《5 Dragon Emperor》Chapter One



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Chapters won't have titles, because I don't know what to name them! (Might go back later and name them.)

First Chapter of Five Dragon Emperor, Enjoy!

Soaring Dragon Continent, Eagle View Village

Chang Mu’s soul flew at a fast pace looking for an unborn child to a hold of, he ended up in the stomach of a mortal woman.

Soon Chang Mu was born anew in the world, without anyone knowing. When he was born, everyone in the village thought he was strange because he didn’t cry. Chang Mu never cried when he was born, but deep in his eyes was a cold look that could make anyone shiver.

Being born by a black haired woman named Yu Mei, who was the daughter of the village chief and to Zhen Ren a hunter.

Eagle View Village was in a remote location, and no one hardly passed by there. They were thousands of miles from any capital, but they still made do. Having hunters who helped feed the village, they never ran out of food. Doctors who healed the injured and cured the sick, they hardly fell ill. Women who sowed them clothes and cooked food, everything was peaceful.

Eagle View Village never had a war, nor have they experienced one. They were a peace loving village that hardly anyone knew about. The births in this village barely reached ten a year, and the population was less than five hundred. Everyone had wooden houses, and everyone pitched in to keep things in order.

After Yu Mei had the birth of her first child, she was happy. Happy to conceive the child of her first love, and live a good life. She planned on taking care of this child and raising him to be as good as his father. Every night she had dreams of him, teaching him how to treat a girl and how to take care of one. She wanted the best for him, and nothing less.

Zhen Ren on the other hand thought his son was strange, and always wondered about him. However, he never gave it a lot of thought since his son was cute and he knew he would grow up to be a fierce hunter just like him. Father and Son hunting together, this was his only dream that he wanted. He didn’t care for material things, as long as his wife and son was happy so was he.

The villagers of Eagle View Village told Yu Mei that she was lucky to have a child who didn’t whine because it would always be peaceful around. They also congratulated her on her son's looks already trying to curry favor to her so their daughters would have a nice life once he grew up.

Soon six months passed in the blink of an eye, and Yu Mei was sewing baby clothes for her son.

“Yu'er dear, i’m going to hunt for dinner, anything you want?”

“No honey, i’m ok with anything. Have you thought of a name for our child yet?”

“I have a few in mind, how about we talk after I get back.”

Chang Mu could hear and see perfectly, he knew that he had succeeded in part one of his plan. Now that he has been reborn he just needed to grow older and cultivate. Being a baby who had the soul of a thirty-six year old, he could already comprehend things, he learned a lot of things about his parents. They were nice people, and the village seemed close knit. The only problem he had was when other parents would bring their daughters over to play with him, he didn’t like being treated like a toy.


He already made up his mind in his heart, once he started cultivating he would repay these people and village for all they have done for him. Chang Mu in his past life never knew his mother since she died right after she gave birth to him. His second mother didn’t like Chang Mu much, and he never liked her either so he never had a feeling of motherly love.

Chang Mu really liked Yu Mei, she was a wonderful woman and it made his heart grow softer. He wouldn’t grow up to be like his father Zhen Ren, but he would still make her proud of him.

As for his father Zhen Ren, Chang Mu thought that he was a strong man for being mortal. Chang Mu could sense that if Zhen Ren cultivated when he was younger, he would have had a great life in the cultivator world. These emotions he was having, he would keep in his heart forever.

Outside of Eagle View Village

Outside of Eagle View Village were a group of bandits that numbered 100. They were armored with knifes and swords, but their food supply was running low. A man who stood out from the rest looked at Eagle View Village and knew he had to raid them.

“Chao Li, make sure to kill all the men once we enter. Old, young it doesn’t matter they all must die!”

“Yes, brother!”

Chao Li, had a robust build and sharp eyes. He was only around thirty this year, and grew up in a bandit family, so he took up the ‘family business’.


