《Six Pack》Six Pack Chapter 15 - Here’s a Piece of my Soul (CRASH!)
Six Pack
Chapter 15 - Here’s a Piece of my Soul (CRASH!)
Well I did keel over this afternoon. That could’ve been low blood sugar. Shit. Bill’s mind raced about as much as Michael’s seemed to be running.
Michael shook his head and held his hands up in exasperation, “Any other surprises for me today?”
Bill didn’t move.
Michael looked from Bill to their new guests. Then he looked directly at Linnet, “Can I drink now? I think I have enough reason now.” He turned to Fala, “You’re doing great...Fella?” Fala shook her head and began to correct him, but he interrupted, “It’s weird for me to not be interpreting. Let me have a few so I can talk directly to y’all.”
Linnet bent her ears back with a squint and a slight reveal of teeth. She looked around at the rest of the room. She grawed exasperatedly before Fala interpreted, “No. Must learn. No drinks.”
Michael groaned, “Fine. But when do I get to give up and drink?”
The quartet of Rakiri gave Michael a collective look of concern after Fala communicated his new terms.
“Fine. Go. What shall we talk about then?” Michael flippantly replied.
Linnet made an exuberant statement that made her compatriots smile and nod. Michael was clueless. Bill remained motionless.
Linnet tried again, “Hhhungry?”
Bill silently rose into a sitting position.
“Oh. Yes please.” Michael replied, he heard Bill before he saw him. He turned in time to see one of the two socks fall off of his forehead. And then the other. Bill’s eyes opened. Bill’s reaction was reminiscent of a clockwork figure coming out of its hiding place to ring an hourly bell. Michael then answered for Bill, “That’s two votes for food. Yes.”
Linnet and Harley took to the stove. Within a handful of savory smelling, crackling minutes, the meal was ready. Some portions Michael recognized. Some he did not. All were delicious. Most were meat. I keep hearing that I should eat something green, but all these women are svelte from this meaty diet.
Grease dripped down Michael’s chin as he chewed on a link of some form of thick sausage. “This would go great on a hotdog bun.”
“Why you gotta make everything about your preferences?” Bill cracked a rib open and sucked on the marrow.
After some back and forth from the Rakiri, Fala reported, “We willing try this ‘hot dog’. What different?”
Michael eyeballed the phallic meat that he was consuming. “It is usually housed? Seated? Straddled by? What word am I looking for here, Bill?”
Bill scanned the room before putting his plate down. He picked up his sausage, whatever kind of sausage it was, then he pointed at his crotch. He pointed at the nearest Rakiri, who happened to be Harley; rather than a general point in her direction, he indicated between her legs. Then with the hand pointing at Harley, he made a circle with the thumb and forefinger of one hand and put the sausage through it. He snickered shamelessly.
Michael screwed up his face in disapproval. The Rakiri gave a range of reactions, from confusion to what may have been arousal, while all wagging their tails. The rainbow of emotions was perfectly bookended by Michael’s frown--gradually changing to more and more amused--to Bill, who was almost rolling off the couch to the floor at his own humor and their reactions to it.
“Boy, I wish someone had taken a picture just then,” Bill said between laughing spurts.
Michael whipped out his phone and mirthlessly took a picture of the couch occupants. Then he opened up a browser to look up hot dog images. Linnet and Bel’a looked at the picture, unamused. Fala nudged Harley to grab Bill before he fell off the couch; though they were chuffing along with him.
Bill managed to grasp Harley’s forearm, her brown fur gave way an inch or two before he connected with her actual arm. They both seemed somewhat surprised, as though Bill didn’t expect her arm to be so deep into the pelt; Harley didn’t expect him to grasp as firm or fast as he did, so her whole body jerked toward him. Fala came around to the other side of Bill and picked him up with little effort.
Bill’s face was framed in the crook of her arm and the girth of her bust. I’ve never seen him smile so big before, Michael mused at Bill’s situation.
Fala announced, “I think it’s time we get our patient to bed.”
Bill nestled in a little deeper, gave her décolleté the side eye, then murmured a barely audible, “Mama”.
