she was drooling.

“Then, thank you for the food.”

Saying so, she swallowed all those light.


After swallowing those soul, her whole body began to trembled, and her face was full of ecstasy.


She screamed holding her face breathing hard.

“Arh~ it’s just a mere weakling. How come their soul be so delicious? Ara~ how bad of me. I might even get addicted to this. Coming here was a right choice.”

Looking at the bright moon, she swings her hand as if she was dancing, and the corpse of those knights disappeared like dust. However, she was still frowning at something.

“I’m still hungry. Eating those soul now open my appetite. I want to eat more now.”

Gesturing as if she was thinking hard, she thought hard, but then she has a blooming smile that could captivate any men.

“I guess a few more will be fine. Leaving like this also leave a bad taste in my mouth as well. Beside, this land is done for.”

Stating so, she sprouted her wing and flew up high.

The carriage went far deep into the Vortex Belly, and then it suddenly stopped. The merchant got off the carriage and went to the carriage filled with Kakuala. Knocking on the steel cage, he saw that those Kakuala were sleeping.

He started burning something and let the smoke filled the cage. Those Kakuala breathe those smoke in, and then it woke up chirping energetically. And then he let it came out of the cage. However, they didn’t run away. They were surrounding him who hold the incent. After all the Kakuala got off the carriage, the merchant knocked on the cage again. However, he wasn’t knocking to see whether the Kakuala is asleep. It was a code to someone. After he finished knocking, the floor of the carriage was lifted. And then several men came out of it.

They were knights of Topel dispatched to go after Pristin. 20 men in all and a leader who wielded an enchanted sword.

And then from afar, 2 knights clad in snow were watching them from afar. They could tell from a single glance that those people were soldier from Topel.

“What should we do?”

“Knight really came this passage. And they did it secretly as well. We must report to Paricel-sama at all cost.”

“Then should we –”

“Wait, don’t move. You need to wait until they go away. We could give away our position if we moved carelessly.”

“Ok, I get that.”

Both of them decided to wait, and then they erased their presence. After that, those Topel soldier mounts the Kakuala and road into the Vortex Belly.

“It’s time. Let’s go”

“I get it”

*Oya~ Knight-san. Where do you think you’re going?*

What greeted them is a sweet sound a girl who was floating in the air, and the stare of a predator longing for their soul. And later on, that night became the night where no one heard the sorrowful screams of the special unit.

*Huff* *Huff*

Breathing hard, the demon threw away the head of a knight away and began swallowing his soul.

“Hmm Hmm~ Delicious. I know it’s bad to get addicted, but I can’t help it. I want more. I want more! I want to hurry and have more soul~”

The demon was in frantic, and she was about to go berserk killing everyone in the border town, but then a strange purple light appeared in the corner of her eyes. It happened in the Vortex Belly in an instant and disappeared.

“What’s with that light? It’s disgust me.”

The demon said so while frowning, and then she noticed that the frantic feeling from earlier has vanished.

“What’s a letdown. I guess, I’ll return for now. The main event might happen sooner after all.”

Saying so, the demon disappeared into the darkness heading toward the main city of Venolia.

(Note : This demon is seeing the same light as Paricel.)



Meanwhile, in Baron Mansion in Venolia.


“Paricel-sama. It’s me, Orlando.”

“Come in”

Sir Orlando opened the door and went inside. He promptly closed the door while confirming there’s no presence near the room.

“How is it?”

“The report has stated that, there are knights going after the carriage going to Sycron and Garm.”

“Then what about the report from the Venolia border?”

“There’s no report from the border.”

“There’s no report?”

“Hai, since the border route is a secret one, I instructed them to do a checkup of merchant carriage checking for Lure and stuff to hide the public eyes. If there’s knights, they will sent report. And if there’s no knight at all, then they will not sent report at all, and they will carry on their duty without arousing any suspicion.”

“So, it means that there’s no one see through my plan?”

“That’s quite so”

Sir, Orlando was clearly happy and relieved that on one was going after his daughter. However, Paricel was deep in thought.

“That’s strange. It’s too strange.”

Sir, Orlando was baffled since he couldn’t understand Paricel’s behavior. And then Paricel continued.

“It’s too strange. Could it be the counsel-san wasn’t the spy?”

“Paricel-sama. Maybe, counsel-san wasn’t the spy you thought to be.”

“Was I wrong?”

Paricel was deep in thought. The reason, he thought that Counsel-san was the spy was the fact that every plan he discussed with the Counsel to deal with Topel and Sycron had always been exposed to the enemy. And they had been walking one step ahead of him.

Paricel always thought the spy plan was to cause an uproar and war between Venolia, and both Topel and Sycron. And so, he thought that if he moved the people out of Venolia making it a vacant. There wouldn’t be a war. And then he and his remaining soldiers would go to Vortex Blood and Vortex Belly to summon a calamity class monster. Paricel would sacrifice the city just to get the freedom of his people.

