《Why a goblin?!》So Many Questions


“So all you did was just a bunch of training, hunting horned rabbits, and then more training for the entire week?”

“Yes, I took two sometimes three of them to hunt at a time, till Geedi, Dal, and Tars eventually evolved.

Once they evolved, I let them take goblins under their wings to form a squad and they all hunted together.”

“I’m glad it all worked out then, I didn’t think a week was enough to evolve three goblins.”

Hmm, I hunted a fair share of horned rabbits when I was with the tribe but never evolved. I wonder if the constant training sped up that process.

Velora, what do you think? Can some crazy training give me XP?

[Not enough information, perhaps do some training yourself, and I’ll be able to make more conclusions.]

I feel like you said that from a negative place, but sure I’ll do the whole training thing at some point.

“Alright, Jaba if there’s nothing else that went on during the week I’ll go over my little goblin adventure now.”

“We already went over everything, please continue.”

“Okay good. If you head straight north from the cave entrance, you’ll reach a massive lake.

There is something far stronger than us that lives in that lake, so no is ever allowed to go near it at any costs.”

“I can understand what a lake is, but I’ve never actually seen one before.”

“That’s a bit weird but whatever, you’ll know what it is eventually. Back to the topic at hand, to the east and west of the lake, is filled with various types of monsters of different strengths and evolutions.

“For goblins on our level, it is the perfect place to hunt and get stronger. Horned rabbits won’t be enough to satisfy our level of strength.


Not even the three evolved goblins should still be hunting horned rabbits, if anything we should be raising them.”

“Will the both of us hunt together? And what do you mean by raising them?”

“I’m not sure how the hunting process will work just yet. But raising them means will keep a certain number of them in a closed area.

They will mate and grow, but once they grow by a certain amount we kill a few of them.”

“That sounds interesting but difficult to do.”

“Yes it’ll probably be difficult, but nothing a genius goblin such as myself can’t fix.”

“If you say so. What’s north of the lake?”

“North of the lake is also an area that you should never approach. It is ruled by a very strong fox. Remember that giant wolf that almost killed us? It was that fox that injured to that extent.

So just like the area near the lake, never go to the northern side of that lake.”

“Okay, I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll also tell the same thing to Geedi, Dal, and Tars. Is there anything else I should know?”

“No there isn’t anything else, but I have a question. How do goblins reproduce?”

“You mean how do we get small goblins?”


“I’m not sure, but when we were a bigger tribe, I would see the other two evolved goblins who were male and female go into a tent together and the female goblin would come out with a large stomach.

Then eventually, the female goblin would go back into a tent and come out with a small number of tiny goblins.

I was just a brand new evolved goblin at the time and I didn’t understand how that process worked, and I still don’t.”


“Ah, I understand...It seems I’m going to have to have ‘The Talk’ with the whole tribe.”

“What is the talk?”

You’ll hear it soon, for now go to the others outside, and tell them about the leader position changing. I’ll be out there soon to announce some stuff and have the talk.”

“You sound like a leader already. I’ll let them know, see you out there.”

After Jaba said that he walked out and I followed behind him, It was really weird with the whole me becoming leader thing, but I think it went well if I say so myself.

I quickly went to grab my things before making my way back to my tent.

[It’s 0900.]

Already?! Damn me and Jaba talked for a while. They do say time flies when your planning goblin domination...Or at least now they do.

[Who else says it?]

I’m ignoring that one for the sake of my mental health. Anyways Velora, bring up Jaba’s status please.


{Name - Jaba}

{Age - 3}

{Race - Hobgoblin (High)}

{Level - 75 (1925/1950)}

{Health - 75/75}

{Mana - 39/39}

{Strength - 57}

{Agility - 52}

{Intelligence - 48}

{Endurance - 54}


{Thrust II (common) (10 Mana)}

{Comprehension IV (common)}

Velora, why are all his numbers exactly five points lower than mine?

[I believe it is due to your use of stat points, as that is something that Jaba doesn’t seem to have.]

I’ve used more than five stat points though so it still doesn’t add up.

[That might be where training comes in, though I don’t have enough information to determine the truth in that. Please train.]

You're not gonna drop it huh, I’ll train soon don’t get your panti..never mind. Anyway, can you give me the description of his two skills?


[Thrust II - The next level up from Thrust one. Upon activating this skill, the specified amount of mana will surge in the user's arms, allowing them to produce a forward stab that is both powerful and fast. (Spear required to use.) ]

[Comprehension IV - The fourth level up from Comprehension one. This skill is always active and cannot be turned off.

There is no mana required to use this skill. All monsters have the ability to gain this skill upon reaching a certain level of growth. This skill grants the user information and knowledge widely known in the world. The amount of knowledge granted corresponds to the level of the skill.]

Hmm easy enough to understand, and it seems this comprehension skill is why Jaba can suddenly speak so well, and even know things he didn’t know before.

But it doesn’t seem like he knows everything, So I guess he’ll know more as the skill levels up.

By the way Velora, you didn’t tell me that skills can level up? Is it only some skills or can even my dash and solidify level up as well?

Also, why does Jaba get different skills if we both are the same level and tier of goblin? I can understand not having the comprehension skill because I’m a human being, but the others don’t make sense.

Any idea as to why Velora?

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