“Goodnight all.” Fala said as she carried Bill to his room. She stopped, noting the resistance she’d picked up. Bill still had a hold onto Harley’s arm. Fala gave Harley a huff and a nod to follow in their direction. Harley excitedly scampered behind them.
“Fair enough.” Michael agreed. He, Linnet and Bel’a carried all the dishes to the kitchen to clean up. Then they headed to Michael’s side of the apartment.
After the Rakiri women, it was Michael’s turn to visit the bathroom. He heard Linnet and Bel’a commenting on his way to his bedroom. “What was that?” He asked.
Bel’a spoke first, “Not understand sticker in bathroom.”
Linnet interjected, “Michael enjoy. Leave alone.”
Michael took off his shirt and scratched his chest. “Wouldn’t you all rather me be able to speak Shil, instead of you all working in English?” Did I draw out the ‘ish’ too much? Or did I blatantly say that their speech was ‘English-ish’?
Linnet looked down, “Want Michael know Shil straight.”
Bel’a followed with, “Clear head.”
“So, it’s a problem for me, to be drunk?” Michael tried to clarify.
Bel’a grabbed Michael by the hand, “Problem? No!” She pulled his hand between her breasts.
Linnet threaded her hand through Michael’s hair, pulling it away from his face, “Want...to be sure.”
Michael was dubious, “Sure of what?” I don’t know that I like where this is going. It feels like a trap.
The Rakiri suddenly pulled away from him and laid sullenly on the bed, tails between their legs. Linnet answered, “We saw you on couch. That night.”
Bel’a looked away, “We know Pennar’dun, you...” Her voice trailed off for a second, “We heard bed. Loud. Later, we see you sleep on couch.”
“Serca. Friend.” Linnet’s voice choked up a bit. “Miss her.”
Bel’a pulled Linnet closer to her. “Not words for you forget.” She gestured as though she was lifting an invisible cup to her lips.
Michael looked at the pair on his bed. For a moment, though, he didn’t see them. He felt his chest ache. Like he couldn’t breathe. He heard ‘Gwen’s’ voice in his head.
“You Pink stiff.”
“...you fat fuck! You slut!”
He shook his head and looked up.
Goddamn. That really happened. And they really know. And they saw me. What a vulnerable position to be caught in! Ugh. They knew. They saw. But they’re still here. More than that, they probably sought me out. They wanted to know more about the human who knew Serca.
“Can tell?” Linnet managed to get out before the dam burst and she started crying. “Her last words?”
Oh...yeah, I guess I can understand them asking that instead.
Michael knelt down and took Linnet’s hands in his own. He put a leg on the bed and tried his best to come close to her face without being too close. He thought better of saying it, but he thought bitterly, No...I couldn’t tell you what she said. I WAS SOBER AND DIDN’T UNDERSTAND HER!!
However, before he could voluntarily say what his brain wanted him to say, the bed he’d trusted so far, failed him. The footboard under the corner of the bed where Michael had leaned wasn’t structurally sound enough to handle the weight of Michael, Linnet and Bel’a together; metal side rail tore through the footboard and dropped to the floor. Two Rakiri and a not small man added up to a weight that caused the wood to splinter.
Amidst the exclamations and recovery from surprise, two pairs of padded feet came running from the other side of the apartment.
“Are you all, alright?” Fala asked while she burst through the door. Harley nosed her way above Fala’s shoulder to see inside the noisy bedroom.
What they saw was a toppled trio of laughing bodies. Linnet’s tears were still fresh as she managed to back herself up and over the back end of the bed that was still standing. Bel’a had been the most impacted by Newton’s laws as she had practically flipped over the bed from the furthest corner from the door to the nearest. Her face had landed precariously near to Michael’s crotch. Michael, however, had rolled from his one-legged position on the bed to his back as the bed gave way. To defend himself from falling objects, he had held his hands up and out to block his face; unfortunately, this left him in a position where he had a handful of Bel’a’s chest and the other hand smashed between her stomach and his face. He found his way out from under her thick black fur through her legs. The only choice any of them had was to laugh or cry, since Linnet had already cried most recently, she started the laughter.
Bel’a lifted her head to look up at Fala and Harley in the doorway, “Oops?”.
Harley was quick to come to conclusions, “Ooooh.” She winked, nodded and went back to Bill’s room.
