《NPC I want experience》Chapter 7 I want better and more minions
The shield I was given before entering the dungeon is amazing. I wish i could keep it and the belt after this dungeon dive but I know its far to expensive. I really wish I had a better undead minions spell. They do not count toward me using active spells if they are created inside the dungeon and I bet there immune to most of the Pixies magic.
Its one of a necromancers biggest advantages for levelling up according to the cheat sheet I read. A Necromancer can summon up some undead outside a Dungeon and enter a dungeon. All the experience that the summoned minions gains goes to the necromancer. Of course this only works with summoned creatures not Created ones. But you can use create minons inside a dungeon from the dead bodies.
I get ready its time to clear this dungeon. I sneak in behind the Pixie who is slowly flying on his assigned route. A quick blast of the evil eye stuns him and i hit him from behind. Then I move onto the next guard.
Non of the Pixies even notice me as I single shot them all. Seriously there weak. I can almost feel my sneak skill going up. I find a problem when i finish off the Pixies. I must have stamped on a stone because my foot feel like crap. Theres a cut and i do not have any bandages.
Looking around i finally find a Pixie guard whose clothing just about fits my foot with a little bit of tearing. I sit down to meditate and curse. I am thirsty and i have nothing to hold the loot I am about to collect.
When the hour is up i hear a ding as a pop up window appears.
Quest complete mediation learner
Blessing of the gods
For the next 28 days you will learn Magic based skills and spells 50% Faster
50 percent increase to experience earned using magic
I check my level i am level 17 i went up a entire rank. I also went up a point of Mana. For some reason i have 56 instead of 55.
Looking around for loot there is hardly anything. I collected all the pixies. I bet there clothes could be made into dolls clothes. Plus i can use the bodies to learn the summon minion ability. The only other thing that is worth anything are the torches. After taking them all down. I take a last look around the main chamber. There are some interesting drawings on the wall but i am betting that i can not prize them from the wall.
I headed out of the cave to begin the long limp back to town. Shelly starred at the bodies and torches. “Ok put them in my bag of holding lets head out” Five minutes later Shelly was laughing at me. “Your sure slow lets pick up the pace Limpey ”
I sighed and tried summoning a Giant rat so it could bite Shelly. What I got was a undead hamster. Shelly looked at the hamster and actually started to coo. “He is so cute so adorable.”
I released the hamster and Shelly started to laugh “Your not half bad so we should talk if you manage to make it to mage class we can join the same squad. I will get you a dungeon porter position where you can rake in the experience. Once your experienced you pay me back.”
I stopped trying to summon a giant undead rat and though about it. “We should get a signed contract. Or at least a signed deal with a set time frame.”
Shelly nodded “Your the boss but to be honest with you I have a little skeleton in my closet. The thing is I always wanted to be a adventurer. So I used to stay near the roadway with a uncle of mine and shoot birds for experience.
So one day we were on the road way and supposedly three drunk lords ran over a village boy on there horses. Anyway there corpses were found a couple of hours later near the road where me and my uncle used patrol. They were missing there purses and quite a few valuable family heirlooms. The lords blamed my uncle.
You know about the guilty mark right? After you kill someone you have a twenty four hour status effect. Someone can kill you during that time and not be marked themselves. Of course its different for people like my uncle. They do get marked as having apprehending a murder. But if my uncle had say caught the three nobles fleeing the scene and say disarmed them. Well i could have slit there thoats. I would have got a couple of level ups and my uncle would have been three decent horses and a lot of good loot richer.”
Shelly winked at me “The problem was just around that time I happened to level up a bit. My family also happened to come into a small amount of luck. The family of the dead boy happened to give my father there farm. I heard they found some gold and did not want to live in there farm anymore. Of course the nobles family objected
They claimed that my family had used the gold stolen from the nobles to buy the farm. There was a trial of course my uncle insisted on it.”
Shelly winked at me again. I thought about it if her uncle had ordered a trial the villagers would have been the jury. With a dead little boy they knew. The noble would have been fleeing the scene until the twenty four hour mark vanished. I nodded “Of course my dads a yeoman i have the two yeoman related traits.” I showed Shelly my status
Steadfast Endurance +3 Strength +2
From peasant stock and proud of it Endurance +1
Shelly winked at me again “Good to know those false acquisitions will not bother you. Lets head back. I will give you some physical training. Two hours a day should do it. You gained the steadfast trait when you got your class. You still have to earn the extra Endurance and strength. I will also sell the torches for you.”
I got back to Marge who was happy with my progress. I decided to ask her about the extra mana point “So i have a extra mana point what is that about ?”
Marge blinked “Oh that is earlier than expected. Your intelligence is 5/8. 8 is the maximum your intelligence can reach. But right now your intelligence is at 5. Your learning so your
intelligence is going up. It will stop going up once it hits 8.”
I pulled out the corpses of the dead pixies. “Can i use these to create better minions?” Marge looked at the corpses “The queen is a superior magical being. We can try to use create undead on her. There is only one problem your create undead spell is not strong enough. So once summoned she will not be controllable. But it is worth doing anyway will level up your spell and give you experience. Plus when you are stronger it will save you wasting a better body. For now i will get you to prepare some poisons. Its time to see if you have any alchemy skills.”
The next week went by in the blink of a eye. The morning were spent running under the watchful eye of Shelly. On the second morning i fell to the ground and started to puke. Shelly informed me she had a couple of massive dogs. If i wanted to instead of running she could set the dogs on me every morning. When i escaped the dogs my days training would be over. As i believed her i got up and ran.
Shelly also worked out a trade with Marge and Vivian. She trained Vivian Mellissa and Jerry in basic weapons with me. Vivian was strong and vicious. Melissa really wanted to learn to fight. Jerry also wanted to know how to fight mostly because Vivian beat him up brutally every time they got into the sparring ring. Who wants to lose to there girlfriend in a fight.
