《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 12 first death


chapter 12

“Hey Hasega. Do you think the battle has already started?” Fira said.

“It should have. Nevertheless we should not let her sacrifice be in vain. Let’s hurry!“ Said Hasega. “We should be out of the enemy’s range in one day. Faster guys!”

4 normal horses were running through the plains and the woods. An axe wielding warrior, a mage, a thief and a sword and shield wielding warrior with a cleric on his back. They have been riding for 6 hours and haven’t taken a single rest. Soon, they will cross the city border to fulfill the quest to save the count’s daughter.

“Umm, is it really okay to leave her behind? If someone dies because of me..”

“Don’t worry about it girl. We foreigners are immortal. Even if she dies it would only take 4 days to return.” Said Victor.

“Let’s take a break.“ Said Hasega.

The group then settled at the end of the southern woods. If they rode their horses to the limit, they might make it to Trisia in a week. And as such, they settled with the fastest speed and fastest route. 6 hours of sleeping ingame for horses. 1 hour of rest every 6 hours and 5 hours of traveling by horse while avoiding or outrunning any mobs they could see.

“Whew. 2 days without sleep huh?” Victor said. ”I envy her who can sleep for 6 hours ingame like this. For us 6 hours is only 1 and a half hour in real life. Not to mention we need to be on alert for any stray mobs.”

“The border is just 3 hours from now. We can relax our pace a bit after we cross it.”

“Well, after that we will have to return to pick up the damsel in distress.” Fira said.

“Think she can wait for 2 weeks?” Said Hasega.

“Hahaha. Maybe she is crying already now.” Said Victor.

“Well, don’t be so sure. She handed me this letter.” Said Hasega. “She said not to open it and give it to Tantalus. But when you say not to open it...”

“Well, what does the letter say?” Said Victor.

“It feels like we betrayed her.” Said Fira.

“Well, we can reseal the letter and pretend nothing happened.” Said Hasega. “And so, the letter said that she requests help from the Tantalus group to provide lodging and provisions for our acolyte girl.”

“Wow. That cleric girl has some connections.” Said Victor.

“Some Tantalus member are players. Do you think she knows one of them?” Said Fira.

“She specifically noted Stella here.” Said Hasega.

“So she knows Stella personally?” Said Fira.

“It seems so.” Said Hasega then he chuckled. “Khukhukhu.”

“What is it?”

“Nothing. It seems her uhming is written on the letter. Just found it funny. I think she is not faking her personality. Maybe she just doesn’t want us to know it and be the center of attention. I feel stupid for thinking she is a penniless noob. I am going to charge her for the mana potions I lend her today.” Said Hasega.

“Well, we are definitely going to do something to her when we get her back from that city.” Said Fira “How could she hog all those performances for free? It is 500 gold per ticket!”

“Well, let’s rest for a bit longer. When the girl wakes up we continue. Just a little further and we might save her.”


“Wanna be a knight on a white horse?” Said Victor.

“Of course. Why do you think I bought this game?” Said Hasega laughing.

“Alright. Archers get ready! When they enter your range. Fire at them. Light blessing!” I said while buffing some archers around me. The words from the count earlier touched me. I do not feel any nervousness now but vigor and spirit to defend this place.

“Pour the oil on the battering rams! Burn them!” Yelled the count. The battering rams were already in front of the gate. Archers from both sides fired at each other.

“Multitask!” I activated my ability. I deflected a bunch of arrows with my staff while my other consciousness used healing hand, group healing and phoenix regen. Right now I have 3 focuses. One is for seeing arrows, one is for my staff movement and one is to look for wounded soldiers. Arrows are much faster than Stella’s fireballs but lack movement variety as their flight was linear and from one direction and that makes them easy to dodge or deflect.

