《5 Dragon Emperor》Chapter Twenty-One



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Aww, you guys thanks for the support! I do read the comments and take them to heart, so thanks! For all the support, i'll release another chapter in a few hours! Enjoy!

Also, 217 Followers, 45 Favorites! Going to give you guys a special chapter making it 3 chapters for today!

Soaring Dragon Continent, Sky Serpent School

“Brother Le An, it seems this trash needs to be taught a lesson, how about we both teach him who the real daddy is.” The man who seemed like the boss really thought that the only reason Qiu Zhen beat his lackey was because he caught him off guard, he would never think someone at the ninth Qi realm would be able to beat someone at the third Dao realm. Something inside him told him that the chances of Qiu Zhen actually beating his lackey was around 5%, and if he fought him alone then that would mean he would have a 5% chance of defeat. Although 5% is low, he wanted to make sure it was going to be 100%, therefore he is going to team up with Le An to beat Qiu Zhen.

“Alright, brother Ye Chen. We’ll teach this trash a lesson he’ll never forget.”

Le An has a cultivation at the third Dao realm, but among other inner disciples with the same cultivation he places in the middle strength wise. As for Ye Chen he broke through the fourth Dao realm a while ago, so his strength could be considered higher than most. His ranking isn’t high but how can he compare to those other freaks, his only chance is to have others help him gang on those stronger than him.

Le An darted towards Qiu Zhen leaving behind a slight image that quickly disappeared. Qiu Zhen ducked from Le An’s first strike, and swept his legs causing him to fall. Ye Chen quickly followed up, and charged Qiu Zhen before he could try to finish off Le An. Swosh! Bang!

Ye Chen’s blow hit nothing but air as Qiu Zhen retreated backwards, his expression didn’t change at all. To Qiu Zhen these inner disciples are too weak, they probably hardly ever fight demon beast to hone their skills. Both of their moves are sloppy, and their speed could be considered average, Qiu Zhen isn’t even breaking a sweat.


Lifting up Le An, Ye Chen started to glare at Qiu Zhen. “Trash, you’re pretty decent, if you kowtow right now then i’ll consider this matter to be finished.” Ye Chen had a confidence, in the exchange earlier he found that Qiu Zhen’s speed was way higher than his, but the force of a fourth Dao realm cultivator could still smash a ninth Qi realm cultivator to pieces. So long as Ye Chen hit Qiu Zhen, then Qiu Zhen would start be begging to be his lackey.

Qiu Zhen really doesn’t have time for these two idiots, the more time he waste on them the less time he will have to cultivate. “Trash this, trash that, is the only thing you know how to say is trash? If you call me trash, then you are lower than trash, because you will never beat me.”

“Brother Ye Chen, this trash really thinks he could beat both of us. Tell him that you’ve only been using less than 50% of your strength, hell you haven’t even used the ‘Six Demon Punch’.”

“Indeed, brother Le An, this trash hasn’t even made me use 15% of my power. If I were to use the ‘Six Demon Punch’ on trash such as him, then that would be giving him too much face.”

Qiu Zhen could take the insults to a certain degree, but now this guy is saying he hasn’t even used all of his strength. Laughable! Qiu Zhen isn’t even displaying 5% of his power, and this guy is still losing. These people are only trying to bully him because of his cultivation level, but if these guys knew what his real cultivation level is, they would probably freak out.

Sighing, Qiu Zhen decides to up the pressure on these people. “Alright, daddy doesn’t feel like playing anymore.” Qiu Zhen’s body blurred, he darted towards Le An first, and concentrated qi on his palm. Boom!

Qiu Zhen’s palm strike struck Le An’s body hard, blowing him back. Le An crashed into a boulder next to Qiu Zhen’s room, blood was coming up from his mouth and it seemed as if he was dead.


Upon seeing what happened to Le An, Ye Chen couldn’t even process what was going on. The person he was calling trash ended up crushing his lackey in one move, what’s more upsetting is that he was only at the ninth Qi realm. Ye Chen looked at Qiu Zhen and started cursing inwardly, it seemed as if he picked the wrong person to mess with. “Trash, you may have beat him, but I, Ye Chen am on a whole different level. I’m in a good mood now, so let’s consider this matter gone.”

Qiu Zhen couldn’t help but start laughing, this guy barged into his room, and told him to hand over his valuables, and kept calling him trash. When Qiu Zhen beat up his two lackies, he finally realized that he wasn’t his match, and he actually wanted to leave. “Hahaha, leave you say… funny, you are too funny. I’ll let you leave.”

“Good trash, it seems you understand.” Ye Chen started walking past Qiu Zhen, trying to leave until Qiu Zhen stepped in front of him blocking his path. Confused, Ye Chen stopped and stared at Qiu Zhen. “Trash, you said I could leave, so why block the path.”

Qiu Zhen held up one finger. “First, you keep calling me trash, but i’m not trash, i’m Qiu Zhen. Second, you put a hole in my room, so fix it. Third, drop everything you own, then you may leave.”

“Fuck you! You expect me to leave here naked! Fine trash, I tried to be nice but now you die!” Ye Chen’s figure vanished, and he appeared behind Qiu Zhen. “Six Demon Punch!” Boom! Boom! Boom! Ye Chen’s first turned black, and struck out against Qiu Zhen.

The ‘Six Demon Punch’ caused one to have their qi concentrated on their fist, the qi contained in the first was special. The qi had the ability to change it’s shape six times, and each shape would double the power of the punch. When the punch launched, it would create a demon shape, and if mastered the last demon would consume the body of the other person.

‘Six Demon Punch’ was a high cultivation technique, but in the hands of Ye Chen, it only gave out half of it’s true power. His punch hit Qiu Zhen’s afterimage, as for Qiu Zhen he appeared behind Ye Chen and grabbed his neck.

“Trash, if you dare harm me you will pay with your life! Ye Che, will murder you if you harm one hair on my body.”

The grip on Ye Chen was lessened, and he fell onto the floor. “Ye Che…” Qiu said, wondering who that could be. Ye Chen thought that Qiu Zhen realized that he messed with the wrong person, and his face brightened up. “Haha, don’t worry trash as long as you hand over that grade six cultivation pill I won’t tell brother Ye Che anything.”

Qiu Zhen shrugged his shoulders, he couldn’t figure out who Ye Che was, and at this point he could care less. Swish! Qiu Zhen’s hand flashed, and he cut off Ye Chen’s arm.

Ye Chen didn’t realize what happened at that moment, but suddenly he had seen his left arm in Qiu Zhen’s hand. He slowly turned his head and his whole left arm was missing. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!” Ye Chen started screaming, and he couldn’t help but glare angrily at Qiu Zhen, murderous intent filled his eyes. “Fucking trash! Ye...Che will kill you!”

Qiu Zhen tossed Ye Chen’s arm, and walked back to his room. “Never heard of Ye Che, if you actually live from your wound you know where I am.”

To kill a disciple was against school rules, but Qiu Zhen didn’t kill Ye Chen he only cut off his arm. If Ye Chen died, then he died from bleeding out, not because of Qiu Zhen.

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