《Neo Cosmos》Chapter 11 - Rot Disease
Author's Note: Sorry that this chapter took so long. Since it's my final year in college, things are busy and exams start tomorrow. I need to create more detailed character lists, surrounding,etc. The next chapter will be after this wednesday when my exam ends. It takes a while for me take reference of many things and if my internet isnt working then it wont be possible. Thank you for reading Neo Cosmos :)
here's the Author's jokes when he writes the chapter during night,
Author: Damn it, just die already......
Mosquitoes: sie sind das essen und wie sind jäger
Author: *kills his friends while showing a content face, kills main one while slowly pulling off the wings of the mosquitoe and then goes to sleep after finishing the chapter*
Rot Disease
It’s a message, from a different timeline but…….
Save her from what exactly?
I gaze at the message which appeared in my mind. Did myself from a different timeline send this in a hurry or was something interfering with the skill? The first guess couldn’t be right, since he’ll have ample time to do it using [ Chamber ].
Or is there a character limit on the use of [ Message ]?
I’ll just check [Status]. There doesn’t seem to any update about the ability. Let me check the previous message again. I focus on the message appeared in my mind, it seems more information is showing up as I do.
Hmm…. It’s likely that when a message appears, it only shows a part of it and I have to expand the hidden message. Why does this skill make this part harder to use?
Huh?! The information is growing……..
Ah…. So that’s why, when there’s too much which can’t be completely displayed in my mind, I suppose the ability reduces at the start and I can gain more information as I read it. For now, let’s see the whole message…
Please, save Olivia no matter what. Please I beg you. I don’t know if the person who’s receiving this message is me from another timeline or not. But I’ve got no other choice; I couldn’t save her in mine. I don’t have a means to confirm if this ability works or not. But please listen, if you’ve got this ability from the point of origin then there’s not much time. Olivia will die on the night of your second birthday. No matter how much I did, I couldn’t save her that time. I lived a few more years so I could understand what had happened to her at the time.
It was painful, living such a life.
Olivia gets infected by the Rot disease probably around 10 days earlier to your birthday. Even though I received a similar message during my timeline, all I did was observe what she ate and where she was a whole month. There was no change other than when she had gone out a few times. I tried checking if she had any wound openings which could’ve caused the infection. But none, no matter how much I checked I couldn’t find how she became victim to it.
So, I tried to gain as much information on the Rot Disease after leaving the village at 8 years old. Dari and Sara tried to stop me, but I couldn’t stay there, not where she died without living till the promised date when I would set off. After that, I didn’t return to the village, not until I had found some way to help.
I traveled to the City of Veda, to search for a cure to the Rot Disease; I tried finding anything I could from the grand library there. But nothing, all the records only said about rareness of the disease and how there had been no cure up till now. I was out of ideas, I tried searching as much as I could on how it could be treated, but it seems at best one could only prolong the life of the person using healing magic.
There exists no technology currently which could even analyze a similar case. During when she was alive I kept observing her as much as possible using [ Mana Sight] but I couldn't find any changes even when her symptoms kept becoming worse and worse.
Phew…….that was a lot. I looked at my [ Status ] confirming my age. It showed 1 year 8 months 10 days. So 10 days from now, she’ll be infected by the disease. I’m not much of a doctor, but even I know how basic infections get carried out. It seems the me from that time had already done the basic analysis, would that mean any infection or disease is different in this world? Even though the human structure is roughly the same, there is a large difference on how microorganisms act in this world.
There’s still more information from the message, but I need to summarize it so I can handle the situation differently from the one who failed. He had the resolve to change the past, such that he spent his entire life time only researching it save her. I don’t know if I could also do something like that, since I don’t understand his feelings yet, because his timeline may greatly differ from mine. But he also got a message from someone else and yet he failed. I can’t afford to fail, if I did then no matter how many years I live, they’ll be for naught and only as helpful as a guide to another Orian.
I brace myself to understand more what the possible future had sent me.
Here’s the information on what I gathered on the Rot Disease, it seems to be incredibly rare such that there have been cases only every 50 or 100 years so. The victim is infected 10 days before when they actually die. The symptoms for it start showing from the third day, so they estimated the infection had occurred prior to it during the incubation period. I initially thought that maybe they were infected years earlier, but it seems there was a special case with the rot.