“Volley ready!!” Duke shouted. Arrows then pierced the orange sky and came hushing down at the enemy. Soldiers from both sides kept falling. I tried my best to deflect these arrows but there were too many. Thousands of arrows kept pouring on us, all of my support and healing spells were in cooldown. Undestroyed rams were ramming the gate. Catapults threw their stones at us and mages rained fireballs down on us.

“Fight! Fight! Don’t falter!” I shouted while swinging my staff trying to deflect another arrow. My HP bar had already turned yellow (less than half) and my mana bar despite its high was already at a dangerous 20%. The city gate was battered and at its last life before the last battering ram was burned by oil.

Seeing their rams were destroyed, the enemy send soldiers with grappling hooks and ladders into action next. Soldiers tried to climb the 20 meter tall wall. With so little battle strength, all I could do was push them off the wall.

“Reserve troops! Come out!” Said the count. The reserve troops are a melee specialist troop for defending the wall in case some warriors managed to climb it. They are also used when the gate is breached since in Royal Road archers can’t use swords without heavy penalties so castle defenders will always have melee specialist warriors on standby. They can’t do much unless the gate or walls were breached hence they are called reserve troops.

I gulped another mana potion lent by Hasega and Victor. The battle looked like it could still go for a long time. Out of 10 mana potion I had already used 4 of them. Do I need to be a little reserved? No. I can’t do that. This battle has a very delicate balance, one slack movement and the tide will turn into the enemy’s favor. I can’t spare anything on this one.

“Light blessing. Single bless.” I directed another buff to the reserve troops fighting on the walls with single bless directed at some brave looking soldiers.

“Uargh!!” The count slashed another enemy player. The player then disintegrated into a pile of loot and equipment. But none cared for it.

“Fire at that white priestess. Kill her! Hunt her down!!” Some enemy commander shouted an order.

‘Why did they order such a specific command!? There was a paladin and another priest besides me!!’ My thoughts screamed as more arrows were directed at me now and more melee soldiers were clearly charging at me. ‘Am I that noticeable?’


Riri’s healing area has been active since the battle started so anyone near her will have more health regen and therefore be more active in killing their enemy. With such charisma and charm the troops at her side had a boosted morale Riri wasn’t aware of. Her healing spells were also so extraordinary that only some veteran priests could get their hands on. In addition to that, she has boosted her faith and healing spellpower with her new suit. She can now heal pretty much double the amount she was used to. It is on par with a lvl 70 priest.

Even though there were few priests other than her, they were lvl 30 or 40 with medium healing power. In addition to that, no priest or priestesses were crazy enough to stand at the front side of the walls giving orders and deflecting arrows with their staffs. So Riri, in a naturally eye-catching dress plus deflecting arrows while giving commands at the front side of the walls, protecting archers plus more than medium healing power and buffs was regarded as a high rank enemy commander by both the enemy and her allies. Thus, the order to hunt her specifically was given.

“Reserve troops!! Surround the enemy and kill them. Archers, fire at the enemy in front of the gates!!” I pointed at some soldiers charging at me. All I could do is dodge their weapons with my high dexterity. But my foot movements were mercilessly reduced by my high heels reducing my ability to run or do a high jump. Fortunately said troops came and pushed the enemy back, saving my life. no one actually suspects me of not being able to battle. Well, because I survived for so long in this rain of arrows and enemy melee attacks, I was already held in high regard by my fellow soldiers. No one suspects a priest for not being able to do any damage to enemies. After all, their job is healing from the back. Not fighting.

“Damn it! We are surrounded! I was so careless to trespass the black bear territory.” Said Hasega while defending against another claw from a black bear with his new tower shield. Yes, after leaving the border, the group equipped their new armors and weapons. Hasega had received a new shield and sword, Fira got a new spell and staff, Dem got a new knife and leather boots while Victor got two new single handed axes and a horned helmet. He really looked like a Viking now but with decent clothes and armor.