Eagle View Village

“Bandits! Bandits are coming hide the women and kids!” Multiple voices called out, alerting the people in the village.

The people of Eagle View Village never caused trouble nor has trouble came to them, but they knew a bandit when they seen one. Usually they would encounter this kind of trouble when they are making long journeys, or going hunting towards the west. Never in five hundred years have bandit's ever raided them, but they were prepared.

The woman hide in the houses and held their children, while the men took their bows and arrows to arms. They would not let these bandits raid them, they would protect their wives and children with their lives.

Pew! Pew!

Arrows flew through the air and their targets were the bandits. However, the bandits have raided countless villages and raped countless women how could they not block a few arrows coming their way.

Once the arrows were blocked the villagers morale shot down, and the first ten bandits charged in full speed. Slashing the villagers who tried to protect the small village, they didn’t let one live.

Ten minutes, that's all it took for the bandits to kill off all the men. You had to give them credit, they knew how to clean house.

“Chao Ho, we’ve gathered all the woman and the young men what to do?”

Chao Ho was the leader and Chao Li’s elder brother, you could say he has seen his fair share of war in his life. He was cruel, and what he wanted, he got it. If you wanted something done, Chao Ho was the person to go to, he would clean any village in less than thirty minutes. Taking other men’s women, is as easy as eating an apple to him.

“Let them watch, then kill them!”

His order was simple, let the young men watch as their mothers, sisters and loved ones get a pleasurable time. Let their blood boil until the gritted their teeth with anger. Let them see and know how helpless they were, then kill them off. This is how Chao Ho does things.


“AH!” Riiip!

Ripping sounds could be heard as the women's clothes were torn apart. Tears were shown on everyone's faces, and the young men could do nothing but watch in despair. Some had the courage to talk back to the bandits, but found their head rolling off the next instance.

Mu Chang was but 6 months, what could he do. He watched as his own mother, the one who gave him tender love since he was born get rapped by these beast. Her eyes were red, and she gritted her teeth with hatred.

The women who were being raped, couldn't help but grit their teeth and try to endure. Some of the younger ones were moaning, but they couldn't help it, after all, it was pleasuring.

Chang Mu couldn’t do anything, but he remembered all these bandits faces. If he lived through this he would hunt all of them down, and give them a fate worse than death. His heart felt like it was being torn apart, this loving mother of his was being pounded by these two ugly bandits, and he felt powerless.

Outside Eagle View Village

Outside Eagle View Village a man was walking towards the village with a leopard over his shoulders. A slick black bow slung over his shoulders, and if you were to look at his leg you would see a ghastly wound.

His eyes were cold and sharp as a steel blade, you can tell that his murderous intent didn’t go away in the slightest. As he approached the village a foul stench drifted to his nose, he knew something wasn’t right. The stench was that of death, and all around the village were dead men bodies.

“AH!” "Hnn!" "N-no...stop! I-it won't fit!"

Hearing the sounds of moaning, and screams the man tossed the leopard aside and flung himself full speed ahead towards the sound. Arriving on the scene, what he seen were countless women being pounded by men he has never seen before. The young men of the village were tied up, forced to watch this horrific scene.

The man bit his lips in anger, drawing blood that slid down his mouth. He grabbed his bow and some arrows aiming it at the foul bandits that were raping his wife. Drawing the bow string back as far as he could, he left it go and watched as the arrow sped towards its target.

He didn’t waste any time with the second one and knocked another one back, only to let it fly again. Pew! Pew! Pew!

The four arrows he released each pierced the skull of a bandit, and they instantly dropped dead. The bandits who were pleasuring themselves stopped all their movements when four of their comrades died.

“You Dare!”

“Fuck, how could you forget one!”

Four of their comrades died, how could they not be furious. If they didn’t kill this man then they would only bring shame to their fallen comrades. Each bandit grabbed their swords and their killing intent raised to the max.

The man didn’t waste his chance and rushed to try and free some of the young men to try to help him fight. He was so heated up in anger that he forgot to do it earlier before he started his assault.