There was an entire royal family who had once died because of it, yet they died at different periods. The disease shouldn’t actually be able to spread, so many thought it was somehow hereditary in the family. So they tried to cure the family in some way or the other. They tried all the medicinal plant within the continent and even from the desert, but no cure was found. The members of the family had started showing symptoms each at later stages of their life and it was the same for previous cases as well. Why they decided the infection would take place only 10 days prior to the death was due to the fact there was a large time gap when the symptoms began to show. One had died at the age of 33 while another 44 and the members of the royal family had deaths even at 4 and 9 years old. Some of them didn’t even have the chance to get infected, being far away from where the infection took place and yet they died. But those not of the royal family which stayed with the infected for a long time never got infected at all and lived long lives. Because of the way the rot acted, no one had immunity over it either.
No matter what, the reason it occurred was never found and even with all the possible methods there had been no cure. I assumed the medicinal plants to be used in creating drugs to cure, so this method wouldn’t work. I couldn’t access the unknown lands to search for other plants and even if I could I know you wouldn’t be able to save her using that method. Since travelling to the lands seldom takes years.
The symptoms vary a little from individuals but they mostly stay the same during the further stages. They get worse as the days pass by. It seems there wasn’t a case where a monster was affected by the rot. The only ones who became victims were humans in the end.
During the 3rd day of infection, the body becomes pale and the victim starts to lose stamina and appetite. Olivia rarely ate and also refused water as the days went by. On the 6th day she started coughing blood out, her skin became paler, she looked dead. On the 8th day her breathing had become worse and her eyes were bloodshot, her body had shrunk, the skin had dried out. She grasped for whatever life she had left on the night of when I turned 2 years old and apologized to me. It was a painful set of 10 days for me.
The rot had taken her internal organs and had affected her to that level in only a short time. I don’t know at what point this message has reached you, but after so many years this is all I could do. Even I thought of abandoning this at some point, but I had to try. I’m really useless, I couldn’t do much and I almost forgot about her. I’m sending this message now, because even I am at the end of my life. If only I made the right choices, I probably would’ve found the solution at a later point. So my advice to you is, even if you couldn’t save her, please be patient and try to slowly figure things out so things could be changed.
Looks like the future didn’t change and Olivia died, so the one who sent me the message didn’t lose his timeline. It doesn’t matter to me at this point though. I passed you all the information my time could gather. I hoped that the friends I made in my timeline could live. So I took my time to send it you, I know I’m a terrible person. I can’t accept someone’s death or even be ready to sacrifice the time others lived for it. I hope you won’t die the same way I did. I’m using [ Chamber ] so I’m prolonging my living for a little bit more time, it feels like the last moments in my life are ending this way.
This is my last gift to you which I learned pursuing the cure to the disease. Forgive me, but I don’t have anything else useful.
Ah…. This man, even though he is me, I can’t really help but feel sympathy. Or would it be empathy in this case?
Even if we want to save someone from the past, can we sacrifice other’s happiness for it? Won’t some person be living the happiest time of their life in that timeline and because I’m changing it, they lose it in this one? But….I can’t and I won’t let Olivia die for it. I don’t know how I died in that timeline but I was halfhearted at some points. I resolved to continue what I had set to do.
I read the last part which explained on using magic for healing, to which he had found a method to use without using magic chants. He described that all magic needed chants or devices or transformation circles to use, but you could use it in another similar method. Maybe he found this technique because he could use [ Mana Sight] or probably a monster could use it or mostly because he couldn’t teach me [ Magic Language ] which was needed for chants or the transformation circles using only the message. Either way if I manipulated my mana with the desire to repair or restore their body to how it was I could use [ Healing Magic ].
I made a small cut on my fingers and used the techniques he had described. The mana which attached itself to the wound began restoring it, but the blood I lost probably wouldn’t have returned. After applying various other techniques he had tried out, I was able to advance my [ Healing Magic ] to a high level.
Healing Magic Learned
Healing Magic improved to +1
Healing Magic improved to +2
Healing Magic improved to +3
Healing Magic improved to +4
The fourth level of advanced healing. Mana is used to restore even internally damaged organs at the expenditure of high amount of Mana. The healing is fast enough to recover even vital wounds on the battlefield.