“Fire blaze.” Fira cast her new and only Area Of Effect (AOE) spell she got from the count. Fire engulfed 5 bears in front of Hasega. The spell dealt damage as high as fireball but cost triple the amount of mana.

“Expert cure!” A certain transfer acolyte girl tried to help. Soon the bears were disintegrated into piles of loot by Victor and Dem’s new weapons and the loot was collected by the group.

“Alright. We survived!” Said Hasega.

“The bears are increasing!” Said Victor.

“Yeah. We can pin 5 mobs. But it was a close call, if we get anymore a few might slip by and they will mostly attack you Fira.” Said Hasega.

“Do they? They looked quite easy to me.” Said Victor.

“That last battle was won because Maria healed us. But her condition seemed to worsen when she used her spells.” Said Hasega. “It is true that her ability is above Riri. But she can only use 2 or 3 spells before running out of steam.”

“I-I-It’s fine. I can manage. I will do better next time” Said the girl still catching her breath.

“No. It is not your fault Maria. We are the ones who were supposed to help you and you are sick.”

“So, do we return and take another path?” Said Dem.

“It is too dangerous. We might raise suspicion. The black bears only chase the one who has honey. We might get PK-ed .” Said Hasega. “It matters not if it is monsters or random bandits and players. If Maria is killed we fail the quest.”

“Do we throw away the honey?” Fira said.

“We can’t guarantee our lives either way. We might become like that warrior you know.” Said Hasega.”Damn, I messed up. We deliberately avoided black bear territory when we went to that city. But now....”

“I have a plan.” Said Victor.

“What?” Said Hasega.

“Give me the honey. When we pass the bear territory, I will stay behind. You and your horses can then run off.”


“It is pretty much the same with the bees. Only this time it is a pure sacrifice.” Said Victor.

“Why is it not me?” Hasega asked.

“There is no guarantee that you won’t encounter any more mobs. A shield user and a mage are the best pair.”

“Then, Dem?” Said Hasega.

“Well, Dem can go on to become the second sacrifice.” Said Victor.” Somehow I just want to stay.”

“No! I can’t sacrifice another’s life. If another life were about to be slain. It better be me. The biggest burden to the group.”

“Then that defeats the whole purpose of this quest cleric girl. Oops. Sorry, you are acolyte girl now. Both of you have identical persona.” Said Victor while chuckling.

“First was the commander for getting my honey. Yesterday my fellow healers. And now you, a mighty warrior. Is my life worth that much?”

“Yes. It is!” Said Victor. “Alright, let’s charge straight into the bear’s nest!”

“Damn. He hogged all the good lines” Said Hasega following the group. Fira and Dem laughed while following them.

More than 20 bears chased the group. 30 then 40. As the group made a reckless charge passing through their territory the number of the bears increased.

“Alright. Goodbye folks!” Victor then jumped of his horse. Attracted by the honey, the bears that blocked their way were now running towards Victor. A battlecry could be heard as the group left the Viking warrior behind. Tears spilt from Maria’s eyes as she watched the sacrifice of the foreigners behind her. She cried while hugging Hasega’s back.

The sky turned orange once more. Dawn has become dusk. Debris could be seen here and there inside this ruined city. The attack ended for the day. The enemy retreated but did not pull out its siege.

“Blacksmith. Repair all the equipment. Others help the architect to repair some of the walls. You, bring that wood to repair the gate.” The count said.

All the soldiers were lying down for a brief rest. Among the 2000 soldiers stationed in this city, only several hundred were left. The enemy only lost a quarter of their army. No matter how I judged and calculated, this battle was a lost cause from the beginning. It is a miracle itself that we have survived an assault of a 20.000 men army with a mere 2000 soldiers plus a single layer wall and gate.

“Set up a roster for the watch tower. We can’t guarantee that they won’t come by nightfall.” Said the count. He is such a capable leader. Why did he have to be cooped up in this small city? He is many times better than the arrogant nobles of Trisia who live their lives in pleasure. Is it because of politics?


