《NPC I want experience》Chapter 24 Trying to not get caught building Minions
It was raining and I was stuck in a tent while my new base of operations was fixed up. Max, Thorn and Kenya were starring at the books I had pulled out of my bag of holding. Max pulled the beginner book of Sorcery open and began to read. Kenya jumped at the book of poisons i passed her. I tossed a beginners book of curses to Thorn.
Max grinned “We were in school for what a whole two whole weeks before you get kicked out?” I shrugged and looked over the book of curses. “It was closer to three and I did learn a bit. I certainly have all the books I need. I bought basic spell book copies off Kenya and these advanced books from the dark Librarian. ”
I felt a alert as my goblin skeleton commander let me know someone was approaching. I opened the tent A robed figure entered our yard was outside. The figure entered the old stables and took off her hood. She looked at the tent we had put up inside. She looked at Thorn and then pulled out a bag of holding “I was told to tell you your information on Orcs was good we tested it on goblins. The second part of the testing will be harder. There is a bonus inside the bag. If your information is correct on the elder Lich's there will be a huge bonus”
Once the messenger left Thorn looked at me “You sold information on me to Cultists?”I opened the bag up and gave Thorn a potion. “Increases strength permanently by one.” Thorn starred at the potion “So your giving it to me to make up for selling me out” I shook my head “ Thats my potion. No there is a formula in the bag your going to have Kenya brew you that one.”
I looked in the bag and pulled out four sets of notes.
Recipe potion to increase maximum strength
Recipe potion to increase maximum endurance
Recipe potion to increase maximum intelligence
Recipe potions to increase maximum mana
Designs of a flesh Abomination
Designs of a flesh golem
Designs of a flesh Frankenstein
Designs of a cloning altar.
I showed Thorn the recipes. Kenya took a look and swallowed. I looked at the notes and swore “Damb you can only take one a year and it takes months for the full effects to come threw. I should have bought the mana one.” I took the potion and swallowed it.
Thorn looked at me “You sold information on me to Cultists. ” I nodded “Yeah but your going to need those potions to push you past your limits. Plus you have a insane body type. You should be able to take maybe three in a year.” Thorn looked at the list “Three your sure?” I shrugged “Fairly there are tests but at least two a year.”
Kenya started to sweat “You know i could brew up six of the endurance potions today. It might cost a couple of gold. The strength potion will take about a week. I can not brew the intelligence or mana potion yet there just to hard.” I nodded “Lets head down to the underground flea market tomorrow. They should have what i need down there. Kenya get the ingredients brew Thorns potion yourself. I want to help brew Maxs potions. I need the experience.”
Max swallowed “You know your potions tend to make people vomit.” I chucked “its a extra point in endurance plus for you as I did sell information on Thorn she did not want sold your drinking my potion. Thorn gets the not poisoned potion”
Kenya left and arrived back a half hour later dripping wet. Kenya set up her apparatus as i watched her brew the potion. Thorn swallowed it back and her hp and stamina rose to 370. I starred her endurance had risen to 20/22. She had increased her multiplier and endurance had gone up by 2 not 1. Thorn grinned “Listen I have a deal going in the old bucket inn. I have to go.”
I cursed fate and brewed up a potion for Max. Max took it and collapsed in a heap cursing the gods. He ran to the hole we used as a toilet and we all heard a disgusting sounds.
Kenya starred at me “Whats that about?” I shrugged “Necromancer remember my potions tend to have a nasty after effect. I am great with poison” I looked up the clouds were clearing “Lets head out Kenya prepare Max a cure disease light potion and cure poison light poison and a light cure curse just in case.”
Max cursed me weakly. Kenya looked at me “Why do you hate him that much?” I starred at her “Hate him no I need experience brewing potions and there is no way I am wasting a potion” A horrible moaning came from outside. I looked at Kenya “Ok your up give him the potions and lets go.”
Max was a wimp about the whole thing and gave me a annoyed look all the way to the tunnel to the market. Kenya laughed at a disgruntled Max.
The tunnel to the underground market was full of paladins. I frowned “Max keep it together we are just buying the equipment which is not illegal. Using it is illegal but hey can not touch us for buying it”
A massive armoured man stood forward “Well if it is not that Chaos loving son of a toad Max” I noticed Max eyes glowing with a red rage. Kenya looked appalled and whispered to Max “There only trying to get you to attack them. Do not or they will have a excuse to arrest you”
Max grinned insanely “Totally worth it” Two spell scrolls appeared in his hands and a wall of flame appeared in front of Max. When the wave vanished there were a lot of smoking corpses in front of us.
