《This Onii-chan got Summoned to a Diffferent World》Chapter 6 : Conference (part 1)


Hello, I’m Shu Shikure. 17 years old Male and right now, I’m in the middle of an intense fight between first princess and the third prince.

Every hair on my body is standing up, and I felt electric discharged from them. Even though, they just stand there staring at each other. Everyone in the room was feeling it as well, and they were gasping at the scene before them.

It was obvious that their relationship as sibling wasn’t that good. However, right now, our fated had fallen into their little dispute. If I don’t stop it sooner or later, I’ll be doomed – no, we’ll all be doomed.

I swallow the nervousness and whatever that is clotting in my throat, and then take a deep breath. I can’t let it go on, so I’ll break apart this meaningless fight!

“Ano~ First Princess and Third Prince. It’s not really my place to say this, but right now shouldn’t there be even more important matter than this to attend to?”

I say while placing my hand together on the table and give them a serious look. They respond to my call and break the intense stare.

The Third prince looks at me and then turns away seemingly annoyed as if saying you dare interrupt my fight. First Princess is composed at all-time even she seems to be losing in the stare fight. And she turns to me and say with a smile.

“My deepest apology, Shu-sama. You are right, there is still more important matter to tend to. Then should we proceed to-”

“Wait – you’re forgetting more important matter”

I say that solemnly with serious face. Princess looks baffled and then she couldn’t help but asking.

“May I ask what this important matter that you spoke of?”

And then everyone turned their eyes to me looking baffled. The amount of eyes would have scared me, but right now I has no time to be bothered about it. Everyone is looking at me, so I shall respond to them regarding the matter that they forgot.

“The important matter that I was talking about is Lunch!”


Arh~ my stomach is killing me. I don’t know about you guy, but I have been skipping meal yesterday and this morning. I can’t hold it anymore! And you’re asking me to join in this meeting! Isn’t this too much? By the way, I come here knowing there will be lunch. I didn’t come here to join your-


Suddenly there is a chill sensation running through my spine, I turn to look at the source and first princess is looking at me with visible vein on her head. She seems to be holding her anger in and she is pretty good in it. The armor girl behind her is glaring at me. And everyone is giving pathetic looks and some were shaking their head.

What’s wrong? My brain need energy to work, so meal come first before anything.

“Shu-chan. Come with me for a bit”

And then Shinon-chan drags me away. Am I going to skip meal again?

Well, let’s begin from the beginning. I join with Hero-kun and Ojou-chan walking along the corridor to the dining hall this morning. While walking, I couldn’t help but asking for the information that they has found out while staying in this world.

“So, Hero-kun-”

“Please stop that, Shu-san. I’m not the only hero here. Calling me like that’s a bit-”

I call him, but then he tell me politely with small laughter. Calling him by his name is good, but I also want to call him by nickname.


It feel closer as a friend! He’s my sisters’ friend, so it’s obvious that he’s my friend too. I don’t remember any friend back then, so I’ll want to treasure new friend I got here.

However, if he insist that I should call him by his name, then I would submit to that. Beside as I remember, not calling someone by their name is also regarded as looking down on them. If that’s true, then maybe Hero-kun feel troubled?

“It’s not embarrassing at all. Instead, I like it as well. Why don’t we all start calling you Hero-kun~ the Hero-kun that is loved by all woman!”

Suddenly, Ojou-chan say while walking pass Hero-kun. Somehow, she seems irritated. Hero-kun, just what did you do? Hero-kun can only laugh bitterly while looking guilty.

“So, What do think? Do you like it? Hero-kun~”

Ojou-chan turns around facing Hero-kun, and says to him mockingly.

“Yeah, I love it. If it’s what Shizuku love, then I’ll love it as well. Then let’s use it.”

He smile brilliantly and Ojou-chan turn away quickly while blushing.

“It’s not like I like that name or anything, ok? I didn’t like it at all. Hmph!”

Without waiting for us, she walk ahead of us. Somehow she seems different from before. Her behavior change from what I remembered. After we got out from my room, she also apologizes to me for what she calls me before. She also asks me to forget that she was acting like kid throwing tantrum, though she did it in tsundere style.

Hero-kun also urge me to forgive her while looking at me intensely. Well, it might be hard for them since they just come here without any preparation at all. And so I forgave her, and she was brimming with happiness.