“Yes. What is it Riri.”

“I am sorry. I did my best.” Tears swelled in my eyes. I can’t imagined him getting killed in this town. It is too painful. For such a good man to die by the hands of those unworthy.

“Yes, you have. I have seen it. You are the bravest of the clerics. More than my soldiers.” He then hugged me. “If it were not because of you, we would not be alive right now. This one day is all thanks to you.”

“Can’t you run? Can’t you surrender?” I cried while questioning him.

“This city is a gift from my ancestors. My ancestors were given this land for their bravery and nobility. I will not give this city to some nobles not worthy of it. I will fight until the end. You might die as well. I am sorry. Just because you are immortal, that does not justify us putting you in danger. I am sorry.”

“I am happy to be here. To us, this is just a game. But to you it is life. So this small life is nothing compared to your courage.” I replied.

“I see. Thank you, that removes the burden on my shoulder. You have such a kind heart.” Replied the count.

Dusk then passed. If not for the ruined battlefield and city, the twilight on the horizon have would looked so pretty. Just like the one I saw in Selei city.

You have seen twilight of the battlefield art has increased by 2 charisma has increased by 2

“Healing hand.” I casted a spell on an injured soldier. This way we can save health potions. This is the least I can do.

“You should rest.” Said the count.

“It is fine. After a couple more seconds I will rest. Foreigners can stay up for days if necessary.”

Night soon came. Sitting on top of the wall I stared at the dark battlefield. Countless torches could be seen from afar. It is from enemy camp.

“So many...” I mumbled.

“True.” The count replied. While looking at the number of torches lit inside the forest.

“Hmm.” I hummed.

“What is it?”

“Want to try a sneak attack?” I suggested another crazy idea.

“Our soldiers are weary. If we do an attack....”

“Their soldiers are no better right?”

“Hmm, we only have several hundred soldiers. If they attacked tomorrow there is no chance we can survive even if we stand to the last man. Might as well commit suicide now. Okay. Let’s do it.” Said the count. “Commander. Wake the other sergeants. We will hold a meeting.”

The meeting was then held inside the corner of the ruined building.

“But the soldiers are all weary sir!” One of the sergeants claimed.

“We will lose either way. Better to kill as many of those bastards while still we can.” Said the commander.

“So, Acolyte of the goddess. What is your command?” One of the soldiers asked. “Me and my battalion will follow you to the bitter end.”

“Umm. I think everyone is weary. And so is the enemy. And. Ummm. Since I kind of believe that you have more..... ummm willpower... I think we can inflict more damage during this night raid.”

“Hmm. I see. It is true that the enemy will be unprepared for this. But don’t you think that they will set up a roster for night watch just like we do?”

“Umm. But they have no watchtower to protect them. If assassins can kill them without sound. Umm, we might manage this attack.”

“I see. That is a good plan.” Said the count.

“But a frontal assault even if the enemy is unprepared. They have more than 15 times our number now.” Said one of the sergeants.

“Umm. I do not plan a frontal assault. I plan a hit and run tactic. Umm so, we divide ourselves into 3 groups...”

“What?!! Divide our already thin numbers?!!” The sergeant protested.

“Silence! Let the Acolyte finish her sentence.“ Said count.

“Umm. So.. we divide into 3 groups. One will guard the walls and the other two will make the frontal assault.”

“Why are there two groups?” The count asked. “The first is the assassin group and the other is the frontal assault?”

“Ah! Umm. No. The assassin group is different. Umm. Sorry. So there should be four groups. And. The two groups that I mentioned will do this. It is hit and run tactics.” I explained while pointing the map marking the location of the groups where they should be.

“Ahh, but group 2’s plans can actually be done by the assassin group even though it would burden them much further. Umm what do you think?”

“Well, I agree.” Said the count. “Anyone object or want to improve the plan?” The ones present then shook their heads.

“Well, let’s do it.”

