《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 14. City of Acolyte
“Welcome to my humble mansion. Tantalus group Ragnar and Miss Stella. Please have a seat.” The count politely greeted us. The mansion now is different from the last time I visited. It has become even poorer now. Some of the artifacts I saw before were missing.
As there are only 2 chairs, the most important member got the seat while the other stand two steps behind. It is like we are a butler and maids here escorting a princess and her father.
“Thank you for the warm welcome Count Sil. So, is the script ready?”
“Ahh, yes. Here they are, it was written both by the soldiers that attacked and some mercenaries that defended the city. You can make some adjustments.”
“What kind of adjustments?” Ragnar cautiously asked.
“As long as it makes this city popular, it doesn’t matter.”
“I see.”
“Count, you didn’t harbor any ill will toward the last count did you?” Stella asked after skimming through the scenario.
“Huh? Ah, I did not.“ He replied while writing some documents.
“I see. Then it is fine if we adjust the scenario to have more impact on the hero and make it seem like the nobles that attacked this city are the antagonists?”
“Yes it is fine. More impact is better. Sorry for not being an artist with great imagination for writing.”
“Ah, no no. It is just uncommon that you didn’t defend yourself when we tell you to be the bad guy here?”
“Huh? Oh. You are from another city. Well, you see. Everyone in this city knows that I am just a low ranked noble that got dumped with some penniless city. On one hand I am glad that I rose to become a count. On the other hand, I am now in pain because this city was so damaged with almost no soldiers left, there are many repairs to be made.”
“What happened to the nobles that attacked this city?” Ragnar asked.
“Well, Since they didn’t get what they wanted, most of them went bankrupt and got demoted. I kind of admired Duke. Even though he lost but somehow he also won in the end. I laugh seeing those nobles betrayed and throwing the debt onto each other. Well, after that, there were many vacant spaces in the nobles’ ranks. I just filled in and quickly rose into this city.”
“Thank you very much Count Sil. That information might be put to good use.”
“Ahh, I want you to put my name in there. Well, I haven’t done much but throw in some good words for me okay.” He smiled. “It would do me and this town good if they have faith in me.”
After that, we left the manor and ran to the square. A place has been prepared with several workers. It is only half of what we had in Selei city. Itsa then called on several people from his group, the group started to make the stage while Ragnar and Stella sat on a table at one of the rented houses.
They were discussing about the roles for the play. After a short while, the play had been arranged. Stella will play the Acolyte while Hector will play the Count, Ragnar will play the enemy commander. Somehow the chemistry of these 3 is very good. I can already see how the play will turn out. Somehow they represent the 3 characters quite well. Well, the enemy commander isn’t as barbaric as Ragnar. But by reading the script you will get that impression. He didn’t leak any information huh.
As for me, I get to play an Acolyte caretaker. Pouring medicine and so on in a maid uniform. When I saw the script Maria giggled at me comparing me with the old man alchemist. Not to blame her since Hasega and co who have seen the real thing laughed their butts of seeing my role in the play.
As for the others, mostly they are some sergeants and captains of the battlefield. That included Fira and the others. Itsa is managing the orchestra so he can’t play. Hasega is the sergeant from the city group while Victor and Fira are on the other side. Hasega seems proud to be on the heroes’ side while Fira and Victor jeered at Hasega’s fortune. Well, it is not really a fortune since no matter how you look at it Fira is like an evil witch while Victor is like a barbarian, they are doomed to be with Ragnar. Dem on the other hand gets to play the assassin at night, he laugedh at the group because this side character seemed the coolest in the play being a hero alongside the count.
Maria plays the house caretaker. A maid just like me, it is just that in the play she would be closer to the count than the acolyte. So I am the acolyte’s maid while Maria is the count’s maid. All the script and arrangements were done with that. Ragnar arranged the role nicely so that we didn’t need to fake our personality with this. He is a good leader.
Quest accepted
Playing in Acolyte theatre
Tantalus group is going to hold a performance for the city of Acolyte. You are formally asked to join the play as the acolyte’s caretaker.
Quest difficulty D
Quest reward 15 gold
Quest failure: unable to perform
“Hey. Want to hunt?“ Fira asked.
“Huh? Can we?” I asked while using my manage skill to move and sort some boxes.
“Well, the play is in two more weeks, we could use some breathers instead of staying cooped up in these tents. Let’s just ask Ragnar for permission. We have done all our work anyway.”
The group then went to Ragnar to report that they have done their duty and asked for a rest by doing other quests. Ragnar the shooed them away while approving their request.
Quest accepted.
