《Envy》Chapter 6: Food
I was still lying on a bed when the girl’s parents came into the room. Her father was a well built man with developed arm muscles, he emanated a strong, confident feeling. He was wearing a brown cloth blouse fastened by a leather belt round the waist and off-white woolen trousers, but why there was a bit of hate seeping out of his gaze? I tried to get more information about his status, but no information box has popped out.
Hal can you show me his info box?
“Energy level is too low, only core functionality is available.” Hal replied.
Although I knew that Hal could absorb energy from any source, be it kinetic energy, heat or electricity, Hal could absorb it all. There was still one huge problem, I still had my biological body which would die if Hal started converting too much heat from the surroundings. Because of that the only significant power source available for me at the moment was food.
Damn it! I have to recharge at least few percent of energy soon, but first I have to grasp the situation I am currently in.
I looked at the woman who entered the room, she had a different feeling about her, you could feel a gentle and carefree vibe emanating from her. She was wearing a similar outfit to her daughter, only color and size were different.
I guess it’s a local fashion thingy.
“ᚺᛖᛚᛚᛟ᛬ᚨᚱᛖ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᚨᛚᚱᛁᚷᚺᛏ᛭ᚹᛖ᛫ᚺᚨᚡᛖ᛫ᚠᛟᚢᚾᛞ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᚢᛜᚲᛟᚾᛋᚲᛁᛟᚢᛋ᛫ᛟᚾ᛫ᚦᛖ᛫ᛖᛞᚷᛖ᛫ᛟᚠ᛫ᚨ᛫ᛚᛟᚲᚨᛚ᛫ᚠᛟᚱᛖᛋᛏ᛬ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᚹᛖᚱᛖ᛫ᛁᚾ᛫ᚨ᛫ᛏᛖᚱᚱᛁᛒᛚᛖ᛫ᚲᛟᚾᛞᛁᛏᛁᛟᚾ᛫ᛋᛟ᛫ᛁᚡᛖ᛫ᛒᚱᛟᚢᚷᚺᛏ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᚺᛖᚱᛖ᛬”The mother has asked.
(Hello, are you alright? We have found you unconscious on the edge of a local forest, you were in a terrible condition so I’ve brought you here.)
I still didn’t know how to speak in this language. Only thanks to Hal interpretation I could understand the overall meaning of sentences. I knew the grammar of the language, but I didn’t know any words, although I was learning them really fast almost on the fly.
“ᛁᛋ᛫ᛋᚺᛖ᛫ᛗᚢᛏᛖ᛫ᛟᚱ᛫ᛋᛟᛗᛖᚦᛜ᛭” The girl’s father has whispered to his wife.
(Is she mute or something?)
“Language learning 46% complete.” I got an information from Hal. It seems that I will need at least a week to speak fluently in this language, but I think I’ll manage to hold a simple conversation after a day or two..
I wanted to try communicating with gestures, but when I tried to move my hands I realized that my left arm was missing.
“Aaaah!” I screamed in shock.
What the heck !? Why is my left arm missing?
“According to our memory 4 hours 21 minutes earlier your arm was vaporised by a plasma projectile.” Said Hal.
Ahhh... Now I remember.
“ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᛋᛖᛖ᛭ᛁ᛫ᛏᛟᛚᛞ᛫…᛫ᚹᛁᛚᛚ᛫ᛒᚱᛜ...ᛏᚱᛟᚢᛒᛚᛖᛋ...” I partially overheard what the man has whispered to his wife, but instead of saying anything she just looked at him scornfully
(You see? I told…will bring...troubles...)
Hal can you somehow regenerate my lost limb?
“Yes, but it is impossible right now. The energy level is too low.” Hal replied.
Guess we’ll have to do that later.
“ᚨᚱᛖ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᛏᛖᛚᛚᛜ᛫ᛗᛖ᛫ᚦᚨᛏ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᛞᛟᛗᛏ᛫ᛋᛈᛠᚲ᛫ᛒᛖᚲᚨᚢᛋᛖ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᚲᚨᚾᛏ᛭” She said.
(Are you telling me that you don't speak because you can't?)
I confirmed with a nod.
The man said and left the room
(I think I'm not needed here I'll be waiting in the kitchen after you are done with your charades.)