The groups then formed. All soldiers woke up. They started their preparations lazily. No wonder, they have gone through a hard day even Riri felt exhausted after dodging and deflecting arrows for a day but none complained.

Four hours later all the groups had assembled and were positioned at their designated position. In the end only 3 groups were made, one for defending the city and two are for the assault. The battle is now depending on the willpower of the soldiers, not their numbers. The sun has filled its belly with blood, now is the time for the moon to be painted scarlet.


“Damn it. Even the bees are now on our tail. Can this horse run faster?!” Said Hasega.

“Not in this jungle, Has! Fireball! Fireball!” Fira launched her spells at the incoming bees.

“Why do they chase us? We don’t even have the honey anymore!” Said Dem.

“Can the bees smell the scent on our bodies? Or do they remember our faces?” Said Hasega. “Dem, Fira. Try to split up with me. If the bees follow you try to split up again to see which one the bees favor.”

They did as Hasega commanded. True to Hasega’s prediction, when they split paths, the bees only followed Dem and Fira. Either it is fate or just luck, the important baggage (Acolyte girl) is on Hasega back. Hasega then raced his horse straight to Trisia.

*Hey Hasega! The bees split up and are chasing me and Fira. What should we do now?* Said Dem in the party channel.

*Well, join forces with Fira. And good luck. Your sacrifice will not be in vain.* Said Hasega.

“Nooo! Let’s go save them. We can’t leave them behind!!” The now rescued Acolyte girl struggled in vain to break free. She is no longer like a rescued girl but more like a kidnapped girl with all the screaming, crying and struggling.

“Sorry Maria. But no matter the cost. We will save you!” Hasega stopped for a moment then placed the girl in front of him preventing her from doing any dangerous tricks like jumping of the horse.

“No! Let me go! I can’t let any more people die because of me!!” She struggled.

“Well, no one died. They only disappeared for 4 days.“ Said Hasega.

“Hix, hix”

*Hey, are you still alive?*

*Yeah. But my mana is depleted. I can’t cast anymore fireballs, don’t you have another mana potion Hasega?*

*No. I already gave most of them to Riri. And you used the last of them when we were surrounded by black bears. Even if I did, there is no way to transfer them to you right?*

*yeah. Right. Why didn’t you buy more to lend me when we split up?”

*I have a very limited budget here. 10 flasks of those small mana potions for beginners cost 10 gold each you know. Even having 15 of them isn’t usually doable for beginners. Moreover if warriors like myself were not thinking of you and Riri, I wouldn’t have bought them at all* Hasega retorted. It is true that getting potions in Royal Road isn’t cheap. That’s exactly why mages whom are reliant on mana potions always have a hard time dealing with money. Warriors don’t actually fare any better either since they need health potions. But clerics or priests can literally replace health potions so warriors aren’t as miserable with money as mages.

*Alright. See you in 4 days Hasega. Wait for us in Trisia okay? If you can’t save the girl I won’t repay you for all the mana potions I used!”

*After this forest there are only lvl 15 or lower mobs. Even I can handle 20 or 30 of them alone. You need not worry.* Hasega said.

And so, Hasega managed to reach Trisia safely. Maria had already stopped crying but still looked depressed. Hasega then stayed at a local inn for 1 day and entered the Tantalus building with Riri’s letter. They welcomed Maria as a guest and Maria was given Riri’s bedroom. Hasega then pardoned himself and the awaited sound effect could be heard.


Quest has been completed

Maria is now your NPC friend.

NPC friend can be recruited into a party for free.

You have leveled up 2x

(This is Hasega pov, not Riri)

Currently Riri was riding her white horse (given by the count) while waiting in the forest with her group at night. Her sneak skill didn’t help much since her white dress is like a lighthouse in the night. But she was still beyond the enemy’s line of sight while waiting for the signal. 20 minutes later a silent fire arrow could be seen flying toward the city. A signal that marked the Count’s army had finished their assassination.