Did something happened? She seems closer to Hero-kun as well. Seriously! Did something good happen? Uwaa~ I want to tease them~

“Shu-san, you’re grinning. Did something good happen?”

Hero-kun says to me when he sees my face. Really? Did I grin that much? Well, I am quite delighted with the situation. I should go with the flow, right?

I tap on Hero-kun shoulder, and then I give him a thump up.

“Ojou-chan is a good find, so treasure her, ok?”

“Huh? Shu-san, what are you talking about?”

“Hmm? What? Aren’t you two lover?”

“HAAAAH!!! What are you talking about? Stupid! Who love that guy?! I don’t even like him. Hmph!”

Ojou-chan snaps from a meters away. I guess that she heard us, but that reaction was amusing. I want to tease them more, but when I look at Hero-kun. There was a statue of him standing next to me – no, Hero-kun has turned to stone! Wait, was that reaction too shocking for him?

“Get ahold of yourself. She didn’t mean what she said.”

“But, she said that she doesn’t even like me.”

“Hero-kun, that’s the typical tsundere. From my experience, you still got a chance”

I say to him seriously. It was really my experience, though it was gaming experience. However, giving him hope is better than destroying it. Suddenly, Hero-kun turn to normal as if he was healed by magic.

“Is that true?”

“You have my word!”

“Hurry up, you two. I’m not gonna wait for you.”

“I’m coming, Shizuku-chan.”

“Hmph! It’s not like I want to wait for you, ok?!”

And then, Hero-kun run up to her. He seems to be apologizing something. She seems to ignore it, but in fact, she was brimming with happiness.


Somehow I was left alone while they create their own world. I’m not sad or anything, ok? I’m not jealous at all! Beside, I’m not suited for this kind of relationship! I’m an Onii-chan baptized by my beloved angels.

Well, since time is essence, I decided to break their little world. I hope they wouldn’t resent me for it.

“By the way, Hero-kun. I want to ask something, is that ok?”

“Oh, Shu-san. Of course, you can. Ask me anything you want.”

“Then I’ll do that. So have you been gathering information regarding this world?”

“Come to think of it, Shu-san has been sleeping all this time. Well, we found out various things, but I don’t know whether it will help or not.”

Hero-kun puts his hand on his chin and then he says to me.

“Anything would be useful and please tell me.”

“Ok then. Well, first of all. This world has magic. I haven’t seen it yet, but other have confirmed it. If Shu-san play game before, you should know. ”

“Yeah, I’m familiar with it in game. And I also witness magic here before.”

“Really? What it’s like??!!”

Suddenly Ojou-chan exploded. She looks at me with sparkle eyes. Looking her like this, she’s like a cute animal. If there’s tail, I wonder how fast they would be wagged right now. As she also noticed her bizarre behavior, she blushes and turns away looking uninterested.

“It’s unreal. Speckle of light scatter and gather. It’s really mystic. Properly it’s great just like what you imagine.”

“It’s not like I’m interest in it, ok?! hmph!”

Hero-kun also smile softly and then he added.

“Seeing your status, you will be good in it! Shizuku-chan. Isn’t that great? It’s always been your dream to become magical girl.”

“Nah? What are you talking about, stupid?! It’s not my dream at all. Who want to be magical girl at such age!? Isn’t too embarrassing!”

“Really? However, I remember during our cultural festival, you were really happy cosplaying magical girl. You look really great in it.”

Ojou-chan looks really red, and then she shout at Hero-kun.

“Why did you bring that up?! Stupid! I hate you! I’m going ahead! Hmph!”

Hohoho! I just heard something amusing! Gonna hold myself in. I can’t laugh. However, there’s more important thing that Hero-kun just say. I have to find it out.

“Hero-kun. Did you say that you saw her status? How do you do that?”

I asked that, and then both of them smile. And Ojou-chan raise her head proudly.

“That’s Shuzuku-chan discovery. She found out about it yesterday.”

“HO!! Ojou-chan is genius! Please teach this Onii-chan!”

“Hmph! I’m not please with your praising at all, ok? It’s easy. Just say the correct word and have the right imagination!”

I give her a thump-up and she turns away with hmph. So without waiting for any longer, I imagined status interface from a game I used to play before.

“Status open!”

NameShu ShikureRaceHumanTitleOnii-chan of Twin, HeroClassTamerLevel1HP5950/5950MP12250/12250Current StatusFirst Princess’s blessing

And then a status really appeared in front of me. Somehow, I feel something missing. It’s too short. There’s no details at all.