I enjoyed making the poisons and discovered that my bile breath and poison touch could be used to create better poisons. If i put my hand in a glass of water and concentrated i could turn the water to a mild poison. My stats were increasing daily as were my skills. My mana jumped to 58 and my endurance to 110 from 108
If there was one thing i did not like it was the shrine i had to craft. I needed a shrine to boost my create undead spell so i could use it on the Fairy Queen. There was a massive problem. Where to put it where do you put a shrine that has to be crafted out of the bones of dead animals. Remember villagers can be unreasonable about things that just might be portals to a hell dimension.
The answer is simple you put it where you sleep because your short on gold. So i had a bone shrine made up of antler bones and a couple of goblin heads and held together with the tendons of dead goblins in the corner of my small sleeping space.
I was woken from my sleep by a knock on the wall of the cow stall i lived in. Crawling out of the hay i starred at Van who was looking embarrassed.
Van pulled out a massive book and showed it to me. “Ok i got this from a friend. As you know most classes have decent Cheat sheets. There a list of all the achievements you need to level up. Lists of what can level you up the fastest. Unfortunately the Necromancer cheat sheet is lacking to say the least. I did however manage to get you this. Its a grimoire from a cultist. Your just going to have to make do with this.”
I starred at the spell book in fascination and grinned “I will bring it to Marge.” Van nodded “The thing is the cost it was all the gold your father left for you plus a bit extra. You owe the guild a little over half a gold for the book. Plus a gold for your equipment. Shelly said she would cover the cost if you agreed to purchase the book. But she is going to want some serious contracts drawn up between you to.”
I starred at the book “OK i guess i need the book and i should be able to make the gold back in a few months once I become a Mage. Plus I am going to need a loan when i hit mage for equipment for Dungeon diving right?” Van shook his head “No i have you signed up as a porter. If you hide your Mage skills you can gain experience and get loot. With Shelly help you will quickly level up. Its a old summoners trick. When your ready i will tell you about it. It the mean time I also got you some combat spells. There in the spell book”
I nodded “I am going to be raising some decent minions soon I was going to keep them but they should be worth two to three silver each.” Van grinned “Use it to buy some spell scrolls. I know there once off but your going to need a couple of them for the bad situations. Relax Shelly just wants you to help her climb to level 40. Once your a Mage your going to need a tank you know to guard you anyway. Anyhow show this to Marge and i will get you a blanket to use as a door and a name of a decent spell scroll merchant.”
Van left and i got ready for Marge to arrive. Marge looked at my shrine and nodded “Looking good. I will purchase the undead fairy for half a gold if its of good quality. Lets get this done.” I pulled out the spell book Van had given me and gave it to Marge who grinned “Finally you have a half way decent spell book. I will take a look threw it and make some notes.”
Marge pulled out the Pixie Queen dead body and put in on the shrine. I could see where Marge had repaired the dead pixie wing. I began the chant i had been told and the air around the shrine got cold. With a ping i got a notification i had been successful.
You have successfully summoned your first higher order undead please select its type and traits.
Type of undead
Keep Original type – Evil vengeful undead – Devourer undead
I decided to go with Keep original type as i did not want to experiment.
Please select any two traits you want added
Clean slate, Vicious, Added Magic, Glutton, shadowkin, Ghostlike,
Weak to sunlight, darkness attribute, life sight, Dark sight, diseased, lifelike
I picked lifelike and added magic. I mean who wants a diseased vicious weak to sunlight Pixie. Of couse the diseased trait and the devourer type of undead possible stacked. I decided to keep things simple. I could experiment later.
Please choose 3 natural spells to give Pixie
Adsorb life Adsorb magic lesser curse lesser energy drain
adsorb ambient magic pixie dust sirens call lesser wind dagger
I clicked
Adsorb life Adsorb ambient magic and pixie dust
The pixie came to life. Marge cast an identify spell on the undead pixie
NameNullRaceundead pixie Queen Level 12IntelligenceStrengthLuckStamina2/94/5???/'#'..#Traitsincreased mana greatly increased mana regineration dark vision undead greater superior being increased learning speed.TitlesPixie queen
Effect increased magic increased mana regeneration Intelligent
Effect intelligence +4
I looked at the pixie table in surprise there was something fishy goin on i had not selected dark vision. I was going to have to get to the bottom of why it had appeared.
I starred at the Pixie who got up and looked at me “I want tea. Get it for me Peasant scum. ” Marge bowed “Of course your majesty. My granddaughter has a small palace all ready for you. I will send the peasant away now but first why do we not pick out a name for you.”
The pixie looked at Marge who was visible sweating. I knew at that moment i should have asked for a lot more than a single gold coin for the Pixie. The pixie got up and tried to fly. Mage looked at the Pixie “oh dear are your wings injured well I happen to have a potion here that will help. I just need a tiny favour in return. My granddaughter is looking for a Familiar and you would be just perfect.”
The pixie Queen looked undecided until Marge pulled out a small dolls dress. Marge moved the dolls dress nearer to the Pixie “You know theres a crown as well.” The Pixie queen squealed “I want shoes lots and lots of shoes. Now send the Serf off to fetch my tea.” Marge nodded “Of course but look at this place its a mess lets go back to my house and i can show you your new shoes and jewelry.”
Marge put out her hand and the pixie queen got onto it. I looked at the grin on Marge's face and decided to try and get a increase in payment. “Do not forget my 10 gold for the summoning.” Marge laughed “Lets say twenty but you take it in goods”
Shelly popped by and looked at Magre walking away looking pleased. I blinked and swore “I really want better minions like that like that pixie Queen only more advanced so I can sell them. I should have asked for more that twenty gold coins.”
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