Fala scratched her head and mumbled something in Shil, then backed away and closed Michael’s bedroom door.
Michael retracted his hands from Bel’a’s body. She lifted herself from Michael and what was left of the bed. Michael rolled his way to a sitting position and up off of the floor. They all kind of scratched their heads before Michael suggested for Linnet to lift the bed up off of the frame. She and Bel’a held the box spring and mattress in place as Michael lifted the rail hooks out of the head and foot of the bed.
Michael stepped over the twin mattress that was already covering the majority of the closet floor. He stacked the metal rails and stood them against the corner on the inside of his closet. He did similarly with the wooden head of the bed and footboard.
“Why small bed in closet?” Bel’a asked in her broken English.
If tonight wasn’t already a cocktail of pain, Michael thought of his daughter, Katherine. “That’s where my daughter sleeps when she stays with me some weekends.”
“You have...child?” Linnet inquired.
“I have two. Doug and Katherine. Katherine is older; this closet is big enough for us to pretend that she’s got her own room with a door.” He shook his head in despair. “I can’t give them much, but I give them what I can.”
Bel’a and Linnet looked at Michael with pity, but kept themselves busy getting the bed back into a condition where one could sleep on it. That’ll do for now. The mattress, pillows, sheets and comforter were set up on the floor. Better than nothing, he supposed.
They seemed to drop the previous subject after all of the kerfuffle of breaking the bed. I know what I wanted to say, but maybe the bed breaking was God or Fate or Who Knows What’s in Control telling me to not say that. What can I say instead? Michael pondered for a moment before he settled into what was left of his bed. He gave Linnet a sad look. She returned it, then gave him a smooch on his forehead.
“We all hurt.” Linnet whispered before she put her nose under Michael’s neck and settled in with a nuzzle. Bel’a looked at the door one more time before also curling up on his other side. As he had done the past several nights, Michael settled into a comfortable pile of limbs, fur and flesh and fell into a comfortable slumber.
Later, perhaps much after Michael fell asleep, perhaps not, he was awoken by an unfamiliar noise.
“aaAWOOOOHHhh”, a voice rang out.
Bel’a and Linnet’s ears twitched, their heads turned before the howl ended. If the noise hadn’t woken Michael up, the sudden jerk of his bedmates would have.
“What is that?” Michael asked with a few suspicions in his mind. “Well, which one of them is that?”
Bel’a responded without hesitation. “Bill.”
“Bill!?” Michael exclaimed.
Linnet sniffed deliberately. “Yes, Bill.” She moved to get up.
In utter confusion, Michael finally asked, “What is going on?”
Were they not in the darkness of the bedroom, Michael would have seen Linnet’s pupils widen. “Mating.”
“Mating?” Michael’s whole face took a sarcastic slant. “He gets some attention for the first time in who knows how long and he takes his one opportunity to get lucky.” He laid his head back on his pillow. “Son of a…” He hesitated to use the word.
Bel’a and Linnet alternated huffing air.
“And you two have been in my bed the last, what? Three nights? And all we’ve done is sleep.” Michael held his arms up in the air in disbelief.
“Yes.” Linnet said, grabbing Bel’a around the waist. She kissed Bel’a feverishly. Bel’a kissed back, reaching for the side of Linnet’s face to pull her closer. Linnet put her hand up to Bel’a’s head, gently rubbing her pointed ear flat before grabbing the nape of Bel’a’s neck and pulling her to the bed. Bel’a yelped in surprise, then moaned in pleasure as she found herself being mounted by Linnet.
What a selfish bastard, Michael thought, threading his fingers through his hair, slightly scratching his scalp. The sound of nails on scalp was as calming to him as the feel of it. I mean, sure, it’s a scary thing that he passed out or whatever. And it’s probably a good thing that those new girls were here and knew how to take care of him. But still, you don’t need to check his thermometer to check his temperature.
Bel’a swept her hands up Linnet’s sides and pushed the sports bra she was sleeping in off of her and onto the floor. Though dirty blonde fur covered Linnet’s head, back and outer portions of her limbs, her undercarriage was lined with a thin, white, felt-like undercoat. Her nipples were dark brown beacons in a sea of white. Bel’a’s mouth followed her eyes to them. She kissed and licked at them greedily. Linnet moaned deeply.
