《NPC I want experience》Chapter 8 I want better and more spell scrolls
Shelly brought me for my morning run and this time i did not collapse half way threw. I wheezed to a stop and Shelly stopped using her axe to threaten me with.
Van was waiting for us. He gave me a strong stare. “You are after levelling up a lot. What did you slaughter a small army of goblins by yourself again.”
I checked my level and blinked. “I went up to level 18 my class went up as well”
Class Necromancer had risen a 1 level to lv 3
Subclass shaman Necromancer had risen 6 levels to level 7
create lesser undead lv 1 had increased to create undead lv 0
Summon lesser undead had increased 3 levels to lv 4
Van nodded “Check all your lesser skills later for level increases in the mean time its time to purchase some equipment. Marge was extremely happy with that Pixie with it there Mellisa will level up fast so she does not need to risk her life going with you. Marge has decided to give you Melissa equipment. I am seeing about getting you a new team member for the up coming goblin hunt. Take a look at the goods that Marge is sending over and then get over to the market to buy what you can.”
Van lead me and into the room the adventures guild rented from the inn. He shut the door and opened up a chest with a key he kept around his neck. He pulled out a bag and spread the contents on the table
72 healing potions restores 30-40 hp
24 potions of Mana restores 30-40 mana
18 stamina potions 20 stamina + 2 stamina per second 40 seconds
6 potions of cure disease
8 potions of cure poison
1 Sack of holding
1 amulet of light
Can cast dark vision once a day on self lasts a 1/2 hour
Can cast 3 light orbs daily
Can cast flare cost 10 mana
1 scroll of greater fire ball
7 scrolls of lesser lightening bolt
10 scrolls of light heal
3 scrolls of haste
Van looked at the Potions with greed naked greed in his eyes. He winked at me “ok you could buy a house for that many potions of healing. I will give you above market value for 50 of them”
I looked at the potions. “I will need 50 twenty for myself twenty for Shelly and ten to be split among my team for the upcoming hunt. I will sell you 22 healing potions in exchange for decent armour for Shelly.”
Shelly looked touched. But i wanted to live and having a strong tank to protect me was a must. Van grinned “Done keep those scrolls safe. Alright i will hire you someone else to help your group out. You still have about five gold left from what Marge gave you. I am taking enough from your funds for you to make a run on a nearby dungeon tomorrow. You being level 18 means the one thousand five hundred exp points on offer will bring you to level 19. You got 700 experience points from the pixie dungeon. This time you might make 400 so you might have to purchase some experience scrolls to reach level 20”
I nodded “I would like to try the pixie dungeon first if i can raise another pixie queen. I can avoid the whole having to pay for experience scrolls.” Van shook his head “You can not do it. Right now you have a 50 percent blessing of experience. But if you go back in that vanishes. Your not guaranteed to summon another great undead. At best in the pixie dungeon you will get the 20 percent blessing instead of your current 50 percent blessing. Plus in the dungoen your going to next is a undead dungeon when your finished you can resurrect the corpses running around and have Shelly level up by fighting them. You have all your basic equipment and have five gold left to go.”
I walked to the three merchant stalls that had set up. Melissa was in the one selling potions and waved. A pixie was flying over her head and i blinked at its status.
NamePixieRaceUndeadClassPixie Magelevel0SubclassPixie Witch queenlevel0IntelligenceStrengthluckStamina2/114/5??????ManaHit points???Weight30/30??????????TraitsMage Effect +1 intelligence
Dark vision
undead lesser legendary young being Effect increased learning speed. Increased experience increased mana TitlesPixie witch queen
effects intelligence +1 increased magic increased mana regeneration leadership + 1pixie Mage
Effect lesser affinity with all four elements (fire earth water air)
I blinked “Wow the pixie queen has 30 mana and 2 intelligence. That means that she gets 15 Mana per point of intelligence. I only get 11 mana for each level of intelligence. She even got the mage class before me”
Melissa grinned “Pixies are amazing. Once she starts to learn magic I get a one experience point for every one point she gets. Having a intelligent and cute Familiar rocks” Pixie flew around the air chanting “Buy a potion and I will not curse you all mortals”
Shelly went to congratulate Melissa and pet Pixie. I checked out the other two booths. One was weapons which Van had already purchased for me. The other was a enchanter named Craven.
I looked at craven goods. There were boxes of scrolls. I found a giant fireball spell on sale for twenty gold coins. There were experience scrolls. 300 hundred experience on sale for 8 gold coins. I looked in the ring section. The cheapest ring was five gold coins.
Ring of mana + 5 mana
Ring of lesser fire bolt cast a fire bolt once a day.