Although I haven’t understood why [ Status ] describes skills in that manner, I can understand that [ Healing Magic ] consumes a lot of mana and rate of recovery is incredible. It’s almost as though no wound was ever there. The first level only closed the wound and the second level just closed it much faster while removing the cut mark a little, but the fourth level was remarkable.
I’ll have to study his methods again and see if I can find another way to save her. If not maybe, I can prolong her life until I find the cure. But he had already rebutted this, since that method had not worked and the most someone survived was only five extra days.
----------Ten Days Later--------
I had halted my training from the time I received the message. I didn’t go out into the forest considering that maybe I carried the pathogen. I requested Sara and Guez to also not venture there, at least not until 10 more days. They agreed, I assume they thought I was trying to avoid the Cerberus situation. Luckily Dari didn’t need to go to the city. Not when his cute son is requesting it.
From the time I had received the message, I couldn’t sleep well and have been constantly observing Olivia. Although my mental state will worsen if this continues and I don’t know how clear my thinking will be, the thought of losing her doesn’t allow me to have any peace.
---------Day 1------------
Everyday it’s been the same, I constantly use [ Mana Sight ] trying to observe any changes. The same what he had already done, I just repeat it. I know that I won’t get anywhere if I keep going like this, but I haven’t really got any other ideas.
It’s the same, her condition doesn’t change and neither does the mana around her or within her. It’s almost like the message I received was nothing but a lie. But this was already predicted by him, that would mean in two days time the first symptom can be spotted.
“ Are you alright, Mother?”(Orian)
“Yes, quite. Why do you ask, Orian?”(Olivia)
“No……No reason”(Orian)
I wonder if she suspects me for asking that. If the infection has already occurred today and I can’t see anything out of the ordinary changing, then what am I supposed to do?
-------Day 2--------
I’m sure the others are restless seeing me behave this way, but I can’t exactly tell them about this. I ask Dari, if he knew anything about the Rot Disease. He knew about it, he readily replied that, there had been no cure to the disease and showed me what little information he had from a book. He gives me the book. I try to gain a better understanding than simply what the message had sent.
I read the book from start to end, everything is the same as he had described but not so much in detail. It just gave what were the usual symptoms, the survival rate of the victim and that it also had a name called the ’Ten day death.’
Ah… there seems to be a brief history regarding it. It’s weird though. Usually most writers begin with the history and then end with talking about the finer details, so why is that method reversed here? A lot of things are subject to change than what common sense I normally have.
‘ The Rot Disease was first discovered in humans who had settled in the northern regions of the Carthos Continent, roughly around the 512th year of Light. The Dogra tribe was the first to be infected, having around 30 victims. As no cure was established, any and all who were infected were either banished or buried before it could spread. But few decades later, the entire tribe followed and the land in which they were based had been prohibited from entry. The Disease was believed to have died off along with the Dogra, until another case emerged on the year 720.
During the third holy war, the disease had reemerged in the Kingdom of Ylvetal. A prominent researcher in the field of medicine, Thevanus diagnosed the third prince who was said to be infected. Thevanus was the first who had concluded that the disease never spread to others, as the servants, himself and rest of the royal family did not get infected in the least. But the rotting could not be stopped and the blame had fallen onto Thevanus, as a fraud who could not cure the prince. He was beheaded but his research safely reached the vaults of the library in the city of Veda. As per his findings, only the third prince had succumbed and the disease once again seemed to have gone extinct.
A similar case occurred during the 1156th year of light, to the Royal family of Niveam which ruled the local regions near the capital, in the Trnokina Empire. All the members of the Royal Family died, this incident has been recorded as ‘ Blue Blood rotting’ incident.’
The history record ends there……
Did me from that time, go to the Grand Library after reading this? The final case…. Not much information was available on that one. Maybe that was the same family he was talking about.
Well he did mention it as the most recent case. Considering that this is the 1270th year of light. But still, its occurring was more than a 100 years ago. No wonder he never got much information going there.
I returned the book, since there wasn’t anything more it could provide me. I was tired, mentally as I had been contemplating on this matter for hours. I still didn’t have a lead to go on. If I take more time, then the faster her organs will begin to rot. I’ll have to assume that, in the case I couldn’t save her within four days before my birthday. She would have no extra time after that, even if a cure was possible. Internal injuries don’t recover easily and I haven’t tested [ Healing Magic ] if it can heal someone up to that point.