“ᚠᛟᚱᚷᛁᚡᛖ᛫ᛗᛃ᛫ᚺᚢᛋᛒᚨᚾᛞ᛫ᚠᛟᚱ᛫ᚺᛁᛋ᛫ᚢᚾᛋᛁᚷᚺᛏᛚᛃ᛫ᛒᛖᚺᚨᚡᛁᛟᚱ᛬ᛒᚢᛏ᛫ᚺᛖ᛫ᚺᚨᛋ᛫ᛒᛖᚲᚨᛗᛖ᛫ᛟᚡᛖᚱᛈᚱᛟᛏᛖᚲᛏᛁᚡᛖ᛫ᚨᚠᛏᛖᚱ᛫ᛟᚢᚱ᛫ᚠᛁᚱᛋᛏ᛫ᛞᚨᚢᚷᚺᛏᛖᚱ᛫ᚺᚨᛋ᛫ᛞᛠᛞ᛫ᚨᚾᛞ᛫ᚺᛖ᛫ᚦᛁᛜᚲᛋ᛫ᛟᚠ᛫ᛃᛟᚢᚱ᛫ᛞᛖᛗᛟᚾ᛫ᛒᛚᛟᛟᛞᛚᛁᚾᛖ᛫ᚨᛋ᛫ᚨ᛫ᚦᚱᛠᛏ᛫ᛏᛟ᛫ᛟᚢᚱ᛫ᚠᚨᛗᛁᛚᛃ᛫ᚹᛖᛚᛚ᛭ᛒᛖᛜ᛬” Said the woman.
(Forgive my husband for his unsightly behavior, but he has became overprotective after our first daughter has died and he thinks of your demon bloodline as a threat to our family well-being.)
What is she talking about? I’ll have to inquire her about this later, after my language skills are developed enough.
I tried to show her that I don’t mind her husband acting this way, but I didn’t know if she got the meaning of my inept gesturing.
“ᛁᛗ᛫ᚷᛚᚨᛞ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᛞᛟ᛫ᚾᛟᛏ᛫ᛗᛁᚾᛞ᛫ᚺᛁᛗ᛫ᚨᚲᛏᛜ᛫ᚦᛁᛋ᛫ᚹᚨᛃ᛬ᛒᛃ᛫ᚦᛖ᛫ᚹᚨᛃ᛫ᛁ᛫ᚨᛗ᛫ᛖᛗᛒᛖᚱ᛫ᚨᚾᛞ᛫ᛗᛃ᛫ᚺᚢᛋᛒᚨᚾᛞ᛫ᛁᛋ᛫ᚲᚨᛚᛚᛖᛞ᛫ᛁᚡᛟᚱ᛬ᚦᛖ᛫ᚷᛁᚱᛚ᛫ᚦᚨᛏ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᛋᚨᚹ᛫ᛠᚱᛚᛠᚱ᛫ᚹᚨᛋ᛫ᛟᚢᚱ᛫ᛋᛖᚲᛟᚾᛞ᛫ᛞᚨᚢᚷᚺᛏᛖᚱ᛫ᛗᛁᚱᚨᚾᛞᚨ᛬” She replied.
(I'm glad you do not mind him acting this way. By the way I am Ember and my husband is called Ivor. The girl that you saw earlier was our second daughter Miranda.)
“I’m Invidia” Because I still could not remember my name I told her my codename.
“ᚾᛁᚲᛖ᛫ᛏᛟ᛫ᛗᛖᛖᛏ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᛁᚾᚡᛁᛞᛁᚨ᛬ᛁᛏ᛫ᛋᛖᛖᛗᛋ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᚲᚨᚾ᛫ᛋᛈᛠᚲ᛫ᚨᚠᛏᛖᚱ᛫ᚨᛚᛚ᛬” She said.
(Nice to meet you Invidia, it seems you can speak after all.)
I shook my head in a response.
Damn. I forgot they think I can’t speak
“ᛁᛏᛋ᛫ᚠᛁᚾᛖ᛬ᛁ᛫ᚢᚾᛞᛖᚱᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᛞᛟᚾᛏ᛫ᛏᚱᚢᛋᛏ᛫ᚢᛋ᛫ᛃᛖᛏ᛬ᛒᚢᛏ᛫ᛁᛗ᛫ᛋᚢᚱᛖ᛫ᚨᚠᛏᛖᚱ᛫ᛋᛟᛗᛖ᛫ᛏᛁᛗᛖ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᚹᛁᛚᛚ᛫ᛋᛖᛖ᛫ᚦᚨᛏ᛫ᚹᛖ᛫ᚱᛠᛚᛚᛃ᛫ᛞᛟᚾᛏ᛫ᚺᚨᚡᛖ᛫ᚨᚾᛃ᛫ᚢᛚᛏᛖᚱᛁᛟᚱ᛫ᛗᛟᛏᛁᚡᛖᛋ᛬” Said Ember.
