《Eoum: The Tenth Summon》CHAPTER 8


After showering and preparing myself, I went outside with Erganisu after he did his. Thankfully, aside from the cloth, he also prepared a wooden slipper for me. It was a human-sized so I was curious why he had that.

We went to the area near the portal entrance. It was still early as the sun was only half visible.

We got there but it seems we’re not the first. The elven twin and the blue-scaled man were standing where we had stood last night. They were looking at us with a pensive faces.

“Any one of them is from your world?”

“The creatures like that Manticore and the Uhzelak was from my world I think.”


“’Creature of tentacles’, that’s what we orkas called them. A 2 metre being that can pick up, read thoughts and devour memories.”

Eh, that sounds vaguely suspicious. So does that mean the time that it was staring at me-

“No it’s not. Uhzelak can only devour memories if the recipient were willing. Most Uhzelak runs businesses of ‘eating memories’ by which they charged money to eat memories.”

Erganisu, like an esper, had read what I was thinking and calmly explained to me about Uhzelak memory eating ability. Thankfully, I think the limitation of that ability was rightfully given since it would have been too over-powered if it can leisurely eat any memories with or without a permission.

After that, we had mundane, small talks about our favourite food, the great persons in our world, the methods of execution and et cetera.

Gradually, the place that we had gathered was filled with about 24 creatures after the sun was fully visible. I spotted the ‘Uhzelak’ arriving with the Manticore. We made eye contact but there were something different about his, her or its expression when we did.

If I have to exaggerate, a subtle bewilderment was painted on that expression.

Maybe after this when we have free time, I should greet him or her or it…

Now that we had a clear lighting, I can see all the 24 summoned more clearly. There were about nine humans, seven elves, one succubus, one dwarf, one orka, one dragon-like humanoid, two beasts and two monstrous beings.

Those four elves seem to congregate without any problem but the other three elves, the twin and the dark-skinned one seems to keep with themselves.

The beasts and the monstrous beings also gathered among themselves.

For the humans, the four red hair and green hair had gathered together, looking scornfully around except for the timid girl. Strangely, the dragon-like humanoid was hanging around near them.


The other group of human or rather a racially diversify in terms of skin colour and height- was the ubermensch, the school girl, the ginger haired man, the dwarf, and the African guy.

And then there’s Erganisu and me.

We don’t or rather we couldn’t mingle with any of the group for reasons of our own.

After a few minutes, the portal behind me crackled and shone as a guard appeared from there.

“Please, come this way.”

The guard ushered the group to enter the portal. As he did so, my stomach rumbled and my throat was parched from insufficient H20.

I haven’t eaten anything since last night before I showered I think. Hopefully they would lead us to breakfast.

We entered the portal and thankfully my prediction was right. We entered a room consist a banquet of food on two round tables surrounded by chairs was laid in front of us enticingly. I felt my saliva drool without my control at the edge of my mouth.

The smell of smoked and cooked meats and vegetables lingers in the air with such an inviting aroma and scent. The spices of many kinds permeated the very air, resulting in a feast for the noses.

Without me realizing it, I was already seated on one of the chairs on the two round tables where the food was presented. Beside me were the succubus from last night and the dark elf. She and the dark elf were still wearing the same cloth.

Clearly, the dark elf was a glutton. He was drooling saliva as his mouth was wide open looking at the banquet of foods while his pupil swims in his eyes.

The succubus was composed while surveying the food with her left hand covering her mouth. Oh wait… she was covering her mouth because saliva was drooling out of it non-stop.

I guess even though it looked unladylike but it was certainly endearing to watch. Oops, she noticed me watching.

She gave me a mischievous smile befitting of a seductress. I’d gaped like an idiot in response.

With that, my saliva that was held inside like a dam, broke through and flowed freely.

Unfortunately sitting opposite of me was the scorning red and green trio who looked at me with disgust. The kind-looking green-haired one was giggling cutely beside them as she was looking at me.

What did I do to earn their scorn besides giving the first impression of standing naked? Perhaps they are royalty and that give them the natural right to look down on the commoner me?