“Shu-san, you have high MP.”

“Your title, so you’re really are Amane-onee-sama and Amano-onee-sama’s brother.”

Both of them said while peeking behind me. So they can see this as well?

“It’s too short. Do you know how to make it detail?”

“Just say ‘Full Status Open’!”

Ojou-chan said to me. So I guess it’s pretty convenient.

“Full Status open!”

NameShu ShikureRaceHumanAge17GenderMaleTitleOnii-chan of Twin, HeroClassTamerLevel1HP5950/5950MP12250/12250Strength600Defense650Endurance570Vitality300Agility700Dexterity700Intelligence1500Wisdom1500Luck0Charm50&^$*&%(######&%*^$^######%*&^&$######$%@%$######Core’s AffinityNatureCurrent StatusFirst Princess’s blessing

“Shu-san! Your intelligence is really high! It’s even higher than Shizuku-chan”

“Even though, my intelligent is only 900. My core’s affinity has more element! Hmph!”

After looking through them, I frowned. Upon seeing me, Hero-kun asked.

“What’s wrong? Shu-san.”

“It’s a bug!”

Hero-kun looks at me with startle looks.

“Oh, are you talking about the unreadable part?”

“That’s wrong! My luck, why is it 0?”


Ojou-chan notices the slot of my luck, and then she almost laughs out loud. OK, hold it in! Please, don’t laugh, ok? My heart can’t handle the shock, ok?

My charm is only 50 which is more than 10 times lower than my other stats, but I’m ok with it. I know my appearance and I know that I’m not good-looking like Hero-kun, or cool like Class_Rep-kun, or menacing like Carrot-kun. So even if it is zero, I wouldn’t be much bothered about it.

But why?! Why do my luck become zero? Having my twin angels, I know I am the luckiest person in the world!!


“Well, I think maybe that’s why Shifun-chan was able to faint you in a single hit.”

When Hero-kun say that, piece of information starts to piece together. Come to think of it, ever since I come here in this world, there was nothing but trouble and fainting!

It’s a bug! Definitely a bug! This world is messing with me. Damn!

“Shu-san, Are you ok?”


“Sorry, I freak out a bit. But now I’m fine. Let’s continues. This status is bugged, there’s even unreadable part. So I don’t know whether to believe it or not.”

“That’s right, there’s many uncertainties, but don’t worry we’ll figure something out.”

Hero-kun is good, and his words is reassuring. And so I ignore the bugged part of the status. I turn my interest to the class’s slot. I got ‘Tamer’. I wondered what it’s about. Am I be able to tame beast and demon and use them like my own pawn, like that?

“Hero-kun and Ojou-chan, what’s your class?”

“I’m a mage!”

“I’m a sword-man”

I see, then that’s simple, but how about mine? Oh yeah, maybe I should-

“Class Tamer Detail!”


Class : TamerYou are Tamer of all. You are born with nature affinity that’ll bring you closer to nature and its resident. There is no restriction on core affinity between user and the target. All related taming skills are acquirable with no restriction. Tamed familiar will be granted with stats boost, and stats correction.

With this class, your core’s affinity with nature is in Arch_Mage Rank.

It’s too vague! What’s with ‘tamer of all’? Can you be more specified? It sounds great, but I don’t know how great it is. There isn’t enough explanation for me, but I want to know more. Should I ask them?

“Hero-kun, Do you know anything about-”

“Tanaka-kun and Shizuku-chan!! You’re late!”

Before we know it, while talking and walking, we reached our destination. A girl come running to Ojou-chan. She has long blue hair running down to her hip, but that hair is fake. She is wearing a wig. She has average height for a beauty. Her build is average, but the way she carries and acts brought out her adult charm. Her slim hand, and fair skin could be mistaken for a rich girl living in protection, but if you looks closely at those tender hands, you’ll realize that she is skilled with her hand, and those tender and lean muscle were cultivated with precaution and care.

The cloth that she is wearing now shock me the most. If I have to explain it in one word, it’s White! It was sleeveless one-piece dress that cover till her knee. It was completely white showing the innocent of a girl wearing it. The two string on her shoulder seems loose where each movement exposed her body that captivated all eyes. Even though, such dress would be considered sly, she covers that area by wearing another outer cloth which is also completely white helping to hide the exposed part. And it is also stylish, where her outer cloth add up to her cuteness.