Craven nodded to me “You get a lot cheaper goods in the city. See anything you like.” I nodded “Yeah but there a bit expensive i could barely afford a ring.”
Craven eyes seemed to sparkle. “If you already had a enchanted artifact maybe i could do something with it or trade.” I pulled out the amulet of light and the goblin staff. Craven looked at the amulet of light “Good amulet i can not do anything with it but i would trade a ring of mana it grants a 10 percent mana regeneration bonus and a couple of rare to good scrolls for it.”
I shook my head “The once a day dark vision is to valuable. What about the staff?” craven looked at it “Well its horribly made I could alter it a little bit changing the staff to instant cat a fire ball instead of a lesser fire ball will not be a problem. I can increase the 5 percent extra fire damage to 10 for a half a gold. I maybe can increase the haste speed on the staff for 4 gold. But those effects are only for shaman”
I looked at the staff “I have a sub class of shaman and five gold for all the repairs.” Craven looked at the staff and nodded “Five it is i will have it ready for you in about four hours. If you want to throw in another couple of gold i can increase the staff further but it will be restricted to shaman class for all functions.”
I nodded my head “how much?” Craven looked at the staff “A gold more gets you a rapid fire ability. Two more gets you the caste haste three times a day” i ran off to get gold from Shelly
TypeGoblin StaffDurability???Active abilitiesCast Fire ball no mana cost3/3 dailyInstant cast lesser fire ballPassive Abilities when equiped by a shaman5 percent fire magic damage5 percent mana regenerationLesser lesser haste Speed increased by 15 percent
TypeGoblin StaffDurability???Active abilitiesCast Fire ball no mana cost4/4 dailyInstant cast fire ballCan cast haste2/2 dailyPassive Abilities when equiped by a shaman15 percent fire magic damage5 percent mana regenerationLesser lesser haste Speed increased by 40 percent when equipedduel cast Can cast one of the four fire balls a day and cast instant fire ball at the same time
Craven finished the staff and looked at the new effects. He looked at me. “ok everything did not exactly go to plan but its still a decent upgrade.” I nodded and paid up.”
Shelly winked at me. “Thats some staff.” Craven looked up “Not really given the quality of the wood that went into it. If you can take magic goods from a goblin even a standard human enchanter like me can always almost double the effect. So keep a look out for any goblin shaman goods that they have not yet processed. We can triple the effects if a goblin has not yet started on the goods.”
Shelly grinned “Monster killer here will definitely get more goods soon. But we have to go our cart is on its way.” I followed Shelly to a cart that had hay in the back. Shelly tossed the driver a copper coin and picked me up and threw me into the cart. Shelly turned to the Cart driver “lets go Wrath go to sleep. I have all your equipment.”
I nodded off and woke up when Shelly punched me awake we had reached a small castle. Shelly got out and gave me a bag of holding. She gave me a stern look open it once your inside the Dungeon lets go.
We reached a old man who looked at me and bowed “I am Simon the Reeve and Sheriff of this place So your the one who will be challenging our dungeon. I have the standard mage equipment here.”
Magic warhammer
Does double damage to undead
Ring of the lady light
Shines sunlight out. This will cause lesser undead to flee.
Cost twenty mana per use
scroll of undead turning
will cause all undead in the area to flee
holy water bottles * 28
Simon nodded “Here is a map of the dungeon and outside you will see a garden. The garden is actually a full scale mock up of the entire dungeon. Each level is basically the same layout with the exception of the last.” Simon then pulled out a jug “I also have a jug of holy water. You can just splash the undead with it. After all i have to clean the place up when your finished.”
Shelly winked at me “Forget about the garden run threw. You go in first and go to the third level. I will meet you in a hour to deal with the main death knight.” As i walked into the dungeon entrance i heard Shelly talking to Simon “We might be in there a bit longer than usual. A couple of days in fact. Wrath might be able to get his dark vision ability”
I walked over the threshold of the dungeon entrance and felt a chill. The air inside the dungeon was freezing. I pulled out Bag of holding Shelly gave me and found a note.
There are gloves in the Bag put them on. Take off your boots see the diagrams of how to clear the dungeon. Put on the ring of concealment then use the dagger and holy water to kill all the dead. Choose Necromancer +1 intelligence trait
I checked there was a dagger in the bag and gloves. I took off my boots put on the gloves and put the ring on over the gloves. Then i started my quest. I waited in a corner until a undead zombie walked past me. I checked his status.
Name Zombie guard 1 race undead Zombie
Hp 135/135 stamina null int null
I dipped the dagger in the holy water and leaving the jug where it was I ran in behind the Zombie and stabbed him in the lower back.