(It's fine. I understand you don't trust us yet, but I’m sure after some time you will see that we really don't have any ulterior motives.)
It’s not that I don’t speak because I don’t trust you. I just can’t speak this language properly.
“ᚨᚾᛃᚹᚨᛃ᛬ᚨᚱᛖ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᚺᚢᛜᚱᛃ᛭ᛞᛟ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᚹᚨᚾᛏ᛫ᛏᛟ᛫ᛠᛏ᛫ᛋᛟᛗᛖᚦᛜ᛭ᚹᛖᚡᛖ᛫ᚨᛚᚱᛠᛞᛃ᛫ᚺᚨᛞ᛫ᚨ᛫ᛞᛁᚾᚾᛖᚱ᛬ᛒᚢᛏ᛫ᚦᛖᚱᛖ᛫ᛁᛋ᛫ᛋᛏᛁᛚᛚ᛫ᛋᛟᛗᛖ᛫ᛚᛖᚠᛏ᛫ᚨᚾᛞ᛫ᛁᛏ᛫ᛋᚺᛟᚢᛚᛞ᛫ᛒᛖ᛫ᛋᛏᛁᛚᛚ᛫ᛋᛟᛗᛖᚹᚺᚨᛏ᛫ᚹᚨᚱᛗ᛬” She asked.
(Anyway, are you hungry? Do you want to eat something? We've already had a dinner, but there is still some left and it should be still somewhat warm.)
I answered with a nod.
“ᛞᛟ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᚹᛁᛋᚺ᛫ᛏᛟ᛫ᛠᛏ᛫ᚺᛖᚱᛖ᛫ᛟᚱ᛫ᛁᚾ᛫ᚦᛖ᛫ᚲᛁᛏᚷᛖᚾ᛭” She said.
(Do you wish to eat here or in the kitchen?)
I did want to get familiar with place where I have been transported to, so I got out of the bed. It was then when I noticed that I was wearing a different clothing than before I lost my consciousness.
“ᛞᛟᚾᛏ᛫ᚹᛟᚱᚱᛃ᛫ᚾᛟ᛫ᛟᚾᛖ᛫ᚺᚨᛋ᛫ᛏᛟᚢᚷᛖᛞ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᛟᚱ᛫ᛋᚢᛚᛚᛠᛞ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᛁᚾ᛫ᚨᚾᛃ᛫ᚹᚨᛃ᛬ᛁᛏ᛫ᚹᚨᛋ᛫ᛗᛖ᛫ᚹᚺᛟ᛫ᛞᚱᛖᛋᛋᛖᛞ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᛁᚾ᛫ᚦᛁᛋ᛫ᚱᛟᛒᛖ᛬ᛃᛟᚢᚱ᛫ᛟᚱᛁᚷᛁᚾᚨᛚ᛫ᚲᛚᛟᚦᛖᛋ᛫ᚹᛖᚱᛖ᛫ᛈᚱᛟᛒᚨᛒᛚᛃ᛫ᛒᚢᚱᚾᛏ᛫ᛏᛟ᛫ᚦᛖ᛫ᚨᛋᚺ᛬” She said after noticing my confusion.
(Don't worry no one has touched you or sullied you in any way. Your original clothes were in unsalvageable condition, so I dressed you in this nightgown.)
I showed her that I want to change my clothes with gestures. I think she understood, because she left the room. I stripped and then told Hal to create an outfit for me, because I didn’t want to stand out too much I told him to make it similar to Ember’s clothes. Because of low energy level the process took significantly longer than usual to finish. It actually ended just before Ember has entered the room.
(I brought you some of my clothes tha... How did you!? Ahh... so you are a mage, I should've guessed that earlier. Unlike humans every demon have high affinity with magic.)
I’m not sure what is she talking about, but I guess I’ll go with a flow, at least for now.
