《5 Dragon Emperor》Chapter Seventeen



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Yesterday's chapter since I didn't post the second chapter yesterday, enjoy! Sometimes I feel like I should make a story about Meili >.<, Kinda miss her (even though she hardly did anything xD)

Soaring Dragon Continent, Sky Serpent School

Huan Chi had something about him that caused many people not to look in his eyes. His brown eyes had something within them, they didn’t know what it was, but when they looked him in the eye, they felt a slight shiver.

Stepping on stage, Qiu Zhen went with his usual routine of bowing and greeting them. “Elder brother Chi, please guide me.” When the name Chi hit Qiu Zhen’s tongue he felt bitter inside.

“Quit the bull! I don’t know what sort of tricks you are used to beat the other Dao realm disciples, but I won’t fall for it. Now, ready your weapon and prepare to face defeat.” Huan Chi got straight to the point, he took out his double edged sword and took his stance.

“Since elder brother is in such a rush, we can begin!”

Qiu Zhen rushed Huan Chi, unsheathing and swinging his sword at a fast speed. Cling! Clang! Qiu Zhen’s sword clashed with Huan Chi’s creating sparks. Huan Chi’s expression slightly changed, he didn’t expect the strength behind Qiu Zhen’s blow to be so strong, if he didn’t go one hundred percent from the start, then he would have been swept back a few feet.

“I understand how they lost, your strength is comparable to those at the Dao realm. As for your speed, why don’t we test it!” Huan Chi’s body flashed multiple times, creating many images as he speeded along towards Qiu Zhen. Clang! Clang! Boom!

Their swords clashed once more, creating a small shock wave and Qiu Zhen was swept back a few feet. The strength Huan Chi had was close to those at the second Dao realm, Qiu Zhen couldn’t underestimate him.

Qiu Zhen infused his sword with his qi, igniting it with blue flames. This technique was known as Sky Burning sword, with his qi infused into the sword it would cause flames to burn. Those flames were hot enough that they could pierce the sky, if anyone took a blow from it head on they would be burned to smiterinze.

Seeing how Qiu Zhen started getting more serious, Huan Chi didn’t waste a split second and his sword was infused with his qi. His blade had frost on it, and it was letting off a cold steam.

“My god, one uses fire and the other ice! They both seem well matched, if they collide once more I wonder what will happen!”

“Obviously Huan Chi will win, the frost on his blade is cold enough to freeze even the hottest flames. His clan has already proved to vastly outstip the Scarlet clan, and the Scarlet clan’s flames are top tier. The frost on their weapons froze the Scarlet clan’s flames, before the flame even touched it!”

“I wouldn’t underestimate brother Qiu Zhen just yet, we’ve already seen how his battle experience helped him win surpassing those above his cultivation.”


The two youths collided once more, one wielding a sword with flames that could pierce the sky, the other wielding a sword whose frost could freeze even the strongest flames. The steam released from the weapons colliding was hot, it caused many of the disciples who surrounded the stage to jump back.

“Who won!? Who won!?”

No one could see anything, the steam was thick, making it hard to see who won and who lost. Everyone’s heart was racing, they couldn’t wait to find out which one of these two were stronger. Would it be the youth whose battle sense defied common sense, or would it be the youth whose frost could freeze flames.


Huan Chi sword was in the ground, and his body was kneeling. The force and power contained in Qiu Zhen’s flames was like anything he has ever seen before. When their weapons collided, Qiu Zhen’s flames started melting his blades frost, but Huan Chi put more qi in his blade trying to keep it going. Infusing his weapon with more qi caused his blade to become colder, causing steam to rise, but shortly after he couldn’t continue infusing his qi. Huan Chi felt like the more he infused, the faster the frost was melting.

When Qiu Zhen’s blade clashed with Huan Chi's, Qiu Zhen actually released a little bit more of his qi essence. Qiu Zhen didn’t want to make the fight go longer than needed, he wanted to rush so he could fight the guy who broke into the second Dao realm. How could Huan Chi be able to withstand Qiu Zhen, when Qiu Zhen released a bit more of his power.

“Huan... Chi lost!?”