An arrow flew at unimaginable speeds, and lodged itself in his leg. He grunted and kept going, but shortly after six more arrows found themselves in his body.

Tears fell down his cheeks, he lost, he couldn’t help his family nor his friends. Falling down he struggled to face his wife who laid motionless on the ground. “I-I’m...So-sorry Yu'er.”

Outside Eagle View Village

A mysterious black clothed figure was hovering in the sky, looking at the distant Eagle View Village. The figure’s face expression changed, and flew towards the village.

Eagle View Village

“Damn! Who let him live, now we’ve lost four of our people.”

Chang Ho didn’t like this at all, those men were some of his elite brethren. They all had wives and children, now he would have to tell them that they died. Ho kicked the man's lifeless body countless times to vent his anger out.

“What the fuck is that.”

The bandits turned their heads towards were the other bandit was looking only to see someone flying in the air. They have heard of people who lived for ages and had mysterious powers that let them fly in air. However, they have never encountered one or seen one before, because the mortal world and cultivation world hardly ever meets.

In the seven kingdoms there are tons of mortals and they see cultivators all the time, but how could a cultivator lower themselves to mingle with mere mortals. To kill a mortal even the lowest rank cultivator only has to swipe his hand to kill them, so mortal treats cultivators as gods. Even the emperor was worshiped across the seven kingdoms, because his power put all the others to shame. If a god was beaten with one move, what would that make the other person. To mortals he would be a god above all other gods, to them they worshiped that person wholly.

For the people in this remote area that hardly had contact with the seven kingdoms you could say that they have never seen something like this before. They’ve heard about them from people who returned from the capitals, but never seen such a godly person.

The bandits didn’t know what to do, why did such a godly figure appear now. Could such a person have some connection with the village? In the minds of these bandits, they couldn’t come up with an explanation and only could wait and see what would happen.

The black clothed cultivator hovered above the village looking at the scene before them. Below, the bandits couldn’t see the person's face but they felt her killing intent.

Raising their hand, a formation appeared and crushed all the bandits to death. The cultivator didn’t give them time to explain and only gave them death.

“You are free to do what you want, whether you live or die is up to you. However, I’ve taken care of the ones that have caused you harm.”

“Thank you god! Thank you!”

The first ones to react were not the women, instead it was the young men who were tied up and couldn’t do anything. Seeing that such a godly figure helped their small village in their time of need of course they would express gratitude.

Yu Mei who was half conscious felt pain all across her body, she lost all her dignity and purity as a woman. As a woman she would never be worth anything again, and she might never touch another man again. What is left for her now that her husband is dead, and she was tainted by those two bandits.

Her child, she couldn’t even look him in the face anymore. What could she say to him when he got older, how would she explain to him his father's death. A great pain was placed on her shoulders, and she couldn’t bear it.

Yu Mei grabbed a sword that was laying on the ground a few feet away from her, and using her exhausted body pierced her heart.

Chang Mu has now lost both of his parents, the parents that he started to feel attached to. He wanted to give them a good life, a better life once he started cultivating but now they are dead. This would always be in his heart, and never would he forget the things that happened.

Yu Mei wasn’t the only one to commit suicide, another woman also chose to end it all right then and there, leaving her son and daughter. The young daughters who were younger than thirteen aren’t even pure anymore, they could never get married if they wanted to. They were tainted and no one would love them, so it was better to end it all.

The cultivator was just about to leave, but she sensed something strange in the air. What they sensed was the qi gathering around a baby, and this sign meant that the child had great talent for cultivation.

The cultivator took her hood off to reveal a jade like appearance. She was beautiful, and you could see that some of the young men were smitten with her at first sight. She had black eyes, and short black hair along with an oval face.

Her looks were top quality, and she approached Chang Mu. “Want to come with me child? You’ll no longer have to worry about food and i’ll protect you.”

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