I did as I thought and nodded to confirm that I’m a mage.
“ᚦᛖᚱᛖᛋ᛫ᛃᚢᛋᛏ᛫ᛟᚾᛖ᛫ᚦᛜ᛫ᛁ᛫ᚺᚨᚡᛖ᛫ᛏᛟ᛫ᚨᛋᚲ᛫ᛟᚠ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛬ᚹᚺᚨᛏᛖᚡᛖᚱ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᛞᛟ᛬ᛞᛟᚾᛏ᛫ᛋᚺᛟᚹ᛫ᛃᛟᚢᚱ᛫ᛗᚨᚷᛁᚲ᛫ᛏᛟ᛫ᛗᛃ᛫ᚺᚢᛋᛒᚨᚾᛞ᛬ᛁᛏ᛫ᚹᛁᛚᛚ᛫ᛟᚾᛚᛃ᛫ᛗᚨᚲᛖ᛫ᚺᛁᛗ᛫ᛗᛟᚱᛖ᛫ᚾᛖᚱᚡᛟᚢᛋ᛫ᚨᚾᛞ᛫ᚹᚨᚱᛃ᛫ᛟᚠ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛬” She said.
(There's just one thing I have to ask of you. Whatever you do, don’t show your magic to my husband, it will only make him more nervous and wary of you.)
After I agreed to her request, she took me to the kitchen. It wasn’t very big room, but neither it was small. The walls were made of wood and stone, there was a small fireplace with a tripod that was probably used as a support for a cauldron that was standing next to it. In the center of the room there was a long wooden table with one bench and four stools around it. There were some wooden shelves with plates stored on them, In fact almost every furniture in the kitchen was completely made of wood.
Either this world is not as technologically advanced as the world I came from or I was transported to some sort of Amish village.
“ᚹᚺᛃ᛫ᛞᛟᚾᛏ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᛏᚨᚲᛖ᛫ᚨ᛫ᛋᛠᛏ᛫ᚱᛁᚷᚺᛏ᛫ᛟᚡᛖᚱ᛫ᚦᛖᚱᛖ᛫ᚨᚾᛞ᛫ᚹᚨᛁᛏ᛫ᚹᚺᛁᛚᛖ᛫ᛁ᛫ᛈᚱᛖᛈᚨᚱᛖ᛫ᛃᛟᚢ᛫ᛋᛟᛗᛖᚦᛜ᛫ᛏᛟ᛫ᛠᛏ᛭” Ember said and started preparing the food.
(Why don't you take a seat right over there and wait while I prepare you something to eat?)
“Language learning 47% complete.” Hal informed me..
I sat on a bench and proceeded to wait. It didn’t take her much time to prepare a dish for me, because as she said earlier it was already cooked, so all she had to do was to put food on a plate.
What she has served was a fish in some sort of a sauce, when I tasted it turned out to be sweet and sour. Although it was a simple dish it was so delicious that I subconsciously made a satisfied expression, this caused Ember to beam with joy that her dish was approved.
While I was eating Ivor came into the kitchen.
“ᛞᚢ᛫ᛃᚢ᛫ᚻᚫᚡ᛫ᚣ᛫ᛗᛁᚾᚣᛏ᛭” He asked.
(Do you have a minute?)
“ᚳᚢᚱ᛫ᚹᚣᛏ᛫ᛖᛋ᛫ᚧᚣ᛫ᛗᚫᛏᚣᚱ᛭” She said and left the room with Ivor.
(Sure, what's the matter?)
After I finished eating it turned out that I overestimated energy value of the food, It didn’t even give me one percent of energy. I’d have to consume at least 100 times more to gain this one percent.
Hal, how is that efficient?
“We can absorb most of the matter that is capable of generating energy, the matter that you have just absorbed was not efficient enough.” Hal explained.
Then give me an example of efficient food.
“Petrol” Hal answered.
Petrol is not a food and certainly isn’t edible!
“According to our calculations you can consume petrol without any major issues.” Said Hal.
Ehh whatever. I’ll just have to find a decent power source It shouldn’t be so hard..
Note: This is the last chapter where I used runes for spoken language.
You may be wondering why is she so calm about being transported to another world, but don’t worry it will be all explained sooner or later.
Currently 100% of energy is equivalent to the total energy released in the nuclear fission of five grams of uranium-235
Prepare yourselves, from now one chapters will be twice as long.
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