“Is that Qiu Zhen a monster! How can one defy logic to such an extent!”

“Look! Even the flames on his sword haven’t be extinguished! Can it be that his flames are stronger than the Scarlet clans? If so, what grade are those flames, and who taught him such a technique?”

The disciples were simply astonished, they could somewhat deal with Qiu Zhen beating Huan Chi, but the fact that after the clash his flames still burned made them lose their minds. It is said that not even the Scarlet clan’s flames can survive a clash with the frost on Huan Chi’s clans blade, but yet Qiu Zhen’s flames were still roaring.

This could only mean, that the flames which Qiu Zhen released were of the highest grade, which would make the Scarlet clans flames second tier. The people that were watching jaws dropped, if they could learn such a technique, then their fame would rise.


After having a few more matches, which Qiu Zhen won with ease he faced another Dao realm youth. She wanted to fight Qiu Zhen, but when she glanced at some elders from her clan she got a message not to fight him. Those elders knew that fighting with Qiu Zhen, would only lead to her losing, they couldn’t watch that.

Passing all his matches, Qiu Zhen studied the guy who broke into the second Dao realm. All of his opponents conceded the match, the only one who actually gave it a shot was a guy at the first Dao realm. That match ended with him ultimately losing, but he still had a smile on his face when he walked off the stage, the experience he gained was better than nothing.

Finally there were only two disciples left, one was a youth who was only at the ninth Qi Realization realm, and his battle sense was terrifying. The other was a brown haired youth with a robust build, who had entered into the second Dao realm.

“Lang Liu v.s. Qiu Zhen!”

The spectators were all filled to the brim with excitement, this was the final match and they all wanted to know who would win. Most were inclined to think that Lang Liu would win considering he had a cultivation at the second level of the Dao realm, however some still strongly believed that Qiu Zhen would be able to surprise them.

Fang Wei was currently chatting with the elders from the school, and they were all paying attention to the stage. “Wanna make a bet?”

“Haha, brother Fang Wei don’t tell me you want to make a bet on a disciples match.”


“Indeed I do, brother Dai Dong!”

“Alright, what’s the bet?”

“I bet you my prized Paragon grade Snake spear, and in everyone else’s case you can just put up two grade seven pills. What do you say?”

“That’s it? One Paragon grade spear for some grade seven pills? That seems highly unfair, if you lose you only lose a spear, and there are five of us, how would we even split the snake spear?”

“That is up to you, but you each know the cost of a Paragon grade weapon of any kind, none of you even have one yet. I say, this is a fair bet.”

“I agree with him, what’s the bet elder brother Fang Wei?”

“I bet that Qiu Zhen can beat Lang Liu in less than five moves!”

Bang! Multiple hands slammed down on the table, and all five of the elders mouths dropped.

“Insane, I say! Brother Fang Wei is truly insane to suggest such a thing! A kid whose only at the ninth Qi Realization realm, facing another youth at the second Dao realm. Everyone knows this match is in Lang Liu’s hand.”

Grinning at all the other five elders, Fang Wei took a glance at Qiu Zhen. “So, do you take the bet?”

“You would have to be a total fool not to take the bet! Elder Fang Wei don’t go back on your word!”

All of the surrounding elders nodded, and from their rings each one of them took out two grade seven pills.

While on stage, Qiu Zhen received a mental message from Fang Wei telling him to finish the battle in less than five moves. On the outside Qiu Zhen had a calm face, however on the inside he was wondering if he had been seen through. If the elder knew he had a cultivation at the fourth Dao realm, then all his efforts were for naught.

However the only reason Fang Wei believed that Qiu Zhen could actually win was because he thought that Qiu Zhen didn’t show all his tricks. He knew Qiu Zhen had a demon core that belonged to the three headed sky serpent, if he used that then Qiu Zhen could easily break into the Dao realm. Fang Wei thought the main reason that Qiu Zhen could beat everyone else was because he was slowly absorbing the essence in the demon core, so his actual strength increasing, while on the outside it seemed to stay the same.

How could Fang Wei know that Qiu Zhen hasn’t even started to absorb that demon core yet, he is only hiding his true strength.