Defeat 30 goblins
The goblins have been plaguing the local city. kill them.
Quest difficulty D
Quest reward 1 gold
We asked around and the local guard gave us a quest.
“1 gold?” I shouted in surprise “For a party?”
“Well, welcome to cookie cutter quests Riri. Hahaha.” The group laughed at me.
“Is this normal?” I asked in disbelief. After seeing my wage of 10 gold and other quests that rewarded me with at least 10 gold I assumed that 10 gold was a proper price for a lvl D quest. Even the japtem from the war worth at least 100 gold without haggling. According to Hasega, depending on luck you can only get around 2 gold at most by selling the loot from the goblins. Some of them are even worth less than a copper. I can’t believe how fortunate I am that I joined Tantalus. I now know the value of the 100 gold I paid Hasega yesterday for the 10 mana potions. It means I have to do this quest more than 30 times to get 10 mana potions. Which totals to around 10 days. While I can get the same amount of money just by hanging around in the group for 10 days or at least by sorting some equipment.
After accepting the quest we went to the forest, a group of six goblins went charging at us but they were deflected by Hasega’s shield and Victor’s axes.
“Light blessing. Single bless.”
“Fireball! Firestrike!”
4 goblins were dead and the other 2 were annihilated in a minute. We were hunting for 3 hours and then rested after the 20th kill. The time was spent on looking for the goblins. Not killing them.
“That’s easy.” I murmured.
“Well, hahaha. I guess living in your environment is a little bit different huh Riri? Those goblins were harder for us several weeks ago before we joined your group.” Victor laughed.
“Well, they certainly got very easy. Maybe it is because of that training Itsa gave us.” Hasega said.
“Ahh, well that and our equipment explains it. They are rare ones. A notch higher than uncommon.” Dem said.
“I see.”
“We usually went for the cheapest and common items. I can’t believe our battle strength was upped this far by equipment. Money changes everything.” Fira stated.
“Well, that bard also trains us hard. Stat wise, we were upped by 5 lvls.”
“Did you also go through something like that Riri?”
“Umm. By a different instructor.” I said.
“Wow. So you were instructed directly by the core group. I heard they are around lvl 100.”
“Yeah. In Sidinia they managed to repel the tarantula boss quite easily.”
“So, who among the group is the strongest?” Fira asked. The group then listened.
“Well, it must be either Ragnar or that Bard.” Victor claimed “Just looked at their build.”
“Well, Arknum is pretty strong too. I heard he is from a core group that underwent punishment. So he went to Tantalus 2. By the way his training is practically 2 times harsher than us and yet he still manages to keep the same pace as us.”
The group then chitchatted about the core members. How they were behaving, the salary they got from being in the group. Tantalus 2 doesn’t have a salary unless you do work. Unlike the core group that pays you for being in the headquarters.
“Well, umm. If you ask me, among the group Stella is the strongest.”
“Really? Doesn’t she have looks only?” Fira said. She deduced Stella put her levelling bonus to charm and charisma to get such a pretty face which she assumed made her weak in combat.
“No. If she has trained Riri to be like that, she must be quite strong.” Hasega said.
“Well, we have never seen her fight. So I have nothing to say.”
“Well, the rest is up. Let’s go.” We then made another circle inside the forest and went back to the local guard taking the quest reward.
One statement from me. It was boring. I practically did nothing at all. Half heartedly healing teammates who still had 90% of their HP. Watching a battle that did not need to be watched. The group was fine even without a healer for this quest. They just needed to rest more often. So this was what Anya meant when she said clerics are the most useful but boring job. I also practically got no level up at all. The experience I got was as little as 5% for the entire quest.
“What is it. You look gloomy.” Fira said.
“Is this what clerics usually do?”
“Well, yes. Unless there is a boss monster like those 3 poisonous bears. It is indeed boring right? khukhu.” She giggled at me.
“Well, welcome to the normal world Riri. This is what normal foreigners do. Slaving for a mere soldier or merchant. Killing some mobs or collecting certain loot. Well, not everyday you can command a great army Riry. Hahaha!” Victor laughed.
“Well, you need to taste the bitter lives of people at the bottom Riri. Only then you can become someone great.” Hasega preached me but his face showed that he enjoys my suffering. He is definitely jealous of me becoming an idol of this city.
We returned to the tent. The core members were practising their play. The play is still far away and they are already practiced. Some labourers continue to make a stage for the play. However, unlike Selei city, the stage isn’t that grand. It is still pretty I think.
The routine then continued. Working in the day and hunting in the evening. Eventually the day before the play arrived. The final adjustments to the stage were made and the final rehearsal was held.
