《Kirishima X Reader Beauty and the Beast AU》Chapter seven Shinso


I woke up and got ready for the day, and went downstairs. I saw Eri sitting down on the couch, watching TV. “Hey Eri, where is everyone?”

“Papa's still asleep, but I don’t know where Y/N or dad is,” she explains, turning to face me.

I nod, “have you had breakfast yet?”

She shakes her head, “not yet, I didn’t want to wake anyone.”

I sigh, “alright wait here, and remember you don’t have to worry about bothering anyone.” I remind her as I walk to the kitchen. I started making some eggs and toast for Eri, knowing that is her favorite. As I cooked the eggs, my mind wandered to Denki. Not a day went by where I didn’t think about him….I wonder if he ever thinks about me.

I must have gone into a daze because the next thing I knew, the eggs were burning. I mentally cursed at myself as I quickly took the eggs off the stove, turnin the eye off. I scooped the top layer of eggs off since they were still able to be salvaged, and began scraping the bottom of the pan into the trash can before putting it into the sink to soak.

I put the salvaged eggs on the plate and put some toast in the toaster. I then grabbed some jelly out of the fridge and a case knife. Once the toast popped up, I began to spread the jelly onto the toast. After I finished spreading the jelly, I put the toast on the plate with the eggs, and walked into the living room to see papa and dad...pacing? I frown as I place the plate in front of Eri and walk over to dad and papa, “what's wrong?”

“Y/Ns missing,” is all dad says as he continues to pace.


“She’s missing? Since when? Why aren’t y’all out there searching for her?” I ask a million more questions running through my head.

“I don’t know. She was fine when I left this morning but when I got back Eri asked where Y/N was and said she wasn’t here,” my dad explains, sighing.

I blink, “I think I know where she is, wait here. I’ll be back in a few hours, and hopefully I’ll have Y/N with me as well.” I say, grabbing my scarf and voice modifier, walking out of the door. I faintly heard my dad calling after me, but I just ignored him, heading to the castle in the woods.

As I ran, I wondered if Denki would be there, but I shook my head knowing this wasn’t the time. I sighed and continued running wishing I knew where this castle is. As I ran, I got closer to the castle and began to get nervous. What if Denki was there? I can’t afford to get sidetracked, I have to find Y/N! I really hope she’s here.

A few minutes later I spotted the castle and knocked on the door. The door opened but I didn’t see anyone, I frowned, “hello?”

“Hey, down here!” I heard a voice exclaim, I don’t know why but that voice sounded familiar. I blinked and looked down, frowning in confusion when I saw a candlestick open the door? “Shinso? Is that you?”

“You can talk? Also how do you know me?” I ask, confused.

“You mean you don’t remember me?” The candlestick asks, sounding hurt.

I was about to respond when a clock spoke up, “idiot you’re a candlestick at the moment. You don’t look like yourself.”

“Oh...right, my bad.” The candlestick chuckles, nervously.


I stood there confused but I didn’t have time for this, “is Y/N here?” I ask, deciding just to ignore the other conversation.

“Y/N isn’t here,” the candlestick says, looking slightly confused.

“She isn’t? Fuck!” I mutter, “where else could she be? Wait….Dabi! That motherfucker!” I growl, turning around.

“Wait, Y/Ns missing?” The clock asks, blinking.

“Yea, I think she was taken,” I responded, taking out my phone, sending dad a text.

“We should tell shitty hair, he’ll want to know,” the clock says.

“Who’s that?” I ask, furrowing my brows, slightly concerned.

“I don’t know if Y/N told you what happened but he’s the one that saved her from the storm,” the clock explains, crossing his tiny arms.

“Oh well um thank him for me and let him know that I’ll bring Y/N to visit once we find her, she’s been wanting to come back anyways.”

“Alright, go save Y/N!” The candlestick exclaims. I blink, I got a weird feeling in my stomach when he said that and I wasn’t sure what this feeling was. I shook the feeling off and continued running towards Dabi’s place, waiting for a text from dad as well. A few minutes later, I exited the woods and heard a ping. Figuring it was a text from dad, I stopped running and brought out my phone looking at it. ‘Already on it, go stay at home with Eri.’

I sigh, “fuck, I really wanted to help save Y/N” I mutter to myself, but I knew it would be smarter to just listen to him, so I changed direction heading home. After about ten minutes, I finally got home. I walked inside to see Eri curled up on the couch. Sighing, I walked over to her, “you ok?”

She shakes her head, “what if Y/Ns hurt?” She asks, sniffling.

“Eri,” I say, softly “don’t worry Y/N will be just fine. Dad and papa will find her and bring her back” I reassure her, smiling softly.

She nods and sniffs, “ok.” I nod and turn on her favorite cartoon to get her mind off the situation, and brought her close, letting my mind wander.

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