“Alright. Let’s go. Light blessing, single bless.” I buffed the 300 men under my command. We then came out from the forest straight to enemy camp. No battlecry nor the order to march could be heard when we marched. But footsteps of our soldiers and armor clanking could still show our spirit in this battle.

The enemy jumped from their sleep as we attacked them. They hurriedly grabbed their weapons. But without armor, they were easily slain.

“The enemy is attacking!!” The first shout from the enemy commander finally broke the silence of the sleeping soldiers in the camp. Everyone was now awake but they were pretty much disorganized.

“Attack the nobles’ camp!” My first order finally came out after the troops destroyed 2 or 3 of the nearest enemy camps. I want to add the characteristics of the nobles’ camp, but it seemed that a description wasn’t necessary anymore as my troops began their charge to the intended enemy tents (The larger than usual with a decorated entrance). Well, the nobles’ tents were as eyecatching as my dress so there was no need to further describe the tents. No wonder I got a weird glance from some sergeants when I asked what their leader and nobles’ tents looked like.

The nobles ran for their petty lives while the leader rallied the troops trying to counter my sudden ambush. Riding a white horse in the middle of battlefield with a glowing body (Healing aura skill) while casting some light bulbs (healing hand, expert cure, group healing) I gained a new title.

You have gained a new title ‘The white rider’.

The white rider title grants you

Horse riding skill has been generated and starts at beginner lvl 2

Horses will easily follow your commands

While riding a horse, movement speed increased by 10%

Charisma increased by 5

Leadership increased by 10

Charm increased by 5

(She is definitely not Gandalf ^^ seriously. She was wearing a knee length sleeveless dress)

“Fireball!” I launched a fireball into the sky. A signal to retreat. I quickly turned my horse back to the castle.

“Chase that white rider! Kill her!” The enemy then grabbed their horses to chase us, some infantrymen ran instead. We rode back to the castle. The enemy managed to pick off some of our soldiers who were the furthest at the back but I was able to run safely because this horse is the best one the count had. And I got some improvement from my title as well.

“Fire!! Our camp is on fire!!” Some soldiers shouted. They quickly stopped their pursuit and returned to the camp but the Count’s army of assassins and archers lay in ambush. Traps were set on their path so no enemy was able to reach the count’s position, archers climbed in the trees to get a height advantage. Like a wounded beast, the enemy then panicked and went berserk, some surrendered only to be slain by stray arrows and traps. Well, the count can’t exactly put them into custody either way since he can’t reach them without getting killed.

“Everyone!! Get out of the woods!!” The enemy commander then shouted. The panicked enemy then reorganized themselves and came out of the woods. Fire from the camp lit the bushes and the woods. The night’s dark sky then turned bright from the burning forest. There were still several thousands of enemies alive. Some of those petty nobles are still well with their high leveled bodyguards by their side now.

“Kill these bastards. How dare they sneak in on me while I am asleep. Attack the city now!!” The nobles commanded. But the commander hesitated. But after some nagging by the arrogant nobles, the commander of the enemy sounded the charge.

“Charge at the city. Rip apart the city gate!” Those last lines were specific. All the remaining mages and warriors charged to the city gate. The last group that was defending the castle rained arrows upon incoming soldiers.

“Charge. Break the gates. Mages! Don’t fire at the enemy archers. Fire at the gate. Archer deal with them!” The enemy commanded.

“Reinforce the gate! Put everything in front of the gate. We can’t let them pass!” I commanded my leftover soldiers and laborers from the city. Out of 300 only 150 remained and they are now helping reinforce the gate or helping archers by deflecting some arrows with their shields.

The enemy used their war hammers. Some used their shields to put a dent in the city gates. Mages fired fireballs and other spells at the gates. Their archers fired at our archers.

