《Why a goblin?!》Leader


[Rick, it is now 0730. Wake up.]

[This is the time you requested. It is time to wake up. Please wake up.]

…Hmm..is it time already..


You know I’ve fully embraced being a goblin and not dwelling on my past life too much, but a cup of coffee would be great right now.

[What is coffee?]

Oh, it’s a hot beverage made from a specific type of bean.

[I see.]

I wonder if I could even find coffee beans in this world...

Well, it wouldn’t even matter since I have no idea how to actually make coffee from the beans...maybe I just boil it? Whatever I’ll cross that bridge if I ever get there. Got a lot to do today now that I’m back home and the stone monsters have been dealt with.

First of all, Velora bring up my status please.


{Name - Rick}

{Age - 20}

{Race - Hobgoblin (High)}

{Level - 76 (1961/1980)}

{Health - 80/80}

{Mana - 28/44}

{Strength - 62}

{Agility - 57}

{Intelligence - 53}

{Endurance - 59}

{Stat Points - 20}


{Velora (Unique)}

{Dash (common) (5 Mana)}

{Solidify (common) (10 Mana)}

Alright, It’s about time I use a couple of these stat points. I think I’ll just use ten of them for now because I don’t know when I’ll get more or how frequently I’ll even get them.

Hmm, let's go with one point in endurance, three in agility, three in strength, and finally three in intelligence.

[Would you like to do it all at once?]

Yeah, let's do it.

[Understood. Starting now, stay strong.]

Stay strong? Oh! WAIT! THE PAI-..


[The allocation process is complete. It took two minutes. Also, It seems your scream alerted the other goblins. Jaba is outside your tent.]


“Rick! Are you okay?! What's going on?!”

Dammit, that's the last time I forget about the damn pain from the points. That's what I get for using my precious stat points.

Let me at least tell Jaba I’m okay.

Jaba looked at me with a worried expression when I stepped out of the tent. Which was really weird to see… I don’t think a goblin’s face is made to have such an expression.

“Don’t worry Jaba I’m good. Just another step on our way to a truly green world.”

“If you're able to still say weird things, then I’m sure you're okay. But since you're awake, we need to have a proper talk. Get something to eat and meet me in my tent when you're ready.”

“Don’t worry you won’t be calling it weird for long! And I’ll come to your tent shortly, I have a lot I want to talk about as well.”

“Alright, and stop screaming so loud, you’ll scare the other goblins.”

“Yeah yeah, they’ll be fine. See you in a bit.”

He walked away after I said that, so I went back into my tent.

By the way Velora, can you tell me the time at each hour as the day passes? Starting at 0800 if it hasn’t already passed.

[Understood. It hasn’t already passed. It will be 0800 in four minutes.]

Oh, that's perfect, but since it’s so close just tell me when it’s 0900 instead and keep going from there except when I’m asleep.


Oh wait, all my stuff is still at the front of the cave so I guess I’ll just go talk to Jaba now and then grab it all afterward since that's where all my dried meat is.

Once I reached Jaba’s tent, which was just right next to mine. I called out to him since it’s rude to just barge into another goblin’s tent. Goblins are a noble race after all.


Well maybe not...But we will be!

Though in the few steps it took me to arrive at the tent, I see that the remains of the stone monsters have been moved somewhere while all the unevolved goblins are being led outside by the three evolved ones.

Wonder what's going on. I’ll have to find that out later.

“Jaba, it's Rick. Is it alright to come in?”

“Yes, come inside.”

Inside the tent was basically the same as mine, a piece of hide laid out on the floor was the only thing inside along with two short spears and a seated Jaba in a criss-cross applesauce position. (look it up if you don’t know it!)

“Have a seat, then we can start talking.”

I nodded then sat in the same position. Which is when Jaba dropped something unexpected on me.

“While you were gone, I’ve done a lot of thinking about the tribe. The tribe is my home and family, and as the leader of the tribe, I have to do what’s best.

So after all that thinking, I think..no..I want you to become the new leader of the tribe.”

I always knew if I wanted to accomplish my goals for the future of this tribe and the goblin race as a whole, I’d have to become the leader at some point.

Though I didn’t expect it to come so soon, and especially not with Jaba being the one to suggest it. I really want to know what led him to this.

“Why do you want me to become the new leader?”

“The leader of the tribe should be the strongest and smartest goblin. I’ve always known you were smarter than the rest of us with all the weird things you say, but it wasn’t until I saw you fight the stone monsters that I realized your strength.

There isn’t a better goblin to lead us.”

Well, I understand his reasoning but that can’t be the only reason why. I’m sure Jaba enjoys being the leader so why would he give it up so easily.

“Are those the only two reasons?”

“Well, I think my time is better put to use elsewhere in the tribe.”

“What do you mean?”

“Someone has to be there to train the unevolved goblins.”

“Hmm...so you just really like the whole teacher thing huh?”

“No no no...I’m just the right goblin for the job.”

So Jaba likes being a teacher I see, well I won’t mess with him about it.

“If you say so, but I’ll accept the position of the leader then. But just so you know, I’m going to be changing a lot of things around here, but of course, everything will be to the benefit of our tribe.”

“Sure, you're the leader.”

“Alright, before I get into any leader like business, let's talk about all the things that happened during the past week.”

“Sounds good. So I immediately put your idea of leveling up the tribe into action the day you left…”

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