I starred at Max “What the hell did you do that for?” Max kicked a smoking corpse “That jerk's brother stole my girlfriend. Well I was going to ask her out. But i had no place to take her. ” Max had started to glow red. I shuddered “ok you need to leave right now. Your glowing like a fire. And you have increased from level 49 to 76. Go to that place where we have our temporary base number three and wait for Thorn. ”
Max ran off and I sighed i looked at the small army of corpses. I grabbed a bag of holding and stuffed what looked like a elf corpse into my bag. Then I entered the flea market and yelled “Free stuff. Bodies armour and swords first come first served.”
People ran for the bodies of the dead paladins and i ran around purchasing things with dark Contributory points. A lot of the stalls offered things for sale. Then it was time to leave. Outside the market a group of Soldiers were trying to search people but there were to many people up and about. I was guessing in a half a hour a guard captain would show up with more troops and seal off the market.
I headed for the black library with a very nervous Kenya. The Librarian sighed when he saw me. He shoved the three other people out of the library and turned to me “No we can not hide your friend.”
I nodded “Yeah well i just need the help of some dark cultists. I need to contact a high level chaos demon and purchase something. It was in the list right a dark ceremony to gain the title eater of the dead. I just need the ceremony tweaked a little.”
Kenya paled “Wait to get that title you need to eat still living people.” The librarian grinned “Your doing more research lets see what you need?” I pulled out a scroll and began to scribble. The librarian looked at the requirements and laughed. “its not going to work just because it did with Thorn does not mean you can change Max race.”
I nodded “But a partial change is possible. Thats all i need. Once Max resets his race it resets his whole status and that annoying red glow goes away. Plus the effects will be useful on other studies. Just have the demon sign the contract and keep Kenya here safe.”
Kenya looked at me “But i can help” i looked at Kenya “Ok what is your sneak skill at?” Kenya face darkened and I nodded. I looked at the Librarian. “I have a bunch of contributory points due right. Any chance you have that cloak of darkness here.”
The Librarian shook his head. Then he pulled out a book “Its the basic Create death knight spell scroll. 5000 contributory points normal price you can have it for 3000. You can also purchase the other scrolls i have some here.”
I nodded I will take the death affinity, poison resistance, dark vision skill books. And the 2 greater blight and ice storm scroll spell. I turned to Kenya “You might want to move in with the librarian for a while. I will use him to send word if i can. If not you can have my remaining contributory points. Something tells me i will not be using them for a while”
I headed out cursing my luck. It was a good thing I looked like a innocent little kid. The guards were all looking nervous and staring at everyone. Well everyone but the little kid who was lost and needed directions to a local inn. I followed the guards directions until i found what i was looking for a hidden entrance to the sewer. The thieves tunnels were not hard to find and i activated my night vision. I really had to get a ring that had dark vision instead of night vision. I could have used the skill book but that would have been a waste.
I looked at a couple of sleeping people
Trevor age 24 lv 21 Class farmer beggar Shelly age 19 lv 18 class farmer
I really hated the nobles at that moment. If Trevor had been a yeoman farmer he could have taken the archer secondary class. Or even hunter it was hard dangerous work hunting deer but he might have been able to scrape by with Shelly.
I walked on noting the actually thieves running around in a state of disorder. I starred at the thieves thinking a blight spell done right would give me two or three levels.
A voice echoed out “Do not even think about it necromancer we have crossbows and spell scrolls lots of spell scrolls. Forget about it right now.” I sighed and noticed burn marks. The thieves must have tried to stop Max reaching my so new so called hide out.
I decided to keep moving and only cast a stench spell once i left the thieves place of business. Anyone following me would be in for a unpleasant surprise. Its hard to sneak up on someone and hold your nose. I stopped and slowly moved forward. There were people talking. I looked up
Travis lv 41 (Paladin)(priest of light)(knight) Craig lv 21 (Paladin)(knight)James lv 24 (Paladin)(black knight)
Travis was talking to his to colleagues.”Theres only one of him. Lets rush him” James spat at Travis “Stick it up your ass. He just chopped up three level 41 and above Paladins. Before he was joined by whatever the hell that was.”