So in order to abstract his plan, they need to have hostage which is the Venolia’s people. So he thought that, no matter what, they wouldn’t let his people go. So Paricel always thought that they need to capture his people. No – they must have his people as hostages no matter what.

Then why? Why did no one go after his people? He has always betted that Topel’s solider or knights would be dispatched to go after them. Maybe, the whole special unit is annihilated? That’s unbelievable.

His special unit are expert escapist. Even if their opponent is an ice saint, they could still sent a report without failed. The chance of being failed in sending report is low. Which mean that there is really no knights going after Pristin’s carriage.

Why? After thinking for a while, he still couldn’t find the reason behind it. However, suddenly paricel collapsed on his chair.


“Why I have never thought about it? The reason is simple.”

“Paricel-sama, what are you talking about?”

“What I’m trying to say is that, I know the reason why no knight went after them.”

“Ehh? Really?”

“Yeah. It’s simple. They don’t go after Pristin because they don’t have to. It’s just mean that they don’t need hostage for that.”

Saying so, Paricel grabbed the cups in his hands tight.

“Which mean?”

“Which mean, it’s fine for them. It’s fine for them even if we did summoned a calamity monster.”


Orlando was in shocked of what he heard. Paricel had a gloomy face as well. There must be something he didn’t know. He had always expected that those country to come to him, but instead those country might be waiting for Venolia to lead to its own annihilation.

What should he do? Paricel thought hard, and he still couldn’t find a solution. Should he order to bring Pristin and other back? Should he declared the rebellion now? He didn’t know what he should do.



“It’s fine. You can do, Orlando. I need some times alone.”

“I get it. Then excuse me.”

“Orlando, are you not going to tell me to rush to save your daughter?”

“I am worry about my daughter, and of course I want to rush out there immediately. However, before a father, I’m also your retainer. I’ll choose to follow you till the end, so I’ll listen to your order. If you order me not to do anything, then I’ll do nothing. If you order me to go, then I’ll rush off immediately.”

“I see. That’s reassuring.”

“Then I’m off.”

Orlando then left Paricel alone in his room. Paricel kept thinking hard of what he should do. His effort bore no fruit, so he decided to stop thinking. Looking at the chessboard, he remembered the promise with Counsel Rodi.

“Tilan Dedra, huh. Is she an ally or enemy?”

Paricel thought this point over and over again, and before long he fell asleep.

The next day came, and the purple light last night became a hot topic.

“Good morning, Paricel-sama.”

Paricel was greeted by Tilan when he went to the dining room.

“Good morning, Tilan-san.”

“Ara~ What’s wrong? Paricel-sama. You look like you didn’t have a good sleep at all. Did you feel that bad after losing that chess?”

“Did I really look that way? Sorry. It’s just that I have many things on my mind.”

“Is that so? That must be really hard. I heard from master. Last night, it seems that Paricel-sama and Master made a deal behind my back.”

“Did you hear anything from Rodi Counsel?”

“Paricel-sama. Why don’t we enjoy the breakfast first?”

Paricel was shocked, but then he sighed in relieve.

“Yare Yare, to think that you fall in love in food here already. Tilan, do you want to be the Counsel of Venolia?”

“Troublesome problem can be discussed later on. I want to enjoy the breakfast.”

“Hah, I can’ say anything now, can I? So where is Counsel Rodi?”

“Master said that he’ll checkout Venolia for the last time, and then he’ll depart to the capital.”

Paricel was shocked.

“You look surprise, did he not tell you anything?”

“I give up. I don’t want to figure it out on my own again. So please fill me in.”

“Seriously? He didn’t tell you anything? My Master is really too bad. It’s amazing how he was able to retain his position for this long? Baron-sama seriously didn’t fire him off? Why? It’s a mystery to me.”

“You too are pretty bad. Are you really his student?”

“Yes, I was taught to be light-head and considerate at any times. And I can assure you that I’m his only disciple.”

“I can see that your attitude is taken from him.”

“Oh, Is that an insult? I don’t think my attitude is taken from him after all. I only take his knowledge.”

“No, I know for sure now that you take everything from him.”

“No, no. I’ll decline that statement no matter what!”

“Oh! Chef-san. Breakfast is pretty good.”

“Paricel-sama. Don’t go changing the topic. But I’ll agree with you that the food is really tasty.”

“You’re right. Say, Tilan-san. Do you really want to become this city Counsel?”

“Why did you suddenly ask this question?”

“There’s must be a reason, right?”

“I love food here.”

“Is that really the reason? I’m sure you know this place’s situation. Why did you choose this place? You could have better position in Topel or Sycron.”


Paricel was abit shocked since Tilan raised her voice.

“When I said that I love the food here. I meant it. It’s wasn’t an order from my master or anything. Of course, master didn’t force me to come here or anything. I chose to come here myself, and then after that I just fell in love in the food.”

“Is that really true?”


“I see. It seems that I can’t change your mind. Then are you ready to take this position?”

“I came here to take this position in the first place. That’s why I was ready.”