I mean, if that’s a kind of “treatment”, maybe I should ask if I need a check up. Michael kept scratching his scalp. Jeeze, isn’t that kinda weird though? To be turned on by people you basically called “dog women”? Beastiality or something like that?
Linnet grabbed her breast from Bel’a’s mouth; it was removed with an audible pop.
The sound broke Michael’s meditation. Howling and now popping? What’s going on in here?
Still straddled over Bel’a, Linnet reached behind her and pulled Bel’a’s shorts off of her. She felt for Bel’a’s wet warmth.
Michael stopped looking at the ceiling and looked down at where the two Rakiri were grinding against each other. Aghast, he whisper-yelled, “What is going on? You hear them getting it on and you two need to too?”
Bel’a didn’t speak; she breathed in a high pitch. Linnet continued her digital exploration with one hand and used the other to latch onto Bel’a’s still covered breast, her grip tight enough to form finger-filling billows of flesh and fabric. “Smell sex. Jealous.” She turned her focus back to Bel’a’s face, which regained its expression of appreciation.
Smell sex? Are pheromones enough to get them going? Where the fuck is my head at that I’m trying to analyze what’s going on instead of just enjoying myself?
Oh, the beastiality question…
Fuck it, I’ll try anything four times, but I’ll not avoid watching something new happening when it’s happening right in front of me.
He let his tent start to pitch itself.
Linnet fingered the bottom of Bel’a’s sleepshirt up so that she could expose Bel’a’s velveteen abs. She pushed the shirt further up and fanned her fingers across Bel’a’s bright pink nipple. Michael watched Linnet’s exposed chest jiggle with the lift of Bel’a’s hips to the rhythm of Linnet’s hand. Bel’a was recognizably more endowed than Linnet, Michael realized as Linnet grabbed Bel’a’s nipple like a car key, twisted and pulled. Bigger than I thought, though I didn’t really let myself think about it until just now. Bel’a panted in a mixture of pleasure and pain; faster and faster as she approached climax. Michael felt his eyes widen in anticipation. The jiggling and the panting and the general ludicrousness of what he was witnessing overtook his overthinking. Bel’a let out a final high pitched squeal as she arrived at Linnet’s intended destination. Her body still shook, even when Linnet removed her hand and looked hungrily at Michael.
His face flushed in a mix of fear and guilt from his perspective of voyeurism and the consequences thereof. Linnet’s sultry crawl toward him made him try to cover his face with the comforter. Covered for only a second, he peeked from the top in time to see Linnet’s hand come between his hands and jerk the comforter from him and off of the bed. There he was: his arms up defensively at his face again, his legs splayed out, his member almost poking out of his boxers.
Linnet swung her body to one side as she slid her own shorts off of herself with her free hand then settled herself astride Michael. She leaned her breasts into his hands, which were still up in unneeded defense of himself. He melted them a bit to form molds of her chest to support her.
“You want,” Linnet’s tail swished teasingly, “Me?”
Michael hesitated. The last time he’d been in this position, he felt threatened. He was being called names. He was being told what he was going to do. That was not the position he was in now. This situation was a question. Linnet was clearly a motivated party in this instance, hypnotized by the pheromones carried forth by an old man howling from across the apartment, but she was still asking for his consent. In for a penny…
He nodded, smiling weakly, determined, but not gung ho about it.
“Sure?” Linnet tilted her head questioningly.
Michael saw Bel’a recovering behind Linnet. She put a hand on the bed and started to join them. He turned back to Linnet and said quickly, shakily, “Yes”.
Bel’a said something in Shil to Linnet. Linnet’s ear tilted Bel’a’s way.
Linnet said something resembling “Ready too?”. That’s how Michael initially interpreted the statement.
He repeated, more steadily now, “Yes”.