When Qiu Zhen thought about what Fang Wei told him, his face had the biggest grin on it. It seemed as if he thought of an idea.

“Junior brother Qiu Zhen, I hope you give it your all. I know you won't concede like the rest.”

“No need to worry elder brother Lang Liu, this junior knows to never give up.”

Lang Liu wielded a spear silver that had a dragon coiling around it. The qi in his body exploded, causing all his energy to be released. The air around a second level Dao realm cultivator was truly different that the first. It seemed as if he had almost become an entirely different person.

Qiu Zhen took his sword, striking a pose ready for action. “Here I come elder brother!” The movement speed that Qiu Zhen usually showed seemed as if it slowed down, his current movement barely kept his afterimage stable.

Infusing his qi into the sword, blue flames appeared. Bang! The sword and the spear clashed, but unlike last time were the flames kept burning, they were extinguished. Qiu Zhen was moved back by a meter, and it seemed as if he lost most of his power.

At the time, the elders were closely watching the match, as soon as Qiu Zhen didn’t finish the match in four moves, they would claim their spoils.

“First move brother Fang Wei!”

“Could it be that he used up all his qi in the earlier matches!?” Fang thought to himself, but quickly dismissed such thoughts, Qiu Zhen had plenty of time to regain his qi since he opponents kept conceding. “It...can’t be!?”

After exchanging blows with Qiu Zhen, Lang Liu felt like he was being made fun of. This junior actually didn’t use his full strength, and attacked him as if he was playing around. The muscles wielding his spear tightened, and he concentrated the qi on his spear causing lightning to appear.

“Junior bother Qiu Zhen is too polite, don’t try to go easy on me, I want a real match.”

“Elder brother Lang Liu, you’re overthinking things, i’ve simply used up too much of my qi earlier and it hasn’t fully recovered yet.”

The audience all heard this, it was like a strike of lightning had descended upon them. The elders were all grin, from ear to ear, how could they not be. The junior himself stated that he used up most of his qi earlier, so that would be implying that he was only surviving on the last of his qi. To them, it was the same as if announcing they had won the bet.

On the other hand, Fang Wei’s face started dripping wet with sweat. Clearly those words were directed at him, and how could he not understand them. This disciple wanted some of the rewards he would receive from the bet, if he didn’t then he wouldn’t finish the duel in under five moves. “I...won’t give in! He can’t be serious….can he?”

“Haha, Fang Wei you might as well give us the Paragon grade snake spear now. Disciple Qiu Zhen already stated he is running low on qi essence, Lang Liu will win for sure.”

Bang! Boom!

Lang Liu and Qiu Zhen’s weapons collided once more, this time Qiu Zhen’s sword went flying out of his hands. Qiu Zhen’s outside face was showing sweating and he seemed completely exhausted, however on the inside he was smiling and jumping up and down. Currently he was playing around with Lang Liu, and only waiting for Fang Wei to tell him he would give him some rewards, however Fang Wei still hasn’t contacted him.

Qiu Zhen’s figure flashed and he appeared in front of Lang Liu, making a palm strike. Bang! The force behind the strike caused the air to shake, but it didn’t hit Lang Liu, only dispersing his afterimage.

The elders who felt like they could jump a hundred feet in the air, could hardly maintain their smiles. “Second strike, brother Fang Wei.”

Looking at Fang Wei who was sweating, and the expression on his face, the other elders couldn’t help be laugh. He was truly regretting his decision to bet his prized Paragon snake spear.

“Shameless! I’ve never seen a disciple that was so shameless in my life!” Fang Wei was spitting out all sorts of curses in his head, he couldn’t believe that Qiu Zhen was putting on a front. To Fang Wei, it was like Qiu Zhen was saying ‘give me a reward and i’ll help you, if you don’t then you’ll lose whatever you wagered’. On one side, Fang Wei would lose his prized spear if he lost, but if he won he would have to reward Qiu Zhen with some of his winnings.

“Fine, you shameless disciple, you want a reward, i’ll give you a reward!” Fang Wei thought as his mouth started to curl up.

Sometimes to get what you want, you have to sacrifice something. Hope elder Fang Wei knows what he has gotten himself into.

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