Cuteness to cover the slyness of the dress maintaining the pure and innocent of a girl, this garment is an artifact! I definitely bring this back for my sisters.

Damn, she’s cute. This girl is a pro cos-player! However, Amane-chan is much cuter when she is in her one-piece dress. I remembered going to amusement park with her before, that day was a bliss. Onii-chan is the luckiest person, alive!

“Shinon senpai, I’m sorry”

Ojou-chan said to her while scratching her cheek. She call the cos-player Shinon senpai. I feel like I use to hear that somewhere before.

“It’s alright! Shizuku-chan. Let’s go. Everyone is waiting.”

Shinon said, and then Hero-kun and Ojou-chan walk into the room. I was just going inside as well, but then Shinon pats me on the shoulder.

“Should I call you Shu, or Onii-chan?”

“I don’t know whether you’re serious or making fun of me, but call me Shu.”

“Hahaha~ I see, I see. I thought you’re just a pervert siscon that you’re happy as long as there’s cute girl call you Onii-chan.”

“What’s with that description? Just so you know, I’m an Onii-chan to my beloved sisters only. I’m not some cheap Onii-


“Hahaha~ You’re like everything Amane-chan describe. Well, I’m Shinon. These kids senpai. Nice to meet you”

“Nice to meet you too, I’m Shu. By the way, Shinon-san-”

“ShuShu-chi don’t be shy and call me Shinon-chan, ok?”

Who’s ShuShu-chi?! Don’t go changing someone name like you want! I wanted to refute her, but I hold it back.

“Well, if that what you want, I’ll do that. And just don’t call me any other name than Shu. Shinon-chan”

“Kyaa! to call me –chan the first time we meet. It’s embarrassing.”

Aren’t you the one who told me to call that?!

“Enough with that, Shinon-chan, you-”

“SO! Shu-chan, how is it? Do you like my present?!”

Don’t cut me like that and listen to me! Huh? Present?

“What are you talking about? I don’t remember any present?”

“Hmm? Really? That’s strange. Don’t tell me that she run away!?”

What kind of present that can run away?! You! Just what are you trying to give me?

“Shu-chan, are you sure that you didn’t see? I tied a big blue ribbon on the head like this~”

She move her hands and tilt her head to show me how big the ribbon is. I follow her and tilt my head to imagine the big ribbon on the head. And then I ran a checkup in my memory. I repeat the same words ‘Big blue ribbon’ again and again while scanning through my memory.

Scanning complete, and 1 matched found.

“I found you~”

I walk closer to Shinon. And then I grab her face with both of my hand, making her looking straight into my eyes. This scene, no matter how you would see it, we’re so close that we’re are one breath away.

“Shu-chan, No. We can’t. I’m glad that you feel that way, but Amane-chan wouldn’t forgive me~”

She blush, but she didn’t get away from me. She got closer and put her hands on my face as well.

“~But, a little wouldn’t hurt, right~? just a little, ok~ And keep this as a secret”

And then she closes eyes and leaned closer to me as if waiting to be kissed. As I thought, this girl is professional in this. If I didn’t know my twin angels, I might have loved this girl, instead.

Slowly, I caress her face with my hand, and then I pinch them and pull them hard.

“That’s hurt~ Shu-chan! What are you doing??”

“I finally found you. So you’re the one who sent me that abomination!”

“Abominaiton? What are you talking about? That’s hurt~ Shu-chan. Let go of me!”

“After I found you, the mastermind, you think I would let you go this easily? Tell me, who are you? Are you the apostle of god that was sent to kill me?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but let me go!! Or I’ll cry! I’ll cry, you know! I’ll cry loud enough for everyone to hear! I’ll cry this instantly-”

She keeps threatening me, but I don’t let go of her cheek at all.

“Ok, Ok, ok, you win! I’m sorry! It’s my fault! So please, let go of me!”

She begged me with teary eyes, and I somehow felt I went overboard. So I let her go. She quickly hold her cheek which has swollen red like tomato and sob silently. I kind of feeling sorry-

“Shu-chan, to violate my face for the first time like that, Aren’t you a beast?”

I take that back, I don’t feel sorry at all. And I’m feeling really irritated right now. Should I pinch them again or should I use my acupuncture technique to show her various dream?