But still…..the book mentioned the tribe had over 30 people who were infected. That’s a high victim rate compared to the later ones. Considering that they compared the most common symptoms, I don’t think the disease at that time and this one would be different ones. If only, there was more information, then probably the others from a different time could’ve probably created a cure.
After checking everything I could, I tried to rest so I could regain my composure. I finished having dinner and headed to sleep.
……what was that sound? I turn back and Olivia had fallen to the ground. Dari rushed to her, he was panicking. He tried asking what was wrong, but she had fainted.
“Father, get mother to a bed.”(Orian)
Everyone had a worried look, Sara was cooling her down using a wet towel. I checked her temperature, her skin felt like it was burning and her breathing seemed rough. She was suffering from a fever.
I thought the symptoms would show tomorrow……wait, when he meant she became pale……. That must be because the fever had her, run out of energy by the morning. So she would be freed from the fever by morning, but she wouldn’t eat anything tomorrow, since she would probably feel the loss of appetite.
This is bad, the scenario is going like he had described it and I still don’t know what should be done.
-------Day 3--------
It’s already morning, huh? *yawn*
I feel tired, I did have a all-nighter after all. I was awake the whole night, Sara was changing the cloth on Olivia’s forehead and Dari gave her some medicine to reduce the fever. For me, I didn’t help out much since they were doing most of the work. They insisted me to go to bed, but even if I did the thoughts on my brain wouldn’t disappear.
I looked over her, but in the morning I felt like she had changed. Her skin was losing its color little by little. If she hadn’t been awake and started slowly moving, I would’ve thought she was already dead. I used [ Mana Sight ], but I couldn’t see much change in her mana, except the density seemed to have reduced a little.
Damn it…….did I miss anything? The message…..the records…..all of them simply keep pointing out that there’s no cure. Can I save her? What should I do?
All I could do was check on her, just like him……….
No, don’t give up. It’s not right. I still haven’t tried anything different from all the possibilities available to me. Think…….maybe they’re wrong? Maybe the rot isn’t a disease, at least not in this world. But……everything in this world maybe different but the underlying basic principles coincides with the previous one. The rot may have some connection to something in the previous world. If I could make a connection…….
Think……think…….was there a similar case like this in the previous world? I may not be a doctor, but there should be something that I can find to relate to this incident.
……now that I understand its behavior…..yes……….there was something like this in the old world. No, if I think about it clearly, even the history for it is also similar too.
But how should I handle such a case in this world? There aren’t any devices or the suitable technology to attempt such a solution.
I almost forget, every single time, this world is made of [ Mana ]. Every human, monster, plant, light, gravity and everything around us, it’s all completely mana. If I can clear the first stage, then I can do it.
I can save her.
-----------Day 5------------
Ah……a day went by already. If I remember right, she’ll start coughing blood tomorrow. It’s probably due to the complete rotting of a internal organ, probably the stomach.
She didn’t have any food, she refused to drink water and I can see some wrinkles on her hands, as though her muscles are slowly falling apart. I can’t watch her be like this anymore. Dari left already to call for a doctor, he probably guessed that this could be the rot, but he didn’t want to admit until he confirmed from an actual one. I wonder what the doctors of this world are like. Do they also have bad handwriting?
Sara was trying to feed her, but at the end failed. Olivia’s eyes, they had the same look. I remember seeing that face on people in my previous life, the feeling that they had, they knew already they were going to die. But not this time, I’m not going to lose her over something as pathetic as this. I won’t make the same mistake, like he did. Our kind which suffered the same from something this for a long time, finally made their way to advancement, it’s that knowledge which shouldn’t be lost.
I trained and tried two days for this, I rested enough so I could think straight. I didn’t think it was possible, but I was able to confirm with [ Status ]. I opened [ Status ] to ready the skill that I was finally able to attain. Although it felt really simple once I got it, I didn’t think it was such a case when I strived through my mind thinking of various methods and establishing a pattern to how skills were linked.
Mana Sight +5
The eyes of power, capable of staring in to the deepest layers of mana, sight which can show even its building blocks. The core of all living beings is visible to the beholder of the Fifth level of Mana Sight.
It certainly wasn’t easy, I used what time I had left to learn about this ability. I had to understand the pattern of how these skills exactly worked. By burning the desire to see even the most miniscule of what [ Mana ] holds on to my mind, I trained. I made use of [ Backtrack ] repeatedly and took some time slowly replenish my mana. After a few tries and by relentlessly observing the finer details of edges I was able to grasp the Fourth level, but that still wasn’t enough to accomplish what I need to do.