Linnet grinned mischievously before straddling Michael again. While she did that, Michael felt two hands grab his boxers and pull them off from under Linnet’s hips. Linnet’s own hands were on either side of Michael’s head. It took him a split second to recognize that it was Bel’a who removed them. Ready too might’ve meant “Ready for two?” instead. He felt an unseen hand grab his erection and hold it in place while another lined Linnet’s hips into place. The grip held as Linnet’s lips brushed his tip and kissed the head, they could go no further for the hand that held him in place. Linnet chuckled as she was being teased as well. Bel’a whispered more Shil.
Linnet hissed, “Ooh no, Bel’a..! Bad girl!”
Michael felt a shift as the hand removed him from inside Linnet to instead be used to glide her inner wetness to her surface. Bel’a’s using my dick to stimulate Linnet’s clit! I’m no more than a joystick to them. He soon banished that thought. I can be used without being, he searched for the right word, exploited. They’re not using me for their own pleasure. They’re using me to extend their pleasure. A handjob and sex in one go-round, these girls are efficient.
Linnet slightly growled “Stop!” She then begged in Shil, in hushed tones, to Bel’a.
Bel’a responded with an “Aww” and more hushed Shil.
Michael didn’t know the words that were being said, but could gather the context as Bel’a’s hand released finger by finger and Linnet replaced them bit by bit. Linnet and Michael smiled as they swam deeper into each other's eyes. She held him for a minute. Bel’a put her hands behind Michael’s knees and lifted them so that his feet propped his folded legs into place. In doing so, she lifted both Michael and Linnet into a kind of wheelbarrow before she let them down. They both let out small yelps of surprise. This new arrangement had given Michael a new angle and a bit more leverage. Who knew how much geometry was involved in sex? All this jostling though, would have broken the bed for sure!
All the same, Michael took to the new angle with enthusiasm, lifting Linnet until she got into a pistoning angle that pleased them both. He moved his hands down to her hips to hold her in place. All of her solid joists in place around him, he delighted in her fleshy cones jiggling in his direct line of vision as he penetrated her. Almost all of her was solid as steel, he thought, moving his hands from her hips, up her abs, framing her breasts, behind and over her shoulders, then down her triceps to finally grab her wrists to anchor himself to further lean up and into her.
This is going pretty well, but I’m not sure how much longer I can keep this up. Michael panicked a bit before feeling something tickle his inner thigh. No way those are whiskers.
Michael faltered at the sensation he thought he was feeling. He, unintentionally, dropped Linnet onto himself. Between the tickling he thought he felt and the sensation of a Rakiri’s full body weight on his hips, he was kind of off track. Linnet wasn’t though. That last push was enough to send her over the edge. Her whole body shook in place on top of him.
There it is again, that tickling. It wasn’t long before he felt what must’ve been Bel’a’s hot breath on his inner thighs and balls. Then he felt her tongue. Linnet shivered again. Bel’a’s tongue was painting a picture on and around his undercarriage. Linnet shivered again before whispering Shil and hopping loopily off of Michael.
Now it was just Bel’a and Michael. She had had her fun and was now coaxing him back into readiness with her mouth. Her tongue spread warmly from the tip at his butthole up to where she had lapped his balls into her mouth. Her sucking and gentle tugging had him battle ready sooner than he had imagined he would be. Then, ready for round two, Linnet lowered her head down to kiss a trail from his stomach that lead to her taking in his mouthful. Bel’a mumbled something in Shil to Linnet with a mouthful of her own. Linnet released Michael and replied in kind to Bel’a. They snorted at each other before they were on either side of him again. Linnet at the base and Bel’a at the head, tonguing him excitedly. Bel’a’s breasts hung to either side of his leg, slapping him occasionally in her fervor.
Though they were all having a good time, Bel’a decided to have a turn. Her jugs smacked him like extra appendages up his thigh, on either side of his dick, up his chest until they pressed between her arms and onto his face, smothering him enjoyably.
From outside of the bedroom window, the purple brick saw a dark colored Rakiri on top of a human. Their heat signatures indicated their shapes and species. Their outlines grew lines that became runes that indicated their names; Michael’s driver’s license dropped down from below the Shil’vati runes that were his name; Bel’a’s military ID fell from the runes indicating her name. Another heat signature, which already had Linnet’s military ID hanging from her runes, leaned its head toward the juncture between the first two heat signatures.
With positive identifications, the drone lifted up and away from the window.
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