I don’t know what’s happening, but right now, I want to see her suffering!-NO! Stop! Don’t fall for demon temptation! I’m not S! I definitely don’t want to awaken that path at all!

“Shu-chan, do you know that Shifun-chan wanted to apologize?”

While I is arguing in my mind, she say to me with rather sad tone. I see, armor girl want to apologize. However, isn’t her way of doing thing is too extreme? I sort of know that she isn’t good with word, but to talk with sword. Isn’t that dangerous?

“That kid want to apologize to you for all the stuff that happened. It was all accidents, and her luck is just bad.”

I think the one with bad luck is me, though. I sigh and turn to the door.

“It’s kind of hard for me to understand that girl. However, if she apologize, then I’ll forgive her. I’m a forgiving Onii-chan after all.”

“I see, then that’s great. Hey, Shu-chan-”


I turn around, and then I feel slightly warm sensation on my cheek. Shinon come and kiss me on my cheek.

“That’s for pinching me a while ago. Don’t think I would forget my vengeance, you know? I’ll remember it always! Hahaha~”

I quickly wipe my own face, and Shinon looks rather happy. This girl is more dangerous than a certain red hair girl one way or another.

“Honestly, I really envy them”

“What are you talking about?”

“Nothing, let’s go. Everyone is waiting for us.”

Just now, her tone is sad, and I feel that I shouldn’t chase it. And I follow her and enter the room.

“Shu-sama, you have arrived.”

As I entered, the first princess greeted me. And to her left side, the armor girl is glaring at me as if it could kill. Shinon! Is that the gaze from someone who want to apologize? I tries to ignore that gaze, and walk forward, but then she reaches for her sword. WHY?!

Shaking off the nervousness and killing intent sent from her, I cleared my throat and looks back princess.

“Greeting to you as well, Princess Mariona. I humbly apologize for my late arrival”

I places my hand promptly on my chest, one foot slightly in front of another, and I slightly bowed to her. This is one of the greeting that I remembered from some movies. However, I didn’t expect the effect would make everyone in the room go silent.

“What with you of all the sudden? Shu-chan, don’t tell me, THAT was too much of a shock to you. I’m sorry, Shu-chan”

Shinon hold her own mouth as if she is crying and give me empathy look. What’s wrong with me being modest? Even I know some etiquette when meeting with high class people. Ignoring Shinon’s remark, I continues maintaining my manner.

“It’s a given that I should greet Princess Mariona this way. For the great hospitality and such warm welcome, how could I ever be rude to her? Though, our first encounter, there was slightly misunderstanding. And I wish that Princess Mariona to forgive me for my hasty judgment and rude remark.”

First princess is slightly taken aback, but she retain back her composure immediately and smile back to me.

“Of course, there wasn’t a need to ask for forgiveness in the first place. I never hold any grudge against you. Shu-sama. Though, there was slightly misunderstanding in our first encounter. I do hope that Shu-sama forgive my subordinator as well.”

“Likewise, my kind princess. I wouldn’t hold grudge against someone who show such loyalty in front of other. In truth, I quite admire your subordinator’ braveness and strength.”

Shifun-chan, was it? I’ll forgive you in front of everyone here. So would you mind stop releasing that bloodlust? I’m dying here!

“Thank you for your kindness. Indeed, Shifun-chan is admirable. It seems that you and I share the same thought. So let’s not waste any more time, Shu-sama. Please get seated, so that we can start our meeting.”

“Much obliged.”

I bow to her again, and walk toward my sisters friends.

“Shu-san. That was cool” Hero-kun says while giving me a thump-up.

“hmph! It’s so-so” Ojou-chan was sitting beside him says while turning away.

“At least, you’re worthy of being Amane-onee-sama and Amano-onee-sama’s bother.”

Vice_pres-chan says to me as such. Well at least she has better view of me.

“As expected of Shu-san. You’re really modest”

Class_Rep-kun say to me while tapping on a chair for me to sit down. I take his offer and sit down. Next to me, seated a girl with black ponytail hair, and half of her face is covered by a scarf. Her eyes are sharp and she doesn’t even look at me.

“Impressive, as expected of Aniki of my liege. This one’s name is Shinobi. It’s nice to be your acquaintance.”

Then suddenly I heard a voice speaking to me. I turn left and right looking for the voice, but I couldn’t find the source. That voice was low, but it was loud enough for only me to hear. Seeing me baffled, that voice once again speak to me.