I think I used [ Backtrack ] about 52 times to be exact after that. It was constant practice to try various methods. Once I simply tried to keep sending more mana into my eyes and kept building up focus. In 52 times, everything became dark in about 14 tries. I think I lost my eye sight, by overloading it with too much mana. If I didn’t have [ Gift of Time ], I probably would have become blind. I wondered if blindness could be healed, but I tried so with [ Backtrack ] and my healing didn’t work.
Maybe it was because the optic nerves would get damaged and which in turn I couldn’t send my mana there to even heal it. or probably I would need a higher level healing. But I still haven’t much idea about healing, since I only learned so little from the message. I would have to experiment with it.
I was finally able to obtain the Fifth level, by slowly and carefully sending mana in minute amounts in to the cones. The cones which are used to distinguish the colors which we observe, I had to contract the pupils in a certain angle while doing this. It was said that human fingers could feel small objects to the size of nanometers, but couldn’t that also mean it would be able to easily observe if our eyes had enough strength.
It was at the end, when I checked my [ Status ] that I had finally obtained it. But I fainted after depleting my mana yesterday, so today I’m wide awake to finish the rest of my objective.
Anything and everything in this world is made of Mana. So is the organism that’s been killing her all this time. Damaging, trying to grow, leeching off its host, the rot virus that’s been hurting Olivia. I could finally see it now.
Up till now, any and every bit of mana I’ve seen with my eyes was always a shade of blue in color, either dark or light. The cores of monsters varied, most were same as the surroundings, but the Cerberus had a tinge of black to it. The mana from Olivia which was always blue until now, had small red spots moving around in her body.
I had checked Sara, Guez who had visited as well as myself. There were no red spots of mana swirling around in our bodies, like Olivia’s. So I arrived at a conclusion, that it was the rot virus which had multiplied over the course of time. Luckily they were all visible and limited. Perhaps the virus took more time replicate itself. Although I say limited, they weren’t an easy count and were above 50 in general.
Fortunately, they weren’t moving around the whole body and had segregated at stomach and intestinal regions. [ Mana Sight ] allowed me only to see minute existing mana, but didn’t show me what they themselves looked like. I don’t know what the body is made of, but it simply contains mana, so for anything to be classified as living, it should have mana and it should be moving.
Then the rot virus is a living being or better I’d rather call it a monster. But now how can I kill it? I can’t use any weapon, I hardly know much about any of the other magic. The ones I have currently won’t be of much use.
The first stage of my plan was to confirm the existence of the virus. The Second stage would be to find a way to attack it. I could try to learn how to use [ Fire Magic ] but I don’t think I could use that to kill it. I would need a weapon which is at the size of the virus to kill or weaken it.
Hmm….. could I use mana itself?
Thinking about it, it was because of [ Mana Sight ] that I was able learn most of my skills. So shouldn’t I be able to do more with such an advanced one? I had a similar thought while I was planning the second stage yesterday. By using the least amount of mana, while giving it shape for the right use was now possible by me.
I was short on time, although he said she won’t die until a few days, that wouldn’t mean one could save her within said time. That would be lesser. With this thought in mind, even being as careless as to exhaust all my mana, I advanced the first stage by the fifth day. And now I had to try implementing the second.
I molded mana onto my fingertips, creating a thin line which was protruding from my nails. I adjusted the size of the line slowly and carefully. Thinning the line repeatedly again and again, its size should be as small as the virus or even smaller. It was a careful and delicate practice. But finally, it was done.
The creation of the Mana Needle was complete.
In truth though, it wasn’t a needle rather something much thinner. I was holding it in a solidified position. It was incredibly hard to maintain it, with the needle protruding from only finger. It would be inefficient to kill all the viruses one by one which currently inhabited her body.
Although it became harder to maintain, I tried copying the same action to the rest of the fingers in my right hand.
I used [ Backtrack ] to quickly master it.
After 20 trials, it was possible to create and maintain the mana needles at three fingers namely the index, middle and ring finger. This was the limit. After 30 more trials, it became apparent that it was impossible after this.
Finally, stage two was also complete.