In those two weeks I managed to get a level up in both level and skill.
You have leveled up
Manage is now beginner lvl 5
Light blessing is now beginner lvl 6
Single bless is now beginner lvl 5
A little disappointing maybe but an improvement is an improvement nevertheless.
“Hey little girl. I have seen you go around here and there. Maybe you can give me a few spoiler about the play?” Some player greeted me. “I know you are a player and moreover you are one of the Tantalus members right?. So maybe you know how I will turn up in the play?”
“Huh? I am sorry but no outsider got into the play....” I stopped after turning my back. It is him the enemy commander.
“Ahh well, haven’t you seen me on YouTube? I posted my war videos there. I guess you haven’t watched it yet. Well, let me introduce myself. I am Iris. The commander that attacked this city.”
“Ah, ah.” I was speechless. Did he recognize me. He should not right? I wear beginners clothes when I am not hunting to prevent the durability of the cleric’s outfit from reducing.
“So, who is playing me in the play?”
“Ah! Uhmm! Well, umm. How do I say it. Did you, umm. Ask how the play turns out or did you mean who plays your role?”
“Well, I have already bought the tickets. Here. So I will watch it nonetheless. No harm in telling me right?”
“Uhmm. Well, they put you in a little antagonistic way. after all,... it is”
“Ahh, I see. Well it was to be expected. So you have finished your work right? Want to watch the show together tomorrow. I might tell you some secrets that the play missed out. After all I saw the real thing. Hahaha!” He laughed.
‘Is he hitting on me?!‘ I asked myself. He seemed like a proper guy when he made that gesture. My respect for him just went down the drain after seeing this.
“Umm. Well, I am in the play. So I am sorry.”
“What? No way. You are in the core group? What role.”
“Umm. Yes. I play as the acolyte’s maid. It is just a side character.”
“Well, that means you know Stella right?” His flirting was gone. He now went into serious mode.
“Well, do you know about her autographs?”
“Ahh, it will be randomly picked based on ticket number. I can’t do anything about it.”
“I see. Well, it was worth a try. Thank you.”
“Umm, wait.”
“What is it?”
“Why did you attack this city at that time?”
“Well, the commission for the guild was good. We got several favors from nobles and of course there was money involved. Well, I did not hold any hatred towards this city. The favors of the nobles went down the drain when the acolyte was killed. But a contract is a contract so the nobles payed and all the fault lies with them since they were the one that made the request.”
“I mean.... how did you know that the acolyte was defenseless at that time?”
“Well, I did not. The nobles just ordered me to attack at that time. Who knows how they got that information. Well, you may not know but there are some questions that must not be asked.“
“I see. Thank you.”
No information huh. Who and how did they managed to curse Maria. It is not easy to use such a difficult curse against someone with light affinity.
1 day later
“Whew. I am so nervous.”
“Don’t stiffen like last time okay, Riri.” Ragnar reminded. “That play is the most tiring play I have ever had to manage. I nearly fainted several times.”
“Well, I will do my best. Perhaps.” My mood went down after remembering the messed up play at Trisia.
“Don’t worry. You only have 3 lines to speak. You also do not need a fake personality. Just talk normally with a louder voice.” Stella gave a pointer.
“Well, this one is the first normal show that Riri will be a part of. Hahaha!” Hector laughed.
‘Normal show huh? Please god, may this show turn out as the one in the script.’ I prayed in my thoughts.
“Arknum won’t disappear again will he?” I asked jokingly.
“Well, he is a backstager now. I will not have to worry if he does disappear. But I will still have a piece of him if he does disappear.” Ragnar said in a intimidating tone.
The show then started. Lucy was the narrator of the story again.
“Count Duke. All of the people trust you. Security is high. We have managed to repel all invading armies.” Said Hasega while kneeling. He is really into role playing inside role playing games.
“Good sergeant. But I must tell you a secret. Our acolyte is actually sick and can’t use her powers well. We must protect this city by our own power.”
“Yes sir.”
The curtain then changed to that of the enemy base full of nobles.
“We currently have a leak that nameless city’s acolyte is defenseless. If we want to conquer that city now would be the time.”
“Why would we conquer a city in the middle of nowhere?”
“That city is worthless. But if we can get our hands on the acolyte our need for war funds will drop dramatically. We will be able to wage war more easily.”
“We nobles of Haven are willing to help. Let’s arrange the soldiers.”
The scenery then changed to a bedroom.
“Rin, do you think the kingdom will be fine without me?” Stella playing the acolyte asked while trying to sleep.
“Do not say such a thing. All of us here need you. Here, a new medicine made for you.”