“Worry not, Aniki of my liege. Since my liege is not here, this one shall protect you instead. This one shall protect Aniki from the shadow and-”

Then the voice stop talking. Why? Because right now, I’m staring at the one behind this. Right now, I stare at the girl sitting next to me without batting an eyes. She still wears her poker face, even I’m staring her this much. However, soon she gives up by lowering her face with a slightly red on her face.

“I’m shu. It’s nice to meet you too. Shinobi-chan. And your voice is really cute”

As I say that, she abruptly look at me with blushing cheek as if wanting to say something, but then she turns away while holding her own face. And then I heard something escape from her, it seems that she was screaming.

It seems that her voice bothers her, but I like it. It sounds sweet and great perfectly suit for imouto character. The first time I heard, I thought it was a playback from a movie or something.

“What’s wrong, Shinobi-chan?”

Arh~ Tama-chan is soothing Shinobi-chan. Beside, from everyone, I already acquaintance with this girl, but I haven’t spoken to her at all.

I smile to her, but she avoid eyes contact. Why? What did I do? Seeing her behavior, I feel bad. To have someone you know ignore you, isn’t that painful?

“Thank you, Heroes-sama that you join us today. Here, today I have invited guests who are interest in Heroes-sama to join as well. Each of everyone here hold important position in the kingdom, and so I think that it will surely be helpful for you all in the future. So once again, I’ll introduce myself. I am First princess Mariona Athena. I’m pleased to meet Heroes-sama.”

Every words she say carried confident and pride as a princess, and everyone is looking at her with awe. And then she sit down while an old man beside her stand up holding a stuff.

“My name is Athrum Silverhat. I’m a court magician working directly under Princess Mariona. I’ll be your instructor regarding Magic so I’m pleased to be your acquaintance.”

“My name is Shifun Arun. I’m a head guard of Princess Mariona. I’ll be teaching how to fight.”

The old guy sit down and the armor girl said shortly. And frankly, she is still staring at me. What’s her problem?! And later on, many more people introduce themselves from the kingdom side. It seems that many ministers and aristocrats join the meeting as well. However, there was something amiss.

“And then, I believe it’s Heroes-sama turn to tell us something about yourself-”


Princess Mariona is cut short when Carrot-kun abruptly stand up. It seems that he also notices something was wrong as well. The most important person was not in the room.

“Where is the King? I was summoned in this world, and I deserve some explanation, not some introduction! So tell me where is he now?!”

When that question was asked, everyone from the kingdom side went silent. This situation is bad. I know the fact that they summoned us would mean that their country is in dire situation. However, I didn’t think it was this bad. To think the king – No, I can’t make any hasty judgment based on this. I have to know more about this situation. And so, I decide to step in.

“Before that, Princess, Can you tell me the real situation of this kingdom, this world?”


“I can answer that question!”

Suddenly, the door is slammed open, and group of armor guard walk in. No, to say that they were guard is slightly wrong. They are veteran soldier with sharp eyes and battle scar to show their countless experience. They walk in forming two line and stop in front of the first princess’s dining table. And a man in his 20s walk in the middle of the soldier. With extravagance looking garment on top of his body and jewelry on every finger, he give the impression of a rich bastard.

He doesn’t greet the princess and then he walk directly to us, the heroes-side.

“I, Third prince, Phillip Athena will answer you that question!”

He declares as such, and then Mariona princess stand up and looks at him annoyingly.

“Phillip, why has you come here?”

“Elder sister, for what reason that I can’t come in here? How could I miss out such important meeting? Are you trying to tell me that you’re going to keep them all for yourself??!”

“I was tasked with this responsibility, so it’s obvious that I should be the one who will guide the heroes-sama.”

“Elder sister, is that the only reason that you’re conducting this meeting? And without inviting me who’s a supporter of this kingdom? We’ll all know that your faction is falling apart, and how hilarious you’re trying hard to hold it in.”

With the conversation seemingly going to the prince’s side. Mariona Princess’s slightly frown to his remark. And then we came into this staring stalemate. Information start piling up in my mind, and I can make several guesses regarding this world, and this kingdom.

And I know that from now on, our words will affect our destiny. So with precaution and calmness, I’ll rear us out of this dispute.


Author's note

I'm trying to improve so every comment is welcomed. Thank you....

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