I checked my [ Status ] as it was giving off that nagging feeling and also I wanted to see if I had enough [ Mana ] to attempt the final stage of my plan right now.
Mana Mastery improved to +2
Mana Mastery improved to +3
Mana Mastery improved to +4
Mana Mastery improved to +5
The conscious mind capable of freely controlling mana to abuse it, in any way desired. The Fifth level of Mana Mastery allows the user to grasp the underlying mana to the highest level.
Ah…. So that would mean, I can lessen high usage of mana on my skills. Thanks to this, I can conserve more mana to when I absolutely need it. [ Weapon Create ] didn’t improve though. Is it because whatever is made from mana must be solidified for it to be called a weapon? Speaking of which the claws which solidified were much easier to maintain, in fact I didn’t even need to concentrate on them compared to now.
I suppose comparing the claws to the needle wouldn’t be right. Since I checked my mana, it looks like I still have more than half of it. I’ll attempt the final stage now.
It’s almost night, the light is slowly fading. There were only three people currently in the house right now. Dari hadn’t returned yet and Guez had gone to check on the security on the walls. Olivia was sleeping and seemed liked a corpse which was kept lying on the bed. She was still breathing. This really makes me nauseous.
Sara had completed all the tasks Olivia normally did. Cleaning the house, washing the clothes and preparing dinner……now she sat here with me watching over Olivia.
“Sister, please forgive me for what I’m about to do.”(Orian)
Sara who couldn’t stand anymore, fell asleep. I had laced her food with the Sleeping agent during dinner. It was a small dose, so the effects took some time.
I leave Sara in her room, her dark circled eyes were visible to me every day. I put her to sleep so that there were no distractions for me to attempt the final stage. I needed all the focus I could gather for this.
I ready [ Mana Sight ] and head to where Olivia was currently resting. I pour mana into to my right hand and create three needles. The red spots are moving fast at the present areas. I time myself using [ Backtrack ] so I make no mistakes.
It was a single moment, and I was able to neutralize one of them. Once they were pierced, I had slowly pour my mana into the pierced spot to completely dissipate it. If I destroy the core, then it’s easy to finish them off. I can see Olivia showing signs of pain. The needle no matter how small, does give a piercing sensation.
I use [ Healing Magic ] to close the location I had wounded on the body. I retrace my steps and again mark at another red spot. I destroy the core the same way. I wonder if humans can also die like this, in case if I destroy their cores which are much larger.
I don’t know how long it took, but I was able clear away most of them. There are only 4 more spots left. Olivia is still breathing albeit faintly. For some reason, the spots are moving faster and are trying to enter other locations which they weren’t part of.
Is it their defense mechanism? They must be trying to replicate again.
I get the mana needles ready. Only ten percent of mana is still left. I time carefully using [ Backtrack ] as much as I can and pierce it at the moment they enter the right area.
One more left….but……… why is it moving near the heart?
Damn it, is it trying to rot the only organ which keeps humans alive? Is this virus that intelligent enough to know when it’s dying? Is that why there wasn’t a cure? It was adapting constantly to changing environments.
The one thing it couldn’t do was spread easily. Perhaps it would die if in the outside environment. It did have a major weakness, but there wasn’t anything to force it out. But why is it attacking itself to the heart? I have to be careful not to pierce the heart, else Olivia may die not because of the rot but because of me.
I don’t know if [ Healing Magic ] can even close the internal wounds, but it’s been working so far. I can’t help but hesitate when I don’t know what my actions will result in. I don’t want to use [ Message ] if I can. I want to make the changes in my own timeline not erase my life and depend on another.
The needle landed on the virus, and I used the other needles to inhibit its movement. Sending my mana from all three ends, I was able to quickly dissipate it.
Phew…….none, no more of the virus is left. Although Olivia may simply get infected in the future or probably some are still left incubating within her. This was what I had been aiming for. To weaken the virus, so it wouldn’t cause any more damage. To prolong Olivia’s life, so her body could obtain immunity using what was left of the virus with its dead nucleus.
There was a method called inoculation, this method was created specifically against such diseases. There were numerous ones in the old world, but one of the most dangerous ones was the ‘Poliovirus’. If I had to compare it to the rot, I think the rot was much better since it would kill of its victim. But the Poliovirus simply left its victims crippled with almost no chance of recovery in most other than using artificial method. Just like the rot, it didn’t have a cure. There was never one for it, so instead of a cure, a method to prevent it was made.
