《5 Dragon Emperor》Chapter Twenty-Four



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Chapter of the day, enjoy!

Soaring Dragon Continent, Sky Serpent School

Ye Fa clapped his hands a few times applauding Qiu Zhen, while glancing at the two men who were knocked out. “Seems like you’re better than I expected. However, don’t expect me to be like those two.”

Ye Fa shot out his aura producing waves of strong qi essence. Qiu Zhen felt his aura and was slightly shocked, Ye Fa had the aura of a seventh Dao realm cultivator. A slight grin could be seen on Qiu Zhen’s face.

In an arrogant tone Ye Fa said, “Hmph! Let’s see if your still grinning after taking my attack!” Swish! Ye Fa’s body flashed speeding towards Qiu Zhen, Ye Fa arrived in front of Qiu Zhen in the span of three breaths. Bang!

Ye Fa punched Qiu Zhen in the chest sending him flying back towards another disciples building. Ye Fa’s body flashed again reaching Qiu Zhen’s flying body as it was speeded towards the disciples building and he roundhouse kicked Qiu Zhen. Boom!

Qiu Zhen was sent crashing into a pole, making a loud noise that startled the other disciples awake.

“Who is making such racket! Don’t you know what time it is!”

Multiple voices were heard cursing at the noise that was disturbing their sleep or cultivation practice. Many people started coming out of their rooms, and all they seen was a teen who was underneath a destroyed pole. The top of his robe was torn, and his mouth was bleeding, all of them knew that this disciple was fighting someone.

“Damnit, you dare cause such noise in the middle of the night! Fucking trash, why can’t you take your beating in a more quiet place.”

“Hahaha, look at him on the ground, I bet he can barely move. Merely the first Dao realm, and yet he pissed someone off already. Tsk, better give us a good show.”


Many of the inner disciples were watching the man underneath the pole slowly getting up, and excitement filled their hearts. They were woken up out of their sleep and cultivation, only to find that a low rank inner disciple was getting trashed, why not stay and enjoy the show. The inner disciples all knew that he was going to lose, but what caused them even more excitement was wondering who he was going up against.

“Good, good, you don’t disappoint. Get up, I know that wasn’t enough to do any major damage.” A voice rang out not to far away, and slowly his figure came into view.

The inner disciples who were awoken by the noise had their eyes beaming. The figure in front of their faces was none other than Ye Fa, how could they not be excited. Ye Fa was a high ranking inner disciple, his strength put him into the top one hundred. Although he couldn’t compete to the big dog's, his strength was still something that caused them to tingle with excitement and fear. If you were to add in that he was a member of Death Blood, then that got them even more excited. Death Blood is one of the only factions that has more than six hundred inner disciples, and each one of them could be considered strong.

“A pity, it seems as if someone might lose a few arms tonight.”

“Sigh, out of all the people he pissed off, why couldn’t it be someone else. He just had to go and cause trouble for brother Ye Fa, now he’ll probably lose his arms and legs or become a cripple.”

“Ah, brother Ye Fa is so strong, I heard he challenged the sixty-fourth ranked Zi Fang to a duel and won! Brother Ye Fa is slowly making his way into the top, soon he’ll probably become a Core disciple and won’t have time for us lowly inner disciples.”


“Why doesn’t brother Ye Fa ever notice me, i’m his biggest fan!”

“What did you say! Brother Ye Fa’s biggest fan is me!”

Many of the female disciples started arguing with each other, trying to attract the attention of Ye Fa. However, each and every one of these inner disciples seemed to have lost any faith of Qiu Zhen beating Ye Fa. Ye Fa had the strength at the seventh Dao realm, while Qiu Zhen was only at the first Dao realm, to them they could instantly guess who would win. The excitement in their hearts didn’t calm down, but they knew deep down that this fight wouldn’t last long.

Qiu Zhen look at his wound on his chest, and it was slowly closing up, thanks to the Dragon of life. Qiu Zhen dusted himself off, and glared at Ye Fa. “I didn’t expect you would be faster than me, but that was a mistake on my part. As for your strength, I would consider it average.”

Ye Fa didn’t take Qiu Zhen’s words to heart, it’s true that his strength couldn’t compare to others his level, because he mainly focused on speed. Ye Fa’s strength was only comparable to someone who just broke into the seventh Dao realm, but his speed was above ordinary seventh Dao realm cultivators. Qiu Zhen’s speed astonished Ye Fa, but Ye Fa was still slightly faster, and in a duel he would most certainly win.

“Don’t worry, I’ve only used a bit of my power, and soon i’ll have that left arm of yours.”

Qiu Zhen coldly snorted, Ye Fa claimed he only used a bit of his power, but the damage done to Qiu Zhen could hardly say much. After two hits from Ye Fa, Qiu Zhen had a feeling that he was using his real strength and tried to end it, but when he noticed that Qiu Zhen was lightly injured he claimed to have only used a bit of his power. “Anyone can claim how much power they used, but it’s another thing to show it. A monkey that doesn’t have the strength to harm frog can only show off against a baby.”

Ye Fa’s eyes turned cold, purely filled with murderous intent. Ye Fa pulled a black axe out of his ring and slowly pointed it towards Qiu Zhen. “Then let this monkey show you it has the strength to kill the king of the jungle!” Swish! Ye Fa’s figure flashed, creating multiple blurs as he approached Qiu Zhen ready to unleash his full might.


A spear was thrown that collided against Ye Fa’s axe pushing it off course missing Qiu Zhen. Ye Fa looked angrily at the crowd as if he was going to kill them all. “Who dares!”

“Hmph! Shameless, I’ve never thought someone of Death Blood would pick a fight against a new inner disciple. It seems Death Blood members can only pick on the weak.” A beautiful voice pierced the hearts of every male disciple, and they instantly turned around.

.......*Faceplams* I-it can't be!?! :o

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