“Good! Then Tilan Dedra. I hereby appointed you as the official Counsel of Venolia. Work hard to fulfill your responsibility!”

“Yes, My lord”

Paricel said so, and then he left the dining room. He went to his own study to prepare and signed the official letter that appointed Tilan as the Official Counsel of Venolia.

After he finished it, Tilan came knocking on his door later on. She opened the door and walked in with a box in her hand. Inside the box was a pendent left by her master.

“Master said that it once day should return to its rightful owner.”

“This is –”

“Venolia’s heart.”

Tilan said so while presenting the pendent to Paricel.

“This pendent has been passed down from many generation in Venolia’s family. May the true blood of Venolia succeed the legacy~”

“Why did you bring this out now?”

“It’s a tradition. Once new leader is appointed in Venolia, he must bind the Venolia’s heart.”

“And you should know that, it has been too long since someone bound the Venolia’s heart. Even my father couldn’t bind it.”

“That’s why I said it’s just a tradition. At least you father get the chance to bind it. I heard from master that you didn’t get the chance at all ever since you received your nobility.”

“It’s true. However, is that really necessary? I don’t see any reason in this”

“I don’t think that there’s no reason in doing this. We don’t know if you might succeed in binding it or not. By chance that you’re succeed in binding this, it will be prove to be an alternative for Venolia.”

“Alternative? What do you mean by alternate – no, wait. Tilan. How much do you know?”

“Sorry, Paricel-sama. I have heard it through Master that you’re going to - and your plan as well.”

“I see. You even heard those. I guess that it’s can’t be helped. Then you knew that I won’t change my mind”

“That’s why I’m providing an alternative other than stopping you. Paricel-sama. Rebellion carry really high risk, but I think that is only the way to bring back this city’s glory, to satisfy people anger, and to show our power. Topel and Sycron went too far this time. Paricel-sama, we need to show our worth.”

Tilan said while holding pendent toward Paricel.

“Let’s me tell you. This will not change my mind.”

“Hai, I understand that. Do you know how to do it?”

Paricel took the pendent from the box and start filling his energy. It took him for a long time to continue filling his energy, and he was sweating hard.


Just a bit, the pendent started shining red. However, it stopped shining after Paricel grasped for breath.

“Paricel-sama, did you –”

“No, I failed. I can’t bind this pendent.”

“I see. That’s sad. However, it was shining.”

“Yeah, I was surprise. It seemed that I’m a worthy of this pendent. Save it for the next leader.”


Tilan took the pendent back and took a long at it before placing it in the box.


A sudden shockwave shook the room, and purple light shone brightly inside the room. A second later, the whole room stopped shinning.

Tilan and Paricel stood there frozen without knowing what to do. And then they woke up after they heard a scream.

“What was that?”

“Purple light. It might be close”

Paricel said that and then he bolted out of the room.


Paricel bolted out of the room and went to the garden behind the mansion immediately. Several maids are running from the garden, so Paricel knew that something was wrong.

He recognized those light and he knew that it happened last night around Vortex Belly. Something must have happened!

“Paricel-sama, Stand back”

Orlando came and stopped Paricel. They were a bit far away from where the light happened. The ground was scorched in strange magic diagram. And then in the center lied an unconscious man.

“Paricel-sama, What’s going on? What? A man?”

Tilan came running later on, and she was shocked seeing that. Suddenly, that man stood up and coughed. His body was soaked in blood, and he stared at me as if he was going to kill Paricel. It was pure hatred and anger.



Orlando came in front of Paricel immediately and blocked the upcoming knife with his sword sheath. Orlando has already drawn his sword and he was ready to cut that man down in anytime. Tilan has already started casting her spell as well. Paricel thought of what should he do. There’re too many things that he didn’t know. Should he let the man die?

“Ice prison!”

Paricel used his spell and then he froze that man up.

“Everyone Leave!”

Paricel shouted. And then all of the guards left except Orlando and Tilan.

“Orlando. Bring this man to the medic room, and called the doctor.”

The sudden order shocked both of them.

“Paricel-sama, what are you trying to do?”

Tilan was first to ask question.

“I’m capturing him, and then I’ll interrogate him after I save him.”

“It’s too dangerous, we should finish him now.”

“He might be related to the purple light and the disappearance of the hail storm. That’s why I will have him alive for now until I can get information on him.”

“But –”

“That’s enough! I have decided. Orlando”


Tilan showed that she was still protesting, but Orlando agreed without second thought. He then took the man to the medic room. Paricel followed afterward.

“You’ll regret this. Paricel-sama. I have a bad feeling. You should finish that man off as soon as possible.”

Paricel heard that and he stopped moving. Tilan walked passed him and went inside the mansion.

Paricel thought of what she said, and he slightly frowned. That man is dangerous, and he tried to kill him too. Those eyes aren’t normal. He shake his head pushing those thought at the back of his head. He was about to go back, but then he took notice of something. It was a broken dragon mask.

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