The Poliovirus had infected various planets, fortunately because we found ancient records on it prevention and since there were many humans who were immune to it from their ancestors, a solution was easily found. I thought it didn’t matter at that time, but the ones who found the method of Inoculation, they have my respect.
I could understand now, when they meant ‘Prevention was better than any cure’. Now all I could do was heal her body completely and hope Olivia is able to obtain immunity over the rot.
Just as I’m healing her, I feel a strong headache passing over me. It’s the same as the first time I obtained the [ Message ] skill. I feel tired. Before I faint, I use [ Healing Magic ] on Olivia with all the mana I have left and fall down to the ground awaiting the darkness encroaching my mind.
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8 210 - In Serial7 Chapters
A Slip Of The Force
During the New Sith Wars, The Black Sun, worried about their business goes about investing large resources into a project they dubbed Harbinger; to act as the safe guard against the Jedi, Sith and other syndicates that would be intent on removing them from power, if the opportunity shows itself. As such they created a one of kind killing machine, made up of some of the most dangerous races in the known galaxy. But due to unknown sabotage their plans are ruined and their organisation set back centuries in the many plans. Follow this entity on it's journey through the galaxy, as it stumbles upon one mess after another and tries to find its purpose in this vast galaxy. This is my own little star wars fantasy and wish fulfilment so don't come expecting overly complex plots and fully fleshed out galaxy. Hopefully I will be able to make this fun. Also I won't be decribing the species often, so you're going to have to look them up yourself. There are just too many to constantly be describing them beyond their garb.
8 179 - In Serial7 Chapters
The Demon Lord Among Heroes
Shin is surrounded by friends and is cared by many, but he feels cold and empty. He considered nobody as true friend. Except there was one, but it broke him. Ever since the tragedy, Shin's heart became even colder. However one morning when he opened his eyes, he was greeted by a foreign scene. A king, a princess and priest-like people surrounded him and three other classmates of his. They were told three things:1) This is a world of fantasy with unlimited opportunities2) Currently, human kind is threatened by the advances of the demon-kind and the revival of the Demon Lord3) They are summoned as heroes to save humanityThe other three were expected to be heroes in this world. However, Shin was slightly different.
8 191 - In Serial11 Chapters
10 reasons to live
This book is short. and this is for the ones who felt as if giving up on the thing they should always treasure Life.
8 166 - In Serial15 Chapters
It All Started With A Proposal
"I dare you," He said to me with determination in his eyes."I dare you to accept my proposal. If you do then I will make you the happiest women on earth.""What happens if I don't?" I challenged him.Who does he think he is just popping back into my life whenever he wants? It's been two years since we've last spoken! And now he's asking for my hand in marriage!? "You will because I'm Adam Mathews and you're Zamzam Amin. The girl who got the airhead jock to change his ways.""Deal?"I thought for a moment. I loved him once and the only thing keeping us apart was that he needed to figure himself out and now he has! He also showed up in front of my dad and asked for my hand."Maybe."I then got up and walked away. It won't that easy to win me back, play boy.Two years had gone by since Zamzam and Adam had last spoken. They're both different people now, Zamzam is now a Freshman in college while Adam just got back from traveling the world. Now that Adam's come back he's ready to ask for Zamzam's hand in marriage. Will Zamzam accept? Will she forgive him for being gone so long? Or will the time they've spent apart get between them? Find out![cover by @Tammzz]#QURUXNATION
8 192 - In Serial53 Chapters
Mr. Perfectly Fine ⚊ Enhypen Sunghoon Text AU [ #5 ]
"Hello, who is this?""I want a girlfriend that is perfectly fine and gorgeous as me""....""Well, as far as I can remember this is not a love hotline"".....""And as far as I also can remember, this is a hotline for Baskin Robbins, an ice cream shop, not for fucking boys who can't keep their hormones to themselves"☏ ⚊ ☏In which a famous idol grew jealous of his friends' love lives and tried to see his own luck by calling the first number their maknae had given to him.The girl who answered just came from a terrible break up and scared him at her never ending bitterness to the world and beyond.And this is the story for Ms. Miserable who may learn to say goodbye at Mr. Change of Heart with the arrival of Mr. Perfectly Fine in her life.
8 154