Never mind that, those foods in front of me can’t get inside my stomach by themselves.


Having felt famished like never before, I stuffed them with much gusto.

An hour later…

After ecstatically stuffing myself without reservation with foods that had some resemblance to the food back on earth, I slumped on my chair, fully satisfied.

“I’d never seen such appetite and voracious manner of eating before. I feel envious in a way.”

“Naturally when you haven’t eaten anything since yesterday, I think it’s fairly normal for a man to revert into his beastly and primal nature especially during hunger.”

“Not only man but every living creature would.”

“True that.”

The succubus who had also downed the foods ferociously but with less intensity than me, with a sweet smile, jibed at my unsightly way of consuming. I responded by whatever comes in mind and she giggled. But watching her plate though, everything was proper and prim even though she ate like a starving beast. She’s an exemplary of table’s manner.

Since we’re already started to talk I guess it’s safe for me to proceed.

“Is it alright if I ask something?”

“Ask away.”

“So what are the privileges of being an ‘Heir’?”

She puts down her cutleries and looked upward, pondering on what to say.

“We were briefed about what is to come for us after the rest had left. If we’re talking about privileges, I’m not quite sure yet but I guess living in a gated and guarded area could be considered a perk.”

The Heirs was living the same space but in a gated community just above the hills, overlooking the rest of us.

And also, their Fhagecs are probably more luxurious than our Fhagecs.

“Ah, intriguing. Oh, how rude of me, allow me to introduce myself. My name is… Ruigne.”

I slightly performed a curtsies’ as I introduced myself. What a blunder. I nearly choked upon remembering that I lost my actual name. Thankfully, I had been given an assumed name to use.

“Pleasure to meet you, my name is Aeriasus Vertagaleiny.”

She also performed an even more elegant curtsie befitting of her beauty upon introduction. Unfortunately she was covering her cleavage as my eyes accidentally falls on that spot.

She winked upon seeing/caught me focusing my eyes.


“No need to apologize. That was still on the level of a decent gentleman in my standard.”

I smiled uneasily as she easily forgave me.

“Still Ruigne is it? At least you have some clothing with you this time. Such misfortune had befallen on you on that night to wear such a thing.”

She chuckled upon remembering my pink loincloth. I had kept that piece of sh--fabric under the bed until the day I when i have enough money to buy a really thick steel box to put that piece of shi--fabric inside and bury it deep in underground so it will never be uncovered. That is the only way to deal with a history better left unspoken.

“Yeah, the misfortune… still this sumptuous banquet we been given is a consolation of a sort for me.”

“Truly, I was famished even though I was given food for dinner last night by my stepsister.”

Stepsister? Curious, I faced towards her.

“Do you mean the…”

“Yes, the angelic being that you had saw last night. It doesn’t make sense right? But you see I was adopted by a celestial family.”

She beamed cutely as she answered. Oh ye gods, I just had a slight heart attack. I think it’s sinful to be this bashful on the level of transcendental beauty.

“I don’t really want to make the mood heavy so…”

“You don’t have to talk about it.”

“… Thanks.”

She turned uneasy as though she realized something after she said that. I didn’t want to press on her personal matter.

After that, we had small talks about the many races on her world and how atrocious the human in my world. We also talked about the foods on our world and etcetera.

The portal fizzled up again and a guard came out.

“We have prepared a schedule for the summoned ones. Please be prepared for a briefing after this.”

After the guard announced that, various servants came from behind and began to clear the tables.

“It seems that we’ll be starting our new life in this world.”

“It seems so.”

We got up from our chair and faced each other. Now that I see her up close, whatever I had described about her previously wouldn’t do any justice to as how beautiful she really is.

The guard was calling her to go first since they told her that her stepsister was waiting for her.

She smiled once more at me.

“If we have the leisure, we should talk once more.”

“It’s always a pleasure.”

She left as I watched her from behind.

After meeting her, she had destroyed my general perception of what I thought of a succubus but I believe she was a unique case.

“Dude, stop blocking the way and wipe off that stupid smile.”

The African who was behind me before the dark elf, admonished me because i was obviously blocking the narrow space of a way. I apologized.

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