“Fire at those mages! Kill them first!” I commanded. But the numbers difference is too great. A mere 200 archers can’t possibly kill 7000 soldiers. And their mages aren’t that defenseless because some warriors put their shield in front of the mages like we did for our archers.

“Hold up everyone. Warriors hold the gate firm!“ I then dismounted from my white horse and came on to the wall. I used my staff again to deflect some arrows coming at the archers. Buff and healing spells continued to be used in a cycle. Arrows kept flying from archer’s quivers.

20 minutes passed like lifetime. The poor gate finally went out and broke down. The leftover enemy then started to pour in from the gates.

“Archers climb the wall and help the others. Thieves and warriors the from Acolyte’s army!, now I give commands!” Count Duke then sounded the command in the nick of time. His group circled and arrived via east gate that was not attacked.

The enemy was now bottlenecked at the gate. The count, now carrying a two handed sword, slashed and kept the enemy at the gate. The 100 soldiers that remained also had their morale at its peak. Like an iron wall, they held their ground and kept fighting. Thief class soldiers relentlessly picked off stray enemy soldiers that slipped through the barrier defense. Their knives could also be seen flying here and there killing as many enemy as they could. Some even put their lives on the front line like shield warriors.

“Light bless, group healing, single bless.” I casted buff and healing spells on the soldiers now. Their yellow Hp is back to green again. For a moment anyway.

“Archers! Kill the enemy in front of the gate!!” A new order was issued by me. As the melee was handled by the count, the leftover archer group was commanded by me. Their arrows were aimed at front of the wall now. Mostly concentrated at the gates.

Hours then passed. The battle continued. All the soldiers fought viciously with all their might. Dawn then came. Count Duke was now kneeling behind me while I stood in front of the enemy commander. Full of injuries and at death’s door. The city fell. We have lost. The enemy just numbers too many.

My mana was already depleted. My HP had already turned red as I tried to shield the count.

“So, this is Count Duke. Lord of Nameless city.” The enemy commander then stood in front of me. “And you are the famous acolyte I believe.”

“What do you want?” I hugged the count now trying to shield him.

The enemy commander then knelt on one leg. “I have gone into countless battles and haven’t seen anyone as brave as both of you. You have my respect. If the circumstances were different. If only you had more soldiers. If only your acolyte here wasn’t cursed. I would have lost. I will forever remember your name as my greatest adversary. My name is Commander Iris.”

#coughcough#”Why did you attack this town?”

“To acquire the acolyte’s power. With her powers our kingdom will be secured. No one will dare to attack our cities anymore. The war with Kallamore will become much easier.”

“HAHAHA! #coughcough# I see. So that is the reason. Then, I can die in peace now for those arrogant nobles will not get what they want.”

“What do you mean?”

“You made it sound like some noble mission. But in reality you are just protecting corrupted nobles’ wealth.”

“So, you acolyte girl. Will you come with us? I promise that in exchange your count will be saved and be given a proper title as a noble in Haven. He is a proper knight already. I can assure you it will be easy.”

“Well, I would rather die than give my daughter to you.” He then whispered to me. ”You are immortal right?”

I nodded. He then said. “I am sorry.”


“No!!” The enemy commander shouted.

Count Duke pierced my stomach with his knife. My red HP bar then vanished. At that moment before my vision went blank I could also see the count pull out his knife and stab himself.

You have died

My first death in Royal Road.




author notecomment suggestions critics. and especially praise are welcome ^^

there are inconsistency in the story because this chapter (2 person have pointed 2 of my mistakes. i thank both of them^^). if any of you figured out another. PM me and i might give you a gift. (Putting your virtual name into the story or get a chapter 1 day ahead of the releases. your choice. however if your choice is the first, what personality he/she has is up to me. but you can alter the gender male or female. player or npc) ^^ try to find the inconsistency i mentioned.Riri will get her leveling bonus later when she logged back in. this is not the hidden inconsistent i mentioned.

stat will be updated later

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