Travis pulled his sword out “That was just a Orc” James shook his head “That Orc grabbed that thieves sword by the pointy end and bent it. That other one hit her with a warhammer and she just head butted him once to kill him. Thats not a Orc thats a high Orc. Bottom line I am out there is no way i going up against them both for the sake of the chance to raise my class from black knight to knight. ”
I decided that I really need to get past the the three paladins. I cast stench right next to James. I heard the others start to gag. Craig started to puke “By all the gods thats putrid.” I quickly cast toxic cloud on James ass. A green cloud appeared right next to James ass.
Craig tried to crawl away. While I used another couple of stenches and more toxic clouds. Travis fell to the ground this time unable to hold his breath. Travis starred at James in horror “What did you eat you smell awful. Get the hell out of here before you kill us with your stink”
James stormed off and i cast a quick disease cloud and epic stench onto Travis and Craig. Once the two stopped puking I left my hiding place. Travis starred at me “Halt evil doer. Miscreant stop right there.” Travis collapsed trying to puke. I walked past him deciding to give the insanely horrible itch curse a go. Travis hit the ground trying not to itch. Then because i can be a nasty person i threw in a loose bowels and stun spell. Nothing like not being unable to take down your pants in time because your stunned. Craig got up and ran away as fast as he could and i cursed him with blindness. He ran right into a wall and collapsed. I walked past a gasping Travis on who i cast a alluring smell to dawn in ass many rats as i could. I swear i could feel my steadfast title effecting me to be meaner to any type of lord I came accross.
I walked to so called secret hide out and banged on the door. Thorn and Max greeted me grinning. Max had gone up two more levels. I starred “idiots we need to leave before they send a army after us lets go. I have a map”
A half a hour later we were standing in front of a old section of tunnel with human skulls stuck to poles. Max starred at the skulls nervously. Thorn was grinning as we entered the old church.
There were a bunch of robed cultist waiting for us. The leader stood forward “We are gathered here for the eating of the flesh ceremony Let Max stand forward.” I grinned and winked at Max “I have the elf corpse he will be eating right here. ” Max swallowed and turned pale and I laughed “Got you next time do not simply kill everyone who insults you”
I looked at the Cultist leader. “You will begin the ceremony once complete i will summoned the death knight.” The cultist leader bowed “Then lets begin at once you have caused such trouble we need to have this over and done with and you gone as soon as possible”
I pulled out the corpse of the elf Paladin and put in inside the summoning circle and began to chant. The Cultist leader raised his hand and spoke a series of words.
A black figure appeared over the corpse of the dead elf and chuckled. “Your not normally in this much of a hurry what do you want human” The cult leader pointed at the dead elf “A title for the dead corpse demon squire.”The demon looked at the corpse “You wish to trade this corpse with me? If you can turn it into a death knight i will be interested but why waste a title on it?”
The cultist leader pointed to me “He is a necromancer maybe he gets a title out of it we need to speed things along here. There looking for Max and i want to be gone when they get here.” The demon laughed “Very well the title demon squire will be placed on this corpse.” I reached out and used the create undead knight. The elf's corpse twitched and stood up.
Death Knight lv 45 (Demon)(Demon Paladin)(Demon Knight )
Title demon squire
Effect This Death knight is slowly turing into a ???? Demon knight
The demon who had been laughing stopped and looked at the undead elf with a look of greed on his face. “How did you do it mortal? Where did you find the knowledge to create such as that?”
I pulled out a list and tossed it to the demon. “Lets trade For the title I need. You just have to transfer the class to Max.” The Demon starred at me “But i get nothing from this trade but information in fact it costs me. Am i to do this thing out of the goodness of my black heart?”
I grinned “Think of it as having gained a achievement. It will give you one right? If you want to trade me that achievement to me I will pay double what you have already been offered to do the ceremony. You can give me a spell scroll which i will use. That way i get any achievement from what i have planned.” The Demon chuckled “Brat i like you fair enough I will grant Max the needed class. And you get the material you need to forge your rings.”
I grinned and turned to Max “Your up Max stand in the circle and lets get this done.” A nervous max stood in the summoning circle and the demon sucked the energy out of the death knight and gave it to Max. He then passed a bag to Max and vanished laughing.
Max walked out of the summoning circle with my goods. I checked his status and grinned. It had worked.
Max Age 16 Race Half human half Demon (Chaos paladin)(High sorcerer)(Chaos Mage)(Chaos demon)
I stopped grinning when I realized he was still glowing red. In fact he looked a lot brighter. This was a huge problem. I had hoped the glowing would go down when he changed race and we all could flee the city. The men guarding the gates were really corrupt and easily scared. A Small bribe and we could have been gone. But with Max still glowing that option was gone.
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