《Kirishima X Reader Beauty and the Beast AU》Chapter three Kirishima


After Y/N left, I sat down on the bed, sighing. I really enjoyed talking to her, but she ended up leaving, just like everyone else. She said it was because of her parents and brother, but was it really? I mean, what if it was because of what I am? This isn’t even my quirk, it was a curse placed on me for being rude to an eldery lady. From that point on, I promised myself to never be rude to anyone again, and always help someone in need, I promised myself to become manly!

The only way to reverse the curse is to find love before the rose, that I kept hidden in the west wing, lost it’s last petal. The downfall is that the rose was down to like three petals, and it’s about to become two. I’m running out of time. As I was talking to Y/N, I had begun to smile more, I began to want to live again.

There had been times when I didn’t want to live, I had thought about committing and almost went through with it, but knew I needed to stay here, for my servants...although, I didn’t think of them as servants, I really thought of them as my friends.

When Y/N left, all hope of breaking the curse left me, and I felt a sharp pain in my side, letting me know the rose was about to lose another petal. I was depressed and wanted to leave life before I was cursed, and normally when I felt like this I would cut. I’m not sure why but once blood started pouring out, it began to relieve my mental pain. I couldn’t really do that now through because of all this stupid fur.

I sighed as I layed on my bed, looking around the room. I already missed talking to Y/N, and I know that sounds silly since I barely know her, but I felt like we were really getting along. I enjoyed talking to her, she was funny, sweet, but also serious, and kinda quiet.


I couldn't stop thinking about her, and it was starting to get annoying. I wanted to think about anything; anything else other than Y/N. Whenever I thought about her, and how she was gone, my heart ached. I know, it doesn't make sense, since we just met, but I already felt a connection with her, but I don't know what this connection is.

Staring up at my ceiling, I heard a knock on the door. I don't answer since I wasn't really in the mood to talk, but the knocking continued. I groaned and got up, opening the door to see Bakugo and Denki.

"What do y'all want?" I ask, sighing.

"Dinners ready, where's Y/N? " Denki asks.

"Y/Ns gone, and I'm not hungry. " I grumble, shutting the door. I go back to my bed, groaning when I hear them knocking again. "Go away!"

"No, we want to know where Y/N is, plus you need to eat, you haven't eaten in a few days! " I hear Denki exclaim, and I sigh. I knew he was right, and that I needed to eat, but I just didn’t feel like eating. It takes a lot of motivation to actually get up and eat.

I got up and opened the door, “Y/N’s parents came for her and they were pro heroes, so she left before they got to the castle. I’ll come eat, I don’t want to, but y’all won’t leave me alone until I do, so I’ll be down in a minute.” They nod, and I figure that they’re ok with this answer because they walk off, although Denki looked kinda down, probably because Y/N was gone. They were becoming fond of Y/N, even if they barely knew her as well.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and I could tell I was getting skinner, even with the fur covering it up. I sigh, and open the door, walking to the dining room where they had the food on the table. I sat down and began to eat slowly, not really eating like I should through, because I was still thinking about Y/N.


It was thirty minutes later when I had finished eating, and I had barely eaten half my plate. I throw the leftovers away, and put my plate in the sink, as I head back up to my room to wallow in self pity. I got back to my room, and groaned when I saw Mina in my room, I honestly just wanted to be alone. “What do you want Mina?”

“I came in here to check on you, that’s all,” Mina says, and I sigh.

“I’m fine, you can go back downstairs now.”

“Are you sure it’s a good idea for you to be alone right now? You seem kinda upset about Y/N.

“Yes, I’m sure,” I grumble.

“Alright, fine.” Mina pouts, as she leaves the room, probably going to hang out with Bakugo and Denki. I sigh once more and lay back down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling again. My mind once again wordering back to Y/N.

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