《Neo Cosmos》Prologue - The Final Battle?



From the time , the universe had begun and was expanding relentlessly which caused the creation and destruction of all life. Currently , A Battle continued between two entities on a desolate place but the area would bewilder normal people as the current plane had almost nothing to it. If one were to answer how the place looked , it would be nothing but pure white where one wouldn’t know where one stood or where one went. Yet there were two people who in such a place on opposite sides cautiously staring at the other.

On one side stood a 7 foot giant , wearing a armor which would for an onlooker feel like it would easily blend to the area and camouflage its wearer. The giant gave a command while observing his opponent and armor turned to a black grayish color. He was holding a weapon which looked like a pole and the armor had various slots for different weapons to be placed such as projectiles.

“So its finally over, huh? ……” said the giant as he stared at slightly feminine looking opponent. On the other side , a frail looking boy sat on a throne like structure staring at the giant with empty eyes. A sword was pierced directly at the centre of the boy and the throne seemed destroyed. There were multiple bruises on his delicate body but he still moved while staring at the giant. Finally he let out a smile of defeat , he started to cough blood but barely managed to speak .

“Well done ……you’ve defeated who controlled this world’s balance for a long time ……in any case its ending for us anyway ,…...Terion.”

The giant sighed but didn’t lessen the grip on his weapon and spoke “ I’ve done what I needed to do and it looks like you can’t do as you please anymore , let fate take its place “.

The boy smiled and with an exhausted breath said ,”You can least call me a god now , I’ve lost to someone who has no future goals to save anything. Are you sure you want to let things carry on like this , Terion?”

“ ……”

Terion looked at the being called god with a straight face , if one saw him one would think he was devoid of most emotions.

“ It is as you already said , this universe is ending. The universe which was born countless eons and was always expanding through nothingness is now destroying itself and now contracting. No civilization could stop it , even you who has been watching over it ever since you were born along with it cannot stop it. The universe created countless galaxies and within them were solar systems and life existed and died on planets. Moreover , weren’t you only trying to save yourself in the end?” (Terion)

“………….” , the god stayed silent has he gazed over Terion.

The God couldn’t stop the end of the universe which was already foretold by time , at which point even he himself was to die. The God was more or less a single entity rather than a species which could manipulate space and the strands of time to watch over the growing universe , the universe itself was the one which provided the power to him to do so. But now that it is ending , even his own power cannot stand to stop its destruction.

Terion continued ,” You were planning to somehow escape by using whatever power left within your grasp and so you could easily live in the world which would be created after this…..”


The God smiled ,” Wasn’t it because of me that many races and civilizations flourished ? Wouldn’t it be better if I led the next one as well?”

Terion looked infuriated , but calmed down slowly and said , “ You controlled the lives of people however you wanted according to your desires , many fell after you felt that any such civilization would get powerful and reach you. Even my predecessors , the humankind which strived after escaping their dying home for many millennia would’ve come to your level , but you saw that and ended them. At the end you were afraid , though I did not come here to avenge my ancestors as only half their blood flows within me. I did succeed in making sure you take responsibility and end like all who were born in this universe.”

The God looked at Terion with a blank face ,” ……haha…….. ahhhhh….Not bad….. even being what you are ….though I shouldn’t call you as a completely living person …..I suppose I am to accept you as a person who defeated me …..

Only you can take the decisions to what happens now , yet it seems you only made sure the next world which will be created after ours end will not have any interference from this one….perhaps what you have decided is right.”

Terion looked shocked but the God continued, ”……Its time , even I don’t have any power left to heal myself. Defeated here by a mixed race who evolved through many levels ……yes , I can accept it. Since I am useless to this dying universe , I suppose you can have this…..”

Saying that the God began to glow and from the eyes of god a small ball of light exited and striked Terion at an amazing speed. Terion hastened his grip and looked at the God , but what hit him didn’t cause any pain so he simply observed.

While breathing slowly the god said , “…….Take it …….It is my greatest power to manipulate space and time ……..this place where we stand………it’s the center of the universe when it was first born and began expanding ………my small room which connects to space and time ……with your remaining life you can perhaps go to the past and relive what’s left of it in happiness……but let me warn you , no matter how you change the past , no matter how powerful a civilization would become the end of the universe cannot be stopped…….. with your body and your existence I suppose you can use my power”.

Terion had a face of bewilderment and simply asked, “……why?”

The God replied, “ It’s simply a toy I had for a long time. Maybe you can do something with it …..It’s the last part of this universe anyway. Although it really doesn’t take much energy to use its simplest functions , so at best you can travel once to any point in the past without straining yourself ……consider this as a reward for defeating me …………yeah …..its …..fading….now”.

Terion listened to the God’s final words and saw him glowing and slowly disintegrating into small particles of light. The God’s power had ceased and Terion finally relaxed.