The Zombie stayed still for a second and dropped to the floor.
Critical hit
Zombie is taking 5 hp a second damage from holy water.
The Zombie fell to the ground and crawled around trying to get up. Leaving the dagger still in the zombie back I ran back and took some holy water out of the jug with my hand and sprinkled it onto the Zombie who just lay there like a idiot.
Experience 75 points.
I checked my map. There were a bunch of tombs on each level. Each level had one patrolling guard and two zombie servants hidden in the side holes that held the coffins.
I looked at the knife i had just pulled out of the zombie it was filthy i did not want to dip it in the jug as the jug would quickly also become filthy. Somehow i doubted the holy water in the jug would retain its effect once it had blood in it. I washed down the dagger and moved onto the next zombie.
I moved to coffin and waited. The coffin opened as the Zombie tried to get out of the coffin. Then i leaned over and stabbed the zombie in the eye with my dagger. The zombie stopped moving but I had not got a window with a experience increase so i wiggled the dagger around a bit.
Experience 75 points
observation of the dead experience 38
I moved onto the next Zombie and decided to find out what was going on. I stabbed what i think was a woman in the eye. And pulled back to look at the zombie
Name Zombie servant2 race undead Zombie
Hp 48/90 stamina null int null
in dazed state due to pain from holy water
I reached over and twisted the dagger before the dazed state lifted
Experience 75 points
observation of the dead experience 150
I moved on checking each of the zombies i killed on the way to the main boss. The dazed state lasted longer when i stabbed the zombies in the brain. I let one of the zombies simply die of the wound. When i stabbed a guard zombie in the back and twisted the status effect changed to paralysed from the wast down.
The holy water must be damaging the Zombies like poison. As there were only three levels i did not have very many experimental subjects. I reached the last door and looked into my bag of holding. There was a further note.
Pull a dead servant body near to the door.
Use the scroll supplied on the body of a dead servant
Use your Necromancer spell summon undead on the raised corpse to take control of the body
Have the servant backstab him.
Do not damage his skeleton.
Wait for Shelly.
I looked at the scroll
Raise dead
Can raise lesser undead for five minutes. The undead are stupid and will not understand you but will defend its summoner.
I looked around and found a zombie female servant and pulled her close to the door. I washed off tip of the dagger and went to look for something else to soak in holy water. I found a piece of coffin that had fallen off the a Zombie servant coffin. I cut the wood fragment with the dagger a bit to make it pointer. The i covered the whole thing with holy water and did what i had been told.
I summoned the zombie to life with the scroll and then cast summon undead on the zombie. I reached out and found myself starring at me. Everything was different there was no colour only black and white. I looked down at my arms and one held a dagger the other was holding a sharpened branch. I felt something
Raise dead spell and summon dead spell have combined
I blinked and was back in my own body. I reached out and took control of the zombie again and walked into the final bosses room. It was a undead zombie with rusty armour on him. It was easy to approach the last boss and walk around him. He did not move until the dagger was plunged into his unprotected back. I twisted the dagger and reached out with the branch. But he turned and his armour blocked the branch. He reached out and pulled a short sword. My hand was sent flying and I was back in my own body. I felt a ping
You have been effected by the shock status
Title Steadfast blocked 80 percent of the negative effects of shock status
I waited for a few minutes letting the holy water on the dagger do its job. Then i waited another five minutes. I peeked in the door at the final boss.
NameJimmyRaceundead zombieclassundead knightHit pointsStaminaManaLuck56/150???Null-3StatusDamaged effect ???
Slow effect ???
confused effect ???
I moved away and found another piece of wood. Uncorking a bottle of holy water i cursed. If only i had made to stakes with the dagger this would be easier.
I poured three quarters of a bottle of holy water over the wooden shard and my gloves and got ready. I aimed the quater full bottle of Holy water at the Zombie knight and threw it. It exploded on the undead knight head and i looked at his status.
NameJimmyRaceundead zombieclassundead knightHit pointsStaminaManaLuck35/150???Null-3StatusDamaged effect ??? + ????
Slow effect ???
Dazed effect ???
being damaged by holy water effect ???
the Damaged effect had a second ??? and confused had changed to
dazed. I waited while his hp kept dropping. The undead knight finally fell to the ground after about a minute. His hp was 15 at this point but i kept still and waited.
He was just laying there possible playing dead. If a quarter bottle of holy water took away 41 hp points how much did i need to take away those last few points. About a eight of a bottle for 20 points. I went with one sixteenth. The bottle struck the knight between the legs and the zombie tried to jump up it looked like it was trying to scream. Then it slumped over dead.
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