“I have drank many medicines and yet this curse hasn’t disappeared. I think my end will come regardless of whether I drink this medicine or not.” She said with a hopeless voice. It is awesome how she looked so weak. It feels even weaker than when we first saw Maria. Like frail glass that could be broken with a slight touch.
“Please do not abandon hope for the city. All of us love you. We can’t live without you.” I cried. The pitiful state Stella is in now is even more sad than the real thing.
“I see. Thank you. You are always #cough# by my side. Always supporting me.”
“Serena!!” Suddenly a voice from the crowd could be heard. All of us then looked at the source of the sound.
A person wearing black armor came. He called that name several times making the stage eerie. It was not just his sound that made the stage and the crowd tense. But the evil intent spreading from him was so huge.
You are terrified.
Movement speed decreased by 50%
All stat reduced by 20%
Effect will last for 1 hour
‘What is this? This status effect means the enemy’s fighting spirit is very high. Probably 20 or even 30 times more than my own. And why did he use it inside the city? It is not like he will battle anyone.’ My thoughts screamed at the weird phenomenon. I gazed at the man with a questioning look.
Stella however, looked at the man petrified. She had already gone out of her drama mode and looked with eyes fully opened. Some guards were then approaching the unknown man however they were screaming as black dogs appeared out of nowhere and ate them.
“KYAA!!” Screams then followed. The entire audience ran for their life as the unknown man walked forward slowly to where Stella and I were standing. His eyes then went black pure black without a slight of white anymore as hounds of shadows appeared again besides him.
“Divine barrier! Ancestral god seal activate!” Maria with her maid outfit ran in front of me. A semi-sphere of a barrier appeared encircling the three of us in the nick of time because the black hounds charged forward but they were repelled in time.
“So you are still alive. Those damn fools.”
“Huh?” I deliberately let out a sound. Am I the only one here that does not know this guy?
“Be careful Stella, Riri. This man is the one who cursed me.”
I then stared at the man as he stared at the transparent golden barrier in front of him.
Author note.
- Hello all, finally we are back in business. does any of you wait for my chapter to be released?
- so, at last we are going to the main evil character. i want to say a lot about him but that is a total spoiler. i am out of words now
- when mr obsidian (At last he returned) done PRing i might released them in several hour pause. i have around 11 or 12? chapters hostage. stay tuned. and for the winner of my contest, you might not appear immediately. please wait in agony okay? [th_0v.gif].
- comment critics and suggestions are welcomed in here or discussion topic.
- as usual, here is our char stat. PS i got lazy with tha table, hope you are satisfied with just this.
Spoiler : Status window
Name Riri class performers
Health 2325 mana 1875 (+200)
Fame 200
Level 37
Title manager, the white rider
Job tantalus performer
Health regen/sec 7.3 mana regen/sec 23.1
Strength 73 dexterity 152
Wisdom 227(+4) intelect 71 (+4)
Stamina 260 vitality 93
Art 64 charisma 87 (+110)
Leadership. 80(+30) charm 95(+100)
Fighting spirit 70 faith 20 (+62)
Magic resistance
Fire water
Earth wind
Thunder ice
Dark 41%(E) light 41%(E)
Unused points 5
all stat +10 except dex and charm
Dex +50 charm +40
Stamina +40
Magic will be reduced by 90%. unless you meet normal requirement of 300 wisdom
weapon will be reduced by 90% unless have intermediate blacksmith
Leather armor will not be penalized
iron armor will have it’s movement speed reduced by 30% and increased stamina consumption by 20%. Only if you meet the equipment requirement
While riding horse the movement speed increased by 10%
Bag 1
Water canteen
Rye bread (6)
Ring of mana(E)
Ring of leadership(E)
Staff of white cleric
Circlet of purity.
White high heel shoes
White dress of purity
Autographed Beginner’s cloth
Beginner’s pant
Beginner’s shoes
Silver coin (10)
Gold coins (130)
Skill list
Speed reading beginner’s lvl 2
Manage beginner’s lvl 5
Magic mastery beginner lvl 8
Acrobatic beginner lvl 7
Multitasking beginner lvl 7
Sword mastery beginner lvl 4
Ambidextrous beginner lvl 2
Bullet deflector beginner lvl 8
Sneak beginner level 2
Horseriding beginner lvl 2
Sub skill
light blessing beginner lvl 6
phoenix regen beginner lvl 6
healing hand beginner lvl 7
Healing Area beginner lvl 7
Group cure beginner lvl 7
Expert cure beginner lvl 7
Single bless beginner lvl 5
Fireball beginner lvl 2
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