He searched the white room and found a reflection and said “ah….the portal’s here….but “ . The reflection or a mirror without edges was the door through which he had entered into this realm from another planet . Although he wanted to return , he hesitated thinking that world might’ve already fell due to the chaos and destruction which was nearing.


After deciding not to go back , he simply searched the room for anything worthwhile to garner his attention. He was able to find a building , but it seemed odd since all the surroundings were white and one could not figure which top or bottom. But he was able to enter by simply walking towards the building’s entrance.

After entering it , he found many rooms filled with data crystals which were similar to books but contained information of enormous depth and magnitude. The various planets which Terion already visited had a particular race which used such crystals and since he himself had learnt to use them , he activated some of them. He searched through various data crystals , but became interested after reading a title of them which stated ‘The Coming World’.

It was information of the next world which would be created next , Terion questioned in belief to how the God had obtained this information as there would be no time existing between the end of the current and creation of the next. He slowly read it and it detailed in the form of an author’s preface (author being god) that he had created a small time strand between the end and start , had finally gotten this information but to create that one time strand he had exhausted the energy enough to hasten the end by 100,000 years.

Terion was perplexed at how little the God had thought about the consequences. But he simply didn’t care for it , as the end would’ve arrived either way.

Perhaps any race wouldn’t have started to evolve much during that time since it would millions of years to advance , he thought.

------Terion’s POV----

My objective is complete. The God has returned to being part of this universe as it should be. All my friends and foes are dead , all advanced races are destroyed. I was only able to reach here by obtaining the artifacts which somehow I was able to save. Perhaps it was God himself who made me do all this in the end. I didn’t really believe in someone like him existing though.

All civilizations existed on science and I think what he used was also technology which would’ve been later done by other advanced ones. Except for this power he gave me, I don’t think there has been any technology which could manipulate time or space so easily. Just to get here we had to use so much energy, but the portal on that side was already closing in seconds it was created so I was the only one able to get here.

What else can I find?

Hmm what’s that? It’s a data crystal but ….why does it have my name on it.

Terion Ael Durret Alpha…..so God even had the name of clone body which I had using survived till now. It was really annoying when this started , I’d age quickly because of human ancestry and had to live long enough to collect those artifacts , everytime I switched my consciousness and memories through the brain into clones. It was a really painful experience. Well lets read this anyway.


What’s this? He’s written that he can’t see the time strand of my future from the point I first switched to my first clone. So I suppose in a way , he hadn’t expected that I would find a way into his realm. It’s pointless now anyway and he didn’t have much information on this data crystal after that.

Now that I see it , there are a lot of data crystals about various people. There’s one on the leader of Advance Peace faction and another one on the Great Librarian. Pretty much all of them are about influential people of the many advanced civilizations up to this point.

---------After a long time--------

Ahh… Its started to get boring now , most of my body is mechanical so I don’t really feel hunger or fatigue and I guess the end is coming maybe in a few days. I can see some cracks on this white room. Those cracks weren’t there when I first arrived here. I guess I was immersed in this place for some time now. That God did give me some power but a device would’ve been easier to use.

When I saw my reflection , my eye had changed and something like a clock hand was there. He said I should find time strands to the past but this place is vast. Even so more than that , I don’t really have any interest to live how he told me to. I suppose I should simply go into a long sleep and simply face the end.

Yeah I’ll do that. Its not like I wouldn’t like a happy life , I’m just ……bored. I’ve seen enough of this , after living so long and seeing so much I don’t think I’ll have much interest to live in the past where I know what happens.

Oh well , I guess I’ll search a little bit more and simply rest this worn out body.

-----After 15 days------

*yawwwnnn* I feel tired. I didn’t find anything else useful to interest me and even though this knowledge from the data crystals would’ve been useful earlier .

I looked around and the understood by the changes of the room.

Looks like this is it , the whole room is shaking and its all in cracks. I guess this was the centre and I don’t mind my last place being here.

Hehe I’m the last one going out , I’ll take it like a man. This body is really strong and large compared to my ancestors , I guess its because of the training I took. Though I lost some of it and had to use prosthetics for this cloned body. But still I wonder why my previous body would die when I changed into a clone’s. Guess the knowledge of millions of eons is going to end with me.

Ah…. Its getting hot ….too hot ……..looks like I’m going too…….just like that God……I can see my body disappearing…..my consciousness …….its fading……Everything is so ……..dark……….

……….I can see …….a light? …….I was supposed to be dead ?........what is this?

Someone’s holding me , I can’t struggle or move ………

Something liquid is coming from my nose and am I ………am I …..crying?

Holding me ……this person is smiling …..she’s smiling…… ah I’m feeling tired….. need….to sleep…


edit : I reedited the prologue so it will be a bit more easier to be read , i should've done it before i submitted it. Thank you for reading. I hope for more reviews and I'll update chapter 1 soon

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